On January January 16 Steve Karp, M.D. published this piece Et Tu, Medicus describing the corrupt infighting and backstabbing that goes on in medicine....regularly.... from med school and into practice!
He went on to explain how students would blacken out material in library books needed for courses so others couldn't access that information. Students would remove organs from cadavers so other students couldn't complete their work, giving them "a leg up". Nurses would deliberately slow walk medical orders because they didn't like the doctor, and doctors would give other doctors negative peer reviews in order to eliminate competition.
I will say this mentality is standard in every profession there is. I was a 40 year veteran of the pest control industry and for 30 of those years I owned my own company and was heavily involved in my industry's affairs, and I had the privilege of serving with some extraordinary people.
However, I can honestly say I found it mind boggling the level of invertebracy and intellectual corruption so many "leaders" displayed siding with environmentalists and their catspaws at the EPA against their own best interests, the interests of our industry, and the nation, and I include the manufacturers as well. Those actions created the bed bug plague that infested America for years.
I would like to say this is unique to our time, but I'm also a history buff, so I know better. I recently read the March of Folly by Barbara W. Tuchman (1984) describing the decisions made by leaders, both secular and religious, that were obviously detrimental to their organizations and/or cultures. What you find is a pattern of self serving corruption is what's behind those decisions, and nothing's changed.
When we become old we have the tendency to review the history or our lives and the history of our culture, and as a result you can't help to see so much has changed, and so much has been lost and forgotten. Through the centuries there's been so much suffering, pain, blood, and death, and you have to wonder why, and for what?
- We look at the past with longing.
- We see what's unfolding before us and find the present is confusing.
- Because we can't see a clear path the future frightens us.
We're caught in between what was, is, and will be, hoping for one last courageous moment where someone with stand up and say you're all wrong, you're going in the wrong direction, and I'm going to tell you why. Hoping all will choose something better, something that will make a positive difference for humanity.
But even if there is a moment in time where courageous people take a stand and institute great changes for the better it never lasts. The selfish, the corrupt, the envious, the greedy are always with us, and they soon befoul every pure thing that exists, as a result humanity has been washed back and forth like waves crashing against the rocky shores by the tides of change, ideology, hate, greed, and envy.
As I watch these nitwit talking
heads playing "gotcha" interviews on television, or Senators, and
Congressmen being obnoxious questioning nominees for some position or
other, I've often thought about an exchange between Lady Astor of
England who told Winston Churchill he was disgustingly drunk, and he
probably was, but Churchill being Churchill replied:
“My dear, you are ugly, and what’s more, you are disgustingly ugly. But tomorrow I shall be sober, and you will still be disgustingly ugly.”
I would like to see responses of a similar nature to the stupid people in the media and politics, playing "gotcha" instead of challenging positions based on facts and logic in an honest effort to find truth.
Culture is king, and the battle to control national cultures has been eternal, and now with globalism being a driving force, the efforts to control world culture is unending. It will never stop because the corrupt, selfish, greedy, cruel, and evil people in society will always be there, and they will always be everywhere so many times hiding who and what they are until they can achieve their evil goals.
We're heading into a period of turbulence with a new President who really wants to fix things, reduce government and the massive impositions big government has imposed on America. But entrenched forces of big government tyranny will not go quietly into the night. A leader needs to be able to recognize who his allies, and who his enemies really are.
Allies will be issue oriented, if you drift too far from their paradigm they will abandon you. Enemy allies will go back and forth depending on how the issue affects them. They cannot be trusted at all since their motives are totally self-serving. Enemies will stand against you no matter what. It doesn’t matter what you do to them or for them as they will do everything in their power to crush you. Their hate may be silent, but it is very real and insidious.
seeing this play out right now with Trump's nominees, some of whom I
have serious misgivings about, especially RFK Jr. The next two years
leading up to the midterm elections will be more than interesting as
this will be a major battle to control the national culture, especially
interesting since the corrupt Pravda media is on it's death bed, and an
alternative media is now ascendant, perhaps truth will also become
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