When the last election ended in the EU on June 30, 2024 I made a lot of observations, and predictions,
(make sure to follow that link as there's much more there) which
included my thoughts on the EU, France, Germany, the Nordic nations, and
the UK, where-in I stated the Tories were going to be wiped out, and
they were, and for all the right reasons,which I listed in that article.
So, why did the Brits vote in Labour instead of the Reform Party?
Data Shows Farage’s Reform Supporters Are Actually The Only Ones NOT ‘Protest Voting.’ Polling data on the July general election in Britain reveals that most voters who voted for the Labour Party did so to get the Conservatives out of power, while those who voted for Nigel Farage's Reform Party did so because they actually believed in the party's positions.
- Starmer Suffers Worst Approval of Any New British Prime Minister in Half Century
- Left-Wing Starmer’s Britain Sees Economy Shrink Again
- In the UK, death by physician
- Now Britain’s Socialized Health Service Is Defending Pakistani Cousin Marriage
- UK Must Avoid Complicity in CCP’s Forced Organ Harvesting, Says Rights Panel
- British NHS Hospital ‘Accidentally’ Chops Off 6 People’s Limbs in 3 Years
- The most popular boys’ name in England and Wales sounds the UK’s death knell
- Great Replacement: White British Set to Become Minority
- Support For UK Labour Govt’s Agenda Plunges
- UK Cut Fuel Payments to Seniors, Sent Money to Gaza
- Eyewitness Report: Inside the U.K.’s Grand Islamist Festival of Contempt
- UK government accused of covering up jihad terror ties of Southport suspect
- Leading Labour MP Quits Party over ‘Off the Scale’ Sleaze Shown by Starmer
- Deported Albanian Criminal Sneaks Back into U.K., Wins Right to Stay as ‘Refugee’
- Study: U.K. Home to the Most Illegal Aliens of Any Country in Europe
- Eco-Madness: Leftist UK Gov’t Green Housing Demands Could Cost Up To £36 Billion
- Britain’s New ‘Asylum’ Minister Just Attacked Donald Trump… It Didn’t End Well for Her.
- UK: Judge Orders Victim of Pakistani Grooming Gang to Delete Her Request to Have Her Rapists Deported
- British invasions, then and now
- Record Number of Millionaires Set to Flee Britain over Taxes
- UK ‘Keyboard Warrior’ Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison over Posts Made on X
- Leftist UK Gov’t to Treat ‘Extreme Misogyny’ Like Terrorism: Report
- Thought Crime: UK’s New Leftist Govt To Ban ‘Silent Prayer’ Near Abortion Clinics.
- UK 1984: Gov’t to Encourage Police to Mass Record ‘Non-Crime Hate Incidents’: Report
- UK Riots: 11-Year-Old Child Arrested
- U.K. Riots: Man Acquitted for Spreading Misinformation… in Pakistan?
- Britain, Which Birthed American Ideas About Liberty, Has Embraced Despotism
- Britain’s Labour Party Demands Decade in Power, Promising MASSIVE Tax Hikes – Just Like Kamala!
- Netanyahu Reacts to UK Decision to Suspend Some Arms Exports to Israel
- Man Jailed For 2 Years Over Stickers as PM Whines About ‘Democracy’
- Tyranny in Britain
- No Farmers, No Food’ — UK Farmer Tractor Protest Descends on Labour Party Conference
- The Birmingham Church of England no longer believes in Christ
- Church of England Priests Told to Change ‘Problematic’ Christmas Hymns: Report
And of course as with all leftists, nothing is ever their fault, as Starmer Blames Brexit for Turning Britain Into ‘Open Borders Experiment’.
This far left insanity isn't sitting well with a lot of Brits, and the contamination fills the entire structure of British governance. There Will Not Always Be an England:
Working-class whites recently rioted in Britain after a Rwandan murdered three white girls. The Labour government and allied journalists seemed far less angry about the murders than about the riots......the government has arrested more than a thousand people, charged hundreds, and already sentenced some. Prime Minister Keir Starmer harshly denounced the rioters and showed no sympathy for their concerns...[the] government..... pledged to empty prisons. However, after the riots, the government has captured, tried, and convicted its enemies with remarkable speed. Many did not even riot.
Judge Francis Rafferty said that even those who just watched a riot will be refused bail..... The same judge sent a man to prison for eight weeks for posting messages with images of Asians men, along with the message, “coming to a town near you.” The same judge spared a man who downloaded “indecent child images” because he supposedly showed “remorse.
On December 7th, 2024, Eric Utter published this piece on American Thinker, The ‘Second Battle Of Britain', saying:
Britain is slipping away. The progenitor of the free world, the United States included, is barely recognizable these days. Lack of reverence for life and an equally troubling tolerance for extreme antisemitism have combined with an almost total intolerance for those who oppose these evils to cast a malevolent pall over the U.K.
It is not only life and Judaism that are threatened. Christianity is increasingly under assault, as well. The English Football Association (EFA) recently issued a ‘warning’ to one of its players for having the temerity to write “I Love Jesus” over his league-mandated rainbow flag armband. Meanwhile, another league player, who is a practicing Muslim, flatly refused to wear the rainbow armband altogether…with nary a complaint from the same association.
In related news, a Catholic woman from Northern Ireland was recently convicted of praying in a ‘buffer zone’ outside an abortion mill. Convicted of praying. (She’s probably lucky she didn’t get life in prison, as she also held up a pro-life sign.)
He ends his commentary with these words:
If it does not, somewhere, Churchill may be heard to utter, “Never in the field of human conflict have so many so cravenly surrendered to so few.”
If Winston Churchill was alive today, and saying the things he said then, he'd be in jail. But Starmer thinks the UK should have a strong relationship with Communist China, and no one wants to put him in jail. If he was alive and said this absolutely accurate description of what Islam brings to the world, all of the UK would have broken out in massive waves of violence:
dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!
Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as
hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.
Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of
commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of
the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of
its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact
that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his
absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must
delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has
ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Moslems may show
splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of
the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion
paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger
retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund,
Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytising faith. It has already
spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every
step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms
of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the
civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of
ancient Rome.”
- Farage’s Reform Party is Now Larger Than the Centuries-Old U.K. Conservative
- Musk to Give $100 Million Farage’s Party?
- Starmer wants new law to block Elon Musk from donating to Nigel Farage.
- Can Farage Be Prime Minister? Yes, but a Lot of Things Have to Happen First
- Farage ‘Absolutely’ Will Be Next Prime Minister, Predicts Reform Chairman as Party Surpasses Labour in Poll
- Farage’s Reform Party Gains Ground, Winning Another Seat From Labour
- Is Britain getting ready for a Trump of its own?
- Farage: Conversation About Migrant Crime in Britain Has ‘Barely Started’, Demands UK ‘Get Tough’ Like Germany
- In the U.K., Nigel's party is now bigger than the Tories
- Reversing the United Kingdom’s Death Spiral
- Jihad Never Sleeps Bruce Thornton
One more thing. Now that North Africa is facing a massive six year drought, and the many years of mismanagement, corruption, and a general round of incompetence of their governments, these nations are in trouble dealing with their food needs, all of which has been exacerbated by the Russo/Ukraine War as Ukraine was a major supplier of grain to Europe , Africa, and the Middle East. Immigration issues are going to become even more pronounced.
Let's add Ireland to this mix since the Irish are committing genocide against themselves. and it's difficult to understand Ireland's antisemitic foolishness, and they're not alone among European nations, and take notice no matter what western nation these Muslims invade violence and rape follows like night follows day.
- The Second Irish Famine Will Be ‘Green’ - With kids going hungry, Gov wants to cull 10% of Ireland’s cattle for ‘climate targets’. Environmentalism is just genocide misspelled. For Nuala O’Connor, a chef at a Barnardos centre in Dublin, food poverty in a young child is sometimes less about what they look like, and more about what they do. “Sometimes you just know by looking at them, that they are not getting what they need,” she said. “Then we have had children over time [who are] literally ravenous, literally taking it with their hands, they can’t get enough of it into their mouths and can’t get it in quick enough." Children are hungry. Time to get rid of the meat. Maybe if they’re hungry enough, they’ll eat more environmentally friendly bugs..................
- Irish Pastor Prosecuted for Preaching Truth
- Dead Girls, Islamic Terror and Government Crackdown
- Ireland is on the verge of enacting the most draconian anti-speech law in the West
- Ireland’s Corporate Tax and the Laffer Curve
- The Virtuous Circle of Ever-Lasting Expansion of Domestic Demand and Labor Supply Is Broken: Yes, Ireland Really Is Dying
And closer to home, Michigan won’t be Michigan for much longer.
Update, 12/31: ‘There’s a Buzz’ — Nigel Farage’s New Year Message: We Can Make Britain Great Again
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