By Rich Kozlovich
When the last election ended in the EU on June 30, 2024 I made a lot of observations, and predictions, (make sure to follow that link as there's much more there) which included my thoughts on the EU, Germany, the Nordic nations, the UK, and France, and we need to understand, the French will always be French. France is now and has always been a social nightmare and to understand that, you need to understand Charles de Gaulle, as he epitomizes what it means to be French:
..........imperious, reserved, and
ungracious.... given to “terrifying and unpredictable rages, which
were usually sparked by an imagined (or genuine) slight......Hour after hour he ranted
against the perfidy of the British....... Gaulle “screamed".....“You tell that old fool Hull from me that he
is an asshole, a moron, an idiot. To hell with them. The war will sweep
them away and I, France, will remain and I will judge them.” The
fact is DeGaulle once said he didn't care what happened to the allies as
long as France remained. The delusional greatness of France by the
French is like a genetic disorder, and it permeates all they say and
I went on to say:
view French leadership, and the concept of French "harmony", starting
with their current President Emmanuel Macron, who is Europe's nightmare. We find the French chose Le Pen’s Populists over Macron, so
in a desperation move Macron decided to dissolve the government and
called for fresh elections hoping this election can be overturned by
another in a few weeks, which seems unlikely. His move may actually put the populists in power. And even Former French President Francois Hollande, a totally failed former President, has decided to run from the far left in a new party, New Popular Front. How far was Macron willing to go to stay in power?
After America saved Europe from the Nazi's, America was more than willing to save Europeans from starvation and economic disaster with what was called the Marshall Plan. The most singularly beneficent thing that
happened to Europe in it's history, and the French were against it, in
spite of the fact it put food in the mouths of Europeans. Why? Because
it demonstrated their dependence, and the rest of the European nations dependence
on America, and their second place seating at the world's table.
Yet the Marshall Plan deliberately avoided trying to make it an "Americanization" of Europe. As British diplomat Oliver Franks stated:
The Marshall Plan was about putting American dollars in the hands of Europeans to buy the tools for the recovery, the rest, convertible currencies, good labour relations, balanced budgets, and liberalized trade, would depend on the Europeans themselves...
And France was against it, and the French are just like the Bourbon Rulers they threw out after the French Revolution, they learned nothing, forgot nothing, and nothing's changed. Here's my 2022 French election article. The French! With a Sigh!
that's turning into a French nightmare, one they earned, and one they
deserve with rioting and violence running rampant in France, and the
easily predictable results of Macron's attempts at "coalitions", looks
like 'coalitions of failure’, with France getting it's fourth government in a year, with it's failure already being predicted, with protesters claiming Macron's schemes deny Democracy, but make no mistake, France is a mess, and Macron is a mess! Nothing's changed.
Macron is dancing with the Devil, and when you dance with the Devil you don’t choose the dance, you don’t call the tune, you don’t lead, and you may not be able to leave the dance floor. He’s so far over his head he’s going to drown in his selfish arrogance and stupidity.
Voters who have been lied to, Hell Hath No Fury Like A Voter Scorned, well, maybe in America, but voters in France and the UK just embraced even worse liars and nitwits than they threw out. Having said that…. I hope everyone keeps watching that play out. Their chosen nitwits are going to drive France into a chaotic ditch, and then we’ll see they’ve been a disaster for humanity since the French Revolution, and now finally, more people are becoming aware.....their monopoly on being wrong and disastrous..... is as solid as the Himalayas.
let's clarify this whole bit about France being taken over by the
"right". There is no "right" in France as we understand it in America.
The budget offered raised taxes, and cut spending. Well, anyone can
understand being against taxes, but why be against cutting spending?
Because the French people have been wrapped in a delusionally socialist
world, and they demand socialist answers to all their problems, and will
not tolerate anything that cuts into their feeding at the government
trough. Welcome to the world of bankruptcy.
- How France Fell to the Far Right In the End, Le Pen Hardly Had to Moderate to Gain Power
- Le Pen Vows Vote of No Confidence For Any Leftist Gov’t Installed by Macron
- Le Pen to Bring Down French Government After Budget Fight.
It still comes down to this. Forget the rhetoric, forget the mind numbing clabber from the media. It's all about definition, and every politician in France is a socialist of one stripe or other, and socialists will always be socialists. They all believe they have a right to steal your money, your freedom, your land, your children, and turn everyone into slaves to the state with a handful of elites telling everyone how to live and what to do. The varying degrees and the details of how and when are immaterial.
The Barbarians are at the Gate with
While the Visigoths and Franks fought for everything they held dear when they were attacked by the Moors, the French of today have already given up the fight for freedom and resigned themselves to a self-inflicted destiny as dhimmis.
Everything's Fine Until the Bombs Go Off:
Last month, French President Francois Hollande ridiculed the idea that the massive numbers of Muslim migrants entering his country were any kind of threat. “Those who argue that we are being invaded are manipulators and falsifiers, who do this only for political reasons, to scare,” the left-wing politician huffed.
And then the pudgy little Socialist had to be rapidly evacuated from France’s national soccer stadium after one of those refugees blew himself up trying to reach Monsieur le Président, and Merkel’s Foreign Minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Minister Steinmeier had urged rejecting “barriers, fences” when it came to the Muslim migrants, but it was a barrier and the security in front of it that kept one of his beloved refugees from reaching him............
Communists and Islamists Take France In the UK the Labour party claimed they cleaned up their act and were no longer Marxists, and Jihadists, but that was a lie, which soon became clear, the French didn't bother pretending they were anything but far left misfits and supporters of Islam, Jihad never sleeps, nor does willful blindness, and again, in France, there is no "right", in France, it’s Left vs. Left:
"Don’t be deceived: there is no such thing as ‘the right’ meaningfully vying for power in France".
France is at a crossroads, facing reality versus delusion, and that reality is France is toast, and the US is never going to agree to an International Tax System to bail them out, as for France's Jews, it's time to run, now! (More here, and here.)
France has always been a social nightmare and while I’m only a bit surprised, I’m not shocked… since the French are so…..French! So, any willingness on their part to “take a hard look at themselves” seems unlikely. Culture is king, and we’re not seeing anything different now than what happened between the Girondins the more radical Jacobins after the French revolution, except they’re not cutting off anyone’s head. Yet!
But France is in deep trouble, and is becoming substantially unsafe for one specific ethnic group, France's Jews. I tell you what, we'll come back to that, and truthfully, I’m not going to be surprised if this kind of insanity keeps playing out in Western Europe.