First let's take a look at Patrica McCarthy's article Musk’s and Ramaswamy’s big mistake, where she notes:
me say this, I don't like Elon Musk. I didn't like him yesterday, I
don't like him today, and I won't like him tomorrow, and I respect him
even less. I consider Musk to be a massively self serving con artist,
feeding at the government's subsidy trough on electric cars, and even promoting global warming,
and has a personal life that's not exactly awe inspiring. He named
his child with his third wife, X Æ A-Xii. What sane person in the world would name their child X Æ A-Xii?
I wouldn't trust him if he said day was light and night was dark without looking for myself. I have serious doubts he'll last long in the Trump administration which is why I said I didn't consider Vivek Ramaswamy's appointment to be a partnership so much as an insurance policy.
Here's my Elon Musk file, both condemning him and lauding him, and this was Musk in 2017 who threatened to dump Trump if Trump dumped that massively vile and fraudulent Global Warming Paris Agreement. Fortunately Trump listened to my now passed friend Dr. Jay Lehr instead, and did dump it.
For many years I've written about the green movement and I learned from very early on, they lie, so when I write, I start with that foundational premise, and guess what, the more I research a subject what do I find? They lie!
As for their doom and gloom, Chicken Little, the sky is falling predictions, they're pathetic. Here is my Failed Predictions file, along with my commentaries, If Green Prediction Was a Corporation, They'd Have a Monopoly on Being Wrong! And I particularly like this one, A Prince Who Was Potty, is Now a King Who is Potty, and Dangerously So!
There's been a lot of controversy over these H-1B visas, and in principle, I understand the value, but I also understand what's really behind them, and Elon Musk has shot his obnoxious mouth off to the point I think Trump finally told him to shut up, and Vivek Ramaswamy called Americans dumb and lazy, but say H1-B is broken, needs fixed, and only wants to only import those who are truly the brightest and best.
Except there already is a visa system for bringing in the best and brightest, it's called O-1A. So, this really gives us the answer why they're all so attached to H-1B instead of O-1A. I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that, but no matter what, this is bad timing, and is creating a "breach of trust" between the leadership and base.
Monica Showalter published this piece on D3cember 28, H-1B: Caution about importing only the best and brightest I thought was excellent, and insightful, saying:........ the H-1B visa being gamed, particularly from India,
as a means of exporting
mediocrities who can supplant American workers for cheaper prices to
their Silicon Valley barons keep these workers in
indentured servitude, lowering the wages of all workers........America
should be importing only the best and brightest -- on merit,
meritocratic principles -- to help the economy innovate, excel, and
grow, so the consensus thinking goes. I'm not entirely onboard,
actually......... America
should be importing immigrants on character grounds.......... not
Americans, not takers of public benefits......It's far better to import
patriots-in-waiting who love America and....... work hard, show
family values.....
The intellectuals are invariably elitists who have no interests except for those things that benefit them, even to the detriment of the nation, and we already have enough to them. We call them academics, corporate executives, and politicians, elitists all, so why do we need to import more people who will take advantage of Americans. Don't we have enough of them?
Monica then says, "when Gandhi was asked by an American clergyman what it was
that worried him the most, he replied: "The hardness of heart of the
educated."' And then she goes on to show how true that is now, and it has always been that way.
Andrea Widburg writes that Vivek calls out a major problem with America’s competitive edge, going on about how for decades America's culture has celebrated mediocrity over excellence, and Andrea says:
"Once, America had a culture of success. That’s no longer the case. The left encourages failure, and our media and marijuana culture encourage passivity."
While all of that is true, the fact is all this is the result of a totally corrupt system of higher education, lawsuits, government interference, and all this DEI insanity. As a result the nation has ended up with weak managers afraid to fire the lazy and incompetent on their staffs. Fix that first, then look for options, but if that's all fixed, options won't be necessary.
So, what's the real goal behind all this? Let's take a look at Elon Musk first, who claims he couldn't have made his fortune without being able to take advantage of these foreign employees. As it turns out Musk replaced Americans with foreigners with these visas, laying off of approximately 15,000 U.S. workers, and then had the nerve to condemned conservatives for not supporting him, and those employees are working under threat of deportation. Cheap labor that borders on the same kind of indenturedness the coal miners labored under in the late 19th and early 20th century in America, and my family was among them.
It's a scam where these workers are ‘vastly underpaid’ compared to Americans with the goal of enriching the elite at the short term and long term expense of America, and doing it with the force of law. It's an immoral scam, and any fix their claiming to support is a flat out fake.
Trump has come out in support of these visas, here, and here, claiming it's a great program, but he's in trouble with the America first base, and there's a storm coming his way over this, and rightly so. Let's try and get this right once, just once, please, as the author notes:
Businesses love cheap labor like a fat kid loves cake. The reason we have so many illegal aliens in the United States is we have so many companies willing and wanting to hire them.....this isn't's manipulation....
End "all" immigration right now, and for at least a year. Deport all the illegal aliens, and prosecute those who aid and abet them, including state and federal officials and employees. Completely secure the borders. Intellectually challenge any of these people who for decades sold out America with their "liberal" initiatives.
The window of opportunity
to fix this is now open, and if that open window isn't taken advantage
of it will close, and it may not open again.
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