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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, January 27, 2025

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

This Link will take you to My Commentaries. 

By Rich Kozlovich


So much for the credibility of the FBI... but then again.... they gave that up years ago, and will soon be facing the consequences.  However, this pandering to Muslims by all the governments of western civilization is suicidal.  Muslims are destroying western civilization, and the leaders of these governments are helping them do it.   You have to wonder what's wrong with these people's minds. 

I read yesterday that China is experiencing an outbreak of human metapneumovirus (HMPV).   Wow! that's really scary....Right?   The symptoms include coughing, fever, nasal congestion, sore throat and shortness of breath.   Okay, so maybe I missed something.  Let's see if I have this right.  They have a flu outbreak and so there's now a worldwide announcement?  

Well, a couple of weeks ago I had the most painful sore throat I ever had in my life, with a lot of coughing to boot, and I'm still coughing a bit, and I was really hazy for over a week.  The world didn't even send me a get well card.  Imagine that.  

I wrote what I considered a very credible article on this H-1B Visa issue, and then yesterday I found out Bernie Sanders and I are in agreement, with him saying:

“Elon Musk is wrong,.......The main function of the H-1B visa program is not to hire ‘the best and the brightest,’  but rather to replace good-paying American jobs with low-wage indentured servants from abroad,” ......“The cheaper the labor they hire, the more money the billionaires make.”

I almost broke out in hives, but .... hey.... even a blind coconut can find a squirll occasionally, even if that coconut is "squirrely", and a blatantly corrupt lying hypocrite.   And then it got even worse.  I found out Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), for whom I have nothing but contempt, agrees with me about these visas, but having gotten one thing right for once in his life doesn't give this misfit a pass on the rest of life.

When SCOTUS shot down the ruling I knew that was just the beginning since these agencies were not just going to role over and say.... okay... we were out of control, and we're really sorry, so we're repealing all those illegal regulations.  It was going to take lawsuits, and a Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down FCC Net Neutrality Rules, saying the "Communications Commission did not have the authority to adopt the regulations."  I like it!  As a result of the Loper Bright ruling that overturned Chevron so much information has come out (stuff I and many others have been saying for years) people are now far more aware, and it's going to get better at many levels. (More here.)

  • Voters Balked on Natural Gas Bans, but Climate Advocates Are Hoping to Withstand Court Challenges - by Kevin Killough - When a Consumer Project Safety commissioner suggested in 2023 that the federal government would consider banning gas stoves over safety concerns, it set off fierce nationwide backlash. While the Energy Department finalized stove efficiency standards, they were watered down from the original proposal and no outright ban ever materialized.  No federal ban on gas stoves materialized, but climate advocates seeking to stop consumers from accessing natural gas have tried a number of state and local efforts to achieve their goals – all with similar results as that on the federal level. Despite more recent losses, they’re looking at trying some other strategies 

 The left is like rust, it never sleeps, and it never gives up, and it doesn't have to because they're funded to the tune of billions of dollars of dark money.  The central tenet of this secular religious movement is lying, ergo, eternal vigilance, aligned with uncompromising resistance must be absolute.  There's no substitute for victory, and the left's lies and machinations must be attacked and destroyed intellectually as well as legally.  And much of that must start with making their funding sources transparent, and ending their tax free status.

On the international stage, America first is going to be the foundation principle of the Trump Doctrine, which will replace the Truman Doctrine of unending intervention in the affairs of other nations, which was really an extension of Woodrow Wilson's vision, which dragged America into the WWI meat grinder that killed 40 million people, and not one person then or now can say what that war was all about that justifying all that blood and destruction.  Well, ending that doctrine is long overdue.  No more shedding thousands of gallons of American blood and trillions of American dollars fighting wars for irresponsible and illogical reasons, and getting nothing in return, except wasted lives.

Let me say this, I don't care what happens to Europe. Since WWI the US/Europe relationship has been akin to an adult holding a little kid's hand to keep him from falling, but at some point you're not holding that kid up, he's dragging you down, and that's what Europe has been doing to America for over 100 years, and they've been arrogant and ungrateful about it.  

They brought all their problems on themselves, and should have been left to fix those problems on their own.  It's long overdue for America to let them deal with the catastrophe they've created including their energy crisis, their economic crisis, their immigration crisis, and that includes Ukraine.  We have no skin in that game, and the players have been corrupt and stupid.  That's not our fault, and it's not our problem to solve, let Europe fix it or not, we don't need NATO, and the UN is a vile wretched hive of scum and villainy

Victor Davis Hanson, who I think is America's premiere historian.  I've read a number of really great historians who just can't seem to tell a good story, and reading their books is a bit of a task.    Hanson not only gets the history right, he turns that history into a great story, here's one of them.

Commentary: Devin Nunes Reemerges, by Victor Davis Hanson - 2024 proved to be the year of the reemergence of many once and unfairly pilloried public figures..............After January 6, 2021, the media swore that Donald Trump was supposedly washed up. He left office with a 34 percent approval rating. Over nearly the next four years, Trump would face 91 felony indictments and be liable for over $400 million in assorted fines. Now he is a reelected president. Former oppositional world leaders traipse to Mar-a-Lago to seek his approval even before his tenure begins. His erstwhile critics at home are scurrying about in disarray.................

As a result of the need to have a Speaker in place in order to make sure Trump can be sworn in as President, so Speaker Johnson won the vote in the House yesterday after only a couple of votes, and now he will have to watch his behavior, because the conservatives most certainly will.  They have his number, and there could be another rebellion, and nine Republicans have made it clear, they have the votes to "vacate".  

I have nine commentaries of my own, and twenty five from other writers, and I hope you will find them all worthy of your attention.  I'm adding one link here, an article by Andrea Widburg of American Thinker because I think it's extremely important.  

Since the Muslim rape and grooming gangs of the UK have been written about in America, that's a story that's well known here.  In the UK, not so much....until now..... and people are arrested for making these crimes public.  

I've said harsh things about Elon Musk, and I don't take one word back, but you gotta give credit where credit is due, and he's managed to break through the lock the Brits have on information with his "X" site exposing the horrors these Muslims have perpetrated on these poor innocent young girls, and have done so for many years, with the UK judiciary, the police, and both the Tories and the Labour governments having been a party to all of this. Someone needs to be held accountable.

Will Elon Musk bring down the British government over the grooming gang cover-up? - January 3, 2025 by Andrea Widburg - By revealing facts to the British people, he may be responsible for bringing down the Labour Party and making Nigel Farage the UK’s new Prime Minister.....My X feed suddenly started featuring posts about the infamous and utterly heinous story that Muslim rape gangs in Northern England had, for more than three decades (from the late 1970s to 2013), exploited hundreds of thousands of British children. Worse, they were enabled by British police and politicians afraid of “inflaming tensions” with the Muslim population.......

Let's try and get this right. Islam isn't a religion, it's a criminal political movement masquerading as a religion, and all these vile things Muslims perpetrate against "infidels" is perfectly acceptable and encouraged in the Koran.   

Have a good weekend, and best wishes, 


My Commentaries

  1. Let's Not Get Too Happy
  2. H-1 Visas and the Window of Opportunity
  3. The Reality of Jimmy Carter
  4. The Reality of Jimmy Carter, Part II
  5. The Reality of Jimmy Carter, Part III .............(More here in this piece showing just  how contemptible Carter really was.)
  6. Speaker Johnson is a Mile Wide and an Inch Deep
  7. P&D Geopolitics Edition: Russia
  8. Cartoon Roundup: Joe Biden's December
  9. Media Collapse is Inevitable, and it's a Good Morning in America! Part V 


  1. An Elegy for the Fourth Estate By Mark Angelides
  2. Sanctuary Cities Face a Tough 2025 By Kelli Ballard
  3. The Entertainment Industry in 2024: Not a Good Showing By Kelli Ballard
  4. From the Back Forty: Flyover Folks Can Relate to Vivek Ramaswamy By Sarah Cowgill
  5. The Man Who Illegally Got Obama on the Hawaiian Ballot in 2008 By Susan Daniels
  6. Critically Thinking about America's 2025 Priorities John Droz, Jr.
  7. 118th Congress Report Card: The Least Productive in Modern History? By James Fite
  8. Believers Flee Progressive Religion – And Many Find Orthodoxy Instead By James Fite
  9. December 31, 1912  By Daniel Greenfield
  10. The End of Never Trump By Daniel Greenfield
  11. Cultural Magic  By Daniel Greenfield
  12. ‘We Dug It, We Own It’  Daniel Greenfield
  13. Let's Play DOGE Ball By Robin Itzler
  14. Republican Echo Chamber Politics By Robin Itzler
  15. Democrat Post Election Thoughts By Robin Itzler
  16. Events In America and Around the World By Robin Itzler
  17. Terror in America: Just the Facts Liberty Nation News
  18. From The Director Of Net Zero Watch By Francis Menton
  19. New York On The March To Climate Utopia By Francis Menton
  20. In One Chart, Everything You Need to Know about America’s Fiscal Mess By Dan Mitchell
  21. Hopes and Fears for 2025 By Dan Mitchell
  22. The Best and Worst News of 2024 By Dan Mitchell
  23. Scandinavian Governments Are Greedy, not Socialist By Dan Mitchell
  24. Brazil and the 20th Theorem of Government By Dan Mitchell
  25. Toxic Ideology: Progressives Are Less Happy, Sane Than Conservatives By Graham J. Noble


  1. 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the 1963 Congressional Record
  2. My Seven Rules of Geopolitics
  3. The John Boyd Legion of Honor
No matter what anyone says, you can’t marginalize the truth!  You can suppress it, you can ignore it, you can avoid it, you can attempt to undermine it, you can attempt to subvert it, you can attempt to organize against it, you can even laugh at it, but if we have the courage and the fortitude to stand and confront the lies, irrespective of the personal costs, the truth will stand the test of time, because truth and time are on the same side.
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