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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

This Link will take you to My Commentaries. 

By Rich Kozlovich


This week it was reported that China launched a new sixth generation jet fighter, and it appears its impressive, and most likely with stolen technology.  Well, so what?  

As Francis Menton points out in his article about the the eventual consequences of socialist central planning nations, (they all end up in the crapper, make sure to read about Cuba and Venezuela) and notes China's economics is all smoke, mirrors, with massive unpayable debt, bad investments, and incredibly bad economic planning.  Not only are they attempting to justify their failures, they're doubling down on them, which will lead to the same thing that destroyed the Soviet Union.  The Russians, with their idiotic economic schemes tried to compete militarily with the United States and still fund the needs of their people.   They couldn't and they went broke.

The fact is China is already broke, and modern high tech military equipment is massively expensive to develop, even if that technology was stolen, massively expensive to build, and massively expensive to maintain, and ...... they're broke.  And when Trump starts blasting them with greater economic sanctions, he may actually be able to undo what Nixon wrought, which was opening China up to world trade.  As a result, western civilization has been financing China's efforts to destroy western civilization, and the big corporations are willing participants to that destruction totally committed to profits irrespective of the long term negative consequences, and their corrupt allies in government support them.  As allies, big corporations are ..... on their best days ..... leaky vessels.  On their worst days, they're traitors, and so are their supporters.  

In years gone by it was reported that "seven in 10 young Americans are ineligible to serve in the military. For a quarter of those, the reason is they are too fat. Military groups argue these numbers show Congress should not retreat from the fight to implement new nutrition standards in schools".   Hogwash.  Let’s get real.  It’s still all about calories in and calories out.  If kids don’t exercise they get fat…. period.  

 The next time you drive past a public baseball diamond notice what’s there.  No one!  In days gone by they were played on daily…every day!  Now the kids watch television, play games on computers…that’s especially a problem… and phones to jabber on or text to with their friends all day, none of which burns any real calories.  Let’s get this – people are going to do what they want to do, and real leadership is encouraging people to do what they should and help them do what they would.  Central planning is a waste of money, along with editorial blathering and hand wringing.   

America's courts are in dire need of purging, as is easily demonstrated in this Iowa Supreme Court case, which threw out the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution. So, how is that to be accomplished?  Purging law schools of the freaks teaching there, and that can be done by revoking their university credentials to teach for unacceptable practices, end all funding of any kind including student loans, publicly state no graduate will be hired from these universities, such as to the federal government, and place restrictions on any law firm that does hire them.  And suing them for.... whatever works.... after all, they made up the rules of the game, and now should have to live with them, and it appears that Harvard has gotten the message. 

Is Trump having second thoughts about Speaker Johnson?  If not, perhaps he should take a look at the latest polls that show a huge percentage of the Republican base want him gone as being totally untrustworthy. 

I recently read an article that claimed fixing the government's economics problems was impossible due to programs like, but not exclusive to, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and the arguments were profound....and they were wrong.   

The federal government has, as of 2013, assets of over 150 trillion dollars.  They could wipe out the nation debt, saving just under a trillion dollars in interest payments, return the trillions they stole from Social Security, sell off the landmass in America owned by the federal government (to the tune of almost 25 percent) allowing for capitalization of that land, reduce idiotic regulations which would turn America capitalism loose like a force of nature.   Social Security could be privatized, and based on how it's been terribly mismanaged it should be. The massive levels of corruption and incompetence in all these programs which has made all this so expensive can be addressed and fixed, and that fix starts with reduction the federal government by 80%.  That's doable, and would be done without impacting the economic health of the nation, if anything, it will improve the nation's economic health. 

Take a look at what the federal government is wasting the tax payers money on. 

  1. ‘Orwellian’: Rand Paul Festivus Report Shows Feds Spent Millions Torturing Cats
  2. Rand Paul Festivus Report Highlights More than $1 Trillion in Waste: Millions Spent on Paraguayan Border Security, Lonely Rat Cocaine Studies

Trump thinks Canada should become America's 51st state, and there's been a lot of talk about that, with a lot of Canadian kickback, but it also appears.... and I use the word appears deliberately ....Some Canadians actually like Trump's idea of annexing Canada to the U.S.  Well, here was my thoughts on that.  

First, Canada is like France, their right is like our RINO's only more left, and if their ten provinces come as separate states, that means 20 more leftist Senators and untold leftist Members of Congress. Wow! What a great idea, what could possibly go wrong? 

One commenter said: What you don't understand is that most of Canada, like most of the population in our loony leftist-"led" states, isn't loony leftists.  I responded saying: Really? Wow! They must really have a serious problem with voter fraud in Canada! Right? 

I have a friend who retired to Colorado, which was a once reliable Red state until all the far left nitwits from California moved there to escape the disaster they created in California and then quickly instituted the insanity they fled in Colorado.  Outside of Colorado's major cities my friend says the people may be even more conservative than me, but the cities have the numbers.  The same is true in Oregon, and the exact same thing would happen with Canada. 

Bird flu has been confirmed, and it appears this one has..... watch out now.... here it comes..... mutations.  And we should be shocked this virus is just like every other virus in the ability to change?  Will the bird flu mutate to be able to attack people. Given the history of virus's the answer is it's quite probably.  The real question is will the government attempt to impose  tyrannous control over society as they did with covid, which was not only a bust, it was totally  fraudulent and corrupt, which I  from the start of all that.    

The only thing I didn't know at the beginning was these were not vaccines, they're gene manipulating chemical compounds that are now having, and will have, a massively negative impact on human health for decades, and I pointed that out as soon as I became aware of it. 

So, the question everyone should be asking is this. If the bugman knew this how could all these professionals not know it?  One more disaster this caused.  My old man's morning breakfast group couldn't meet an McDonalds any longer, and since then some have passed and no one thinks the price is worth going any longer.   Let's face it, If Fast Food Isn’t Fast, Hot, Cheap and Good Tasting - It’s Not Worth It, and that was eleven years go.

Today I have five commentaries of my own and two dealing with the collapse of Europe, which again, I predicted this ten years ago.  These two deal with the UK and France, but next week I will be covering more of these nations.  Europe is doomed, demographically, economically, and philosophically, because it's bereft of any stable moral foundation.  And socialism isn't stable in any form.   I listed an old one first as I think that lays important foundation for the rest, so read it first.

Best wishes, Rich

My Commentaries

  1. "A Stranger in Town", 1943 
  2. France, The 2024 Election, and The Collapse.
  3. The UK, The 2024 Election, and The Collapse.
  4. The Unraveling of Barack Obama
  5. Everything is "The Basics"

Special Link

  1. My 15-Year-Old Daughter Died. I Recently Found A Box Of Hers — And What Was Inside Left Me Shaken. Story by Jacqueline Dooley


  1. Open Borders America: Migrants Flock to ‘The Beast’ Train By Kelli Ballard
  2. “Plaintiff somehow equates use of an improper social security number as a disqualifying event…” By Susan Daniels
  3. The Slow, Painful, and Imminent Demise of DEI By Tim Donner
  4. Absolute vs Relative Risk By John Droz
  5. Media Balance Newsletter (December 23, 2024)
  6. After Obama By Daniel Greenfield
  7. White House Islamophobia Strategy Says Muslims Were the Real Victims of Oct 7th  By Daniel Greenfield
  8. Everything in the Middle East Means the Opposite  By Daniel Greenfield
  9. Ireland is Committing Genocide Against Itself  By Daniel Greenfield
  10. America and Around the World By Robin Itzler
  11. Have Yourself a Very Biden Christmas By Robin Itzler
  12. The War That Has Yet to be Won: Voter Fraud! By Robin Itzler
  13. Hello World: It's Time to Wake Up! By Robin Itzler
  14. End Of Year World Socialism Round-Up: Cuba, China, Venezuela By Francis Menton
  15. More Reasons For Cautious Optimism About The Demise Of The Green Energy Fantasy By Francis Menton
  16. Ranking Biden on Economic Policy: A Track Record of Failure By Dan Mitchell
  17. Assessing Javier Milei, the World’s Best Leader: Part VI By Dan Mitchell
  18. Assessing Javier Milei, the World’s Best Leader: Part VII By Dan Mitchell
  19. A Last-Minute Contestant for Politician of the Year By Dan Mitchell
  20. Great News on Social Security Reform* By Dan Mitchell
  21. Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Which State Has the Most Pension Debt of All? By Dan Mitchell
  22. Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Which City Has the Most Pension Debt of All? By Dan Mitchell
  23. Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Which State Has the Most OPEB Debt of All? By Dan Mitchell
  24. Is Big Government Popular? By Dan Mitchell
  25. HFI24: Switzerland Stays Number One By Dan Mitchell
  26. Academic Research Estimating the Laffer Curve By Dan Mitchell
  27. Cautious Optimism On The Demise Of The Green Energy Fantasy By Dan Mitchell
  28. No Smiles Without Tears By Sarah Nagle
  29. Next, You’ll Tell Me You Gave Away the Panama Canal By Dave Patterson

Permanent Links

  1. 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the 1963 Congressional Record
  2. My Seven Rules of Geopolitics
  3. The John Boyd Legion of Honor
No matter what anyone says, you can’t marginalize the truth!  You can suppress it, you can ignore it, you can avoid it, you can attempt to undermine it, you can attempt to subvert it, you can attempt to organize against it, you can even laugh at it, but if we have the courage and the fortitude to stand and confront the lies, irrespective of the personal costs, the truth will stand the test of time, because truth and time are on the same side.
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