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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Celebrating Norman Borlaug: He Was Always Ahead Of His Time

By Henry I. Miller, MS, MD — March 30, 2023 @  @American Council on Science and Health

Twenty years ago, Nobel Laureate Norman Borlaug wrote about agricultural biotechnology – its promise, importance, over-regulation, and the mindless opposition to it from activists. His words ring true today.

Agronomist and plant breeder extraordinaire Norman Borlaug, often described as “The Father of the Green Revolution,” was an inspiration to many of us involved in inception of the late 20th Century's “biotechnology revolution.” As well as the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize and innumerable other honors, Norman was a loyal friend and mentor and a tireless antagonist of the anti-science movement that seems ever to be with us.

On the occasion of what would have been Norman’s 109th birthday last week, I re-read the Foreword he wrote 20 years ago for “The Frankenfood Myth: How Protest and Politics Threaten the Biotech Revolution,” , coauthored by Gregory Conko and me.  (It was selected by Barron's as one of the Best Books of 2004.) 

Norman's words have aged well; in fact, the propagation of misinformation and disinformation via social media have worsened the problems that he described.  Below are some excerpts from that Foreword.  (I would also note that he was one of the co-founders of the American Council on Science and Health, and he mentions ACSH in it.)

“From 1950 to 1992, the world’s grain output rose from 692 million tons produced on 1.7 billion acres of cropland to 1.9 billion tons on 1.73 billion acres of cropland – an increase of more than 150 percent.  Without high-yield agriculture, either millions would have starved or increases in food output would have been realized only through drastic expansion of acres under cultivation – with losses of pristine wilderness a hundred times greater than all the losses to urban and suburban expansion.

“Today, we confront a similar problem: feeding the anticipated global population of more than eight billion people in the coming quarter of a century.  The world has or will soon have the agricultural technology available to meet this challenge.  The new biotechnology can help us to do things that we could not do before, and to do it in a more precise, predictable, and efficient way.  The crucial question today is whether farmers and ranchers will be permitted to use that technology.  Extremists in the environmental movement are doing everything they can to stop scientific progress in its tracks, and their allies in the regulatory agencies are more than eager to help.”

“If the naysayers do manage to stop agricultural biotechnology, they might actually precipitate the famines and the crisis of global biodiversity they have been predicting for nearly forty years.

"For a decade, the United States has produced ever-larger quantities of gene-spliced, insect-resistant corn that yields as much or more than the best traditional hybrids but with far less need for chemical pesticides.  No negative health or environmental effects have been observed.  Yet there is an immensely strong, rabid anti-biotech lobby, especially in Europe, where activists have convinced many governments to thwart new approvals and have opposed the use of gene-spliced corn and soybeans as food aid in famine-stricken parts of Africa and Asia.”

“Tragically, [biotechnology] is not an isolated case.  There are many other examples of overreaction and resistance to technology.  The American Council on Science and Health has documented a series of twenty cases – including pesticides on cranberries in 1959, and Alar on Pacific coast apples in 1989 – in which scare stories trumpeted by the media became widely known and accepted but later were shown to be of little or no consequence.  The resistance to gene splicing is yet another sordid episode in this larger anti-technology, junk-science movement.

“In spite of the many powerful and precise new tools and the greater health and well-being that science and technology have offered us, our society has become overly risk-averse… We must be more rational about our approach to risks.  We need to think in broader terms, recognizing, for example, that the world cannot feed all its 6.3 billion people from organic farms or power all its cities and industries by wind and solar energy.

“Although we must be prudent in assessing new technologies, these assessments must not be based on overly conservative – or overtly inaccurate – assumptions or be swayed by the anti-business, anti-establishment, anti-globalization agenda of a few activists, or by the self-interest of bureaucrats.  They must be based on good science and good sense.  It is easy to forget that science offers more than a body of knowledge and a process for adding new knowledge.  It tells us not only what we know but what we don’t know.  It identifies areas of uncertainty and offers an estimate of how great and how critical that uncertainty may be.”

Thank you, Norman.  We remember your wisdom, warmth, and generosity.  You are greatly missed.

Okay, Let's Try and Get This Right Once and For All: Biden Was Elected Through Voter Fraud.

Why do I have to keep repeating that?

By Rich Kozlovich

Editor's Note:  I originally published this on October 31, 2022, but today, nine months later Blogger decided this article offended "their community standards", and removed it from the site.  I protested, and now they've totally deleted it.  Apparently I've picked up my own personal censor at Blogger.  I will save this elsewhere and keep posting it as need be.  RK

Since I search out and store so much material on all I write about I come to conclusions on issues more quickly than most, and usually it's because I see patterns easily and usually before everyone else, which isn't a big deal if you keep those conclusions to yourself.  

Then I make the mistake I've made forever in my life.  I just assume since I know all this stuff, everyone must know all this stuff.  That is a totally erroneous conclusion, and a serious error in judgement, especially when your conclusion is out of step with the narrative of the moment, and it boggles my mind  how many conservatives refuse to accept the fact voter fraud, a nationally organized massive conspiracy of voter fraud, is real, it's been going on for decades and it's going on right now.

Let's start with my, "old retired men's coffee klatsch group", that met at the McDonald's in the morning before they closed it to prevent a pandemic disaster from an affliction that had a 99.7% recovery rate, and it still isn't open for sit down customers.  

One morning one of the guys came in and announced regarding the 2020 election that "Trump is screwed".  I said stop believing in polls and look at the crowds.  Trump draws massive crowds and Biden draws crickets.  I then said the only way Biden will be elected is through voter fraud, and said I thought fraud was going to be massive in the 2020 election.

Everyone had either a look of surprise or a look of disbelief.  

So, the history book in me came out.  I said I've been closely following this trend since 2008 when Al Franken defeated Republican incumbent Norm Coleman by 312 votes.  Votes that kept appearing out of nowhere.  It amazes me how they can keep "finding" votes that seemingly disappeared.  Where did they go?  How did they disappear?  Why is it "found" votes always elect a Democrat?  

 Political Cartoons by AF Branco

Not to mention votes of people all over who aren't allowed to vote, like in Chicago where dead people have the right to vote, but there's one thing in common.   No matter where this is happening, these "found" votes are almost sure to be for Democrats, with a sprinkling for Republicans to make it look legit, except in Michigan were 138,000 votes miraculously appeared in the middle of the night and guess what.  They all, every one of them, voted for Biden.   A miracle!  Or maybe Scotty beamed them down from the Enterprise.  Oh, wait....that's fiction.....imagine that.  Even the Post Office "finds" them, two years later.

At any rate, I then went on to note voter fraud is how LBJ first got elected to Congress and how Kennedy was elected through voter fraud, all of which is now acknowledged as fact.   Everyone knew Kennedy was elected through fraud, and so too did Nixon, but he refused to challenge the vote because he feared it would be detrimental to the nation.  Another Nixon failure, since if he'd done it then perhaps that would have prevented what we're seeing today. 

The evidence of voter fraud for Biden being elected to be President of the United States is massive and overwhelming, and if the bugman can track this stuff how is it possible the media and political elements, on both sides of the aisle are incapable of it?  They're not, they're part of the problem.  

The 2020 Election Requires Believing the Unbelievable:

In order for anyone to believe Biden is a legitimately elected President of the United States you must believe all these anomalies are natural and normal coincidences.    That's simply not believable!  And there's no such thing as a conspiracy! Right?

What started this piece was this article about Pennsylvania.   Pennsylvania’s Department of State Has Sent Out 249,000 Ballots to Unverified Voters in 2022 Election, saying:

In Pennsylvania, the Department of State has allowed at least 249,000 unverified voters to receive mail-in ballots so far in the 2022 general election, due to an odd process for verifying the identity of those requesting mail-in ballots where people vote first and verify their identification later.

Pennsylvania has been a rotten fruit of voter fraud, and it appears nothing's changed.   Voter fraud is a rotten fruit that infected Arizona, California, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin, Texas, even in the military.  We're even seeing it taking place right now in Florida.  

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

According to Just The News:  “Ballot brokers typically work up to a year in advance, ” ..........So this has been going on for years in the Orlando area and, up until now, nobody did anything about it. It's coercive, illegal, anti-democratic, widespread, and slimy.  According to a 2020 GOP congressional investigation of ballot harvesting, the kinds of problems this largely illegal (outside California) practice, which is growing, is all about this kind of activity:

The article linked above shows just  how corrupt and coercive this has become, and it's real.   And the failure of the courts, especially the Supreme court has in effect institutionalized voter fraud in America, although we're now seeing some movement in the courts to change that.  

Here's my entire now it's time to review, so please pay attention!!!!!! 

 Voter Fraud: The Continuing Saga, Part III.  Here I list 20 of my articles dealing with this:

  1. The 2020 Election Requires Believing the Unbelievable 
  2. Church of Wokeness and Voter Fraud (Multiple links)
  3. P&D Today: Voter Fraud and Abounding Corruption Everywhere.  (December of 2021 with 66 links showing voter fraud.)
  4.  Voter Fraud and the Media  
  5. Texas: The Eyes of the World Are Upon You!  
  6. What Americans Are Up Against? Dolchstosslegende, American Style!
  7. Election Fraud Happened! If Proven it Happened, It's a Constitutional Crisis
  8. Texas: A Tale of Two Planets
  9. Republicans are Shocked, Shocked I Tell You!
  10. Biden and Harris Have Much to be Grateful For!
  11. The Five American Heroes From Ohio and the Boyd Principle! 
  12. The Vote, The Fraud, The Consequence! Part II
  13. Republican Leaders Really Are Oblivious to the Obvious! (Multiple Links)
  14. Voter Fraud and the Media 
  15. The Vote, The Fraud, The Consequence! (Multiple Links)
  16.  Voter Fraud: The Continuing Saga (Many Links)
  17. Voter Fraud: The Continuing Saga Update (243 Links) 
  18. This Election Really is Shaping Up to be a Nightmare.
  19. SCOTUS Has Failed. That Failure May Be An Opportunity!
  20.  Scotus: The Eyes of Justice Were Upon You. And You Failed!

That's followed by 275 links demonstrating the reality of that fraud, with some of my articles in that mix. So, let's make it a mere paltry 255 links.  Then there's my  starting with, Where Artificial Intelligence Can Expose Leftist Vote Fraud.

Voter fraud elected Biden, and Pennsylvania is going to attempt to do the same to elect Fetterman, and any other state where the numbers are close, and that's why the Democrats like early voting, that way they know how many votes need to "be found", and how many votes need to be shredded.



P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum (Everything is to be questioned)

 This Link will take you to My Commentaries.  This Link will take you to My Commentaries by topic.  This Link will take you to My Global Warming Commentaries

By Rich Kozlovich

It's almost mind boggling to think over 75% of Democrats, 35% of Independents, and 5% of Republicans think Biden is doing a good job.

The people in charge of the nation's money have no idea what they're doing.  Massive debt, unrestrained borrowing, massive spending, inflation at a 40 year high, a banking crisis, frozen housing market, de-dollarization abroad, massive corruption, massive government activity that's blatantly criminal, international political and social instability, and cryptocurrency.  Things aren't wonderful, and there's not one logical reason to be happy about it.

The Israel/Hamas War, the consequences of illegal immigrants being dumped on the streets of Northern "sanctuary cities and states", and the battle for Speaker of the House has caused an explosion of insight.  All of a sudden America is finding out everything conservatives have been saying is true....and they're shocked.....shocked I tell you.  

Climate change has been turned into a religion, the Church of the Warming Globe, and as more and more information becomes available, people are shocked to find this has been the second greatest scientific hoax ever perpetrated on humanity, with this blatantly political epidemic known as Covid running a close third.  Evolution is the first.  

America is on the cusp of disaster, economically, socially, culturally, and at some point, I think violently.  There are books out there that discuss historical cycles, and as all cycles, they repeat over and over again, and each and every one of them outline how the world is coming to the end of a cycle, and each of the end cycles end with economic disaster, and more often than not, a lot of violence.  

We're now at the end of a cycle, but much of that disaster can be avoided, but that will require guts, persistence, and the willingness of true leaders to be unliked and vilified rocks in the current forcing  America's "leaders" into fiscally responsible behavior.  That will be discussed in my Seldon Crisis commentaries. 



  1. This is Our Seldon Crisis, Part II  By Rich Kozlovich
  2. Hamas Is Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity  By Rich Kozlovich
  3. McCarthy is Done and Now, the Real Story Begins, Part VIII  By Rich Kozlovich
  4. Israel/Hamas War Series  By Rich Kozlovich
  5. Israel/HAMAS War Series  By Rich Kozlovich
  6. But They Had No Plan! Yes, Actually, They Did!  By Rich Kozlovich
  7. Academia is a Cavern of Darkness  By Rich Kozlovich
  8. The Sewer Trout of Academia  By Rich Kozlovich
  9. This is Our Seldon Crisis!  By Rich Kozlovich
  10. Biden Reality In Perspective. The Lunatics Are in Charge of the Asylum! Part II  By Rich Kozlovich
  1. The Connecticut Green Amendment after Held v. Montana  By CFACT
  2. Who’s Behind the Pro-Palestinian Protests?  Leesa K. Donner
  3. Critical Threats to Israel: Hamas Propaganda and the Press  Leesa K. Donner
  4. Pentagon CFO’s Chief of Staff Has Family Ties to Islamic Terrorism  By Daniel Greenfield
  5. Obama, Iran and the Road to Gaza  By Daniel Greenfield
  6. American Blood on Iranian Hands  By Daniel Greenfield
  7. Climate Scare Blown Up By Geology  By Tom Harris 
  8. Eyewitness Account: Health Effects of Industrial Wind Turbines  By Tom Harris
  9. Patriot Neighbors: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?  By Robin Itzler
  10. AOC Doesn’t Dictate What Is Best For Israel or America  Mychal Massie
  11. Do We Really Know That Human Greenhouse Gas Emissions Cause Significant Climate Change?  By Francis Menton
  12. The Concerned Household Electricity Consumers Council Has Petitioned The Supreme Court For Certiorari  By Francis Menton
  13. What Passes For A "Demonstration Project" Among Our Government Geniuses  By Francis Menton
  14. The 2023 Tax Hell Index  Dan Mitchell
  15. The 2023 International Tax Competitiveness Index  Dan Mitchell
  16. America's Top National Security Threat Is Our Runaway Debt My Stephen Moore
  17. Investors abandoning “green” energy as they realize it’s never going to be cheap By Jo Nova
  18. Are We Winning or Losing? By Jeffrey Tucker


Biden Consequence: America’s Existential Crisis, Deep State Corruption and Treason

  1. Federal Officials Collectively Silent on Sen. Kennedy’s Questions About Illegal Immigrants in the US
  2. A military dissent: Invisible Treason in America
  3. Dumb and dumber—Paying for our own destruction
  4.  Grassley: Over 40 FBI Confidential Sources Have Provided ‘Criminal Information’ on Bidens Since Joe Was VP

Climate:  The Second Greatest Scientific Fraud in World History

  1. Commentary: Climate Wokesters Find a New Way to Destroy Middle America
  2. The Current Republican Party No Longer Represents Me

Cost of Leftism

  1. Morris: Liberal Secular Jews Growing Disillusioned with the Left
  2. Viral Neo-Communism
  3. Billy Graham’s Christianity Today has been taken over by the radical Left

Democrat Demagoguery and Hypocrisy Go Hand in Hand

  1. Speaker Mike Johnson denigrated as an ‘election denier’ by the preeminent election deniers

Education in America is a Snare and a Racket

  1. Chicago’s Solution to Its Failing School System: Stop Grading Schools on Performance

Lawfare by Democrats is Banana Republican Political Persecution

  1. The Jenna Ellis Plea Deal: The Standard the Prosecutors Imposed on Her Was Impossible to Meet

Israel/HAMAS War Series

  1. Morris: Liberal Secular Jews Growing Disillusioned with the Left
  2. Major Left-Wing Nonprofit Funding Several Pro-Hamas Groups
  3. Explosive Journal report reveals an arms-smuggling route direct from Iran to ‘Palestinian’ terrorists… disguised as aid packages
  4. 'They are shooting at people': Terrorists block civilians trying to evacuate Gaza
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