By Rich Kozlovich / Tags: Academia, Education Education in America Has Become a Snare and a Racket, Fixing Education in America is Job One
For years I've stated the two groups mostly considered to be leaders are Ph.D.'s and military officers. But the fact is both got to the top by being part of the go along to get along crowd, and to the vast majority of them rowing against the tide, or being a rock in the current is totally alien to their thinking, or their character. But there are exceptions, and they pay a price. I've added her to the John Boyd Legion of Honor.
In 2019 I posted a link to this article, In Defense of Penn Law Professor Amy Wax, and to my surprise I got thousands of hits on this piece, saying:
The hard left doesn’t want to nominate another white male for president in 2020, or in the words of Politico, “a candidate that looks like Bernie or Joe.” In fact, according to most liberals, police departments would be better off with more nonwhites and fewer whites, as would fire departments, school districts, small businesses, Hollywood,Major League Baseball, U.S. Congress, and the Philadelphia Orchestra, to name a few places.
Whether this is ultimately true is debatable. What’s not is the fact that it’s perfectly okay to call for more diversity in America -- to publicly state things would be better off with more nonwhites and less whites.
Then back in 2022 this article appeared, Edunomics,
which I thought was a great article with a really dumb title,
discussing how academia has been totally corrupted with leftist dogma
totally destroying free speech. Amy Wax is at the heart of that
discussion saying:
The law school currently has her under review with the hope, it would appear, of taking away her tenure and then her job. Why is this occurring? Dr. Wax is doing what lawyers are taught to do: ask simple but hard questions, relying on facts that result in hard truths and more difficult questions. Dr. Wax has had the audacity to ask if bourgeois culture, which includes hard work, studiousness, delayed gratification, work, marriage, and having children in, rather than out of wedlock might be a good thing.
She has questioned if it is problematic that most black students in the Penn law school are at the bottom of their classes. She has had the nerve to suggest that some cultures might be superior to others. For asking these impertinent questions, the dean of the law school has her under review. Apparently, the principle of freedom of expression at Penn is good for me but not for thee. Wax has apparently crossed a “line,” transgressed “appropriate expression,” is a “racist” and a “white supremacist,” and she has yet to receive a “comprehensive and complete statement of all the charges lodged against her.” One can only describe the situation as Kafkaesque.
I published that piece and tagged these articles thinking her plight wouldn't be much of an issue down the road. That was a serious error in judgement, and since I had so many hits on the first piece, I should have known better!
Here we are again, The Amy Wax Inflection Point for 'Elite' Higher Education, saying:
Higher education has been a cesspool of anti-Americanism, censorious
leftism and cultural radicalism for longer than I have been alive. The
moral rot is, and always has been, particularly acute at Ivy League or
otherwise putatively "elite" institutions. The pro-Hamas "protests" that
have rocked university campuses since Oct. 7 are indicative.....
......there was the triumvirate of "elite" university presidents who testified before Congress last December that the permissibility of campus calls for the genocide of the Jewish people "depends on the context."......But perhaps the single biggest disgrace to rock academia in recent years has been the University of Pennsylvania's years long crusade against its own tenured law professor, Amy Wax.
It appears it's perfectly acceptable to promote the genocide of Jews in Academia, but to declare mass immigration and multiculturalism is destructive to America and state factually that "black students rarely finish in the top half of graduating law school classes" is totally unacceptable. Facts and history are anathema to leftists.
When you
consider that in one New York university it's been claimed about 90% of
the student freshmen needed remedial reading classes, it's clear
questions need to be raised. How does someone graduate from high
school and be incapable of reading? That alone justifies questioning a
lot about what's going on in education in America, including academia,
and make no mistake, culture is king, and if that's true, and it was
when Herodotus said it 2500 years ago, and it's still true today, then
the culture that molded these kid's performance, activity, and attitude,
must also be brought into question.
There's one thing abundantly clear, America's schools are failing to teach students fundamental skills. They can't read, they can't write, they can't work basic math. Then it must also be clear no matter how much money we're told to keep throwing at the teachers - teachers are failing to do their jobs. Ergo-----they're overpaid, underworked and need to be fired, starting at the administration level! If kids never learn to read why in the world would we think they're learning how to think? The socialist goal of making sure the apple falls as far away from the tree as possible is now a leftist success story - students are now too stupid to resist any stupidity the leftists promote.
In Chicago teachers are being told to pass migrant children irrespective of their performance. That's an outrageous abuse of these children. If they can't do the basics how are they be expected to succeed in society? Turn to crime? That's not a long term success story.
Here's what's acceptable to this corrupt cabal of so-called educators these days:
But for Amy Wax who calls into "question the academic ability of Black students" question the culture they represent, and invite Jared Taylor to speak in her classroom, who is being classified as a "white supremacist" saying, .... the country would be better off with fewer Asians and less Asian immigration, is unacceptable, and she must be punished.
Whether you agree with his views or not, that's not the issue. If academia can spew out all kinds of vile speech about Jews, whites, Christians, and traditional values in America, why should this be prohibited? Why should she be punished and none of these other academics vile views be found acceptable? Well, it's simple. Statistics are racist, and so for "two and a half years, a period spanning successive Penn Law deanships, Wax has been subject to a probe into her alleged wrongthink and misdeeds.", which as "made Penn a pariah among academic freedom advocates."
The judgment finally came this week: Penn Law suspended Wax for a year, reduced her pay for that year by 50%, permanently stripped her of her endowed chair and summer pay, and publicly reprimanded her. Interestingly.......Penn Law had previously offered Wax a settlement that would have lessened her penalty on the condition that she not "disparage the University," not sue Penn and not publicly disclose the exculpatory evidence she had presented during the years long probe. Translation: Shut your mouth and this problem will go away quickly.
One thing is clear, Amy Wax is one tough cookie, and I've no doubt there will be an lawsuit in the near future, and I've no doubt she will win, and there will be another article about this here in P&D.
Update 11:15 AM: This College Just Got an Anonymous $100 Million for Defending Free Speech. - A whopping $100 million donation from an anonymous benefactor found its way into the coffers of the University of Chicago this week, intended to help the university bolster free speech on campus following a case in which a student claims an academic tried to get him expelled over controversial remarks..........The gift comes after a high-profile case involving student Daniel Schmidt, who stated last year that a professor at the University of Chicago was trying to get him expelled for highlighting an anti-white class called “the problem of whiteness.” The professor claimed the student, who has tens of thousands of social media followers, was bullying her. Earlier this week, the president of the university said Schmidt was free to talk about controversial topics like race and IQ, as Schmidt has previously claimed low IQs are the reason "black people are murdering and mugging my classmates."
Let's try and get this right, no matter how many side bars are presented, this falls on Putin! He chose to attack. Having said that, while having compassion for the Ukrainian people, I don't care what happens to Ukraine as a nation.
This is a failure of Biden and his energy policies that funded this invasion, the stupidity of European leaders and their energy policies, and the stunning corruption of Ukrainian leadership who failed to proper fund arming themselves instead of funding their own bank accounts. But it was Putin who chose to make this a shooting war.
Ukraine's government was and is corrupt, and perhaps if they were allowed to have the election Zelenskyy prevented things might be different. Who knows, but either way, none of this is our fault, nor is it our responsibility.
We're throwing away billions on Ukraine, none of which the Biden administration tracked, nor would they allow it to be tracked, in order to support Europe. All of which is wasted money as Europe is a doomed spent force, and we no longer have skin in that game, and yet they're quibbling over millions for Israel where we really do have skin in that game. There's where the real enemy of western civilization is in play.
Will Putin use nukes? I put this in a 60/40 "no" category as he has a lot of dissent behind the scenes, and I'm still convinced there's a von Stauffenberg contingent in his military. If he attempts to use nukes, he could be out, and survival is his primary goal now, but he still can't let loose of this insane war HE started. When Caesar fails or appears weak, he's not Caesar much longer.
However, if he does use nukes will there be a European nuclear response? I'm 100 % convinced the answer is no. Does anyone really believe Europe is willing to sacrifice Warsaw, Berlin, Paris, and London in a nuclear exchange over Ukraine?
How will this end? I've been convinced Ukraine can't win simply because they don't have enough boots on the ground. Many have fled, and many resent Zelenskyy and his coterie. But Putin's coterie is so blatantly incompetent this has gone on shockingly long, and what we're seeing is the break out for the wars of the future. Drones and lasers.
Putin and Zelenskyy should both hope Trump is elected, as I think he will find a way to resolve this, with no one being happy, which should be the goal.
Long term consequences?
Russia is toast as a world shaker. They can't even manufacture the military hardware they need as they're buying military hardware from Iran and N. Korea. The EU will collapse, Russia and China will go broke, and the world will be facing what historians call a historical end cycle, which always involved massive economic downturns and violence before a new cycle begins.
Based on history, I'm not optimistic.
Definition Leads to Clarity
Let's take a minute to review terms that are thrown around that actually end up confusing the world about who and what these politicos are, and why they make the decisions that make.
Left, right, conservatives, liberals, and socialists, all are being used a lot to define characters around the world, and that's especially true of Europe after the recent elections, which has "the left" fearing "the right" is taking over. Well, that's not exactly the way things are.
When talking about classical liberals it should be realized they no longer exist, and in fact, Republicans come closest.
Truth be told, the only political party in America that knows what it believes are the Democrats. They know they hate America, Americans, capitalism, and the Constitution. Which explains why they support terrorists, criminals, illegal migration, high taxes, burdensome regulations, and the murder of the innocent unborn.
That's the world as I see it, and it ain't pretty.