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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Race Mongers Are Consistent Liars. So Why Are We Shocked When They Race Monger and Lie?

By Rich Kozlovich

Recently we're once again seeing accusations of "racism" by a spoiled black athlete, Tyreek Hill, because he was pulled over for speeding, and now according to Hill:

 ‘He Gotta Go, Man',..... “because in that instance right there, like not only did he treat me bad — you know what I’m saying — he also treated my teammates with disrespect. He had some crazy words towards them, and they ain’t even do nothing! Like, what did they do to you? They’re just walking on the sidewalk. So, I don’t know, bro. He gotta go, man, and [there are] not too many times that ‘Cheetah’ say people gotta go, but you? … Gone.”....(more here)...

Yessir, he was only pulled over because he was black, except the body cam footage tells a different tale.  He was pulled over for speeding, and he was cuffed because he acted like a privileged jerk. As  NBA star Jonathan Issac states, Tyreek Hill’s behavior showed black Americans how not to act. 

Here's the fact of the matter. When pulled over by the police, you do as your told, your shut your mouth and move on.  Can cops be jerks? Oh bet, and a lot of people have been confronted by jerk cops, of all races, but they're the cops, and if there's an issue, then there are procedures on how to handle it.  This unending claim of racism by miscreant blacks has worn out, except for race mongering jerks.

According to NAACP chapter President, blue lives don’t matter, promoting this kind of uncooperative behavior.  Behavior that's led to more tragic outcomes than being handcuffed.  

As the NAACP chapter president in Springfield, you deliver exactly the wrong message and as such you sir are part of the problem. After the shooting of two officers in Compton who were just sitting in their police car doing their job, I have had enough.

Remember four years ago when that study came out claiming white doctors were effectively killing black babies. It was a lie.  As the author points out:

Scientists finally re-analyzed the study and found that it was riddled with errors—but that didn’t matter then because it furthered the narrative.............Just because leftists say it’s a scientific study, that doesn’t mean it is. The funding goes to people who come out with results that advance the goals of pharmaceutical manufacturers and political activists. As the Free Black Thought warns, we owe it to ourselves and to society as a whole not to accept any study at face value unless we have an assurance that it’s passed replication and, if at all possible, reproducibility.

The racist lies are ubiquitous.   Science is riddled with revoked studies.  What to do about woke science journals that are filled with junk science, and worse yet, work to destroy valid science via censorship.  


Ricky Pearsall was murdered by a 17-year-old black.  However, it wasn't really murder, he was defending himself and I guess the gun he just happened to be carrying just accidentally went off during his act of thievery.  How do I know he was black.  Because his race was never mentioned in the articles, and generally that's a tell, because the media works to hide the crime rate in black America.  If it turns out I'm wrong, I'll apologize.  

These race mongering liars are fostering an uncontrollable society among black youth, and it's impacting everything in America, as student behavior is the real reason for teacher burnout.  As for low pay, that's a joke.

So what's the race mongering left wanting? Laws ‘specifically’ for black people, because they deserve it, and they want more, and forever.   America has devoted billions to black America over the last 60 years and for the most part, it's been wasted.  Start first by fixing black legitimacy, then there won't be a need to "help" these people, oh  but that's racist, and homophobic, because..... and get this....“Ideas about the superiority of the nuclear family are deeply connected to the origins of white supremacy . . . .”   White racism isn't the problem for black America, it's black racism, black culture, and leftist corruption of our culture. 

REVIEW: ‘Am I Racist?’ September 12, 2024 by Andrea Widburg A brilliant, laugh-out-loud exposé of the race hustling industry by a talented provocateur who never misses a beat and is delighted to embarrass those who deserve it......

There are three words that are among the most misused in America. Racism, discrimination, and prejudice.  

First, racism means hating, or at the very least, disliking people simply because they belong to a certain race.  Prejudice means to prejudge.  Discrimination means to decide what you like and dislike.   

I don't dislike people for their race, I dislike them for the way they act, and that obviates the idea of prejudgement.  Evaluation isn't prejudgement, and there's absolutely nothing wrong by discriminatorily saying, "I don't like that!"    

The response from the left?    

David Jolly: Scaring White America Is the ‘Ethos of Today’s Republican Party’..... “I can draw a direct thread to the words of Katie Britt in her response to the State of the Union. They were essentially black and brown people are coming into your white communities and you should be scared. She gave this speech about how terrifying it is to be a white woman because black and brown people might come into your neighborhood. This is not just this campaign strategy, the ethos of today’s Republican Party.”

Well, perhaps based on what we're seeing going on in Springfield Ohio, and the crime statistics of America as a whole, white people need to be scared, and if that's the ethos of the Republican party, I say thank you.   If any group represents all the things I dislike, I will happily make that judgement, and I don't care if they're black, it's about how they act. 

We call any bias against a race, racism.  Any bias against women is sexism.  But for some odd reason any expressed bias against white people is called humor.  Paraphrased quote by Warren Farrell

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