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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, September 21, 2024

The World's Nine Orders


By Rich Kozlovich

All geopolitics is predicated on four factors.  Geographics, demographics, economics, and that most exclusive factor of all, the happiness factor, and the happiness factor is seemingly incomprehensible to most of the world's leaders.  Why?   The masses just want security, and the world's leaders just don't care.  When they don't care, they don't understand, and they don't want to understand.

Yesterday this article appeared at American Thinker, From Cats and Geese to Kissinger’s ‘World Order’, with Christopher Chantrill outlining four foundational narratives according to Henry Kissinger, with whom I've never been impressed.  That started a train of thought in me as I thought......  just four?  Really?

Well, I guess you can organize and define all of this as one pleases, but I thought four was entirely too limiting, so, I came up with nine foundational narratives, i.e. nine orders that impact human existence, and truth be told, that number is open to debate.   

First.   There are these International organizations such as the United Nation (UN), which I consider a "Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy", the World Trade Organization (WTO), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, the

If we take a look around the world we find there are eight more foundational cultural systems that pretty much determine what goes on the in the world, and once we recognize and analyze that it becomes clear the concept of an organized "world order" is an impossible dream, and these international organizations are the "first" among the orders of our existence, and they're a disaster for humanity.   Follow the links to see why.

Second.  Let's take a look at China.  Their history is massive, and impressive, and while their nation is officially atheistic, it's foundational social paradigm is still predicated on Confucianism.  Chinese knew China was the center of the universe, and all they needed was China, and outside the current leadership's desire to control the rest of the world, that's not what the Chinese people want.  

They're spending enormous amounts of money on their military, but China's broke, and going more broke by the day.  They've just closed thousands of restaurants in China over economics. Central planning at it's worst, a Maoist economic philosophy that failed when Mao was alive, and will fail with Xi as China's Maoist emperor.

Like the old Soviet Union, they're not a natural capital generating nation, and there's every indication they're heading into an economic toilet just like the Soviet Union with Xi's Maoist economic thinking.  The sooner that happens the better off their world will be.   Like most leaders, the leadership in China hasn't a clue about what makes the people of China happy. 

Third. Islam has no concept of world peace until the world is converted to to Islam, preferably with the sword.  As a result, Islam has been at war with the rest of the world in varying degrees for almost 1500 years.   Any harmony that exists with Islam and any other nation or group in the world is never anything except temporary, and it only exists to allow Islam to reorganize and attack once again.  Also, there's no harmony within Islam.  

The foundational values of Islam are hate, greed, envy, lust, and violence.  And the only ones they hate more than kafir (non believers) are Muslims of different sects, as each sect considers the other sects heretics, and the Koran demands the death of heretics.   They're only powerful as long as oil is king, and that's subject to change, but only if the rest of the world has the will.  

They're a medieval tribal culture with modern communications, transportation, and weapons, all of which means they must be contained and isolated, as they cannot, and will not, be assimilated. 

Fourth. India is mostly Hindu, and their goal is to transcend reality into a higher plane, and truth be told, I find India and those who embrace this philosophy totally incomprehensible, and their culture amazingly complicated.   But they can be a force, and the key here is they're not going to embrace any of the other five orders, in any way except to potentially allow them to be a very small part of their culture, which also means they will play all sides against each other for their benefit.   Trusting them overmuch is irrational as India will never be a stable ally, and their internal social structure is extremely complicated.

Fifth.  Then there's the Russian order.  Russia's huge, and is a "hordesland" nation, meaning large armies could sweep over their land with ease as did the Mongols, and is the underlying social paradigm, or fear, for Russia as a nation, albeit that fear is now irrational as no one wants to attack Russia, certainly not any nation or group of nations in Europe.  And that social paradigm accepts they idea Russia can only survive by being controlled with absolute power, and that everyone in the world want's to destroy Russia, so all nations are Russia's enemies.   

One thing Russians developed as a result of being overrun by invading armies is patience.  They believe the tides of time, distance, and size are on their side, and will wait for the tide to change.  But like China, it's not a natural capital generating nation, and we now know, it's not the military bear we thought it was, and they're losing credibility as a world power daily. 

Sixth.  Europe, which Otto Von Bismarck once observed that America, unlike Europe, is a real nation, sharing the same language and culture.  Whereas Europe is nothing more than a geographical designation.  A geographic designation with at least 24 official languages, and more unofficial dialects, amounting to around 200 languages.  All with widely different cultural values.  The only biding force in Europe was Christianity, and they turned that into wars.  

The nations of Europe aren't real nations, they're a conglomeration of small Kingdoms, Dukedoms, etc, that were pushed together through peace treaties after some war or other over the centuries, and they've pretty much abandoned Christianity.  Now they believe in anything, everything, and nothing.   Europe can't even embrace a united Europe without disastrous results, as we're now seeing, let alone a united world.   Their embrace of uncontrolled immigration by Muslims will destroy them, so let's try and get this right.  Europe is a spent force, the EU is doomed, and their economic collapse is imminent.  

Seventh.  Africa, and it's a mess, it has aways been a mess, and it will always be a mess, speaking between 1500 and 2000 different languages, filled with terrifying religious movements and failed social paradigms.  There is no stability in Africa, even in the northern tier Muslim nations.   Given the corrupt lack of civil rights in these nations, and the lack of a stable rule of law, there can be no social order in which they'll fit.    As of 2023, there were, since 1950, approximately four hundred and ninety two attempted and/or successful coups around the world.  Two hundred and twenty of them were in Africa.  One hundred and nine of them were successful.  Africa is a bad investment.

Eighth.  Latin and South America are also a mess, and much of what's going on there is also unfixable, at least from outside sources.  Let's take Argentina.  Argentina in the early 20th century was one of the most economically successful nations on the planet could have been to model for the rest of South and Central America, except they embraced socialism and continued an viral downward economic swirl for over 100 years.  But that's now changing.  We'll come back to that.  

The geographic conditions of South America makes war extremely difficult and none of these nations have navies capable of Normandy style invasions.  Even the Northern Tier nations have geographic issues, and don't even have railroads that connect them together, and their mineral rich interiors are largely ignored because of their lack of capitalist thinking and social structure, along with unstable political structures.

The Union of South American Nations is a loser and gets nothing done.   As of 2021 of the 16 countries that make up South America, seven have either suspended or withdrawn their membership, and as far as I can tell there are only six active members.   As for taking action against Venezuela?  They couldn't even agree on who the Secretary General should be and at times the position went unfilled. And guess which country remains a member? Venezuela!

From Mexico to the tip of South America there's now only two nations overcoming the socialist plague that's been destroying them by the new President of Argentina and El Salvador, both of whom believe in capitalism.   In El Salvador  President Nayib Bukele, did a hard crackdown on crime, and the power of the criminal elements in South and Latin America is devastating, and most of these nations don't have the political capital to do the same.  

No matter what deals they make internationally – they will eventually have to look North, especially since it’s my belief the world is going to face a very large economic downturn within the next five years, possibly not for ten.   How fast and how deep will depend on the region, with China and Russia leading the downward trend, and all that international trade will become much more problematic – except to the North – to the United States, and from that point on the U.S. will dominate these societies economically, and if they embrace that it will be to their benefit!

Ninth.  America no longer shares a culture as it did in Bismarck's day, and America must get it's migrant situation under control, America needs to deport about 25 million aliens, illegal,  some legal, and some immigrants who need to have their citizenship revoked as a result of their anti American activities, some even involving espionage, criminal gangsterism, and obvious efforts at sedition.

For entirely too long Americans felt we could turn the rest of the world into America, or at the very least get them to embrace the American dream and the implement it in their nations.  That turned out to be stupid, but the reason for that is the intellectuals taught that and promoted it.  The facts are two fold.  We don't understand them and their historical social paradigms that were created over centuries, and they absolutely don't understand the American concepts of democracy and capitalism.   

Other than these international organizations and the United States, there's a singular thing all the other orders have in common.  For most of their  history they were all ruled by kings with absolute power, which is why we don't understand them, and they don't understand us.  These seven orders exist with social constructs that are antithetical to each other at foundational levels, and there will be no world order predicated on peaceful coexistence.   Most importantly we need to understand, no matter what we do they will always hate and resent America, and that's the thing we need to understand about them. 

However, there is one foundational truth we need to embrace.  They need us, and we don't need them.  America is a natural capital generating nation, and unlike all these other orders we can feed ourselves, arm ourselves, defend ourselves, fuel ourselves, create our own internal commercial market, and we're capable of paying off our national debt.   

It's time we picked up our marbles and went home, and let them all crash.  Then there will either be a world in chaos, or they'll come to their senses, stop causing trouble and just take care of their people. I'm thinking they'll pick chaos.  Why? Because according to historians we're coming the end of a historical cycle, and all end cycles have massive economic downturns and are rife with violence.  History tells the tale, and often times it's not a pretty story, and then a new cycle begins.   Sadly, those kind of crashes are the fix. 


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