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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Ohio Senate Race, Part IV

By Rich Kozlovich

This is the last in this series, here is Part I, Part II, Part III, and this piece by Sean Moran with updates.   I've been saving articles for Part IV since March for an October article, but, this is close enough.

Brown's campaign is much like the Democrat campaigns all over the nation, hatred for Republicans, conservatives and abject and unrestricted support for murdering the innocent unborn.... abortion, which Brown focuses on with ads, irritating ads.  

He was also focusing on claims about reducing medical costs, and that must not have carried much weight, so now he's claiming Moreno is so corrupt he can't be trusted.  Moreno claims these attacks are a last resort to avoid having to deal with Browns record which is abysmal, as his voted 98% in support of Biden's programs. 

Now that last part's all true.

It's also been reported Brown accepted donations from dead woman.  Was that a one off that could have easily gone unnoticed by Brown and his staff, or is that a pattern?  There are other fund raising issues and claims that have come to the fore giving credence to the claim his campaign is built on lies. 

Is Moreno as corrupt as Brown claims?  I've tried to look up all the claims regarding lawsuits, and judgements, and I can't tell how valid any of that is.  But how can someone be as  corrupt as Brown claims and not end up in jail?  Unless of course that person's a Democrat.  And as we've seen, the courts have been corrupted and are part of the leftist strategy of destroying the rule of law and making the courts political catspaws of the leftist tyranny.  Is that what happened with Moreno?  I have no idea!

Brown never mentions his support of climate change, gender changing issues for children, unbridled illegal immigration, outrageous spending and borrowing, crime, and pushing America into another pointless ground war. 

So, where does that leave us?  There are only two candidates, and one of them has a record that really is a far left, radical, destructive mess making him totally unacceptable, not to mention scary.  

Discover the Networks, for those who aren't aware of it, is an amazing source and here's what they have to say about Sherrod Brown.

The other stands for America first, border security, ending lawfare, prevent court stacking, purge the deep state, and attacking the drug cartels, and typically conservative.   Perhaps Ohio needs to give the new guy a shot, since the old guy really is rotten.

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