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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Will the Real Tim Walz Please Stand Up!

By Rich Kozlovich
Yesterday I published this piece on Walz's stolen honor, entitled, Duty, Honor, Integrity, Valor!, but that's just the tip of the iceberg of the character of Tim Walz, and that character isn't pretty.  So let's explore the other issues surrounding Walz in order to find out who the real Tim Walz truly is.  The one they're trying to whitewash, or the one who has a track record that's despicable?

The Democrat party VP pick process by the Kamala and her cabal was a mess, and since it was Eric Holder who was allegedly in charge of that effort, we shouldn't be surprised.  Far left, and big on dumb.   And Katie Pavlich says, look who's taking credit for Kamala's VP Pick.  The Democrat Socialists of America

There's a ton of dirt on Walz, some of which I'm going to cover today, and it's not going over well with Americans, and seemingly not with Democrats either.  While I don't believe in polls, this one is really startling, as it claims only 17% of Americans have a positive view of her choice.....that's a lot of Democrat discontent. 

Harris and Walz Go for Mainstream - These two radicals hope to fool America into thinking they’re reasonable.

Of course Nancy Pelosi, with her sharp intellect and uncanny rational grasp of reality assures us that Tim Walz, Kamala's radical leftist pick, is right "down the middle” of America, in spite of his view that the red states are nothing by rocks and cows.  Kinda like a Hillary's "deplorables", a slap in the face of vast numbers of Americans whose votes she needed, and didn't get.  While Minnesota isn't a "Red State" it is a sparsely populated agricultural state....full of cows and rocks.  Is that what he thinks of Minnesota also?

Then there's that brilliant political mind, that amazing reincarnation of RFK, Beto O'Rourke.  He told another mega mind, Jen Psaki, Texas could possibly be in play because... and get this.... because Harris and Walz are creating so much excitement the Democrats are filled with joy, and "electricity moving through the system."  So much so he thinks they have the ability to impact the down ticket so much they're going to take back the House of Representatives.  And of course, Jen was pleased as punch.   I wonder what he knows?  Is he in the voter fraud underground movement and has the inside track on their efforts?  Just a thought. 

But in spite of being called a coward by his military comrades, Bloomberg writer, Francis Wilkinson, claims “Tim Walz’s Masculinity Is Terrifying to Republicans",  as he's a Democrat gun hunting horse back riding Ronald Reagan.  Remarkable!!!! 

Well, over at American Thinker, where the word think actually means what says, Olivia Murray, says Walz’s alleged ‘traditional masculinity’ isn't a threat to Republicans and "In fact it’s the exact opposite—we despise him for lacking it."....... "So he totes a gun and wears camo? That’s called a costume, and it’s that charade that disgusts us." And that's the mild part of her commentary.  


Spencer Brown reports that  Tim Walz is anything but ‘Minnesota Nice’ saying: Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, now Kamala Harris’ running mate, is a harmless, folksy midwestern fella — according to breathless mainstream media coverage. To millions of Minnesotans, however, Gov. Walz and his alleged normal-guy leadership has been a big government disaster. Beyond growing questions about Walz’s military record — which he should answer with definitive proof or apologize for such disqualifying lies — the governor of the North Star State (frozen homeland of this writer) has a radical record he needs to explain.....

Minnesota Gov. Walz bans police training for 'excited delirium' - By Eric Utter June 8, 2024 -  According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, also known as the New World’s Pravda, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has signed a law prohibiting training for licensed police officers on “excited delirium.”You may well be asking yourself, “Say what?”Star Tribune: “Excited delirium usually refers to a person possessed by a potentially deadly form of agitation, sometimes abetted by drug abuse, and displaying aggressive behavior, profuse sweating, public nudity, mouth foaming and superhuman strength.”

Democrats Go Long on ‘Tampon Tim’ and Transing the Kids - Leftists are horrified that people might find it stupid to stock boys’ bathrooms with menstrual products.....

Minnesota, which has voted for these leftist nitwits for 50 years, but perhaps Minnesota isn't that pleases with Walz either.  

Minnesota House Minority Leader Lisa Demuth (R) called Kamala Harris and Tim Walz "the most extreme ticket in recent presidential history." She took Walz apart. 

Gov. Walz likes to tout his legislative achievements from the past two years of one-party Democratic control, but voters need to know the real story. The last two years featured some of the most extreme and irresponsible policies we’ve ever seen in our state: $10 billion dollars in tax increases, an unsustainable and unaffordable 40 percent increase in state spending, New fees on your online orders, massive cost increases for your Uber and Lyft rides, expensive and extreme energy mandates that will drive up the electric bills for you and your family, and even a gas tax increase that goes up automatically every single year!

She also pointed out among other things that Walz signed a bill "to give illegal immigrants free tuition, drivers licenses, and even health benefits, making Minnesota a magnet for illegal immigration" and let the BLM riots in 2020 get out of control, that resulted in all kinds of injuries, even deaths, and millions in damages before he was "forced to respond."

Then we have this bit of leftist brilliance,  ‘One Person’s Socialism Is Another Person’s Neighborliness’! Which Andrea Widburg says:

Tim Walz is the Id of the Democrat party, an open advocate for socialism and everything that comes with it: socialized medicine, an essentially nationalized economy, the end of the hydrocarbon usage that makes the modern world possible, a feminized military, a pro-Iranian foreign policy, a war on sexual norms and (by extension) on children, unlimited abortion, and racism. Always, always racism, including a drive to re-segregate America after all the efforts we made to desegregate it. That last point makes it incredibly ironic that one of Walz’s newly famous statements about socialism echoes South Africa’s “Architect of Apartheid.”.......

And he calls Trump a fascist who is a threat to Democracy, and yet supports Biden-Harris’s big 3 gun control policies. There's a reason for this old maxim: "You can vote into Socialism, but have to shoot your way out." 

Update, 8/14/24: Minnesota Grandma Jailed Over COVID Lockdown Warns Walz ‘Will Take Your Rights Away’ - A Minnesota grandma and former business owner who was jailed for defying lockdown orders during the coronavirus pandemic warned that Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) “will take” Americans “rights away.” In an interview with Fox News, Lisa Hanson, who owned the Interchange Wine & Coffee Bistro in Albert Lea, explained how after watching Walz allow businesses such as “big-box stores” to reopen while keeping “mom-and-pop” businesses shuttered, she decided to defy the lockdown orders and ended up serving a 60-day jail sentence and receiving a $1,000 fine.........


Why didn't Kamala's cabal pick Democrat Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-PA) for her running mate.  Well, here's one answer.  It was claimed a poll showed he wouldn't have helped her win the election, in spite of the fact he has a 77% approval rating in Pennsylvania.  Polls are really to be trusted....right?  

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, who you might think would be the logical pick for a couple of reasons: he could help the race in Pennsylvania -- which Harris has to win to have any chance -- and he is more moderate, so that could help Harris seem more moderate.

Oh, no!  No moderates in the party representing "democracy" in America.  Or, then again, there's this possibility, just a shot in the dark mind you, but it's possibly.....just possible mind you..... there's are real stench of antisemitism controlling them party, and Kamala is an antisemite.  Both she and the party wanted a like mind as her running mate.  The fact of the matter is Harris and Walz deserve each other, as "Walz’s political career reveals the true him. Timidity and pandering are the hallmarks of his governorship."

Just a guess or course, but it does seem to be a strange coincidence she met with pro-Hamas activists at the disastrous Detroit rally where she made the announcement.   Does that seem telling to anyone except me?  Or you really believe there are coincidences in politics? 

After all, Shapiro may have embraced totally unacceptably favorable views about Israel's continued existence.  Imagine that.  Not to mention he's entirely too Jewish. Can't have that in a party that's younger members are getting more extreme by the day, and part of their extremism is the level of antisemitism they've embraced, which isn't inert or passive.

There are those who claim Jews are a spent political force with the Democrats, as Harris caters to Muslims in Michigan promoting an arms embargo to Israel, and Walz plays footsie with Hamas, and praised a Hitler supporting Imam as ‘Master Teacher’.   Nothing scary there....right?  What could possibly go wrong? 

Update, 8/14/24: News of Tim Walz Hosting Pro-Hitler Imam Gets Worse With Unearthed Footage - This article has been updated to include how even CNN has covered the scandal involving Walz and Imam Zaman. Last Friday, days after he was selected as Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate, it was reported that Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) had hosted Asad Zaman, an imam who spoke out against Israel on October 7 and shared pro-Hitler propaganda. While the Harris-Walz campaign claimed that Walz had no personal relationship with Zaman, a new report is out showing otherwise..........

Yet, what will we find after the election?   We're going to find America's Jews will still vote for the defenestration of Israel, and their continued abuse here in America.   Jews are arguably the smartest people on the planet.  They've also been the most successful ethnic group in history, in spite of the fact they've been abused, discriminated against, decimated, and done so for thousands of years.  I keep asking, how can they be so stupid?

China Connection

There's a China connection with Tim Walz, and it's one I don't understand, and it's a connection I think should be explored, and we'll come back to the issue of George Floyd.

Was Teacher in China at time of Tiananmen Square…Walz is also likely to come under fire from the right for two culture war issues he found himself in the middle of: expanding vaccinations across the state during the Covid-19 pandemic, and dealing with the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd, a Black man whose death at the hands of police sparked nationwide protests

Exclusive: Seven Troubling Tim Walz Connections to Communist China - Minnesota Governor and Vice-Presidential hopeful Tim Walz has an abnormal relationship with China. “No matter how long I live, I will never be treated that well again…it was an excellent experience,” Walz said upon his return from the first of many trips there. Walz claims that his Chinese hosts lavished him with “more gifts than I could bring home.”

Update, 8/14/24, 4:00 PM: I had stated in the article there was something odd about his China connection that I didn't understand, but it should be investigated. Well, apparently that was done, and guess what, if true, it ain't pretty and in my mind constitutes treason and potentially spying.  Schweizer: Tiananmen Tim Tied to CCP ‘Secret Police Stations’ in USA  Kidnap Critics of CommunistsTies between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) are becoming more alarming, with Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer revealing that the VP hopeful is connected to “secret police stations that the Chinese have here in the United States.” During Schweizer’s latest appearance on Breitbart News Daily, Walz was accused of being connected to a group called Minnesota Global that is allegedly tied to a secret Chinese police station in the Twin Cities:..........


  • Judged Warned Tim Walz to Stop Lying About $250 Million Fraud by Somalis - Ramsey County District Court Judge John Guthmann in 2022 admonished Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) for making “inaccurate” and “false” statements in claiming he forced the governor to continue making payments to the scandal-ridden Feeding Our Future nonprofit, which is at the center of a scheme to steal $250 million from a coronavirus-era welfare program.
  • Past DUI Arrest Continues to Hound After Conflicting Claims - Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D), who emerged Tuesday as Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate, will likely face new scrutiny over a 1995 DUI arrest after court records emerged to suggest he had misled the public about the case.  Walz, who was living in Nebraska at the time, was pulled over for drunk driving. He eventually reached a plea deal and admitted to reckless driving. The issue surfaced in later political campaigns, but Walz said he had not been drunk......
  • Update, 8/15/24: CNN Hits Walz for False Claims About DUI Arrest in 1995 -CNN reported Thursday that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s 2006 congressional campaign lied about his arrest for driving under the influence (DUI) in 1995.... 
Wow!  And this was covered by CNN?  That goes to show that even a blind monkey can find a coconut once in a while, or then again, perhaps because they're going out of business if things keep going as they are CNN is trying to create a new image?  Nah, this is an anomaly, and even if it isn't nothing will save them.
Have no doubt, the riot the burned Minneapolis over the death of George Floyd, who was a thug, and he wasn’t murdered, falls right in the lap of Tim Walz, who would happily allow that to the rest of America, with support from Kamala and the Democrat party. 
There's so many things wrong with this man.  Unfettered immigration is national suicide, and he supports it.  Freedom of speech is the guarantor of a free society, he's against it.  Race hustling is destroying the fabric of America, he supports it.  Climate change, formally global warming until warming pattern stopped 25 years ago, is the greatest scientific fraud perpetrated on humanity since the Theory of Evolution, followed closely by the covid tyranny. 
We own illegal aliens a ‘debt of gratitude’. As  Olivia Murray says: Only a progressive Democrat would argue that inferior cultures, rape, and murder are something for which to be thankful.
To understand how extreme Walz’s leftism is, look at his take on the First Amendment August 8, 2024 by Andrea Widburg As is typical for all totalitarians, he wants to police “wrongthink” that challenges government power. 

Global Warming
  • Walz’ Climate Record Should Sound Alarms for American Energy Security - If mad scientists went to a secret lab to create a climate clone of Kamala Harris on energy policy, they’d be thrilled if the new handiwork ended up looking – and acting – like Tim Walz.......wants to decarbonize his state.......He signed a 100 percent carbon-free electrical standard by 2040, and tied his state’s emission standards to California’s. He did so despite the fact that nearly 70 percent of Minnesota’s current energy mix comes from traditional energy sources.  Now, Tim Walz wants to be your next Vice President, and bring those ideals to America at large......
  • Doubling down on climate dogma as Kamala Harris chooses Walz as sidekick  - Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, chose her successor, Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota, now serving his second term in the Gopher State.The climate religion is more rampant than ever in one of the two major political parties in the U.S., and no apostates are allowed. In that sense, any of the names considered by Ms. Harris would have been an on-the-record devotee to the issue. If you are all in on the climate agenda, you will not be disappointed with Gov. Walz as Vice President. America, beware. We warned in 2020, and we do so again.
  • Governor Tim Walz is a net-zero zealot - “Climate change impacts lives and livelihoods in every corner of our state…Minnesota will continue to lead the way in combatting climate change, and we’ll create clean energy jobs in the process. This bill is an essential investment in our future that will continue to pay off for generations to come.” ......
Identity Politics - Bad for America, But Good for Democrats  - With history as our guide, if the elections were held today on a scale from 1 to 100, the Democrats would already have a 9 to 1 lead over former President Donald Trump. In our model, 10% would represent the Black vote and 90% would be the non-Black (predominately white) vote. This is not based on issues or records but solely on identity politics. Can this change?............
Update, 8/14/24:  
  • Walz Slammed for ‘Hesitating’ to Send in Guard as His Daughter Tipped Off Rioters via Social Media  - "To be clear, the national guard will not be present tonight."  Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey was critical of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s response to the unrest in his city in May 2020, saying later that year that the governor hesitated to send the National Guard as the city burned in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death. Frey spoke out about Walz’s response during an August 2020 interview with the Star Tribune, telling the outlet his office made multiple dire requests for National Guard resources to the governor that were not granted until after the city was forced to abandon a besieged police precinct ........... According to the Senate committee report, around the same time the National Guard was being mobilized and starting to arrive in Minneapolis, the governor’s daughter, Hope Walz, was given “access” to “confidential information that she then disseminated to the general public and rioters
It appears the entire Walz family suffers from a serious case of "weird".
Tim Walz Signed Law to Strip Children of Parental Protections - Gov. Tim Walz signed a law that strips parental protections from out-of-state teenagers and children who claim to want irreversible transgender medical treatment in Minnesota. He also signed laws that install tampon-dispensing machines in K-12 schools to broadcast the state’s claim that teenage girls can choose their legal sex, and also a law that allows pedophilia to be someday legally protected under existing state anti-discrimination laws.............

The Democrats latest meme is that Republicans are "weird", really weird.  But the fact is with the exception of now disgraced RINO's, the Democrats almost have a monopoly on weird, and the 'Chief Weirdo is Tim Walz'.

 And Donald Trump says, ‘THANK YOU!’ to Kamala Harris 

  • Discover the Networks has this history of Tim Walz.  It's extensive, and it's not pretty.  There is not one corrosive, destructive, and far left Anti-America theme he's not embraced, including giving nuclear arms to Iran. Here,  The Real Tim Walz 

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