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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, August 29, 2024

If Walz is Talking, He's Lying

 By Rich Kozlovich 


This is from my files.  On May 5, 2014 Edward Acosta published a piece in Patriot Update, which I can't link since that site apparently no longer exists saying:

When it comes to matters of government policy and public affairs, one lie is unacceptable, two lies is a slap in the face and three lies is just plain Machiavellian! For devious behavior, the liar should be publicly taken to task. In other words, if it is illegal to lie to our government, it should be illegal for them to lie to us...... as the saying goes regarding deception, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

Well, Timmy is just brimming with deception, and if by now the Democrats haven't evoked the Eagleton affair over all that's come out, it's not going to happen, and I think it's for two reasons.  I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that.  Here's where we are from my commentaries up until now.

All that is a pretty condemnatory, but there's more! Never fear, with Walz, the hits just keep right on coming.  

Yesterday I published this piece by Daniel Greenfield, where a party spokesman Says Walz’s Lies Make Him Authentic.  Authentic!  Really?  So then, lying is the definition for realty?  Did I get that right?  In fact, it appears his entire history a bit of a lie, which Daniel goes on to list.  Paraphrasing his snarky conclusion, here's how the Democrats see this: 

Gov. Walz doesn’t make stuff up because he lies a lot, but because he’s an ordinary person and like most ordinary people speaks off the cuff.  You see lying is the way real people speak and not like a politician.   Which of course means his behavior is not that of a pathological liar, but that of a regular guy, just one of the boys.  The more he lies, the more he demonstrates his authenticity, and the less his relationship is with the truth, the more reason we should trust him.

Now who could possibly find fault with that?  Right?  So, now that we've cleared all this up, let's just see what have been appearing in the news about just how authentic Walz has been in the last few days.  

Walz Is a Pathological Liar- "Over the last few weeks, as corrects and fact checks roll in, I've wondered whether Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has ever told the truth about anything at all.  We know that he's lied about his military service.........We know he lied brazenly about his DUI...........  We know he even stooped to lying about how his two children were conceived, making up a false story in furtherance of an already-deceitful attack against JD Vance......... As Rebecca noted over the weekend, here's yet another incident along this theme."

Tim Walz claimed he won an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce "for participating in a Harvard-affiliated teacher-exchange program with China".  Not only did he lie about the award, but it appears there is no such program originating from Harvard, which stirs some interesting questions.   

What we're seeing is another day and another lie, but he was in China and it now appears Walz was groomed by the Chinese Communist Party.  Which bodes well the question: Who funded his educational efforts?  This is now under question, more here on that.  

He brought hundreds of Chinese students here, in the name of student exchanges, along with "lots of copies of Mao’s Little Red Book", telling the Americans going there to avoid acting like Americans because China is wonderful place to live, and everyone is the same, unless you're someone which the Chinese Communist Party disapproves.  Then you're eligible for organ transplants.   As donors.

As time goes by it appears the more things change, the more they stay the same.  In 2016 Patricia McCarthy posted this article, The Vast Cognitive Gulf between the Left and the Right, saying:

Is there a neurological or psychological reason that explains the left's complete meltdown at losing an election..... a vast number of angry voters on the Left have become unhinged, delusional, depressed.  And they act out, like spoiled children when they do not get the toy they want.  Many of our elite media left remain, like Ken Burns, in a "fetal position.".......
The Left will produce countless "studies" that "show" they have bigger brains, are a more advanced species and that conservatives are truly mentally impaired......Nothing makes them feel better than demeaning their ideological opponents on pseudo-intellectual grounds..........the self-appointed morally superior Left that is behind the tyrannies of multiculturalism, political correctness, a genderless society, man-made global warming, the promotion of homosexuality and gay marriage, the crusade against all religions but Islam.....loved Castro, and Stalin and Mao -- they still do........ 
There is a huge disconnect between how the Left and the Right see the world, America, and people, especially those who do not embrace the same rigid anti-values they do.......
So, as we watch the Walz story playing out it becomes clear why the Democrat party isn't upset at his character insisting he be replaced with someone worthy, as they did Thomas Eagleton.  I think there are  two reasons.  First they don't believe it matters.  Secondly, and most importantly, he's them! 

Finally, the long and short of it, Tim Walz is the Democrat's gift to the Republicans that keeps on giving, and the hits just keep right on coming.

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