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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Big Government and Big Business: Corruption That Can Be Fixed!

Definition leads to clarity. Clarity lead to understanding.  Understanding leads to good decision making. 

By Rich Kozlovich

It's long overdue for the nation to define what our massive and intrusive government has wrought on the nation.  If the founders were alive, they'd be aghast at the corruption and collusion between powerful entities in what can only be called an anti Constitution cabal.  Some might even call it treason.

 On August 14, 2024 J.B. Shurk published this article, Deep State Plutocrats Have Nowhere to Hide saying: 

The worst mistake the Deep State ever made was to turn conservatives against Big Business.  Traditionally, fighting corporate power was the purview of the political left.  Conservatives have generally backed “free markets” because they despise socialism’s predilection for choosing economic winners and losers.  Conservative voters have long seen government regulation as more of a threat than Wall Street wheeling and dealing.  

He went on to say:

Times are changing, though.  Over the last forty years, middle-class Americans who put their faith in “free markets” have gotten smacked upside the head by corporate interests time and again.  The savings and loan scandal, pension scams, derivatives-juiced market crashes, the housing collapse, the offshoring of good jobs, tech bubbles, predatory lending, reverse mortgages, and countless other corporate schemes have left working-class Americans in dire straits.  All of these various gut punches have produced a kind of “awakening” among “live free or die” Americans: “free markets” are an illusion, and the economic game is rigged.

He also makes this cogent observation:

  The president and Congress are nothing more than the organ grinder’s dancing monkey — there to distract the public while doing the bidding of those with real power.  When their influence extends to international institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, or the World Bank, we call these Deep State shell games the “rules-based international order.”  It is all farce. 

No wonder the plutocrats call President Trump an “authoritarian.”  He wants to be president, rather than play president.  He’s a direct threat to their unaccountable and unconstitutional Deep State.  And now that they’ve exposed themselves, there is nowhere left for them to hide.

I'm now a retired former owner of a pest control company, and I was heavily involved in my industry's affairs serving actively on four industry trade association boards in my state.

One of the things I tell owners is if they don't involve themselves in their industry's trade association, they don't have a clue what's going on, and one of the things one learns is there's a serious difference in the views of small business owners and large corporations.  

Large corporate entities like regulations and taxes because it impacts small business owners far more than large corporations, helping to eliminate competition, and that goes back in America to 1791 with the passage of the Whiskey Act. 

The tendency to think large corporations are fundamentally conservative in their values and business philosophy is a serious error in judgement. As allies I found the chemical manufacturers to be best... leaky vessels, appeasers who threw us under the bus regularly to appease activists in and out of government, especially the activists who infest the EPA bureaucracy.  These large corporations even corrupt the trade associations that were created to protect their industry, many times turning them into catspaws for big government intrusion and abuse.   And that's true for all industries, especially the legal profession in this nation with the bar associations being not much more than kangaroo courts trying to destroy anyone who's not on board with leftist insanity, and the has some issues that should concern everyone. 

If we want a fix, we must heavily purge the federal bureaucracy, and the recent SCOTUS helps to do that, including eliminating entire departments such as the Department of Education, another Jimmy Carter disaster, which is what Trump wants to do because it has wasted billions of dollars failing to properly educate American children, to the tune of over 260 billion dollar in 2021 alone.  The court may wish to undertake eliminating another unconstitutional decision called the

Personally, I think a really good start would be the elimination of the EPA. Here's my now passed friend Dr. Jay Lehr's five year plan to do so.   Jay undertook this effort because he was one of the founders of EPA and said it hasn't done anything worthwhile since 1980.

As a side bar, recently Trump and Musk had a sit down discussion that just about broke the internet, one the left on both sides of the pond demanded not be shown by the way, because they want to "save democracy".   Imagine that.

Musk is all into this global warming idiocy, and Trump made it clear he wasn't.  When Trump abandoned the Paris Treaty on climate change the White House called Jay and said the President decided to take his advice on that.  Here's my

If failure to perform is the criteria for eliminating Departments, bureaus, agencies, etc., then it's my view we can dump over 80% of the federal government, and the only consequence is we'll save an enormous amount of money.  No one could possibly convince me the nation needs 438 agencies and sub-agencies in the federal government.  We need to "massively" cut their funding in the budget.  

One of the readers named Eric commented saying, and I think he said it well, from my perspective, the corporations seem to be in the same boat that every western nations finds itself in. Western governments are NO LONGER acting in the best interests of their nations or its inhabitants and corporations seem to be doing the same. Their blanket support for the left’s political parties/policies/social agendas etc isn’t in the best interests of the corporations or its shareholders. In fact, in most cases, it’s directly the opposite.

The government mandated EV transition is destroying the automobile industry. Pushing Woke nonsense has destroyed seemingly unstoppable corporate behemoths like Disney & Bud Light and alienated the consumer base of countless more. Soft on crime policies are destroying brick/mortar business throughout America and costing corporations billions in “shrinkage.” 

Social media’s efforts to censor us on behalf of the USG, has made them enemies of the people. The mainstream news media’s decision to ONLY push propaganda, cover up government crimes/corruption, lie, gaslight etc has practically bankrupted the whole industry- WaPo, NYT, CNN, MSNBC etc have all become a shell of their former self.

Which brings us to the heart of the matter:

  1. If western civilization and its major corporations are no longer operating in their best interests, whose interests are they operating in? 
  2. When corporations (almost universally) stop pursuing profits, are they still capitalist in nature?

The sooner the people charged with managing our countries and corporations we’ve founded are forced to answer these questions, the sooner the madness ends.

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