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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

It Was Day 17, And The Secret Service Still Knew Nothing

By Rich Kozlovich

I watched the Senate hearings over the Secret Service's Trump Assassination failures with the new temporary director, Ronald Rowe, (I think "temporary" is the operative word for this guy.) who testified aggressively when it became obvious he was stalling in what clearly seemed to be an effort cover up .... something ...., especially his involvement in this whole affair.   The Senate was in no mood for that claptrap, and they attacked him, vigorously.  

I watched his song and dance with him in effect saying, yeah we screwed up, but we don't know anything yet, but we're really working hard to find out why.  I kept thinking, it's been 17 days, how can you know nothing?  Especially since private citizens were offering more information than the Secret Service.  

Well, it's getting worse by the day.  It's claimed Kimberly Cheatle lied to Congress, and contemptuously refused to answer questions and was forced to resign.  If Trump is elected, this won't be the last time she's called in for questioning, possibly by an aggressive new Attorney General who really believes "no one is above the law", and that includes Rowe as it's being claimed they both lied under oath to Congress.   Not to mention Cheatle's involvement in wanting to destroy the evidence involving the White House Biden cocaine-gate fiasco claiming one of the most secure residences in the world, with a massive surveillance infrastructure, and yet they couldn’t know who was responsible?  It was because they didn't want to know.

As for Rowe, assuming the whistle blowers testimony pans out, then Rowe did lie to Congress saying he had nothing to do with restricting protection for Trump, when in reality "he did exactly that over the past two years".  

The attempt to blame the Butler County police force is now backfiring on both of them.  It's come out the SS did nothing to establish a line of communication with the local police before hand, and there was none with government snipers, and the "most vital communications were made using texts over an overloaded cell phone network", even though local police offered both compatible radios and drones.  Both were refused, and not everyone was even on the same frequency.  Why?

It's also  being reported:

"To date, according to the spokesman for the local police, they’ve yet to be contacted by the Secret Service or the FBI.  It's been three weeks and no one has yet interviewed the local police who were there that day!  It seems like no one is really investigating."

Now the icing on the cake!  The least credible agency, the FBI, will be in charge of the investigation.  

We still have old questions and new questions that need answering.

  1. Why is it no one has been suspended or fired?
  2. Why is there so little information about the shooter?
  3. Why is the crime scene not taped off?
  4. How did a kid with no military experience get the better of the Secret Service?
  5. How did his rifle end up eight feet away from his body?
  6. Civilians alerted law enforcement there was man with the gun, why were they ignored?

We've entered a period of insanity, where J6 people are subjected to unconstitutional punishments and yet this administration can work a deal with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, "the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks", to let him out of prison.  Public outcry ended that.

The world is aflame, and instability reigns all over the world, for which the Obama/Biden/Harris regime bears a large degree of responsibility, and they're hard at work attempting to install a post Constitution authoritarian government here in the United States by overturning the Constitution, and befouling the nation with corrupt officials like Kimberly Cheatle and Ronald Rowe. 

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