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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, August 19, 2024

Education in America is a Dark Hole of Ignorance and Corruption


By Rich Kozlovich

Equal justice under the law is a constitutional principle.  No one, whether they're elected officials, citizens, or institutions, no matter how important or powerful, should be above the law.  Yet what we're seeing is the ruling class doing everything possible to cover up its corruption and criminal behavior, even using the the Department of Justice to target constitutional conservatives because they threaten their continued criminal behavior and their radical agenda to destroy America. 

The FBI's targeting parents, calling them domestic terrorists, (more here and here) for speaking out about the indoctrination of their children on the gay agenda among other outrages.

  • Speaking truth to school boards March 13, 2024 by Pete Colan An 11-year-old girl speaks to the school board after being forced to share a locker room with a boy. 

One thing seems clear, entirely too many Americans are ignorant of the concept of equal justice; ignorant about the rule of law; ignorant regarding the balance in government created by the Constitution!  Why?   The biggest reason for that is America's children are deliberately being ill-educated, misled, and philosophically corrupted by our institutions of education, turning out illiterate undisciplined thugs, and the violence being perpetrated by these thugs is cultural.

Note to Black Lives Matter: Literacy Made Civilization -Reading is white supremacy now. Good luck getting ahead. 

The lost generation(s)- Hitler desired to create young people who were consumed with violence and mindlessness. Are we seeing a similar trend today?

Nikole Hannah-Jones beclowns herself on Meet the Press -  The fact that Nikole Hannah-Jones has been honored with a MacArthur Foundation "genius grant" and a Pulitzer Prize, and has had the New York Times backing her error-riddled and fundamentally mistaken 1619 Project as a curriculum throughout the United States, tells us that we live in an intellectually degenerate moment in history.  That she has been granted an endowed chair (despite no doctorate) and is heading a new center with $20 million in funding at Howard University bespeaks a collapse of standards.

Public education is a scam and a racket, and the teacher's unions, which are controlled by corrupt leftists, are undermining the traditional values that created Almeria.  They have turned our schools into a national disaster. Public education in America is a failure, and yes, it really "is" the teacher's fault

  1.  Education in America Has Become a Snare and a Racket: Part I  
  2.  Education in America Has Become a Snare and a Racket: Part II

Restoring excellence in public education, starting at the lowest levels is fundamental.  And  doing so in higher education has become critical.  In combination, that's Job One in America, and that needs to be addressed in five ways, for a start.

  1. Eliminate the Department of Education, after 45 years of failure, wasting billions of dollars that should be a no-brainer.
  2. End all federal funding to education at all levels.
  3. Create a voucher system.  
  4. The nation's Boards of Education seem to forget, the work for the parents, and have gotten totally out of control in so many areas.  Form a national group to act as watchdogs, and sue any board of education that fails to bring excellence to our schools.
  5. Eliminate public employee unions, and fire all the teachers, they can't be fixed.
  6. Make all universities for profit institutions, end all student loan programs, which is turning into a national disaster.  Tax and regulate them just like any other business.   It's long past time we put this idea out of our heads they're experts because they're educated.  If that was true, then why do we see so much exposure of plagiarism by these people
North Carolina drops STEM departments, keeps politically correct ones -  February 25, 2024 By Arnold Cusmariu -The University of North Carolina system oversees 16 state universities. Campus locations include Chapel Hill, Wilmington, Charlotte, Asheville, and Greensboro.  UNC-Chapel Hill, originally called the University of North Carolina, was founded in 1789 and is one of the oldest public universities in the United States. According to Wikipedia statistics, some 245,000 students attended UNC system universities in 2021......

Here's an article I published in 2014, Before There Was Common Core!, and in this article I posted a picture of the eighth grade test for Bullitt County, 1912.

This is a test I would like to see all of America's teachers, their union leaders, and the professors in our universities take.  And any who fail would be fired.  Go here for a list of answers.  

You might also wish to review this 8th grade test from Salina Kansas....... 1895, and I'm willing to bet 99% of America would fail it, including me, but these two tests are a clear demonstration of how far our system of education nationwide has plunged down into a dark hole of ignorance.  But it's fixable.

John Droz, Jr. graciously allows me to publish his work.  John has been writing about, and testifying about, what's wrong with American education for many years.  In the two articles below John has done an excellent job of outlining what the fixes are, and they must be put in place, and I emphasized the word "must". 

  1. ) Saving American Children - Part 1 
  2. ) Saving American Children - Part 2

 Make sure to read his solutions and observations.  They're deep, wide ranging, and far seeing. 

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