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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Culture is King!

By Rich Kozlovich

 Today at American Thinker Avrohom Gordimer published this piece, Orthodox Jews and Trump, saying:
It is no secret that the Orthodox Jewish community, of which I am a part, is overwhelmingly supportive of President Trump for reelection. Although the numbers are even higher now, Trump enjoyed the support of 89% of the Orthodox Jewish community in the 2020 election. Of a rapidly-growing community of close to 1 million people, this says a ton.
Culture is king, and you can't reason people out of positions they've not be reasoned into, but you can "experience" people out of those positions, and the antisemitism that's inflaming the nation today is shocking, and I believe it has to even shock the secular Jews.   
There is an upside to all of this, especially the abusive, violent, and discriminatory behavior against Jewish students on America's college campus.  Those young, smart, and abused Jewish students are not going to be leftists, no matter what they're family's political culture may be.  They've been "experienced" out of those views.  A new culture in development.
And just because so many American Jews are now secularized and worship leftism, they'd better get this right in their heads. If these monsters take over, they won't care if they're secular or religious, the antisemites are going to lump them all together, just as the Nazis did, that's what leftists do, starting with the French Revolution.

That's history, and that history is incontestable. 

Then we have all this talk about how RFK, Jr. may drop out of the race and endorse Trump.  Well, if he does I wonder what he gets in return? If Trump just says thank you and walks away, then it's not a problem. If Kennedy gets anything in return, it's a problem. He's a Kennedy, he's a radical leftist, and did I mention he's a Kennedy. Oh, yeah I did, and so let me say it again. He's a Kennedy. Nuf Ced?

The truth is I doubt his endorsement would be all that helpful.  His voters are Democrats, they're left wing radicals, just like Kennedy, or they wouldn't be supporting him, so they're either going to vote for Kamala, or they simply won't vote.  

The "Republican" votes he was going to get would be from nitwits like Liz Chaney, Mitt Romney, John Kasich, Paul Ryan, etc. Just as Susan Collins is going to write in Nikki Haley in stead of voting for Trump, they weren't going to vote for Trump no matter what, they're already lost votes, and that number is small, and after this all plays out, that number will be even smaller, so, who cares?

Culture is king, and they're no longer part of the conservative culture, and will be shunned, except by the Pravda media who will trot them out for their views, even though no one really cares what they have to say. 

And finally, this idea that capitalism and conservatism are pages in the same book, they're not.  Since I write about everything that goes on in the world, I subscribe to a number of news sources, including geopolitical sites, and reading their views is so often a painful task, and I include those at the American Enterprise Institute, which these days I just scan rather than read as I can see the foolish direction they're going in so many of their commentaries, and find them hard to stomach.

I was an exterminator for 40 years and served for 25 of them of them as a officer or board member of a number of our industry trade associations, and I discovered believing that large corporations and manufacturers are conservative is a serious error in judgement, they're as slippery as a Tallyrand, or a Kissinger.

At best.... I found them to be leaky vessels as allies dealing with major legislation, including the Montreal Protocol, the Kyoto Accords, the Colony Collapse Disorder lies, etc.   

Calling them leaky vessels is being kind, since entirely too often they're views are simply self-serving and corrupt. They even corrupt the trade associations turning them into cats paws for big government activism and unwarranted abusive regulations, which goes back to FDR who utilized them - actually threatened them - to promote his unconstitutional National Recovery Act.

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