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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Fixing the Issue of Climate

By Rich Kozlovich 

On July 30, 2024 E. Calvin Beisner  posted this article, How NOAA Climate Catastrophists Mislead saying:

By now practically everyone who follows news and commentary about climate change has seen graphs of global warming over the past century or more. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) produced this one in 2017, covering 1880–2016. 

He went on to say, "the chart under question was "utterly indefensible".

If you spend much time at all on social media sites on which people often post text or pictures meant to make points about controversial issues, you’re bound to have seen “fact checks” stating that a post conveyed “false or misleading information” because it was “missing context.” (That’s a judgment that’s often subjective and driven by the “fact checker’s” ideology, but we can ignore that for now.) What you now know is that, when it comes to “missing context” about climate change, official government agencies can be among the worst offenders, not just on social media but also on agency websites -- from which their products, like the NOAA graph evaluated here, regularly make their way into scientific journals and mainstream media.

So, what's to be done, since it was known from very early on all this global warming was a load of claptrap and a massive scientific fraud, and those promoting it were deliberately fraudulent. 

First, stop the money flowing to the academics and Lysenkoist scientists.  Overnight the climate problem will disappear like fog in sunlight. 

Stop the vast waste of public money funding stupid alternative energy schemes, start drilling, building power plants with traditional energy sources, repeal laws that allow environmentalists to tie up any of that for years via lawsuits, and energy independence will follow.

All of these people who’ve taken public money in any form need to be investigated for fraud, found guilty, fined and sent to prison. Criminalize and sue each and every one of the green movement organizations, force them to expose their funding, and go after those who fund them, and put some of them in jail, and overnight there will be a miracle.  The world will be healed and the climate will be just fine.

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