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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Woman, the Myth, and the Truth

By Rich Kozlovich

Who is Kamala Harris really?   And it's not the Mythical Kamala candidate. 

  1. They want to confiscate the nation's wealth. 
  2. Impose massively restrictive regulations.
  3. Destroy the nuclear family.
  4. Destroy Judaic/Christian religion.
  5. Blame white America for everyone else's failures in life.
  6. Legalize government censorship.
  7. Ignore the Second Amendment.
  8. Destroy the rule of law making their two tier justice system permanent.
  9. Create and even larger more intrusive government.
  10. Force judges to accept oversight by leftist bureaucrats, and/or by Executive Orders
  11. Criminalize anyone who questions gender.
  12. Unrestricted abortion including after birth "abortion".


  1. No Matter How Often Leftism Fails, True Believers Never Face The Consequences Jonathan Gault No ideology in modern history has failed more drastically and with greater damage than leftism, yet in America and abroad, the new leftists march on, undeterred by the past.
  2. How History Will Remember Biden
  3. Blasts Harris’s ‘Dangerously Extreme Immigration Policies’ Will Be ‘Exponentially Worse’ If She’s POTUS 
  4. WATCH: No One Claps as Schumer Endorses Harris…Asks for Applause, Still No One Claps!
  5. Kamala Harris’s Radical Record Comes Back to Haunt House Democrats
  6. Breitbart Business Digest: Harris Burdened by the Biden-Harris Economic Record
  7. Hellooo, hyperinflation: Kamala Harris's agenda is to tax-and-spend bigger - Harris has no original economic ideas whatsoever, let alone any understanding of economics. 
  8. Exclusive—Alfredo Ortiz: In Policy Terms, Biden’s Resignation Changes Nothing
  9. Kamalaflation: How Harris Caused Inflation By Casting Decisive Votes For Biden’s Economic Agenda
  10. Kamala Comms Director Previously Called to ‘Defund the Police’
  11. Kamala’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad, And Dangerously Extreme Approach To Abortion
  12.  Harris Was One of the First to Support Green New Deal
  13. Michigan Auto Worker: ‘America’s Done For’ if Kamala Wins
  14. Exclusive — Karoline Leavitt: Biden-Harris Policies Destroyed American Dream
  15. Two visions of America - Progressives were once content to be known as “liberals,” until Americans understood that political leaning had nothing to do with the traditional meaning of liberalism. Too many Americans had their number, so they rebranded as “progressives,” for who can be against progress? Anyone who currently has their number. Kamala Harris would have us choose between two visions of America. One, what Democrats/socialists/communists (D/s/cs) are calling MAGA, would take America back to the evil, racist, sexist, whatever-phobic past. The other—Kamala’s vision--will take America into the brave, glorious progressive future. But just what is that “progress” she seeks?
  16. CNN, NYT Journo: Harris Was ‘Trying to Appease’ the Left in 2020, But Now She’s Different
  17. Kamala Supported Socialist Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All
  18. Kamala Harris’ Extreme Abortion Policies Coming to a State Near You 
  19.  Tampon obsession: Kamala cares more about Gazan women than American women July 24, 2024 by Lauri B. Regan Harris wants to make sure Gazan women get their tampons but ignores the inflation that is denying American women their necessary feminine care products.
  20. Harris’ Rent Control Support Clashes With Even Progressive Economists 'Rent control has been about as disgraced as any economic policy...... Decades of research have shown that rent control does not achieve its central goal of making housing more affordable. In fact, such proposals make rent in the aggregate more expensive because they create a simple supply-demand imbalance. Consumer demand for non-rent-controlled municipalities and ownable condominiums would be far too high for the supply to accommodate, thus pushing prices further up....
  1. Immigration laws are violated to allow foreigners to enter this country illegally, disregarding the warnings, official and unofficial, against terrorist infiltrators. Hows that for a  more livable America?
  2. You can go to prison for disagreeing with the government’s policies, dictatorship style, and to hell with the Constitution. How’s that for a  more livable America?
  3. Cities under Democrat mayors make the list of worst in the country to live in. How’s that for a  more livable America?
  4. Crime is promoted instead of fought, with policies that decriminalize felony and make the police stand down where it occurs. How’s that for a  more livable America?
  5. Increasingly less of your income is yours to keep, as taxes keep growing, unabated. How’s that for a  more livable America?
  6. Small businesses are crushed under excessive regulations, forcing many out of business. How’s that for a  more livable America?
  7. Big businesses send jobs overseas, leaving American workers and their families struggling to survive. Hows that for a  more livable America?
  8. Babies that are not wanted are killed before they leave their mother’s womb and disposed of like trash. How’s that for a  more livable America?

He goes on to say:

It is necessary for one to be totally insensitive, brainwashed, and uninformed to permit such conditions, and to have missed the fact that President Trump acted vigorously to end such barbaric attacks against the American people......The truth regarding a “livable America” annihilates the twisted narratives of radical leftists.........To put it more bluntly, they are deaf, dumb, and blind to the people they represent. They are also blind to the fact that politics as usual has reached a dead end. Those pretending otherwise not only demonstrate a profound ignorance of the reality but a disabling lack of respect for their primary function in government: service to the American people............

I know I've written all this before, and I've published a lot of commentaries by other writers saying all this, but with the DNC communist convention taking place, and the Pravda media's twisting of reality going on ad nauseam, I think this stuff should be out there as often as possible in order to blow in a breath of fresh air to offset the fumes being emitted in the Democrat fever swamps.

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