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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, August 30, 2024

Illegal Aliens, Gun Control, and National Security

By Rich Kozlovich

On August 29, 2024  Olivia Murray posted this article, Armed with heavy firepower, Venezuelan gang of illegals seizes control of entire apartment complex in Aurora, CO, containing a video showing these young thugs, here illegally, brandishing weapons doing whatever they pleased, and clearly having no fear about doing it.   And they're doing it in a state that has some of them most restrictive gun laws in the nation.  

If that's true, and it is, how did these illegal aliens get these weapons? 

One thing is clear, the argument by Second Amendment supporters that when guns are prohibited only criminals will have guns is blatantly true.  That has been obvious for so long it shouldn't have to be repeated, but the left still trumpets gun control, which for them ultimately means banning guns.  That is a foundational tenet of leftist ideology.   Why? 

Because the "self-appointed morally superior left  is behind the tyrannies of multiculturalism", and leftists hate America, and Americans!  

Overturning the Second Amendment puts honest citizens at the mercy of the state.  Then obedience follows, and soon there's tyranny with all the power being held by a smaller and smaller number of people in a very short time.  

People who can no longer be voted out of office, just like Maduro in Venezuela.  And none dare call it treason any longer!  The ‘party of freedom’ has an odd view of what freedom means, and the Pravda media supports them.

She goes on to ask:

Is Aurora, Colorado home to our first official “no-go” zone? ......The video was shot in the building where Cindy and Edward Romero lived until Wednesday. FOX31 caught up with them as they loaded up their stuff and moved out.  ‘It’s been a nightmare and I can’t wait to get out of here,’ former resident Cindy Romero said......The Romeros say the trouble started when a large number of migrants began moving in.

How did this happen?

[M]ore than $380 million worth of Shelter and Services Program (SSP) grants will go to local and state governments, as well as NGOs, ‘that are providing critical support such as food, shelter, clothing, acute medical care, and transportation’ to migrants ‘recently released from DHS custody and awaiting their immigration court proceedings.’

This spending comes after Biden-Harris funneled $780 million just last year, and just through two channels (SSP and the Emergency Food and Shelter Program). How much spending is going on elsewhere? (Hint: It’s in the hundreds of billions.) Remember what Representative Jodey Arrington revealed earlier this year? From a Budget Committee press release:

‘The greatest national security threat to the American people is posed by these open borders. The social cost has consistently been well in front of the American people. But I don’t think we’ve talked enough about the financial burden to taxpayers and the fiscal impact.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has done a great job. Studies suggest this [illegal migrant] cost is upwards of $400 billion, but their cost estimate is $150 billion. The lion’s share of that cost is borne by state and local governments. State and local governments can't borrow or print money like the federal government, so they have to balance their budgets by either absorbing this cost through raising taxes or they have to cut services to their citizens.’

It's bad enough these illegal aliens are here in the first place, but they're not only eating up our resources, they're turning the nation into mini criminal states within the states and the federal government is funding it. 

"We live in a bipolar world. Normal people want these thugs arrested and deported. Democrats want to make sure they’re registered to vote. It’s nuts."

All of which was entirely predictable, and we really need to get this.  The Constitution wasn't meant to be a suicide pact, and the founding fathers never dreamed there would be a political party dedicated to the destruction of the nation.  

This was in point of fact a military takeover of these apartments, so the question that needs to be asked and answered is where are the SWAT Teams, or the Colorado National Guard?  Apparently no one has called for them and the Mayor says he loves all these illegals.  I guess this is what "Tim Walz might just consider this “neighborly” behavior."

This is why the Constitution has a Second Amendment providing for and allowing citizens to organize and defend their communities as militias, but that requires a massive change in leadership at every level, otherwise it's called insurrection.  

This out of control criminal activity is rampant throughout the nation, in California illegals are setting wildfires out in San Diego's back country.   
 They set up campfires wherever they want. They set wildfires to attract border agents to pick them up and transport them to their destinations of choice. They burn down border vehicles because they don't like the Border Patrol. It's shocking what they will do whenever they want something, given the danger of the fire risk and just how big and catastrophic these fires can get once they get out of control. Sound like the kind of people who might rape and murder, too, once they go through catch-and-release?

And nobody in the Biden administration, let alone his border czar, are doing a thing about the border, not on the sea-side, where illegals ride in through the surf and run through the beachgoers' picnics and beach ball parties, as we have seen, and not on the badlands side where illegals set wildfires intentionally and apparently all of them get away with it.

In San Diego's back county, illegals attempt to hijack two school buses loaded with children - ......highlights just how dangerous Joe Biden's open borders are, what with wildfires started, attempted bus hijackings, beach invasions, rapes, robberies, kidnappings and murders, apartment takeovers (described today by AT Deputy Editor Olivia Murray here) and nobody held accountable for it......Nothing is being done, nothing at all, other than border czar Kamala Harris putting out ads claiming to be "tough" on the border. She actually in charge, though, and now this bottom has dropped out -- school kids unable to go to school by her vaunted yellow school buses because illegals come first.  Any comment from her on this outrageous development? Any media curiosity? Of course not

A nation's leaders are supposed to be the shepherds protecting the flock from the wolves.  These monsters are not only turning the wolves loose on the flock, they're protecting them, in effect the Democrat party is in reality no longer a political party, it's a criminal organization.  Since Kamala and the criminal organization she wants to be the head of is responsible for all this, why would we think they're going to fix it in the future? 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

If Walz is Talking, He's Lying

 By Rich Kozlovich 


This is from my files.  On May 5, 2014 Edward Acosta published a piece in Patriot Update, which I can't link since that site apparently no longer exists saying:

When it comes to matters of government policy and public affairs, one lie is unacceptable, two lies is a slap in the face and three lies is just plain Machiavellian! For devious behavior, the liar should be publicly taken to task. In other words, if it is illegal to lie to our government, it should be illegal for them to lie to us...... as the saying goes regarding deception, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

Well, Timmy is just brimming with deception, and if by now the Democrats haven't evoked the Eagleton affair over all that's come out, it's not going to happen, and I think it's for two reasons.  I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that.  Here's where we are from my commentaries up until now.

All that is a pretty condemnatory, but there's more! Never fear, with Walz, the hits just keep right on coming.  

Yesterday I published this piece by Daniel Greenfield, where a party spokesman Says Walz’s Lies Make Him Authentic.  Authentic!  Really?  So then, lying is the definition for realty?  Did I get that right?  In fact, it appears his entire history a bit of a lie, which Daniel goes on to list.  Paraphrasing his snarky conclusion, here's how the Democrats see this: 

Gov. Walz doesn’t make stuff up because he lies a lot, but because he’s an ordinary person and like most ordinary people speaks off the cuff.  You see lying is the way real people speak and not like a politician.   Which of course means his behavior is not that of a pathological liar, but that of a regular guy, just one of the boys.  The more he lies, the more he demonstrates his authenticity, and the less his relationship is with the truth, the more reason we should trust him.

Now who could possibly find fault with that?  Right?  So, now that we've cleared all this up, let's just see what have been appearing in the news about just how authentic Walz has been in the last few days.  

Walz Is a Pathological Liar- "Over the last few weeks, as corrects and fact checks roll in, I've wondered whether Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has ever told the truth about anything at all.  We know that he's lied about his military service.........We know he lied brazenly about his DUI...........  We know he even stooped to lying about how his two children were conceived, making up a false story in furtherance of an already-deceitful attack against JD Vance......... As Rebecca noted over the weekend, here's yet another incident along this theme."

Tim Walz claimed he won an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce "for participating in a Harvard-affiliated teacher-exchange program with China".  Not only did he lie about the award, but it appears there is no such program originating from Harvard, which stirs some interesting questions.   

What we're seeing is another day and another lie, but he was in China and it now appears Walz was groomed by the Chinese Communist Party.  Which bodes well the question: Who funded his educational efforts?  This is now under question, more here on that.  

He brought hundreds of Chinese students here, in the name of student exchanges, along with "lots of copies of Mao’s Little Red Book", telling the Americans going there to avoid acting like Americans because China is wonderful place to live, and everyone is the same, unless you're someone which the Chinese Communist Party disapproves.  Then you're eligible for organ transplants.   As donors.

As time goes by it appears the more things change, the more they stay the same.  In 2016 Patricia McCarthy posted this article, The Vast Cognitive Gulf between the Left and the Right, saying:

Is there a neurological or psychological reason that explains the left's complete meltdown at losing an election..... a vast number of angry voters on the Left have become unhinged, delusional, depressed.  And they act out, like spoiled children when they do not get the toy they want.  Many of our elite media left remain, like Ken Burns, in a "fetal position.".......
The Left will produce countless "studies" that "show" they have bigger brains, are a more advanced species and that conservatives are truly mentally impaired......Nothing makes them feel better than demeaning their ideological opponents on pseudo-intellectual grounds..........the self-appointed morally superior Left that is behind the tyrannies of multiculturalism, political correctness, a genderless society, man-made global warming, the promotion of homosexuality and gay marriage, the crusade against all religions but Islam.....loved Castro, and Stalin and Mao -- they still do........ 
There is a huge disconnect between how the Left and the Right see the world, America, and people, especially those who do not embrace the same rigid anti-values they do.......
So, as we watch the Walz story playing out it becomes clear why the Democrat party isn't upset at his character insisting he be replaced with someone worthy, as they did Thomas Eagleton.  I think there are  two reasons.  First they don't believe it matters.  Secondly, and most importantly, he's them! 

Finally, the long and short of it, Tim Walz is the Democrat's gift to the Republicans that keeps on giving, and the hits just keep right on coming.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Today's Dose of: "Ya Just Gotta Be Kidden Me!"

The Road to Damascus is really filling up.

By Rich Kozlovich  


How often do you see the phrase, "you just can't make this stuff up"?  Well, it's true, and it's seemingly insane, in spite of how insane so much of what we're seeing, the insanity isn't decreasing.  

Open borders have turned Europe into a crime ridden mess.  German women in Berlin are living in fear of public transportation being harassed, groped, and being sexual assaulted by these immigrants....Muslim immigrants.   In Britain a convicted child rapist won't have to face prison time.  Why?  Because the jails are full of those protesting the immigration insanity their government has imposed on the Brits.  National leaders are supposed to be shepherds, protecting the flock.  What they've done instead is turned wolves loose on the flock, and they've protected them while they decimate the flock.  Does the term Civil War come to mind? 

It appears Dr. Cornel West, strange man that he is, doesn't think Kamala can win, and apparently neither does Kamala.   Why? Because he's come forward and informed the public "that Kamala Harris’s campaign offered him a position in her potential administration and financial assistance to cover his campaign debts if he withdrew from the 2024 race."  Two things.  If her team was confident of a win they'd have never made such a foolish offer, and if he thought she could win, he's have never made this public.  

So, now they have to fall back on what they've been very successful at.  Voter fraud!  The party that's so hot to save "our" democracy, has sued to eliminate two election security rules in Georgia.  When they say "our" democracy, they mean "their" democracy, that being eternal single party rule and the end of the Constitution.  See, definition leads to clarity!

Almost 25% of the land mass of the United States is owned by the federal government, a clear violation of the Constitution, and Utah is tired of it, and they want their land back.

 Utah’s lawsuit contends that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) does not have the authority to effectively hold “unappropriated” state lands indefinitely under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), the state announced. The federal government controls about 18.5 million acres of “unappropriated” Utah land under the FLPMA, and Utah’s suit argues that the state ought to control this land because nothing in the Constitution expressly permits the federal government to do so instead.

I gotta tell ya, I really do think the media is full of insane nitwits. The Pravda media truly is the "Enemy of the People."  Trump honors 13 fallen heroes from the Afghanistan, there at the invitation of the Gold Star families, and and the media launches a Arlington Cemetery hoax against Trump campaign.  Is that all they have? Nah, there's much more.  Now they're really upset because they won't admit Ella Emhoff is ‘cute.  Cute, really?


Now we have Zuckerberg doing mea culpas over censorship, even working cooperative with a Congressional committee, which means what? Zuckerberg admits he was muscled by Democrats:

“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it,” he continued. “I also think we made some choices that. with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today. Like I said to our teams at the time, I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any Administration in either direction — and we’re ready to push back if something like this happens again.”

So, he's really sorry!!! Sorry that it all might come back to haunt him.

That's the same Zuckerberg who shelled out $400 million for an NGO called the Center for Tech and Civic Life which claimed to be a neutral group just concerned about expanding ballot access. In reality, they were a Democrat shock-troop operation, horning in on, for example, swing-state Wisconsin's 2022 election to manipulate the voting results to its liking. In some cases, they took over county clerk operations -- altering ballots, changing rules, and other acts reserved solely for those elected officials. A special counsel in that state literally called the operation "bribery."

Conclusion?  He's convinced Trump will win, and is trying to ameliorate his participation in working to defeat him in the last election.  And now we have far left nitwit former U.S. Senator now Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison saying good ole Zucks was wrong to censor posts______(Actually you can just fill in the blank) but refused to condemn the White House for pressuring them to do it. 

“Did the White House get this wrong, Mr. Attorney General?”  Ellison responded, “Well, Meta got a lot of things wrong. Meta needs to look at how its algorithms –.” Burman then cut in to ask, “What about the White House?”

Never, not the White House, it was all Zucks fault, and he should pay for it.   Remarkable! However, you would think that is a warning to others playing footsie with a criminal organization.  When the heat is on, you're on you're own.

More mea culpas as the DOJ admits they abused their authority on Ivermectin, and RFK Jr's far left ...... far left.... VP running mate, Nicole Shanahan says:  "I’m Shocked. I’m saddened. I’m worried for them – They’ve lost their soul."  Apparently this very wealthy person allowed the media filter to mold her thinking about Trump's claims of persecution, and now.... she too has had a Road to Damascus epiphany and realizes it's all true.  Now, I kinda find that to be a bit amazing.  How can someone so wealthy, and so connected be so ignorant, unless they want to be ignorant?

Finally, we have Nick Offerman who is proud to be a Kamala Man, because Trump is a (unpleasant verbiage here).  Amazing!  Who exactly is Nick anyway?  

I had to look him up, after doing that the conclusion I came to was ....who cares!  Maybe he'll even threaten to move to Canada, or Venezuela, or possibly to his planet of origin, like all the other Hollywood nitwits.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Highly Educated, Very Intelligent, and Under Smart

By Rich Kozlovich 

Over the years I've discovered I.Q. is highly overrated. Einstein was alleged to have a 160 IQ but he never took an IQ test, so that's pure speculation, and I think highly under speculated. 

My now passed friend Dr. Jay Lehr was at Princeton while Einstein was there and he said Einstein agreed to give a series of lectures, it was either five or seven lectures, I think it was seven, and during the first couple of lectures you couldn't beg, steal, or borrow a seat in that lecture hall it was so packed.

Jay said at the end of that series there were a lot of empty seats.  I was surprised and asked why.  He said Einstein was lecturing to some of the smartest people in the world, and they didn't have a clue what he was talking about.  Can you imagine what that did to their egos?  And they didn't dare say Einstein didn't know what he was talking about since it was a world wide view he was the smartest man in the world.  

When it came to physics, he was brilliant, but the trouble with these brilliant minds is they seem to think they can opine all all subjects with equal brilliance.  They can't.  Einstein thought socialism a was a good thing. It's not, it's a failure and it's evil, and the green movement is part of that.  Einstein is alleged to have said if all the honey bees died we'd only have four years go live.  Well, he was a great physicist, but he was a lousy entomologist.   One of the things I've discovered about these brilliant minds is like everyone else, they're limited to what they know, and what they can do.

Years ago I remember everyone talking about Stephen Hawking being the smartest man in the world, also with an IQ of 160, which isn't all that high in his field, an IQ he shared with Jane Mansfield.  She had a 165 IQ.   At any rate since everyone was so enthused about his brilliance, I thought I ought to see what he thinks about things.   While he was considered a brilliant physicist, and I won't argue that point, because I was just like those scientists at Princeton, I didn't have a clue what he was talking about.  At least until he deviated from all that theoretical physics into social issues.  

Social issues are all about history, logic, and provable facts, and guess what, as he deviated outside his realm of expertise I realized he was dumb as dirt, merely mouthing the consensus memes from academia, because culture is king.   It seems to me Hawking was like a lot of over educated, highly intelligent, but under smart people who need to stay in their little world rather than pushing themselves into the public spot light making "pronouncements" about things they really don't understand.   

His realm is mathematical speculation, much of it unprovable.  My realm is history, logic, facts, and reality.  From my point of view - outside his area of expertise - I didn't think he was all that bright.  On May 4, 2017, Alex Berezow  stated:

There's no doubt that Stephen Hawking is one of the most brilliant scientists to have ever lived.  There's also no doubt that he enjoys giving his opinion on topics of which he knows absolutely nothing.......  He voiced opinions on climate change, asteroid strikes, epidemics, and overpopulation, and he was wrong on each count. 

Jay Lehr was a great defender of actual science and a magnificent foe to junk science.  He told me the White House called him to say the President decided to take his advice to abandon the Paris Climate treaty.   Here was the slide show he showed the President.

Stephen Hawking totally abandoned science on this issue.  When asked what he thought of the President's decision to abandoning the Paris Climate Accord he pontificated:

“We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible.” .....“Trump’s action could push the earth over the brink to become like Venus, with a temperature of over 250 degrees and raining sulfuric acid,” ..... “Climate change is one of the great dangers we face,”.......“and it’s one we can prevent, if we act now.”......“By denying the evidence for climate change, and pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement, Donald Trump will cause avoidable environmental damage to our beautiful planet, endangering the natural world for us and our children,......”

What nonsense!  The Earth's climate has always been in a state of change.  Climate change is all natural, it's cyclical, and mankind has nothing to do with it.  There's no irreversible tipping point. Each and every prediction, mostly based on computer models designed to give the answers the warmists want, and outright lies to scare humanity for political purposes, have come and gone, or are failing.  As for the Earth becoming like Venus, John J. Ray of Greenie Watch noted:

He wants more government control so is prepared to speak nonsense to facilitate it. He knows as well as I do that the high Venusian surface temperature is an adiabatic effect -- a function of the great weight (hence pressure) exerted by the huge Venusian atmosphere. The earth has no such atmosphere so anything similar on earth cannot occur......

Did  you know that?  I didn't know that, but Hawking had to know that, so, not only is he wrong, it's clear he must have deliberately lied, and now I find he might not have been the brightest pebble in the brook when it comes to physics either.  It's being claimed mathematicians have proven Hawking was wrong about the most extreme black holes.   

I would happily explain it to you, but I don't have a clue what they're talking about either, and apparently neither did Stephen Hawking.  Highly educated, very intelligent, and under smart!

The motto of science is supposed to be "de omnibus dubitandum", everything is to be questioned!  Unless it impacts grant money.  Truth is no longer the golden calf of science, it's grant money.  All these Lysenkoian scientists who have jumped onto the grant money band wagon promoting the fraud of anthropogenic climate change have made scientific integrity an oxymoron.  Hawking was no better, as anthropogenic climate change is a massive fraud, and there was so much evidence of that right from the very beginning, he had to know that.  But culture is king, and academia is a viper's pit of scientific corruption.

Pay Attention! He's a Kennedy!!!!!


By Rich Kozlovich

I gotta tell ya, I can't believe all the warm and fuzzy claptrap coming from conservatives over RFK, Jr's "Road to Damascus" conversion by dropping out of the race and endorsing Trump. 

He's not being selfless! Pay attention folks, history is everything, culture is king, and he's not going MAGA. Get over it!  He's always been a left wing nutroll who's angry because he isn't being allowed to play in the left wing nutroll sand box any longer.  So now he wants to punish all these former nutroll collaborators he was so cozy with for all these years.  However, I think there may be more going on here than meets the eye.  I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that.  

Here was my article, Grading Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the Curve, so have no doubt he is in no way a moderate.  He's a far left walking disaster, so, stop gushing over this guy.  Just say thanks, and then move on.  

The Democrats are more like a criminal organization than a political party, and he wanted to be their head.  He had to know how corrupt they've become, and his family has to know how corrupt they are, and yet they publicly condemned him for running against "the party" of treason.  His sister Kerry saying "he betrayed the family and everything they stand for."  Well that pretty much sums up the Kennedy family, corrupt in thought and action, going back to old Joe Kennedy the family patriarch.

There was some talk of Republicans supporting him because he took a stand on free speech, and a stand against these false vaccines for covid.  But he's a total antivax nutcase, he's against all vaccinations.  It's kinda like a clock that doesn't work.  It's absolutely right twice a day.  Hardly a touchstone for reliability or trustworthiness.   

On May 11, 2024, Sarah Arnold claimed any Republican support will change when they get a look at his real views reporting:

Supports push to clean energy and zero emissions, supports eliminating fracking, endorsed Bernie’s climate plan, supports divesting from fossil fuels, supports carbon tax, supports Paris Climate Accords, called the NRA a ‘terror group,’ supports affirmative action, supports reparations, supports amnesty for non-violent drug offenders, wants to ‘transform the police,’ called Louis Farrakhan a ‘truly great partner,’ supports raising minimum wage to $15/hour, supports labor unions, supports raising taxes, endorsed Al Gore in 2000, endorsed John Kerry in 2004, claimed 2004 election was stolen, donated to Obama, endorsed Hillary Clinton for Senate in 2000, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in 2007, repeatedly praised Bernie Sanders, a ‘sin’ for people to not address global warming, blamed America for causing 9/11, supports ESG,” and “called Fidel Castro ‘incredibly charming.’ Via the Daily Wire."

Wow!  Can you name one thing listed there Republicans and conservatives would or should like?  How about this for an answer.  NO, there isn't, not one!

On Saturday August 24, 2024 Dawn Merrill published this gag inducing adoring article, The RFK, Jr. shift upends the landscape of the election saying:

He did it. He went and did it. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. suspended his campaign and threw his support to Donald Trump.   It really kind of came out of the blue, I didn’t have it on my bingo card.  But here we are.  Sadly,  there are many “concern trolls” out in force on the right, wailing like spoiled children that RFK, Jr. is not “pure” enough.  He’s a gun control freak!  He’s a global warming alarmist!  He’s a nut who has far too radical a stance on vaccines!  He's pro-abortion. And so on.  To be fair, in some ways, he is all of the above.  But his record on environmentalism is not exactly one of global warming extremism, but more what used to be actual environmental concerns.  His research and issues with nutrition and medical overreach are very valid arguments.  Don’t listen to the concern trolls.

First off, she was clearly clueless as to what was happening right in front of everyone, so she already laid foundation to justify ignoring her views, and secondly, she has no idea what a troll actually is.  Presenting rational history based arguments, isn't trolling.

Interesting article?  Well, whether one thinks so or not, here is what her article really was.  Wrong! Kennedy is a radical leftist.  Once again, when it comes to health issues, he was right regarding the false vaccines forced on society, but that was because he's against ALL vaccines, so in no way can that be construed as an act of moral courage. 

There's is no "moderate" position regarding the environmentalists global warming initiatives. It's a fraud, which I've been writing about and reporting about for over 15 years.  It's an even a bigger fraud than the covid fraud, both of which are nothing but an effort to impose tyranny on the nation, and the world.  And not only did he not stand as a rock in the current against it, he even wants those who challenge that fraud thrown in jail, calling them war criminals, and that's bold for a man who has consorted with the nation's most virulent anti-semites.

If someone tells you they hate you, you should believe them, and he hates conservatives because he hates all organizations that promote conservative values, such as:

"The Cato Institute, The Heritage Foundation, Cooler Heads Coalition, Global Climate Coalition, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Americans for Prosperity, Heartland Institute, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), George C. Marshall Institute, State Policy Network, Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) and American Enterprise Institute (AEI)".   His view is: "These front groups," ……. "are snake pits for sociopaths." 

If you're a conservative, he hates you, he says so, and you should believe him. RFK, Jr. as an ally is at best a leaky vessel, and that’s being kind!  And he's a Kennedy!  Nuf Ced?

Finally, I'm betting if Trump wins we'll see unending clabber how it was Kennedy who put him over the top, taking and getting credit for that which would be totally unprovable either way.  But he'll take the credit for it anyway, so make no mistake about that.  

Which brings me to this. 

Why do I really think he's doing all he's done and is doing now?  I think he's laying ground work for a take over of the Democrat party by demanding they purge the dingdongs now running it.   I know that's really Machiavellian, but....He's a Kennedy!  Do I think he can do it?

The party has no bench, the leaders are at an age where they're going to be dropping dead soon, and the young "leaders" are just like AOC, stunningly destructive hate filled radicals who are clueless, and stupid. But if Trump is elected, and the Senate and House go Republican that may leave enough "moderate" Democrats  to make it happen, so, I think it's possible. 

One last note.  There's no such thing as a "moderate" Democrat.  If they're an elected Democrat, they're all just like Kennedy, a radical left wing nutroll.  None others need apply, the fact remains, Democrats hate America. 

Update:  This appeared today at American Thinker, Mark Levin rips the mask off the anti-democratic 'thug' Kamala Harris in his FOX News show saying:

In closing his FOX News program yesterday, Levin quoted these lines from the first chapter of his prescient book, The Democrat Party Hates America, published in September 2023.

Inevitably, the Democrat party's infinite cultural, economic, and political interventions, always in the name of the people and some virtuous worthy cause, lead to the steady decline of liberty, and the steady rise of totalitarianism, and the exploitation of the people. 

Fewer and fewer masterminds, with an ever-increasing army of bureaucrats and enforcers, reign over the citizenry and decide what is and what is not good for them. The abuses of power are limitless, as are the justifications. And slowly but surely, the people get used to it, even vote for it, until one day its grip is too tight. Then it is too late.

In this, and virtually all else it does, the Democrat Party's loathing of America is boundless.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Now's the Time to Start Seeing Reality, Thinking Clearly, and Acting Rationally!

'Think about how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupidier than that". George Carlin 

By Rich Kozlovich 

There are three overwhelming truths that's emerging from the Democratic National Convention. You can never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. No one can anticipate when mass stupidity will strike. No one can plan for it, and you can't fix stupid.

Over the years I've posted a lot of thoughts dealing with every subject facing humanity, whether those thoughts involve geopolitics, economics, culture, religion, environmentalism, medicine, agriculture, domestic politics, and just about every science issue that arises, including the massive frauds perpetrated on humanity of covid, and global warming.

Some have questioned my credentials, and since I'm an autodidact with no formal credentials for anything I write about, that's not unreasonable. However, I say the same thing over and over again in response. If I'm wrong: Prove it! If I say things that are inaccurate: Name them! I get crickets!

I base my observations on five things.

  1. Everything is the basics. If you can see an issue in it's simplest possible form, it's easily understandable. If it's understandable, it's definable, if it's definable, it's fixable.
  2. History. I've read a lot of history books dealing with every issue I discuss. History is everything, but if you don't read it, it's nothing.
  3. Logical fallacies. Over the years I've spent a lot of time studying logical fallacies because as you observe what people are saying you find their views are so often predicated on logical fallacies. And once you recognize them, you can easily refute them, and their arguments crumble.
  4. Seeing patterns. The natural function of the human mind is to see patterns. I just see them more easily and more quickly than most, but we can train our minds to be better at it, and we do that by thinking deeply on a host of subjects. It gives you mind the "search" command, and your mind will start filing, collating, and correlating information, eventually delivering those spontaneous insights I call "shazam" moments.
  5. I see farther, deeper, and wider than most everyone else. Not because I'm so much smarter than everyone else. It's because I read so much more than most everyone else. After reading the thoughts and ideas of hundreds of authors, it's amazing how your perspective changes. You learn to read reality much better than almost everyone you talk to because you're able to see the nuances that aren't obvious to the general public.

All the above teaches you how to think, and that starts by questioning everything. Truth is the sublime convergence of history and reality. Everything has a historical foundation and context. Everything we're presented should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality. If what's presented to us fails in either of those categories, it's wrong! Here's the really big component of truth. Time! Truth and time are always on the same side, and as Ben Franklin once said, "truth will very patiently wait for us".

As time has gone by I've given up responding to internet trolls, and I refuse to let them spout on P&D because I realize they are, arrogant, corrupt, unending time wasters, masters at logical fallacies, purveyors of projection, obfuscators of truth, and ignorantly self righteous in their arrogance. I also think they're paid thought assassins.

I’ve also realized the more they blather, the less credible, and less sane they look, except to the equally ignorant self righteous ideologues who can't be reasoned with. They just waste a lot of time.

I'm now 78 and I find my views and values, which historically were America's foundational social paradigm for most of my life, have become oppressive to so many, including some "friends". We're no longer friends. It was their choice.

It's unfortunate so many have breathed the fumes of the fever swamps of the left for so long they will not accept the truth of history or reality. Heterodoxy isn't for the faint of heart, even when it means embracing insanity. History is replete with such actions.

One of my customers was an old Jewish couple that had become good friends. She's now passed, but was a liberal Democrat who woke up to who the Democrats really are and voted for Trump in 2016. He's a Republican, which I didn't know for years, in spite of the many conversations we've had regarding history, politics and social issues of every sort.

I asked her once why Jews, who live, practice and believe in conservative values, raise their children with those values, vote for liberal politicians. She said she's a conservative in her head, but liberal in her heart, and I think that may be more common than is realized.

She talked to her friends repeating the things we talked about and told them she was going to vote with her head, not her heart, and voted for Trump in 2016.  I thought at the time there was going to be a lot of that in the Jewish community in the 2020 election, not only among Jews, but Catholics also.

However, she told me her friends were angry at her for listening to me, and for two reasons. I'm just a bug man, and I'm a conservative. I fear I didn't realize just how strong America's secular Jews are bonded to the Democrat party, a party that's clearly dominated by anti-semites who are working against Jews on many levels; not just Israel. I think that's going to change in the 2024 election. Secular Jews are getting scared, and rightly so, the Democrats would clearly sell them down the river to appease the Muslims in America and around the world and would willingly destroy the nation of Israel.

As it turns out the religious Jews are even more for Trump than in the past, and if reports are accurate, secular Jews are moving in that direction. With Jews there's a clear and definite break between secular versus religious Jews, but just as a rising tide lifts all boats, fear moves everyone.  

This time Catholics seem to be moving far more to Trump than in past elections. Four years ago Catholics overall didn't want Roe v. Wade to be overturned. Which I find startling! Practicing versus secular Catholics being the line of demarcation again, reinforced with this kind of fuzzy thinking:

"Even though most Catholics said abortion should generally be legal, a majority also said abortion is morally wrong."

If that's not cognitive dissonance, then there is no such thing as cognitive dissonance. Abortion is the murder of the innocent unborn, it really is that simple, and for Catholics, it's a mortal sin.

Have Catholics move toward Trump in any meaningful way? I think so, as it's become clear by the actions of the Biden administration and the FBI, that Democrats hate Catholics, especially those Catholics in favor of the Latin mass, considering them dangerous radicals. How insane is that? So then I think it fair to ask: What's wrong with Jews and Catholics who choose to vote for those who hate them?

If someone tells you they hate you and want to destroy you, you should believe them.

Culture is King!

By Rich Kozlovich

 Today at American Thinker Avrohom Gordimer published this piece, Orthodox Jews and Trump, saying:
It is no secret that the Orthodox Jewish community, of which I am a part, is overwhelmingly supportive of President Trump for reelection. Although the numbers are even higher now, Trump enjoyed the support of 89% of the Orthodox Jewish community in the 2020 election. Of a rapidly-growing community of close to 1 million people, this says a ton.
Culture is king, and you can't reason people out of positions they've not be reasoned into, but you can "experience" people out of those positions, and the antisemitism that's inflaming the nation today is shocking, and I believe it has to even shock the secular Jews.   
There is an upside to all of this, especially the abusive, violent, and discriminatory behavior against Jewish students on America's college campus.  Those young, smart, and abused Jewish students are not going to be leftists, no matter what they're family's political culture may be.  They've been "experienced" out of those views.  A new culture in development.
And just because so many American Jews are now secularized and worship leftism, they'd better get this right in their heads. If these monsters take over, they won't care if they're secular or religious, the antisemites are going to lump them all together, just as the Nazis did, that's what leftists do, starting with the French Revolution.

That's history, and that history is incontestable. 

Then we have all this talk about how RFK, Jr. may drop out of the race and endorse Trump.  Well, if he does I wonder what he gets in return? If Trump just says thank you and walks away, then it's not a problem. If Kennedy gets anything in return, it's a problem. He's a Kennedy, he's a radical leftist, and did I mention he's a Kennedy. Oh, yeah I did, and so let me say it again. He's a Kennedy. Nuf Ced?

The truth is I doubt his endorsement would be all that helpful.  His voters are Democrats, they're left wing radicals, just like Kennedy, or they wouldn't be supporting him, so they're either going to vote for Kamala, or they simply won't vote.  

The "Republican" votes he was going to get would be from nitwits like Liz Chaney, Mitt Romney, John Kasich, Paul Ryan, etc. Just as Susan Collins is going to write in Nikki Haley in stead of voting for Trump, they weren't going to vote for Trump no matter what, they're already lost votes, and that number is small, and after this all plays out, that number will be even smaller, so, who cares?

Culture is king, and they're no longer part of the conservative culture, and will be shunned, except by the Pravda media who will trot them out for their views, even though no one really cares what they have to say. 

And finally, this idea that capitalism and conservatism are pages in the same book, they're not.  Since I write about everything that goes on in the world, I subscribe to a number of news sources, including geopolitical sites, and reading their views is so often a painful task, and I include those at the American Enterprise Institute, which these days I just scan rather than read as I can see the foolish direction they're going in so many of their commentaries, and find them hard to stomach.

I was an exterminator for 40 years and served for 25 of them of them as a officer or board member of a number of our industry trade associations, and I discovered believing that large corporations and manufacturers are conservative is a serious error in judgement, they're as slippery as a Tallyrand, or a Kissinger.

At best.... I found them to be leaky vessels as allies dealing with major legislation, including the Montreal Protocol, the Kyoto Accords, the Colony Collapse Disorder lies, etc.   

Calling them leaky vessels is being kind, since entirely too often they're views are simply self-serving and corrupt. They even corrupt the trade associations turning them into cats paws for big government activism and unwarranted abusive regulations, which goes back to FDR who utilized them - actually threatened them - to promote his unconstitutional National Recovery Act.

The Woman, the Myth, and the Truth

By Rich Kozlovich

Who is Kamala Harris really?   And it's not the Mythical Kamala candidate. 

  1. They want to confiscate the nation's wealth. 
  2. Impose massively restrictive regulations.
  3. Destroy the nuclear family.
  4. Destroy Judaic/Christian religion.
  5. Blame white America for everyone else's failures in life.
  6. Legalize government censorship.
  7. Ignore the Second Amendment.
  8. Destroy the rule of law making their two tier justice system permanent.
  9. Create and even larger more intrusive government.
  10. Force judges to accept oversight by leftist bureaucrats, and/or by Executive Orders
  11. Criminalize anyone who questions gender.
  12. Unrestricted abortion including after birth "abortion".


  1. No Matter How Often Leftism Fails, True Believers Never Face The Consequences Jonathan Gault No ideology in modern history has failed more drastically and with greater damage than leftism, yet in America and abroad, the new leftists march on, undeterred by the past.
  2. How History Will Remember Biden
  3. Blasts Harris’s ‘Dangerously Extreme Immigration Policies’ Will Be ‘Exponentially Worse’ If She’s POTUS 
  4. WATCH: No One Claps as Schumer Endorses Harris…Asks for Applause, Still No One Claps!
  5. Kamala Harris’s Radical Record Comes Back to Haunt House Democrats
  6. Breitbart Business Digest: Harris Burdened by the Biden-Harris Economic Record
  7. Hellooo, hyperinflation: Kamala Harris's agenda is to tax-and-spend bigger - Harris has no original economic ideas whatsoever, let alone any understanding of economics. 
  8. Exclusive—Alfredo Ortiz: In Policy Terms, Biden’s Resignation Changes Nothing
  9. Kamalaflation: How Harris Caused Inflation By Casting Decisive Votes For Biden’s Economic Agenda
  10. Kamala Comms Director Previously Called to ‘Defund the Police’
  11. Kamala’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad, And Dangerously Extreme Approach To Abortion
  12.  Harris Was One of the First to Support Green New Deal
  13. Michigan Auto Worker: ‘America’s Done For’ if Kamala Wins
  14. Exclusive — Karoline Leavitt: Biden-Harris Policies Destroyed American Dream
  15. Two visions of America - Progressives were once content to be known as “liberals,” until Americans understood that political leaning had nothing to do with the traditional meaning of liberalism. Too many Americans had their number, so they rebranded as “progressives,” for who can be against progress? Anyone who currently has their number. Kamala Harris would have us choose between two visions of America. One, what Democrats/socialists/communists (D/s/cs) are calling MAGA, would take America back to the evil, racist, sexist, whatever-phobic past. The other—Kamala’s vision--will take America into the brave, glorious progressive future. But just what is that “progress” she seeks?
  16. CNN, NYT Journo: Harris Was ‘Trying to Appease’ the Left in 2020, But Now She’s Different
  17. Kamala Supported Socialist Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All
  18. Kamala Harris’ Extreme Abortion Policies Coming to a State Near You 
  19.  Tampon obsession: Kamala cares more about Gazan women than American women July 24, 2024 by Lauri B. Regan Harris wants to make sure Gazan women get their tampons but ignores the inflation that is denying American women their necessary feminine care products.
  20. Harris’ Rent Control Support Clashes With Even Progressive Economists 'Rent control has been about as disgraced as any economic policy...... Decades of research have shown that rent control does not achieve its central goal of making housing more affordable. In fact, such proposals make rent in the aggregate more expensive because they create a simple supply-demand imbalance. Consumer demand for non-rent-controlled municipalities and ownable condominiums would be far too high for the supply to accommodate, thus pushing prices further up....
  1. Immigration laws are violated to allow foreigners to enter this country illegally, disregarding the warnings, official and unofficial, against terrorist infiltrators. Hows that for a  more livable America?
  2. You can go to prison for disagreeing with the government’s policies, dictatorship style, and to hell with the Constitution. How’s that for a  more livable America?
  3. Cities under Democrat mayors make the list of worst in the country to live in. How’s that for a  more livable America?
  4. Crime is promoted instead of fought, with policies that decriminalize felony and make the police stand down where it occurs. How’s that for a  more livable America?
  5. Increasingly less of your income is yours to keep, as taxes keep growing, unabated. How’s that for a  more livable America?
  6. Small businesses are crushed under excessive regulations, forcing many out of business. How’s that for a  more livable America?
  7. Big businesses send jobs overseas, leaving American workers and their families struggling to survive. Hows that for a  more livable America?
  8. Babies that are not wanted are killed before they leave their mother’s womb and disposed of like trash. How’s that for a  more livable America?

He goes on to say:

It is necessary for one to be totally insensitive, brainwashed, and uninformed to permit such conditions, and to have missed the fact that President Trump acted vigorously to end such barbaric attacks against the American people......The truth regarding a “livable America” annihilates the twisted narratives of radical leftists.........To put it more bluntly, they are deaf, dumb, and blind to the people they represent. They are also blind to the fact that politics as usual has reached a dead end. Those pretending otherwise not only demonstrate a profound ignorance of the reality but a disabling lack of respect for their primary function in government: service to the American people............

I know I've written all this before, and I've published a lot of commentaries by other writers saying all this, but with the DNC communist convention taking place, and the Pravda media's twisting of reality going on ad nauseam, I think this stuff should be out there as often as possible in order to blow in a breath of fresh air to offset the fumes being emitted in the Democrat fever swamps.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Let Kamala Be Kamala

If it walks like a communist, and it talks like a communists, it's a communist.  

By Rich Kozlovich 


For those old enough to remember Ronald Reagan we can remember when conservatives wre sick of everyone saying what Reagan should do, What Reagan should say, and just flat out said:  "Let Reagan be Reagan!"  Why?  Because he was articulate and he was smart, and he knew how what he was talking about.   He knew and understood what he wanted and he was very well read, and well practiced a public speaking, and good at it off the cuff challenges.  

All the media talking heads and corrupt propagandists for the Democrat party at the NYT, WAPO, and others claimed he was dumb.   But Sam Donaldson, no Reagan fan by any stretch of the imagination, said when he was seated at a table with Reagan he was amazed at what a good mind he had. 

A one time famous writer and media personality Bob Novak said when he and his Inside Report partner Rowland Evans interviewed him they asked who were his favorite economists.  Reagan paused and thought for a while.  They thought they had him, until he gave them his list.  They had to look them up to see who they were. 

Conservatives wanted Reagan to be Reagan because he was a winner. 

On August19, 2024,  Matt Vespa published this article about Kamala's views on how she's going to pay for the stuff she's promising, and what Democratic elections are all about, and no one can make sense of what she's saying.  He goes on to say:

This woman is who Democrats think makes Donald Trump quake in his boots at the thought of debating her on a national stage. There’s a reason why the vice president’s team has kept her away from the media: she’s bound to crash into a wall. Without a teleprompter, Harris is lost, adrift, and exposes the faults and shortcomings that make her an unelectable presidential candidate. It’s pathetic at this point. She offered some gobbledygook about what this election means and then tried to explain how she will pay for her economic agenda, also known as Joe Biden’s record. 

I can’t transcribe it because it’s incoherent, but it’s something about earned income child tax credits and some magical theory about how things pay for themselves. Also, her plan will somehow reduce child poverty by 50 percent...........This person is someone who Democrats thought would be better. It’s not. It’s the same broken-down lemon of a car but with fewer miles and two working headlights. Republicans and Donald Trump need no longer to attack her awkward social skills—focus on these trip-ups, her record, and tie her to Joe Biden. Also, I can’t wait until she repeats this answer in front of a national audience next month.
Here's Monica Showalter's take on that event saying:
She doesn't even know what she is talking about, because she doesn't do homework......She ignored the question about paying for it, had no idea of what she was talking about and could only use the buzzword "investments" four times in her babbly, off-the-cuff response to questions about her plans to shovel out government cash, which will add a monstrous amount to the already unsustainable $35 trillion national debt. What do you do when you are in economic trouble? According to her, you whip out the government credit card. You let the other guy worry about "paying for it............ 

 She's said people who commit crimes aren't criminals, that even if a football team loses it still wins, and the list goes on.  This wasn't an anomaly, that's Kamala Harris, so conservatives really need to embrace the phrase, Let Kamala be Kamala!
There is another explanation that's floating around to explain her irrational statements, is, she's a drunk, and allegedly her aides are having trouble keeping her sober. Is that true?  Well, this is new stuff, and it's now in the open, so I have to imagine it will be proven out one way or the other soon enough, but as Andrea Widburg says: 
......alcoholism helps explain Kamala’s incoherence and inappropriate cackling. 

Oh yeah, one more thing.  They also might want to let "Walz be Walz".  Walz told high schoolers communism was a system where 'everyone shares'.  That must not have been in a history class.... or then again, maybe it is now.  Another good reason for Trump to eliminate the Department of Education.  Education in America is a dark hole of ignorance and corruption.

Education in America is a Dark Hole of Ignorance and Corruption


By Rich Kozlovich

Equal justice under the law is a constitutional principle.  No one, whether they're elected officials, citizens, or institutions, no matter how important or powerful, should be above the law.  Yet what we're seeing is the ruling class doing everything possible to cover up its corruption and criminal behavior, even using the the Department of Justice to target constitutional conservatives because they threaten their continued criminal behavior and their radical agenda to destroy America. 

The FBI's targeting parents, calling them domestic terrorists, (more here and here) for speaking out about the indoctrination of their children on the gay agenda among other outrages.

  • Speaking truth to school boards March 13, 2024 by Pete Colan An 11-year-old girl speaks to the school board after being forced to share a locker room with a boy. 

One thing seems clear, entirely too many Americans are ignorant of the concept of equal justice; ignorant about the rule of law; ignorant regarding the balance in government created by the Constitution!  Why?   The biggest reason for that is America's children are deliberately being ill-educated, misled, and philosophically corrupted by our institutions of education, turning out illiterate undisciplined thugs, and the violence being perpetrated by these thugs is cultural.

Note to Black Lives Matter: Literacy Made Civilization -Reading is white supremacy now. Good luck getting ahead. 

The lost generation(s)- Hitler desired to create young people who were consumed with violence and mindlessness. Are we seeing a similar trend today?

Nikole Hannah-Jones beclowns herself on Meet the Press -  The fact that Nikole Hannah-Jones has been honored with a MacArthur Foundation "genius grant" and a Pulitzer Prize, and has had the New York Times backing her error-riddled and fundamentally mistaken 1619 Project as a curriculum throughout the United States, tells us that we live in an intellectually degenerate moment in history.  That she has been granted an endowed chair (despite no doctorate) and is heading a new center with $20 million in funding at Howard University bespeaks a collapse of standards.

Public education is a scam and a racket, and the teacher's unions, which are controlled by corrupt leftists, are undermining the traditional values that created Almeria.  They have turned our schools into a national disaster. Public education in America is a failure, and yes, it really "is" the teacher's fault

  1.  Education in America Has Become a Snare and a Racket: Part I  
  2.  Education in America Has Become a Snare and a Racket: Part II

Restoring excellence in public education, starting at the lowest levels is fundamental.  And  doing so in higher education has become critical.  In combination, that's Job One in America, and that needs to be addressed in five ways, for a start.

  1. Eliminate the Department of Education, after 45 years of failure, wasting billions of dollars that should be a no-brainer.
  2. End all federal funding to education at all levels.
  3. Create a voucher system.  
  4. The nation's Boards of Education seem to forget, the work for the parents, and have gotten totally out of control in so many areas.  Form a national group to act as watchdogs, and sue any board of education that fails to bring excellence to our schools.
  5. Eliminate public employee unions, and fire all the teachers, they can't be fixed.
  6. Make all universities for profit institutions, end all student loan programs, which is turning into a national disaster.  Tax and regulate them just like any other business.   It's long past time we put this idea out of our heads they're experts because they're educated.  If that was true, then why do we see so much exposure of plagiarism by these people
North Carolina drops STEM departments, keeps politically correct ones -  February 25, 2024 By Arnold Cusmariu -The University of North Carolina system oversees 16 state universities. Campus locations include Chapel Hill, Wilmington, Charlotte, Asheville, and Greensboro.  UNC-Chapel Hill, originally called the University of North Carolina, was founded in 1789 and is one of the oldest public universities in the United States. According to Wikipedia statistics, some 245,000 students attended UNC system universities in 2021......

Here's an article I published in 2014, Before There Was Common Core!, and in this article I posted a picture of the eighth grade test for Bullitt County, 1912.

This is a test I would like to see all of America's teachers, their union leaders, and the professors in our universities take.  And any who fail would be fired.  Go here for a list of answers.  

You might also wish to review this 8th grade test from Salina Kansas....... 1895, and I'm willing to bet 99% of America would fail it, including me, but these two tests are a clear demonstration of how far our system of education nationwide has plunged down into a dark hole of ignorance.  But it's fixable.

John Droz, Jr. graciously allows me to publish his work.  John has been writing about, and testifying about, what's wrong with American education for many years.  In the two articles below John has done an excellent job of outlining what the fixes are, and they must be put in place, and I emphasized the word "must". 

  1. ) Saving American Children - Part 1 
  2. ) Saving American Children - Part 2

 Make sure to read his solutions and observations.  They're deep, wide ranging, and far seeing. 

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

This Link will take you to My Commentaries.  This Link will take you to My Commentaries by topic.  This Link will take you to My Global Warming Commentaries

By Rich Kozlovich 

This week has been mind boggling, and the hits just keep on coming.  If you've found you despise the media, good, but you probably don't despise the corrupt media as much as they deserve, and for the first time the majority of voters agree, at least when it comes to Kamala.

I often wonder how some of these people who are constantly in the news function as human beings.  Former Rep. Kinzinger, of the J6 commission fame, just can't wait to flush Trump down the drain.  Why would he say something so idiot? Because if Trump is elected all those on that committee will come under investigation for their criminal activity in how they handled, and even destroyed the evidence, including him and Liz.  

Then we have James Carville who calls the Harris/Walz act "classy" and the Trump/Vance act "trashy".   Well, I've listed commentaries this week about the "class" demonstrated by the Harris/Walz team, and it ain't pretty.  I've always thought Carville had a screw loose. 

Time and truth are on the same side, and here's another example of how vile and insane this man is.  He's certifiable in my opinion, right along with Bernie Sanders who's just thrilled at the  strong Progressive agenda being laid out by Kamala.  Really?  What agenda?  

She's shot off her mouth about "I'm gonna to this, and I'm gonna do that", and I'm gonna build 3 million homes in 4 years, but could only build eight EV stations in two and a half yearsShe's gonna go total Soviet and put price controls on food, rent, drugs, and well ________ fill in the blank because that's going to shift like the wind, and as in all price control schemes, disaster follows in the form of shortages, rationing, and corruption.   Monica Showalter calls it Castro writ large, and that worked out so well in Venezuela more than 40% of the population wants to leave.  

That's history, and that history is incontestable.   I would also like to know where and how she plans on getting the legislative authority to do all that?  That's what's called an agenda. 

So, where's the progressive agenda Bernie is so thrilled about?  There isn't one, and for good reason Democrats have "begged" her not to release one before the election.  

Update 8/18/24, 7:21AM:  It appears she's now release an "agenda".  According to Clarice Feldman in her article, Two Heroes and a Marxist Airhead: She has finally set forth her agenda (until now it has been a secret with not even a hint of it on her website). It appears to have been written by slovenly kids who spent their college years in the student union advocating for “the masses.” RK

As usual, Bernie is a communist dolt, and if Kamala did release an actual agenda she'd have to do interviews to promote it, and she's running away from that hornets nest scenario like a sprinter at the Olympics, and for good reason.  The more she's interviewed the more doltish she looks.  Unless you consider her sit down scripted meaningless love fest with Walz, who has also developed an allergy to interviews.

The Democrats are trying to turn Kamala from an "unattractive border girl into a dazzling "joy-filled lady", but it’s harder going than in the musical."   This is scam to get Kamala elected President is shady beyond belief, and Kamala, the ’Vibe Queens’ campaign has no positive accomplished roots, and that's for every position she takes.  And now she's running away from Bidenomics, she's not having to address how and why the Biden/Harris administration allowed China to steal America’s intellectual property, something Trump put a halt to, and they reversed.  She's needs to justify their policies on immigration which has caused massive levels of criminal activity in America.  But that means doing interviews.

Then we have dingle-berry Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who's up for re-election, who wants to override the SCOTUS decision on Loper to end the Chevron Doctrine by introducing legislation to give bureaucrats unrestricted power to legislate from their desks based on whatever whim strikes them.   And make no mistake, no matter how they word it, no matter how they attempt to claim that's not their goal, and that's not what will happen, that's exactly what will happen because that's what happened unendingly before Loper for decades.   

"The role of Congress is to pass laws, not push that responsibility to bureaucrats."

Leftists in government hate freedom, and they really hate having to do their jobs by passing legislation to address specifics in issues.  That might come back to haunt them since then the public would end up seeing who they really are, and most of the time it isn't a pretty picture.

I have seven commentaries of my own and twenty five really outstanding pieces by others.

Have a good weekend, and best wishes! 

My Commentaries

  1. Truth is Always an Absolute Defense, Unless You Live in the UK
  2. Vance And the Republicans Really Are Weird. The Democrats Said So!
  3. Big Government and Big Business: Corruption That Can Be Fixed!
  4. Will the Real Tim Walz Please Stand Up!
  5. Duty, Honor, Integrity, Valor!
  6. Illegal Immigration Prospers Because None Dare Call it Treason!
  7. We're Long Past An Article Five Convention of States


  1. Should Christians Fear Kamala Harris? By Tim Donner
  2. Who is directing the war on agriculture and nutrition? By Paul Driessen
  3. The Consequence of US Public Schools By John Droz, Jr.
  4. Truth or Consequences By John Droz, Jr.
  5. Putting Things in Perspective By John Droz, Jr.
  6. An Editorial Board Flunks By John Droz, Jr.
  7. Harris Repackages False ‘Happy Warrior’ Claims As Old As FDR By Mary Grabar
  8. You Can’t Defend Israel Unless You Talk About Islam  By Daniel Greenfield
  9. Did Kamala Profit From Communist Cuba?  By Daniel Greenfield
  10. Tim Walz's 30-Year Relationship With China  By Daniel Greenfield
  11. Every ‘Rabbi’ From ‘Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris’ Belongs to Anti-Israel Groups.  By Daniel Greenfield
  12. It's the Democrats Stupid! By Robin Itzler
  13. So Who is Minnesota Governor Tim Walz? By Robin Itzler
  14. Ignore the Leftist Media By Robin Itzler
  15. Is There a Real Kamala Harris? By Robin Itzler
  16. Zero Emissions Grid Demonstration Project Follies: No Fraudulent Demonstration Projects Allowed! By Francis Menton
  17. Maduro Hangs On In Venezuela By Francis Menton
  18. The Zero Emissions Grid Demonstration Project Follies By Francis Menton
  19. Kamala Harris, Price Controls, and the Contest for the Dumbest Policy Proposal of 2024 By Dan Mitchell
  20. A Preview of Kamalanomics? By Dan Mitchell
  21. Minnesota’s Failed Class-Warfare Tax Policy By Dan Mitchell
  22. Ranking Regulatory Burdens By Dan Mitchell
  23. The High Cost of Short-Run Political Decision-Making By Dan Mitchell
  24. Amnesia 2024: Media’s ‘Reintroduction’ of Kamala Harris By Andrew Moran
  25. Energy should play key role in 2024 Pennsylvania (and US) elections By Don Ritter

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You know that voice in your head that keeps you from saying the things you shouldn't say?  Yeah, I don't have that!    We need to question everything because everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality!  Much of what we're told does not!