By Rich Kozlovich, Tags: My Muslim Rape Commentaries
Editor's Note: My personal censor at Blogger has once again decided that truth, justice and the American way is in violation of Blogger's "community standards"...again.... and deleted this post. I've requested a review, and I've reposted it here. RK
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Eric Utter published this piece on January 19th, The rape of Europa, approved by its leaders, saying:
It appears dead set on returning to darkness...British Prime Minister Keir Starmer is apparently onboard with threatening to arrest Americans -- thousands of miles away across the Atlantic Ocean -- if they dare to criticize, or even speak of, the Pakistani/Muslim rape gangs that have been assaulting the little girls of his nation for many years now.......He may also be unaware that, though England still has a king, he does not have power over the rest of the world -- and, also, he isn't one, anyway. Nonetheless, the prime minister is on record as essentially saying that those criticizing the actions and policies of his government will face “the full force of the law.
In Italy 10 North African men gang raped a teen in Milan,
and the article notes 65% of crime in Italy is being committed by
migrants who represent 20% of the population. They never mention
they're Muslims most likely because that's would be called racism, but
to the left all things are racist if what being said or reported doesn't
go along with whatever lying narrative they're promoting.
On January 14, 2025 I published this article, Who Really Are the Destroyers of Western Civilization, with the subtitle, Muslims, Rape, Crime, and Western Civilization, with this quote:
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." - Marcus Tullius Cicero
While Cicero never said that it's a quote that defines who's destroying western civilization: Western civilization's leaders, both religious and secular.
Men who will rape women have no mercy and will just as easily murder women. What makes this more disturbing are those who are expected to enforce the laws undermine those laws.
"Which side are you on? Will you stand by the gnarled oak of Englishness or will you bring on the bulldozers of soulless modernity? ........ Do you care about western civilization or would you be happy to see it demolished. Are you one of us, or one of them? - Sir Roger Scruton
These women were raped by their abusers and abused by the system. The word civilized carries the basic meaning of being "fit to live in a city". When the traditional foundations needed for stable moral social behavior disintegrate there is no civilization. The so-called civilized world is turning into an emotional and social 'dark age', with all the nightmares that entails.Those in positions of responsibility and authority all over Europe, including England, have allowed these Muslim wolves to decimate their flocks. At some point there's going to be a reckoning and I hope these people who are allowing this to go on are prosecuted for their treason.
Make no mistake about some point this is going to boil over into violence all over Europe. Governments are going to fall, civil unrest will become out of control and there will be pitched battles between Muslims and ethnic Europeans. What will be the final straw?
Economic collapse of the EU and a number of European countries, and it's coming sometime between now and 2030. Is it any wonder they're frothing at the mouth over Trump's trade policy? It's they who will suffer, not the U.S., and I expect much the same for Russia and China. When these markets dry up they'll go belly up.
These leftist loons try claiming the rise in crime isn't an
immigration problem. Really? That's not historically accurate. I
remember when all this started in Sweden many years ago, and they were
shocked at the upsurge in violence in their country. Sweden was one of
the safest nations on Earth, and open violence was almost unheard of, at
least until these Muslim immigrants from the Middle East and Africa
started pouring in.
a reason why
Sweden at one point had one of the highest rape statistics in Europe.
Muslim immigrants were raping Swedish women at a shocking rate,
and the Swedish government with their catspaws in the media hid what's really going on letting
these ravenous wolves tear into the helpless citizens of their society,
and if you say anything, you're prosecuted.
Sweden's finally
taking steps over the immigration polices, but unless they take drastic
action to seriously reduce their Muslim population, they're doomed,
just like much of the rest of Europe. The demographic growth of ethnic
Europeans is so bad compared to Muslims it's believed the Netherlands
has gotten past the point of no return . It's being predicted that by
2050 Muslims will be the majority in France. The birth rates of the ethnic Western populations of Europe is being outstripped 4-1 by Islamic immigrants. In the next thirty years,
at current trends, Sweden will be unrecognizable, the old Sweden will
be irretrievable and the nation will be just as violent as are all other
Muslim dominated cultures.
Along with the Hungarians and Czech's, it's the Poles that will be left to save Europe....once again....... as they did in 1683 at the Battle of Venice, but the demographics are against them, but they may only be able to save themselves.
And who do these Muslims blame for these rapes? European women! They're at fault because they dare to live their lives based on European culture, and as a result, Muslims become inflamed and just can't help themselves, so it's not their fault, it's the fault of European women.
So, European women now have to abandon their culture to accommodate a culture that thinks rape, murder, and robbery by Muslims should be accepted as a new cultural norm? Did I get that right? The leaders of these civilized nations should be kicked out of office and tried for treason. But polls show the population supports these lunatics.
doomed. This has gone so far the only fix is an outright
revolution throughout Europe over the immigration of these Muslim
wolves. And no matter who wins, Europe is done economically. Europe is
a spent force, and will soon be a third rate continent. If the Muslims
Europe will be a tenth rate continent.
I've read Ibrahim's book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West,
and what is made very clear is by the history of Islam is this: The
true pillars of Islam are lust, greed, envy, hate and violence.
it any wonder the left and Islam have so much in common. They're
fellow travelers in their hate of Christians, Jews, and America and the
thing keeping them from taking over the world is the American identity,
culture, economy and the Constitution. Between Islam and socialism the
world faces two of the most degraded, devastating and deadly
philosophies ever known.
I'm convinced anarchy is going to be rampant throughout Europe.
I've been writing and posting articles about this for over twelve years, so I suppose I'm on that list, but since they've never come after me in all these years, I don't think I have to be concerned.
Starmer is about to have his hands full, since Elon Musk has bypassed the media and their control over "misinformation" by the government exposing these crimes, he's generated a lot of justifiable outrage, including over the short prison sentences for U.K. grooming hang child rapists, and how, according to a whistleblower, Senior Officers were told not to investigate the Rotherham Grooming Gangs because:
.........that scandal would implicate senior police officers in a report on local failures to protect young girls in the English town, .....claiming ....... previous local investigations into Muslim grooming gangs have been sufficient and that a fresh national inquiry into the widespread child abuse and the politically correct failures to safeguard primarily young white girls is not needed.
In this article, 5 Pillars and the Denial of Systemic Child Exploitation in the U.K., it's the same old leftist lies and tactics. Deny, blame the victim, deny, claim it's a vast right with conspiracy to undermine the government, deny, etc. But time and truth are on the same side, and the public isn't buying it, and the Pravda media can no longer control the narrative. Once truth has been spoken, it can't be forgotten, it can only be suppressed, and that's what these "leaders" have done for years, and are still at it.