Last night (9/19/19) a mob of protestors tried to shut down CFACT’s climate rebuttal event at Georgetown University.
They shouted, blew horns, pounded on windows, and chanted over CFACT’s Marc Morano and Paul Driessen and others as they attempted to give their presentations to the packed room. Campus police were required to come in to escort the disruptors out.
I wrote you yesterday about the UN’s climate roadshow starting at Georgetown University and then coming to a crescendo in New York City this weekend and all next week. Last night’s shameless display was just the beginning of the hypocrisy and radicalism that will be on display for the world to see.
The Georgetown event was hosted by the College Republicans, who wanted to work with CFACT to offer a fact-based rebuttal to the 2-day MSNBC climate forum on campus featuring several Democratic candidates for president. The rebuttal event ran for 2 hours in between MSNBC’s coverage. CFACT's forum was featured in Newsweek.
The alarmists had two days to make wild claims. Those of us countering them with facts had two hours. That was more free speech than the Left could tolerate.
When campus police arrived the protesters obstructing the event refused to leave, saying “this is a public forum” and “we were invited to come here.”
For the radical Greens, it’s free speech for me, but not for thee.
The police tried to reason with the protesters.
In response, the disruptors chanted: “What do we want? Climate Justice! When do we want it? Now!”
Apparently, these students don’t care about justice for those in the developing world who have been denied access to the electricity, clean water, and medicines that come from a modern society flourishing from fossil fuels.
Had the protesters actually listened to Paul Driessen’s or Dr. Caleb Rossiter’s talks, they would have learned about that.
The intolerant Left cannot stand any opposition. When their assertions are countered with facts they collapse.
CFACT won't sit idly by as our freedoms are stripped away in the name of climate craziness. For nature and people too,
P.S. The climate radical roadshow moves from Georgetown to New York City this weekend and next week. CFACT is headed there now to counter the dogma emanating from the UN and their army of radical protesters at every step. Without support from our friends CFACT's work stops. Can we count on you to give whatever amount you can to help us take the field?
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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas
Friday, September 20, 2019
Georgetown Radicals Shout Down CFACT Forum
By Craig Rucker
Earth Worship And Climate Confessions
Brent Bozell and Tim Graham Sep 20, 2019
Gaianism is alive and well in what we call Western civilization. In advance of the United Nations Climate Action Summit on Sept. 23, leftists are actively practicing their faith. Man has despoiled the Earth and now must ... confess to the Earth.
Think we're exaggerating?
On Sept. 17, New York's Union Theological Seminary, a progressive Christian adjunct to Columbia University, put out a tweet that many people must have assumed was a satire from the religion pranksters at The Babylon Bee. "Today in chapel, we confessed to plants," it began. "Together, we held our grief, joy, regret, hope, guilt and sorrow in prayer; offering them to the beings who sustain us but whose gift we too often fail to honor." Then they asked for an Amen: "What do you confess to the plants in your life?".........To Read More....
Gaianism is alive and well in what we call Western civilization. In advance of the United Nations Climate Action Summit on Sept. 23, leftists are actively practicing their faith. Man has despoiled the Earth and now must ... confess to the Earth.
Think we're exaggerating?
On Sept. 17, New York's Union Theological Seminary, a progressive Christian adjunct to Columbia University, put out a tweet that many people must have assumed was a satire from the religion pranksters at The Babylon Bee. "Today in chapel, we confessed to plants," it began. "Together, we held our grief, joy, regret, hope, guilt and sorrow in prayer; offering them to the beings who sustain us but whose gift we too often fail to honor." Then they asked for an Amen: "What do you confess to the plants in your life?".........To Read More....
Sorry, Greta, even your fellow Swedes aren't buying the climate change claptrap anymore
September 20, 2019 By Monica Showalter To
Greta Thunberg, the Swedish child activist who doesn't know much, but is very certain of what she's saying, is having her heyday in the U.S., fiercely putting on her 'I won't eat those peas' face for the camers, telling the U.S. Congress they're not trying hard enough, leading a giant global protest today, and getting hailed as the child savior of the earth. Just one glitch here. Her home nation of Sweden, yes, you read right, Sweden, isn't buying the global warming claptrap anymore. Mark Morano over at Climate Depot has found a damning survey. ................ So let's break down the chart here.
Thirty-six percent of Swedes think climate change is man-caused. Forty-eight percent think the climate is changing and humans are only partly responsible. Eight percent say the climate is changing and it's not people doing it. Two percent say it's not changing at all.......... that the cute and sincere Swedish kidlet is a pawn of a consortium of greedy green venture capitalists and investors whose agenda is to get in on government-contracts green action based on legislated green priorities, same way Al Gore did, and make themselves a crony-capitalism killing.
Greta is being hailed as persuasive in her global warming activism. In reality, she's a hail-Mary pass from a rearguard jurocracy hellbent on institutionalizing global warming to its own benefit. Sorry, Greta.............To Read More...
Greta Thunberg, the Swedish child activist who doesn't know much, but is very certain of what she's saying, is having her heyday in the U.S., fiercely putting on her 'I won't eat those peas' face for the camers, telling the U.S. Congress they're not trying hard enough, leading a giant global protest today, and getting hailed as the child savior of the earth. Just one glitch here. Her home nation of Sweden, yes, you read right, Sweden, isn't buying the global warming claptrap anymore. Mark Morano over at Climate Depot has found a damning survey. ................ So let's break down the chart here.
Thirty-six percent of Swedes think climate change is man-caused. Forty-eight percent think the climate is changing and humans are only partly responsible. Eight percent say the climate is changing and it's not people doing it. Two percent say it's not changing at all.......... that the cute and sincere Swedish kidlet is a pawn of a consortium of greedy green venture capitalists and investors whose agenda is to get in on government-contracts green action based on legislated green priorities, same way Al Gore did, and make themselves a crony-capitalism killing.
Greta is being hailed as persuasive in her global warming activism. In reality, she's a hail-Mary pass from a rearguard jurocracy hellbent on institutionalizing global warming to its own benefit. Sorry, Greta.............To Read More...
Is the “climate crisis” a cruel hoax or tragic blunder?
By David Wojick | September 18th, 2019 |Climate| 195 Comments
Back when the climate “crisis – emergency – catastrophe – existential threat” stuff emerged, the October 2018 IPCC report was routinely cited as the source, although that seems to have faded. But the standard milestones, like net zero by 2050 and 12 years for decisive action (to 2030), are from that report. The problem is that there is no support in that report for the crisis narrative, none at all. The so-called crisis is a gross misinterpretation.
The reality is that the IPCC was tasked with saying what difference the two Paris Accord targets make, which are 2.0 degrees versus 1.5 degrees of total warming. Predictably (because all warming is bad to these people) they found more damage at 2.0 degrees, but arguably not a lot more. (There is also damage at 1.5 degrees, just as there is today at 1.0 degrees.)
The IPCC also pointed out, correctly, that according to the models it would be a Herculean task to hold to 1.5 degrees. This is where the extreme policy measures are found. The IPCC said that extreme measures would be required to limit warming to 1.5 degrees, if that were desired. They did not say it was desirable to do this........To Read More....
Back when the climate “crisis – emergency – catastrophe – existential threat” stuff emerged, the October 2018 IPCC report was routinely cited as the source, although that seems to have faded. But the standard milestones, like net zero by 2050 and 12 years for decisive action (to 2030), are from that report. The problem is that there is no support in that report for the crisis narrative, none at all. The so-called crisis is a gross misinterpretation.
The reality is that the IPCC was tasked with saying what difference the two Paris Accord targets make, which are 2.0 degrees versus 1.5 degrees of total warming. Predictably (because all warming is bad to these people) they found more damage at 2.0 degrees, but arguably not a lot more. (There is also damage at 1.5 degrees, just as there is today at 1.0 degrees.)
The IPCC also pointed out, correctly, that according to the models it would be a Herculean task to hold to 1.5 degrees. This is where the extreme policy measures are found. The IPCC said that extreme measures would be required to limit warming to 1.5 degrees, if that were desired. They did not say it was desirable to do this........To Read More....
Renewables may feel good, too bad they don’t work
By Ronald Stein | September 19th, 2019 | Energy | 5 Comments
The “green magic transition” may be the greatest con job in history.
Despite the hype over the ever-increasing connected capacity at wind and solar farms worldwide, none, yes, let me repeat that, none have replaced any of the hydro, natural gas, coal, or nuclear generating plants that are providing continuous and uninterruptable electricity to people and businesses around the world.
Solar may work occasionally at homes and businesses as a source for supplemental intermittent electricity to lower daily demand from the grid, but they’re still connected to a reliable source for continuously and uninterruptable power. We all know, if the sun is not shinning, their only source of electricity are the power generating plants feeding the grid even with the burgeoning mass storage technology popping up in the most auspicious places.
It’s not that we’re not trying to tap into the emission free electricity provided by Mother Nature, but wind and sunshine are too intermittent. They are not the panacea. They come with their own ills.
With the success the green movement has had on stymying nuclear, it’s now attracting big oil companies to invest huge sums into the renewables craze.
There are three main reasons for that kind of investment from “big oil” into renewables.
- First, it’s a great public relation move.
- Second, it’s a fantastic business investment, as every wind and solar site generating intermittent electricity needs a natural gas backup generating plant to provide continuous and uninterruptable electricity.
- Third, if they fail, the government incentives are “no take back” guarantees and the loss is a tax write off. So, they basically get to dabble for free..........To Read More....
Apply the brakes to electric vehicles
By Peter Murphy | September 19th, 2019| Energy | 11 Comments
Probably everyone can remember owning their first car; the make, model, year, color, and a host of other trivial details. It is a special moment. It’s personal. It’s a choice.
With the exception of a sliver of this country, Americans do not want electric cars. Electric vehicles should remain a choice, not a government incentive or a mandate that is demanded by the Green movement. A mass expansion of electric vehicles also brings with it numerous concerns.
Americans own or lease lots of cars, trucks and sport utility vehicles. There are an estimated 276 million such vehicles on the road in the United States. In 2018, Americans purchased more than 17 million vehicles, among which 2 percent were electric.
Climate change activists and most left-of-center politicians want to force-feed electric vehicles on the American public. Every proposed version of the Green New Deal has electric vehicles as one of its centerpieces. The proponents imagine if there were no gasoline-powered automobiles, only electric, there would be far less need for fossil fuel extraction. Thus, the floods would recede, the planet cooled, and so on. This is fantasy........To Read More....
With the exception of a sliver of this country, Americans do not want electric cars. Electric vehicles should remain a choice, not a government incentive or a mandate that is demanded by the Green movement. A mass expansion of electric vehicles also brings with it numerous concerns.
Americans own or lease lots of cars, trucks and sport utility vehicles. There are an estimated 276 million such vehicles on the road in the United States. In 2018, Americans purchased more than 17 million vehicles, among which 2 percent were electric.
Climate change activists and most left-of-center politicians want to force-feed electric vehicles on the American public. Every proposed version of the Green New Deal has electric vehicles as one of its centerpieces. The proponents imagine if there were no gasoline-powered automobiles, only electric, there would be far less need for fossil fuel extraction. Thus, the floods would recede, the planet cooled, and so on. This is fantasy........To Read More....
The Idolatry of Environmental Extremism
David Limbaugh Sep 20, 2019
A bizarre incident at Union Theological Seminary illustrates why many Christians believe that internal forces, not external ones, represent the greatest threat to the church.
Students at this seminary prayed to a collection of plants in its chapel, which triggered a raft of criticism on Twitter. The school defiantly defended its action in a series of tweets.
"Today in chapel, we confessed to plants," the school tweeted. "Together, we held our grief, joy, regret, hope, guilt and sorrow in prayer; offering them to the beings who sustain us but whose gift we too often fail to honor. What do you confess to the plants in your life?"
Some Twitter respondents observed that the seminary and its students have lost their minds, but I think it's worse than that. Insanity might mitigate this sacrilege, but deliberately perverting theology is another matter.........To Read More....
A bizarre incident at Union Theological Seminary illustrates why many Christians believe that internal forces, not external ones, represent the greatest threat to the church.
Students at this seminary prayed to a collection of plants in its chapel, which triggered a raft of criticism on Twitter. The school defiantly defended its action in a series of tweets.
"Today in chapel, we confessed to plants," the school tweeted. "Together, we held our grief, joy, regret, hope, guilt and sorrow in prayer; offering them to the beings who sustain us but whose gift we too often fail to honor. What do you confess to the plants in your life?"
Some Twitter respondents observed that the seminary and its students have lost their minds, but I think it's worse than that. Insanity might mitigate this sacrilege, but deliberately perverting theology is another matter.........To Read More....
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
How do you throw away a dead wind turbine?
By Duggan Flanakin September 16th, 2019|Energy, Environment|19 Comments
Contrary to popular opinion, the life cycle of a modern wind turbine is no more than 20 to 25 years. Since turbine blades cannot be burned and are not recyclable, the recommended option is landfill disposal. But not every landfill can even accept these massive structures, even after they are broken into their parts.
According to Pu Liu and Claire Barlow (Waste Management, April 2017), there will be 43 million metric tons of blade waste worldwide by 2050, with China possessing 40% of the waste, Europe 25%, the United States 16%, and the rest of the world 19%. The problem of blade disposal, they conclude, is just beginning to emerge as a significant factor for the future.
A 2017 report from researchers Katerin Ramirez-Tejeda, David A. Turcotte, and Sarah Pike (New Solutions) asserts that “the environmental consequences and health risks are so adverse that the authors warn that if the public learns of this rapidly burgeoning problem, they may be less inclined to favor wind power expansion.”
Ramirez-Tejeda, et al., added that landfilling turbine waste is especially problematic “because its high resistance to heat, sunlight, and moisture means that it will take hundreds of years to degrade in a landfill environment. The wood and other organic material present in the blades would also end up in landfills, potentially releasing methane, a potent greenhouse gas, and other volatile organic compounds to the environment.” ..........To Read More......
Contrary to popular opinion, the life cycle of a modern wind turbine is no more than 20 to 25 years. Since turbine blades cannot be burned and are not recyclable, the recommended option is landfill disposal. But not every landfill can even accept these massive structures, even after they are broken into their parts.
According to Pu Liu and Claire Barlow (Waste Management, April 2017), there will be 43 million metric tons of blade waste worldwide by 2050, with China possessing 40% of the waste, Europe 25%, the United States 16%, and the rest of the world 19%. The problem of blade disposal, they conclude, is just beginning to emerge as a significant factor for the future.
A 2017 report from researchers Katerin Ramirez-Tejeda, David A. Turcotte, and Sarah Pike (New Solutions) asserts that “the environmental consequences and health risks are so adverse that the authors warn that if the public learns of this rapidly burgeoning problem, they may be less inclined to favor wind power expansion.”
Ramirez-Tejeda, et al., added that landfilling turbine waste is especially problematic “because its high resistance to heat, sunlight, and moisture means that it will take hundreds of years to degrade in a landfill environment. The wood and other organic material present in the blades would also end up in landfills, potentially releasing methane, a potent greenhouse gas, and other volatile organic compounds to the environment.” ..........To Read More......
'Climate Change': A Leftist Excuse to Redistribute Wealth and Destroy the West
September 17, 2019 By Ferdinand Bardamu
The "Church of Climate Change" demands that Western nations impose restrictions on industrial CO2 emissions, encouraging them to squander billions on unreliable "green" technologies and renewable sources of energy. They continue to ignore the one policy that has significantly increased atmospheric CO2 levels in the last few decades, generating hundreds of millions of metric tons of the stuff annually: mass third-world immigration (see Kolankiewicz and Camarota, 2008).
If the IPCC were objective, it would demand an end to mass immigration instead of more carbon taxes and emissions trading. Such indifference in the face of the evidence shows that they care more about racially dispossessing whites than they do about "saving the planet."
So what is the ulterior motive? To further understand what this may be, we must examine the career of Canadian businessman Maurice Strong (1929–2015). Thanks to his tireless "lobbying behind the scenes," the U.N. has played a key role in forging a "consensus" on man-made global warming. In a sense, he was the right man at the right time. Besides his ability to manipulate others, Strong was aided by other factors, such as the collapse of Soviet communism in the early 1990s. This helped pave the way for the emergence of a new leftist orthodoxy: environmentalism.........To Read More....
The "Church of Climate Change" demands that Western nations impose restrictions on industrial CO2 emissions, encouraging them to squander billions on unreliable "green" technologies and renewable sources of energy. They continue to ignore the one policy that has significantly increased atmospheric CO2 levels in the last few decades, generating hundreds of millions of metric tons of the stuff annually: mass third-world immigration (see Kolankiewicz and Camarota, 2008).
If the IPCC were objective, it would demand an end to mass immigration instead of more carbon taxes and emissions trading. Such indifference in the face of the evidence shows that they care more about racially dispossessing whites than they do about "saving the planet."
So what is the ulterior motive? To further understand what this may be, we must examine the career of Canadian businessman Maurice Strong (1929–2015). Thanks to his tireless "lobbying behind the scenes," the U.N. has played a key role in forging a "consensus" on man-made global warming. In a sense, he was the right man at the right time. Besides his ability to manipulate others, Strong was aided by other factors, such as the collapse of Soviet communism in the early 1990s. This helped pave the way for the emergence of a new leftist orthodoxy: environmentalism.........To Read More....
Monday, September 16, 2019
Energy & Environmental Newsletter: September 16, 2019
By John Droz, Jr. -- September 16, 2019 @ AWED Newletter
The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).
A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.
Some of the more important articles in this issue are:
How AWEA misrepresents the cost of wind energy
California raises the caution flag on ‘green jobs’
Sometimes, a greener grid means a 40,000% spike in power prices
McKinsey Report: Renewables Threaten German Economy & Energy Supply
12 Reasons Why Wind & Solar Power Make No Sense
Russia Announces Plans for Coal-Digging Surge
Good Short Video: Battery Fantasy
Letter: Transitioning to a Non-Fossil Fuel Economy
Renewables Reality: Isn’t It Time We Faced Up to It?
Can wind turbines blow away Radar weather warnings?
Fascinating short video: Top countries for oil production, last 30+ years
Study: Propagation of Error and the Reliability of Global Air Temperature Projections
The Cynical Myth of a Global Warming “Consensus”
How Faux Environmental Concern Hides Desire to Rule the World
Climate hysteria is a great opportunity to teach children to ask questions
The New Road to Serfdom
Michael Mann’s Tree-Ring Circus
NASA admits climate change occurs because of changes in Earth’s solar orbit
A short good video about Polar Bears: The Death of a Climate Icon
Victorious ruling for the Dr. Peter Ridd case
The Craziest Things Said at the CNN Climate Town Hall
Study: Connections between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda
Short video: Does the IPCC Include Solar Physics in their Reports?
Greed Energy Economics:
How AWEA misrepresents the cost of wind energy
California raises the caution flag on ‘green jobs’
Sometimes, a greener grid means a 40,000% spike in power prices
McKinsey Report: Renewables Threaten German Economy & Energy Supply
2018 investment in renewables 12% down on 2017
Cuomo’s pricey wind-power gift to unions
German Wind Industry In A Coma
Turbine Health Matters:
Video: NY Public Health Officer’s position on Turbine Health Consequence
Insect borne diseases increase as turbines kill a natural predator: bats
Judges advise wind developer to comply with WHO turbine noise standards
Short video: RN Testifies About Apparent Local Turbine Health Consequences
Excellent Lecture: Turbine Infrasound and Low-Frequency Noise
Concerns Raised about Turbine Health Impacts at WNY Forum
Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems:
Report Blames Wind Turbines For Bird Slaughter
Unfurling The Waste Problem Caused By Wind Energy
Miscellaneous Energy News:
12 Reasons Why Wind & Solar Power Make No Sense
Russia Announces Plans for Coal-Digging Surge
Good Short Video: Battery Fantasy
Letter: Transitioning to a Non-Fossil Fuel Economy
Renewables Reality: Isn’t It Time We Faced Up to It?
Can wind turbines blow away Radar weather warnings?
Fascinating short video: Top countries for oil production, last 30+ years
Pilloried for telling truth on renewable problems
Free-Market Groups Urge Reform of National Environmental Policy Act
Green energy: why wind power will never be the answer
New Good Book: Energy Made Easy
New York Politicians Running on Empty and Denying It
Gov Cuomo’s energy policies are counterproductive for the climate
NY Bill would require local referendum on energy projects
Wind power projects running into opposition
German wind energy stalls amid public resistance and regulatory hurdles
Obsession With Intermittent Wind & Solar Renders Germany the Blackout Nation
Norway’s electric car miracle is a smug national fraud
California Dems Overzealous Actions on Energy Could Cost Them at the Polls
Hey Democratic Candidates: Are You Going To Ban All Fossil Fuels?
The Hamptons Love Green Energy — But That Wind Project?
Miscellaneous Energy News— Nuclear:
President’s Letter re Nuclear Energy Fuel Research
Nuclear Power And The 2020 Presidential Candidates
Warren: We’ll Replace Nuclear with Renewables
Why California May Go Nuclear
California assemblyman wants to classify nuclear power as renewable
Inquiry into the prerequisites for nuclear energy in Australia
Miscellaneous Energy News— Solar:
12 Reasons Why Wind & Solar Power Make No Sense
Solar energy badly harms the environment. It must be taxed, not subsidized
Solar Goons buy, own NC GOP while beating up conservatives
Newly-built NC solar project damaged by weakened Dorian winds
Solar panels: Thousands of customers complain
Tesla Solar Debacle Is Explained by Vanity Fair and Walmart
California Sunsets Bring Solar Woes
Trees or solar panels?
Australia slashes output of five big solar farms by half due to voltage issues
Miscellaneous Energy News— Offshore Wind:
Vineyard Wind and Politicians vs Fishing Industry
Vineyard Wind Races Against the Clock
Manmade Global Warming Articles:
Study: Propagation of Error and the Reliability of Global Air Temperature Projections
The Cynical Myth of a Global Warming “Consensus”
How Faux Environmental Concern Hides Desire to Rule the World
Climate hysteria is a great opportunity to teach children to ask questions
The New Road to Serfdom
Michael Mann’s Tree-Ring Circus
NASA admits climate change occurs because of changes in Earth’s solar orbit
A short good video about Polar Bears: The Death of a Climate Icon
Victorious ruling for the Dr. Peter Ridd case
The Craziest Things Said at the CNN Climate Town Hall
Study: Connections between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda
Short video: Does the IPCC Include Solar Physics in their Reports?
New Studies: Scientists Find Human Contribution To Warming Less Than 0.02°C
Study: Climate Change — In search of the truth
Climate change stripped bare
“One of the most significant developments in the climate debate in decades”
Michael Mann Loses Lawsuit
Short Video: Climate Call Out
It’s official: No U.S. warming since at least 2005
227 children were ‘killed to stop bad weather’
Meteorologist warns against blaming Hurricane Dorian on climate change
Amazon rain forests are burning at a record rate. NASA disagrees
NASA: Global Wildfires Drop By 25% Since 2003
It’s time to whack greenhouse gas Endangerment Finding
St Greta of Thunberg – Her Gospel Is Pure Propaganda; Her Cause Is Evil
Air Conditioning — Saving Lives but Getting No Love
A Famine of Fact at U.N. Climate Panel
Media Ignores Climate Alarmist’s Court Loss — It Doesn’t Fit Their Agenda
Climate Change Explained by a Physicist Using Spectra
German Ministers Who Don’t Enforce Green Policies May Face Jail Sentences
Washington Post Uses Dubious Data on ‘Extreme’ Climate Change
Human-Induced Climate Change — A Geoscientist’s View
It May Be Too Late To Halt the Climate Change Town Hall On CNN
Climate Change Could Be a Problem in 2020 … for Democrats
Were Dems’ Climate Platform a Religion it Would Be a Sham
The Real Loser of the Democratic Presidential Candidate Climate Change Debate
WMO Secretary-General Rejects Climate “Doomsters and Extremists”
James Cook University ordered to pay scientist Peter Ridd $1.2 million for unlawfully dismissing him
Propagation of Error and the Reliability of Global Air Temperature Projections
There is NO climate emergency!
Climate Change Hyperbole Changes the Landscape of New York
Trump’s Science Advisor: Climate Scientists Must Improve Climate Models
Serious mismatches continue between science and policy in forest bioenergy
Swedish Researcher Advocates Eating Human Flesh to Combat Climate Change
Buckets of Icy Cold Reality
Climate Changing for the Better
Short video: Does the IPCC Include Solar Physics in their Reports?
Science, Education, Politics, and Miscellaneous Related Articles:
China’s Economy and Its Effect on the U.S. Economy
Before Weather Was a Science
Short video: How AJ+ is trying to undermine America
Today’s parents need a trophy child
Good Grieve! America’s Grade Inflation Culture
Dr. Happer retired last week
Report: The US-China economic relationship
Big Business: A Losing Strategy (BTR’s Statement)
Google discriminates against conservatives and climate skeptics
Brain-reading tech is coming. The law is not ready to protect us.
The Left is Sabotaging our Educational Systems
Can American Higher Education Be Restored?
Short video: Is College Worth It?
California Wants to Teach Your Kids that Capitalism Is Racist
NERC finds first remote hacker interference on US grid from cyber-attack
A Nation in Crisis
A sad video of the hurricane destruction in the Bahamas
See Prior AWED Newsletters
The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).
A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.
Some of the more important articles in this issue are:
How AWEA misrepresents the cost of wind energy
California raises the caution flag on ‘green jobs’
Sometimes, a greener grid means a 40,000% spike in power prices
McKinsey Report: Renewables Threaten German Economy & Energy Supply
12 Reasons Why Wind & Solar Power Make No Sense
Russia Announces Plans for Coal-Digging Surge
Good Short Video: Battery Fantasy
Letter: Transitioning to a Non-Fossil Fuel Economy
Renewables Reality: Isn’t It Time We Faced Up to It?
Can wind turbines blow away Radar weather warnings?
Fascinating short video: Top countries for oil production, last 30+ years
Study: Propagation of Error and the Reliability of Global Air Temperature Projections
The Cynical Myth of a Global Warming “Consensus”
How Faux Environmental Concern Hides Desire to Rule the World
Climate hysteria is a great opportunity to teach children to ask questions
The New Road to Serfdom
Michael Mann’s Tree-Ring Circus
NASA admits climate change occurs because of changes in Earth’s solar orbit
A short good video about Polar Bears: The Death of a Climate Icon
Victorious ruling for the Dr. Peter Ridd case
The Craziest Things Said at the CNN Climate Town Hall
Study: Connections between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda
Short video: Does the IPCC Include Solar Physics in their Reports?
Greed Energy Economics:
How AWEA misrepresents the cost of wind energy
California raises the caution flag on ‘green jobs’
Sometimes, a greener grid means a 40,000% spike in power prices
McKinsey Report: Renewables Threaten German Economy & Energy Supply
2018 investment in renewables 12% down on 2017
Cuomo’s pricey wind-power gift to unions
German Wind Industry In A Coma
Turbine Health Matters:
Video: NY Public Health Officer’s position on Turbine Health Consequence
Insect borne diseases increase as turbines kill a natural predator: bats
Judges advise wind developer to comply with WHO turbine noise standards
Short video: RN Testifies About Apparent Local Turbine Health Consequences
Excellent Lecture: Turbine Infrasound and Low-Frequency Noise
Concerns Raised about Turbine Health Impacts at WNY Forum
Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems:
Report Blames Wind Turbines For Bird Slaughter
Unfurling The Waste Problem Caused By Wind Energy
Miscellaneous Energy News:
12 Reasons Why Wind & Solar Power Make No Sense
Russia Announces Plans for Coal-Digging Surge
Good Short Video: Battery Fantasy
Letter: Transitioning to a Non-Fossil Fuel Economy
Renewables Reality: Isn’t It Time We Faced Up to It?
Can wind turbines blow away Radar weather warnings?
Fascinating short video: Top countries for oil production, last 30+ years
Pilloried for telling truth on renewable problems
Free-Market Groups Urge Reform of National Environmental Policy Act
Green energy: why wind power will never be the answer
New Good Book: Energy Made Easy
New York Politicians Running on Empty and Denying It
Gov Cuomo’s energy policies are counterproductive for the climate
NY Bill would require local referendum on energy projects
Wind power projects running into opposition
German wind energy stalls amid public resistance and regulatory hurdles
Obsession With Intermittent Wind & Solar Renders Germany the Blackout Nation
Norway’s electric car miracle is a smug national fraud
California Dems Overzealous Actions on Energy Could Cost Them at the Polls
Hey Democratic Candidates: Are You Going To Ban All Fossil Fuels?
The Hamptons Love Green Energy — But That Wind Project?
Miscellaneous Energy News— Nuclear:
President’s Letter re Nuclear Energy Fuel Research
Nuclear Power And The 2020 Presidential Candidates
Warren: We’ll Replace Nuclear with Renewables
Why California May Go Nuclear
California assemblyman wants to classify nuclear power as renewable
Inquiry into the prerequisites for nuclear energy in Australia
Miscellaneous Energy News— Solar:
12 Reasons Why Wind & Solar Power Make No Sense
Solar energy badly harms the environment. It must be taxed, not subsidized
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Cory Booker Belongs in Jail Over Newark’s Water Crisis
Posted by
Daniel Greenfield 1 Comments Sunday, September 15, 2019
@ Sultan Knish Blog
Don’t drink the water in Newark.
The only thing worse than the crime and corruption in the New Jersey city that gave the nation Cory Booker is its drinking water. First, they found lead in the water in schools and then in people’s homes.
In some homes the lead content in the water is four times higher than the federal limit.
And Cory Booker, the Senator from New Jersey, running to run the country, is blaming racism.
"Newark's water emergency demands our federal government's immediate attention. Everyone
deserves clean, safe water - it's shameful that our national crisis of lead-contaminated water disproportionately hits poor black and brown communities like my own," Booker tweeted.
Did a “national crisis” cause Newark’s clean water crisis?
Booker probably forgot that he had served as the ex-officio chairman of the Newark Watershed Conservation and Development Corporation. It's understandable that Spartacus forgot all about it because while he was running Newark, he never actually attended a single NWCDC meeting.
And, after a while, he stopped even pretending to send a representative.
The NWCDC was being paid $10 million a year to manage Newark’s water.
Linda Watkins-Brashear, a Booker ally and donor, worked as the director of the NWCDC. At least until she was arrested, tried and convicted in a $1 million kickback scheme. The scandal broke during Booker’s final year in office. And the NWCDC, Board of Trustees, which he was supposed to be overseeing, took swift action by dissolving the board, and writing a $450,000 check to Brashear.
It was Brashear’s second severance package. The first one, of $200,000, came when she left for three weeks while still continuing to receive her salary. That was the same year Booker took office.
Nice work if you can get it.
By the end, Booker hadn’t even bothered sending representatives to NWCDC board meetings, which were being illegally decided by three people, while handing his political ally years of no-bid contracts.
Brashear had donated thousands of dollars to Booker and volunteered on his campaign. And she used the organization that was supposed to oversee Newark’s clean water to write $200,000 in checks to herself, lose $558,000 in high risk margin trading, give her ex-husband a $332,000 no-bid interior design contract, loan $20,000 to the National Black United Fund, and cover a lobster and cognac dinner.
And now, mysteriously and inexplicably, there’s a “national crisis” of lead in Newark’s water.
You can have clean water for the people or cognac for Democrat fixers, but not both.
It truly is shameful that this “national crisis” of Cory Booker’s corrupt political allies stealing money meant to ensure clean water “disproportionately hits poor black and brown communities”.
President Cory Booker will make sure that the “national crisis” will affect people of all races when his crooked Democrat associates are running the country the way that they ran Newark.
Booker is black. As is Brashear.
As is Donald Bernard Sr., the senior projects manager of NWCDC, who was sentenced to 8 years in prison after pleading guilty to accepting $1 million in bribes from contractors.
Clearly, this is a national crisis of environmental racism.
How did the NWCDC get away with this for so long?
Its general counsel, Elnardo Webster II, was Booker's former law partner, friend and advisor. Elnardo was working for Trenk, DiPasquale, Della Fera & Sodono, which was also Booker’s former law firm. While the firm was making a fortune from city contracts, including for NWCDC, it was paying Booker $700,000.
A judge levied major fines against Booker’s former law firm over its NWCDC work.
Yes, this “national crisis” of Cory Booker’s sleaziness must be urgently addressed as he now holds an office in the national government and would like an even bigger national office.
“Newark's water emergency demands our federal government's immediate attention,” insists Booker, who never attended a single meeting of the organization that was supposed to be overseeing it.
And which he was supposed to be overseeing.
According to Booker, who spent most of his time in office alternating between Twitter and Oprah, he just couldn’t find the time. Clean water never got his attention, immediate or otherwise.
Back in May, Cory Booker had introduced the Water Infrastructure Funding Transfer Bill to help Newark move money around. "Communities across the country don't have clean drinking water, and those communities are disproportionately low-income and communities of color,” he claimed.
“This is an environmental justice issue.”
It’s not an environmental justice issue. It’s a criminal justice issue.
A normal person who chaired a board of trustees that committed flagrant illegalities, overseeing an organization where millions of dollars were stolen by one of his donors, and received hundreds of thousands of dollars from a disgraced law firm connected to the scandal, all of which put the public at risk, would not be appearing running for President. He would be in prison.
The environment didn’t cause this. It’s not a national crisis that somehow “hit” Newark. It’s not racial discrimination against “communities of color”.
Cory Booker keeps trying to blame racism for the actions of his corrupt political associates. And the Democrats keep acting as if their corruption is some sort of national problem to be blamed on us all.
Edward McRae, an NWCDC employee, set up a landscaping company to get NWCDC contracts, even though he had no experience in landscaping.
He didn't even buy landscaping equipment until he got the landscaping contract.
How did Eddie get so lucky?
McRae said that he met Brashear while working on an unstated political campaign and heard that it was raining contracts. It’s unknown whose campaign it was, but it was certainly a Democrat campaign.
While Booker’s pals were robbing the NWCDC blind, they knew better than to actually drink the water.
The OSC investigation found that public funds weren't just being used to buy lobster, filet magnon and cognac, but $534 for imported drinking water from Florida.
Booker is right. It is shameful.
It’s shameful that the former party of segregation fastened on to black communities like a leech while blaming its corruption on racism and an imaginary national crisis. It’s shameful that the media promoted Booker’s routine as a progressive social media guru while failing to hold him accountable.
And it’s shameful that Booker and his political allies have no shame.
Instead of apologizing, Cory Booker is trying to shift the blame for his action and inaction to all Americans. He’s trying to blame racism, instead of blaming his thieving donors and allies.
When the NWCDC was stealing money meant for clean water, Booker pretended he knew nothing. Now he knows that bottled water is being handed out in Newark because of a national crisis of racist water.
Before Brashear was sentenced to 8 years in prison for stealing almost $2 million, her lawyer claimed that, “there is no crime here”.
Hundreds of cities, and thousands of agencies and organizations across the country have been robbed by Democrat politicians, donors and activists, the same way that Booker’s pals robbed Newark.
But there’s never a crime. It’s always a “national crisis” that gets blamed on social problems and racism.
When the schools don’t work (the $100 million that Mark Zuckerberg plugged into Newark’s schools on Booker’s behalf might as well have been set on fire), and the power is out, and there’s no clean water, when residents aren’t evacuated ahead of a hurricane and the buildings are falling apart, it’s racism.
It’s never the fault of the Democrats who are responsible for the schools, the buildings and the water.
If only we cared enough, the media tells us, children wouldn’t be drinking water with lead. If only we paid higher taxes and sacrificed more, Booker’s associates would have been able to drink twice as much cognac and gorge on twice as much lobster, king crab and filet mignon.
And now, despite years of EPA warnings, Booker is demanding that the federal government get involved. He’s right again. The federal government ought to get involved. And it ought to involve handcuffs.
Cory Booker doesn’t belong in the White House. He belongs in prison.
Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.
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Thank you for reading.
Don’t drink the water in Newark.
The only thing worse than the crime and corruption in the New Jersey city that gave the nation Cory Booker is its drinking water. First, they found lead in the water in schools and then in people’s homes.
In some homes the lead content in the water is four times higher than the federal limit.
And Cory Booker, the Senator from New Jersey, running to run the country, is blaming racism.
deserves clean, safe water - it's shameful that our national crisis of lead-contaminated water disproportionately hits poor black and brown communities like my own," Booker tweeted.
Did a “national crisis” cause Newark’s clean water crisis?
Booker probably forgot that he had served as the ex-officio chairman of the Newark Watershed Conservation and Development Corporation. It's understandable that Spartacus forgot all about it because while he was running Newark, he never actually attended a single NWCDC meeting.
And, after a while, he stopped even pretending to send a representative.
The NWCDC was being paid $10 million a year to manage Newark’s water.
Linda Watkins-Brashear, a Booker ally and donor, worked as the director of the NWCDC. At least until she was arrested, tried and convicted in a $1 million kickback scheme. The scandal broke during Booker’s final year in office. And the NWCDC, Board of Trustees, which he was supposed to be overseeing, took swift action by dissolving the board, and writing a $450,000 check to Brashear.
It was Brashear’s second severance package. The first one, of $200,000, came when she left for three weeks while still continuing to receive her salary. That was the same year Booker took office.
Nice work if you can get it.
By the end, Booker hadn’t even bothered sending representatives to NWCDC board meetings, which were being illegally decided by three people, while handing his political ally years of no-bid contracts.
Brashear had donated thousands of dollars to Booker and volunteered on his campaign. And she used the organization that was supposed to oversee Newark’s clean water to write $200,000 in checks to herself, lose $558,000 in high risk margin trading, give her ex-husband a $332,000 no-bid interior design contract, loan $20,000 to the National Black United Fund, and cover a lobster and cognac dinner.
And now, mysteriously and inexplicably, there’s a “national crisis” of lead in Newark’s water.
You can have clean water for the people or cognac for Democrat fixers, but not both.
It truly is shameful that this “national crisis” of Cory Booker’s corrupt political allies stealing money meant to ensure clean water “disproportionately hits poor black and brown communities”.
President Cory Booker will make sure that the “national crisis” will affect people of all races when his crooked Democrat associates are running the country the way that they ran Newark.
Booker is black. As is Brashear.
As is Donald Bernard Sr., the senior projects manager of NWCDC, who was sentenced to 8 years in prison after pleading guilty to accepting $1 million in bribes from contractors.
Clearly, this is a national crisis of environmental racism.
How did the NWCDC get away with this for so long?
Its general counsel, Elnardo Webster II, was Booker's former law partner, friend and advisor. Elnardo was working for Trenk, DiPasquale, Della Fera & Sodono, which was also Booker’s former law firm. While the firm was making a fortune from city contracts, including for NWCDC, it was paying Booker $700,000.
A judge levied major fines against Booker’s former law firm over its NWCDC work.
Yes, this “national crisis” of Cory Booker’s sleaziness must be urgently addressed as he now holds an office in the national government and would like an even bigger national office.
“Newark's water emergency demands our federal government's immediate attention,” insists Booker, who never attended a single meeting of the organization that was supposed to be overseeing it.
And which he was supposed to be overseeing.
According to Booker, who spent most of his time in office alternating between Twitter and Oprah, he just couldn’t find the time. Clean water never got his attention, immediate or otherwise.
Back in May, Cory Booker had introduced the Water Infrastructure Funding Transfer Bill to help Newark move money around. "Communities across the country don't have clean drinking water, and those communities are disproportionately low-income and communities of color,” he claimed.
“This is an environmental justice issue.”
It’s not an environmental justice issue. It’s a criminal justice issue.
A normal person who chaired a board of trustees that committed flagrant illegalities, overseeing an organization where millions of dollars were stolen by one of his donors, and received hundreds of thousands of dollars from a disgraced law firm connected to the scandal, all of which put the public at risk, would not be appearing running for President. He would be in prison.
The environment didn’t cause this. It’s not a national crisis that somehow “hit” Newark. It’s not racial discrimination against “communities of color”.
Cory Booker keeps trying to blame racism for the actions of his corrupt political associates. And the Democrats keep acting as if their corruption is some sort of national problem to be blamed on us all.
Edward McRae, an NWCDC employee, set up a landscaping company to get NWCDC contracts, even though he had no experience in landscaping.
He didn't even buy landscaping equipment until he got the landscaping contract.
How did Eddie get so lucky?
McRae said that he met Brashear while working on an unstated political campaign and heard that it was raining contracts. It’s unknown whose campaign it was, but it was certainly a Democrat campaign.
While Booker’s pals were robbing the NWCDC blind, they knew better than to actually drink the water.
The OSC investigation found that public funds weren't just being used to buy lobster, filet magnon and cognac, but $534 for imported drinking water from Florida.
Booker is right. It is shameful.
It’s shameful that the former party of segregation fastened on to black communities like a leech while blaming its corruption on racism and an imaginary national crisis. It’s shameful that the media promoted Booker’s routine as a progressive social media guru while failing to hold him accountable.
And it’s shameful that Booker and his political allies have no shame.
Instead of apologizing, Cory Booker is trying to shift the blame for his action and inaction to all Americans. He’s trying to blame racism, instead of blaming his thieving donors and allies.
When the NWCDC was stealing money meant for clean water, Booker pretended he knew nothing. Now he knows that bottled water is being handed out in Newark because of a national crisis of racist water.
Before Brashear was sentenced to 8 years in prison for stealing almost $2 million, her lawyer claimed that, “there is no crime here”.
Hundreds of cities, and thousands of agencies and organizations across the country have been robbed by Democrat politicians, donors and activists, the same way that Booker’s pals robbed Newark.
But there’s never a crime. It’s always a “national crisis” that gets blamed on social problems and racism.
When the schools don’t work (the $100 million that Mark Zuckerberg plugged into Newark’s schools on Booker’s behalf might as well have been set on fire), and the power is out, and there’s no clean water, when residents aren’t evacuated ahead of a hurricane and the buildings are falling apart, it’s racism.
It’s never the fault of the Democrats who are responsible for the schools, the buildings and the water.
If only we cared enough, the media tells us, children wouldn’t be drinking water with lead. If only we paid higher taxes and sacrificed more, Booker’s associates would have been able to drink twice as much cognac and gorge on twice as much lobster, king crab and filet mignon.
And now, despite years of EPA warnings, Booker is demanding that the federal government get involved. He’s right again. The federal government ought to get involved. And it ought to involve handcuffs.
Cory Booker doesn’t belong in the White House. He belongs in prison.
Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.
Click here to subscribe to my articles. And click here to support my work with a donation.
Thank you for reading.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
There is NO climate emergency!
Climate models predict disaster – but real world evidence shows no such thing
Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris
Speaking at the 13th International Conference on Climate Change, held July 25 in Washington, DC, Dr. Roy W. Spencer of the University of Alabama in Huntsville said: “There is no climate crisis. Even if all the warming we’ve seen in any observational dataset is due to increasing CO2 (carbon dioxide), which I don’t believe it is, it’s probably too small for any person to feel in their lifetime.”
And yet, that same month, Democrat Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Earl Blumenauer and Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders introduced a non-binding resolution that demands a “national, social, industrial and economic mobilization” – to “halt, reverse, mitigate and prepare for the consequences of the climate emergency, and to restore the climate for future generations.” Six Democrat presidential candidates immediately supported the resolution, as a way to spur “sweeping reforms” to stem a “dangerous rise in global temperatures.”
In their view, apparently, asserting a climate emergency makes it a reality and justifies national or even global control and transformation of our energy, social, industrial, economic, legal and social systems.
Thus, in an effort to drum up support for its costly “carbon tax,” the Liberal government of Canada has also declared a climate emergency. So has Britain’s Parliament, to back up a call by opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn for “rapid and dramatic action” to protect the environment , following weeks of protests by the Extinction Rebellion climate movement, the Reuters News Agency reported.
The Climate Mobilization group proclaimed that “Over 790 local governments in 17 countries have declared a climate emergency and committed to action to drive down emissions at emergency speed.”
In considering whether this makes any sense, let’s take a page out of Blumenauer’s book and, as he put it, “tell the truth about the nature of this threat.” The so-called emergency is based on nothing but the over-active imaginations of activists who put too much faith in computer model forecasts, while ignoring historic records and observational data that tell us nothing extraordinary or unprecedented is happening – and demonstrate that the models are wrong. NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies asserts that between 1880 and 2017 there has been only slightly more than 1 degree C (1.8 F) rise in the so-called global average temperature, despite a supposed 40% rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) database of state-wide extreme weather records, arguably the best of its kind in the world, shows that so far in 2019 only one weather record has been set: the lowest temperature in Illinois history.
In 2018, the only records set were: the largest hailstone in Alabama history; the most rainfall in a 24-hour period in Hawaii; and the most precipitation in one year in Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and West Virginia. Many of these records broke, sometimes barely, records that had stood for many decades. In 2017, the only record set was for the fastest wind gust in California. No records were set in 2016. In 2015, only two records: the most precipitation in a year in Arkansas and the largest hailstone in Illinois history. In 2014, only one record: the most rainfall in a 24-hour period in New York. And so it goes, year after year, as we move into the past with the occasional state record set, as one would expect due to natural climate variability. In the first 18+ years of the 21st century, only two states recorded their maximum temperatures: South Carolina in 2012 and South Dakota in 2006. Contrast that with 1936, when 15 states set their all-time maximum temperature records.
Meanwhile, NOAA’s updated coastal sea level tide gauge data for 2016 show no evidence that the rate of sea level rise is accelerating. Seas are rising no faster than they have for many decades.
NOAA’s hurricane records go back to 1851. The data show that for almost 12 consecutive years – October 24, 2005 (after Wilma) until August 25, 2017 (Harvey) – not one major or moderate (Category 3-5) hurricane made landfall in the continental United States. That is the longest such period in history. In 2018, for the first time ever, not one “violent” (F4-5) tornado touched down in the United States.
To the great frustration of climate alarmists, the real-world instrumental record clearly shows that, not only is no climate emergency underway, but today’s climate is actually quite stable. Aside from the drive for world socialism, the climate scare is based on only one thing: computer model forecasts of what some say could happen someday if we do not restrict our use of fossil fuels to reduce CO2 emissions.
However, the models do not work. That’s because they focus predominantly on greenhouse gases, and because scientists do not understand planetary climate processes well enough to know what mathematical equations to program into the models. Observations demonstrate that the actual rate of warming between 1979 and 2017 is one-third of what the average of 102 different climate models predicted. In fact, that climate model average is now almost one full degree Fahrenheit above what satellites have measured!
It is also important to realize that your own local weather forecasts just one week ahead are accurate only half the time. Let’s drill a bit deeper into this scandal.
For the better part of three decades, governments have financed more than one hundred efforts to model our planet. They continue to do so even though none of the models has been able to recreate (hindcast) the known past, or after a decade of study accurately predict what was to happen just ten years later. People are led astray, because generally speaking, the public has no clue what mathematical models actually are, how they work, and what they can and cannot do. To provide a simple insight into this complex subject, before we build airplanes or buildings, we make small scale physical models and test them against the stress and performances that will be required of them when they are actually built.
When dealing with systems that are totally beyond our control, we try to describe them with computer programs or mathematical equations that we hope may give answers to questions we have about how the system works today and in the future. We attempt to understand the variables that affect the system’s operation. Then we alter the variables and see how the outcomes are affected. This is called sensitivity testing and is the very best use of mathematical models. Historically, we were never foolish enough to make economic decisions based on predictions calculated from equations we think might control how nature works. Perhaps the most active area for mathematical modeling is the economy and stock market. No one has ever succeeded in getting it right, and they have far fewer variables than Earth’s climate, which is governed by many powerful natural forces.
Yet, today, in the climate sphere, we are doing just that – and using the models to justify massive changes in our energy and economic systems. While no one knows all the variables affecting climate, there are likely hundreds of them. Here are some important factors for which we have limited understanding:
Dr. Jay Lehr is Senior Policy Advisor with of the Ottawa, Canada-based " International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) and former Science Director of The Heartland Institute, in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Tom Harris is Executive Director of ICSC and a policy advisor to Heartland.
Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris
Speaking at the 13th International Conference on Climate Change, held July 25 in Washington, DC, Dr. Roy W. Spencer of the University of Alabama in Huntsville said: “There is no climate crisis. Even if all the warming we’ve seen in any observational dataset is due to increasing CO2 (carbon dioxide), which I don’t believe it is, it’s probably too small for any person to feel in their lifetime.”
And yet, that same month, Democrat Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Earl Blumenauer and Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders introduced a non-binding resolution that demands a “national, social, industrial and economic mobilization” – to “halt, reverse, mitigate and prepare for the consequences of the climate emergency, and to restore the climate for future generations.” Six Democrat presidential candidates immediately supported the resolution, as a way to spur “sweeping reforms” to stem a “dangerous rise in global temperatures.”
In their view, apparently, asserting a climate emergency makes it a reality and justifies national or even global control and transformation of our energy, social, industrial, economic, legal and social systems.
Thus, in an effort to drum up support for its costly “carbon tax,” the Liberal government of Canada has also declared a climate emergency. So has Britain’s Parliament, to back up a call by opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn for “rapid and dramatic action” to protect the environment , following weeks of protests by the Extinction Rebellion climate movement, the Reuters News Agency reported.
The Climate Mobilization group proclaimed that “Over 790 local governments in 17 countries have declared a climate emergency and committed to action to drive down emissions at emergency speed.”
In considering whether this makes any sense, let’s take a page out of Blumenauer’s book and, as he put it, “tell the truth about the nature of this threat.” The so-called emergency is based on nothing but the over-active imaginations of activists who put too much faith in computer model forecasts, while ignoring historic records and observational data that tell us nothing extraordinary or unprecedented is happening – and demonstrate that the models are wrong. NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies asserts that between 1880 and 2017 there has been only slightly more than 1 degree C (1.8 F) rise in the so-called global average temperature, despite a supposed 40% rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) database of state-wide extreme weather records, arguably the best of its kind in the world, shows that so far in 2019 only one weather record has been set: the lowest temperature in Illinois history.
In 2018, the only records set were: the largest hailstone in Alabama history; the most rainfall in a 24-hour period in Hawaii; and the most precipitation in one year in Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and West Virginia. Many of these records broke, sometimes barely, records that had stood for many decades. In 2017, the only record set was for the fastest wind gust in California. No records were set in 2016. In 2015, only two records: the most precipitation in a year in Arkansas and the largest hailstone in Illinois history. In 2014, only one record: the most rainfall in a 24-hour period in New York. And so it goes, year after year, as we move into the past with the occasional state record set, as one would expect due to natural climate variability. In the first 18+ years of the 21st century, only two states recorded their maximum temperatures: South Carolina in 2012 and South Dakota in 2006. Contrast that with 1936, when 15 states set their all-time maximum temperature records.
Meanwhile, NOAA’s updated coastal sea level tide gauge data for 2016 show no evidence that the rate of sea level rise is accelerating. Seas are rising no faster than they have for many decades.
NOAA’s hurricane records go back to 1851. The data show that for almost 12 consecutive years – October 24, 2005 (after Wilma) until August 25, 2017 (Harvey) – not one major or moderate (Category 3-5) hurricane made landfall in the continental United States. That is the longest such period in history. In 2018, for the first time ever, not one “violent” (F4-5) tornado touched down in the United States.
To the great frustration of climate alarmists, the real-world instrumental record clearly shows that, not only is no climate emergency underway, but today’s climate is actually quite stable. Aside from the drive for world socialism, the climate scare is based on only one thing: computer model forecasts of what some say could happen someday if we do not restrict our use of fossil fuels to reduce CO2 emissions.
However, the models do not work. That’s because they focus predominantly on greenhouse gases, and because scientists do not understand planetary climate processes well enough to know what mathematical equations to program into the models. Observations demonstrate that the actual rate of warming between 1979 and 2017 is one-third of what the average of 102 different climate models predicted. In fact, that climate model average is now almost one full degree Fahrenheit above what satellites have measured!
It is also important to realize that your own local weather forecasts just one week ahead are accurate only half the time. Let’s drill a bit deeper into this scandal.
For the better part of three decades, governments have financed more than one hundred efforts to model our planet. They continue to do so even though none of the models has been able to recreate (hindcast) the known past, or after a decade of study accurately predict what was to happen just ten years later. People are led astray, because generally speaking, the public has no clue what mathematical models actually are, how they work, and what they can and cannot do. To provide a simple insight into this complex subject, before we build airplanes or buildings, we make small scale physical models and test them against the stress and performances that will be required of them when they are actually built.
When dealing with systems that are totally beyond our control, we try to describe them with computer programs or mathematical equations that we hope may give answers to questions we have about how the system works today and in the future. We attempt to understand the variables that affect the system’s operation. Then we alter the variables and see how the outcomes are affected. This is called sensitivity testing and is the very best use of mathematical models. Historically, we were never foolish enough to make economic decisions based on predictions calculated from equations we think might control how nature works. Perhaps the most active area for mathematical modeling is the economy and stock market. No one has ever succeeded in getting it right, and they have far fewer variables than Earth’s climate, which is governed by many powerful natural forces.
Yet, today, in the climate sphere, we are doing just that – and using the models to justify massive changes in our energy and economic systems. While no one knows all the variables affecting climate, there are likely hundreds of them. Here are some important factors for which we have limited understanding:
- 1) seasonal, annual and decadal changes in solar irradiation;
- 2) energy flows between the ocean and atmosphere;
- 3) energy flows between the air and land;
- 4) balance between Earth’s water, water vapor and ice;
- 5) the impacts of clouds, both trapping heat below and preventing solar radiation from reaching Earth;
- 6) understanding the planet’s ice;
- 7) changes in mass among ice sheets, seal levels and glaciers;
- 8) our ability to factor in hurricanes and tornadoes;
- 9) the impact of vegetation on temperature;
- 10) tectonic movements on ocean bottoms;
- 11) differential rotation between Earth’s surface and its core; and
- 12) solar system magnetic field and gravitational interactions.
Dr. Jay Lehr is Senior Policy Advisor with of the Ottawa, Canada-based " International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) and former Science Director of The Heartland Institute, in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Tom Harris is Executive Director of ICSC and a policy advisor to Heartland.
Save California, Ban Environmentalists
Hold the straws, legalize the rats.
September 9, 2019 Daniel Greenfield
The 6-foot-tall man dressed as a giant receipt stood on a stool next to the emblem of the State Capitol in Sacramento. He was there because Assemblyman Phil Ting of San Fran wanted to ban receipts............Ting had his aide wear a giant receipt to show how bad receipts were for the environment. And how better to crusade for the environment than by printing up a receipt 100,000 times normal size?
According to Ting’s people, receipts not only wasted trees and water, but were actually toxic. The San Francisco Democrat explained that receipts were coated in chemicals that weren’t allowed in baby bottles. It’s probably a good thing then that receipts don’t go inside baby bottles. Or inside babies...................Perhaps Ting ought to consider raising awareness about the 16,000 complaints of filth and waste in his own city. The human waste spread by his constituents is a lot more toxic than paper receipts. The same Democrats who shrug at a hepatitis outbreak gasp at the toxicity of store receipts..................
Nobody in Santa Monica, Allen’s home turf, has actually died of plastic poisoning. Instead, its homeless population is dying of drugs and alcohol, meth, PCP, and a beating with a bolt cutter by Ramon Escobar.............And, if you’re an environmentalist, people dying of preventable diseases is good for the environment,...........Killing babies is the only thing that can’t be banned in California...............To Read More....
My Take - The Little Black Book of Communism claims the socialist monsters of the 20th century killed 100 million innocent people, and that started in 1917. It's estimated the environmental movement, which really got started in the 60's, killed 100 million people from malaria with the ban on DDT alone, and that's only in the 20th century. That doesn't count all the other preventable diseases DDT and all the other pesticides they've managed to have removed from the market. When you examine all the position taken by environmentalists you find the death toll keeps climbing.
To be green is to be irrational, misanthropic and morally defective.
September 9, 2019 Daniel Greenfield
The 6-foot-tall man dressed as a giant receipt stood on a stool next to the emblem of the State Capitol in Sacramento. He was there because Assemblyman Phil Ting of San Fran wanted to ban receipts............Ting had his aide wear a giant receipt to show how bad receipts were for the environment. And how better to crusade for the environment than by printing up a receipt 100,000 times normal size?
According to Ting’s people, receipts not only wasted trees and water, but were actually toxic. The San Francisco Democrat explained that receipts were coated in chemicals that weren’t allowed in baby bottles. It’s probably a good thing then that receipts don’t go inside baby bottles. Or inside babies...................Perhaps Ting ought to consider raising awareness about the 16,000 complaints of filth and waste in his own city. The human waste spread by his constituents is a lot more toxic than paper receipts. The same Democrats who shrug at a hepatitis outbreak gasp at the toxicity of store receipts..................
Nobody in Santa Monica, Allen’s home turf, has actually died of plastic poisoning. Instead, its homeless population is dying of drugs and alcohol, meth, PCP, and a beating with a bolt cutter by Ramon Escobar.............And, if you’re an environmentalist, people dying of preventable diseases is good for the environment,...........Killing babies is the only thing that can’t be banned in California...............To Read More....
My Take - The Little Black Book of Communism claims the socialist monsters of the 20th century killed 100 million innocent people, and that started in 1917. It's estimated the environmental movement, which really got started in the 60's, killed 100 million people from malaria with the ban on DDT alone, and that's only in the 20th century. That doesn't count all the other preventable diseases DDT and all the other pesticides they've managed to have removed from the market. When you examine all the position taken by environmentalists you find the death toll keeps climbing.
To be green is to be irrational, misanthropic and morally defective.
Time to Put an End to the Climate Cult
September 9, 2019 By Spike Hampson
The climate cult has gotten out of hand. It now threatens to prevail in politics by convincing the ignorant that the science is settled. Anybody who has a basic understanding of the science knows that it is not settled. A number of inconvenient facts seriously undermine the idea that catastrophic global warming caused by humans is about to overwhelm us. Here are three of them:
The climate cult has gotten out of hand. It now threatens to prevail in politics by convincing the ignorant that the science is settled. Anybody who has a basic understanding of the science knows that it is not settled. A number of inconvenient facts seriously undermine the idea that catastrophic global warming caused by humans is about to overwhelm us. Here are three of them:
- Emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere are causing far less heating than the climate models have been predicting.
- There is no scientifically reputable method for measuring the human contribution to carbon dioxide emissions relative to emissions from natural sources.
- Measured sea level rise in recent decades is insufficient to account for the alarmist forecasts about the amount of rise by the end of the century.
Once again, climate warriors rescued from their ship trapped in polar ice
September 9, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
Warmists never learn! The conviction that global warming is melting ice in the polar regions has once again led climate warriors into danger and the need for rescue. The MS Malmo, a Swedish-registered ship, was just rescued after being trapped in ice, and its passengers airlifted to safety. Get a load of what it was doing, via Maritime Bulletin (emphasis added):
Arctic tours ship MS MALMO with 16 passengers on board got stuck in ice on Sep 3 off Longyearbyen, Svalbard Archipelago, halfway between Norway and North Pole. The ship is on Arctic tour with Climate Change documentary film team, and tourists, concerned with Climate Change and melting Arctic ice. All 16 Climate Change warriors were evacuated by helicopter in challenging conditions, all are safe. 7 crew remains on board, waiting for Coast Guard ship assistance.
Haven't we heard of something like this before? Oh, yeah — I wrote this five and a half years ago:.......To Read More......
My Take - Here's a cartoon from the time you might find amusing.
Warmists never learn! The conviction that global warming is melting ice in the polar regions has once again led climate warriors into danger and the need for rescue. The MS Malmo, a Swedish-registered ship, was just rescued after being trapped in ice, and its passengers airlifted to safety. Get a load of what it was doing, via Maritime Bulletin (emphasis added):
Arctic tours ship MS MALMO with 16 passengers on board got stuck in ice on Sep 3 off Longyearbyen, Svalbard Archipelago, halfway between Norway and North Pole. The ship is on Arctic tour with Climate Change documentary film team, and tourists, concerned with Climate Change and melting Arctic ice. All 16 Climate Change warriors were evacuated by helicopter in challenging conditions, all are safe. 7 crew remains on board, waiting for Coast Guard ship assistance.
Haven't we heard of something like this before? Oh, yeah — I wrote this five and a half years ago:.......To Read More......
My Take - Here's a cartoon from the time you might find amusing.
Buckets of Icy Cold Reality
Paul Driessen Sep 10, 2019
CNN just hosted a seven-hour climate bore-athon. That climate cataclysms are real, imminent and indeed already devastating our planet is an article of faith. So host Wolf Blitzer and ten Democrat presidential wannabes vied to make the most extravagant claims about how bad things are and who would spend the most taxpayer money and impose the most Green New Deal rules to restrict our freedoms and transform our energy, economy, agriculture and transportation, in the name of preventing further cataclysms.
Cory Booker opened the bidding at $3 trillion. Kamala Harris and Julian Castro raised it to $10 trillion, and Bernie Sanders upped it to $16 trillion. Then they got down to the business of which personal choices and living standards would be rolled back the furthest. Among the proposals:
Ban all commercial air travel, except for ruling and privileged classes. Change our dietary guidelines or ban beef outright. “Massively” increase taxes, to “make polluters pay” for emitting greenhouse gases. Eliminate onshore drilling, offshore drilling, fracking, coal-fired power plants and internal combustion engines. No pipelines. No new nuclear power plants. Ensure “climate justice.”
The first bucket of icy cold reality is that we simply do not face a climate emergency. Computer models certainly predict all kinds of catastrophes. But both the models and increasingly hysterical assertions of planetary doom are completely out of synch with reality.
The second, even colder bucket of reality is that the wind and sun may be free, renewable, sustainable. and eco-friendly. But the technologies and raw materials required to harness this widely dispersed, intermittent, weather dependent energy to benefit humanity absolutely are not. In fact, they are far more environmentally harmful than any of the fossil fuel energy sources they would supposedly replace.
Biofuels. US ethanol quotas currently gobble up over 40% of America’s corn – grown on cropland nearly the size of Iowa, to displace about 10% of America’s gasoline. Corn ethanol also requires vast quantities of water, pesticides, fertilizers, natural gas, gasoline and diesel, to produce and transport a fuel that drives up food prices, adversely affects food aid and nutrition in poor nations, damages small engines, and gets one-third fewer miles per gallon than gasoline.
Replacing 100% of US gasoline with ethanol would require some 360 million acres of corn. That’s seven times the land mass of Utah. But eliminating fossil fuel production means we’d also have to replace the oil and natural gas feed stocks required for pharmaceuticals, wind turbine blades, solar panel films, paints, synthetic fibers, fertilizers, and plastics for cell phones, computers, eyeglasses, car bodies and countless other products. That would mean planting corn on almost 14 times the area of Utah.
Solar power. Solar panels on Nevada’s Nellis Air Force Basegenerate a minuscule 15 megawatts of electricity, about 40% of the year, from 72,000 panels on 140 acres. Arizona’s Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant generates 760 times more electricity, from less land, 90-95% of the time.
Generating Palo Verde’s electricity output using Nellis technology would require acreage ten times larger than Washington, DC. And the solar panels would still provide electricity only 40% of the year.
Generating the 3.9 billion megawatt-hours that Americans consumed in 2018 would require blanketing over ten million acres with solar panels. That’s half of South Carolina – a lot of wildlife habitat and scenic land. And we’d still get that electricity only when sufficient sun is shining.
Wind power. Mandated, subsidized wind energy also requires millions of acres for turbines and new transmission lines, and billions of tons of concrete, steel, copper, rare earth metals and fiberglass.
Like solar panels, wind turbines produce intermittent, unreliable electricity that costs much more than coal, gas or nuclear electricity – once subsidies are removed – and must be backed up by fossil fuel generators that have to go from standby to full-power many times a day, very inefficiently, every time the wind stops blowing. Turbine blades kill numerous raptors, other birds and bats every year – a million or more every year in the USA alone. Their light flicker and infrasonic noise impair human health.
Modern coal and gas-fired power plants can generate 600 megawatts some 95% of the time from less than 300 acres. Indiana’s Fowler Ridge wind farm also generates 600 megawatts – from 350 towering turbines, located on more than 50,000 acres, and less than 30% of the year.
Now let’s suppose we’re going to use wind power to replace those 3.9 billion megawatt-hours of US electricity consumption. Let’s also suppose we’re going to get rid of all those coal and gas-fired backup power plants – and use wind turbines to generate enough extra electricity every windy day to charge batteries for just seven straight windless days.
That would require a lot of extra wind turbines, as we are forced to go into lower and lower quality wind locations. Instead of generating full nameplate power maybe one-third of the year, on average, they will do so only around 16% of the year. Instead of the 58,000 turbines we have now, the United States would need some 14 million turbines, each one 400 feet tall, each one capable of generating 1.8 megawatts at full capacity, when the wind is blowing at the proper speed.
Assuming a barely sufficient 15 acres apiece, those monster turbines would require some 225 million acres! That’s well over twice the land area of California – without including transmission lines! Their bird-butchering blades would wipe out raptors, other birds and bats in vast regions of the USA.
But experts say every turbine needs at least 50 acres of open airspace, and Fowler Ridge uses 120 acres per turbine. That works out to 750 million acres (ten times Arizona) – to 1,800 million acres (ten times Texas or nearly the entire Lower 48 United States)! Eagles, hawks, falcons, vultures, geese and other high-flying birds and bats would virtually disappear from our skies. Insects and vermin would proliferate.
Manufacturing those wind turbines would require something on the order of 4 billion tons of steel, copper and alloys for the towers and turbines; 8 billion tons of steel and concrete for the foundations; 4 million tons of rare earth metals for motors, magnets and other components; 1 billion tons of petroleum-based composites for the nacelle covers and turbine blades; and massive quantities of rock and gravel for millions of miles of access roads to the turbines. Connecting our wind farms and cities with high-voltage transmission lines would require still more raw materials – and more millions of acres.
All these materials must be mined, processed, smelted, manufactured into finished products, and shipped all over the world. They would require removing hundreds of billions of tons of earth and rock overburden – and crushing tens of billions of tons of ore – at hundreds of new mines and quarries.
Every step in this entire process would require massive amounts of fossil fuels, because wind turbines and solar panels cannot operate earth moving and mining equipment – or produce consistently high enough heat to melt silica, iron, copper, rare earth or other materials.
Not once did any of CNN’s hosts or Green New Deal candidates so much as mention any of this. To them, “renewable” energy will just happen, like manna from Gaia, or beamed down from the Starship Enterprise.
They should no longer be allowed to dodge these issues, to go from assuming the climate is in crisis, to assuming “reliable, affordable, renewable, sustainable, eco-friendly” alternatives to fossil fuel (and nuclear) energy will just magically appear, or can just be willed or subsidized into existence.
Citizens, newscasters, debate hosts and legislators who are more firmly grounded in reality need to confront Green New Dealers with hard questions and icy cold facts – and keep repeating them until the candidates provide real answers. No more dissembling, obfuscation or incantations permitted.
Paul Driessen is senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow ( and author of books and articles on energy, climate, environmental and human rights issues.
CNN just hosted a seven-hour climate bore-athon. That climate cataclysms are real, imminent and indeed already devastating our planet is an article of faith. So host Wolf Blitzer and ten Democrat presidential wannabes vied to make the most extravagant claims about how bad things are and who would spend the most taxpayer money and impose the most Green New Deal rules to restrict our freedoms and transform our energy, economy, agriculture and transportation, in the name of preventing further cataclysms.
Cory Booker opened the bidding at $3 trillion. Kamala Harris and Julian Castro raised it to $10 trillion, and Bernie Sanders upped it to $16 trillion. Then they got down to the business of which personal choices and living standards would be rolled back the furthest. Among the proposals:
Ban all commercial air travel, except for ruling and privileged classes. Change our dietary guidelines or ban beef outright. “Massively” increase taxes, to “make polluters pay” for emitting greenhouse gases. Eliminate onshore drilling, offshore drilling, fracking, coal-fired power plants and internal combustion engines. No pipelines. No new nuclear power plants. Ensure “climate justice.”
The first bucket of icy cold reality is that we simply do not face a climate emergency. Computer models certainly predict all kinds of catastrophes. But both the models and increasingly hysterical assertions of planetary doom are completely out of synch with reality.
The second, even colder bucket of reality is that the wind and sun may be free, renewable, sustainable. and eco-friendly. But the technologies and raw materials required to harness this widely dispersed, intermittent, weather dependent energy to benefit humanity absolutely are not. In fact, they are far more environmentally harmful than any of the fossil fuel energy sources they would supposedly replace.
Biofuels. US ethanol quotas currently gobble up over 40% of America’s corn – grown on cropland nearly the size of Iowa, to displace about 10% of America’s gasoline. Corn ethanol also requires vast quantities of water, pesticides, fertilizers, natural gas, gasoline and diesel, to produce and transport a fuel that drives up food prices, adversely affects food aid and nutrition in poor nations, damages small engines, and gets one-third fewer miles per gallon than gasoline.
Replacing 100% of US gasoline with ethanol would require some 360 million acres of corn. That’s seven times the land mass of Utah. But eliminating fossil fuel production means we’d also have to replace the oil and natural gas feed stocks required for pharmaceuticals, wind turbine blades, solar panel films, paints, synthetic fibers, fertilizers, and plastics for cell phones, computers, eyeglasses, car bodies and countless other products. That would mean planting corn on almost 14 times the area of Utah.
Solar power. Solar panels on Nevada’s Nellis Air Force Basegenerate a minuscule 15 megawatts of electricity, about 40% of the year, from 72,000 panels on 140 acres. Arizona’s Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant generates 760 times more electricity, from less land, 90-95% of the time.
Generating Palo Verde’s electricity output using Nellis technology would require acreage ten times larger than Washington, DC. And the solar panels would still provide electricity only 40% of the year.
Generating the 3.9 billion megawatt-hours that Americans consumed in 2018 would require blanketing over ten million acres with solar panels. That’s half of South Carolina – a lot of wildlife habitat and scenic land. And we’d still get that electricity only when sufficient sun is shining.
Wind power. Mandated, subsidized wind energy also requires millions of acres for turbines and new transmission lines, and billions of tons of concrete, steel, copper, rare earth metals and fiberglass.
Modern coal and gas-fired power plants can generate 600 megawatts some 95% of the time from less than 300 acres. Indiana’s Fowler Ridge wind farm also generates 600 megawatts – from 350 towering turbines, located on more than 50,000 acres, and less than 30% of the year.
Now let’s suppose we’re going to use wind power to replace those 3.9 billion megawatt-hours of US electricity consumption. Let’s also suppose we’re going to get rid of all those coal and gas-fired backup power plants – and use wind turbines to generate enough extra electricity every windy day to charge batteries for just seven straight windless days.
That would require a lot of extra wind turbines, as we are forced to go into lower and lower quality wind locations. Instead of generating full nameplate power maybe one-third of the year, on average, they will do so only around 16% of the year. Instead of the 58,000 turbines we have now, the United States would need some 14 million turbines, each one 400 feet tall, each one capable of generating 1.8 megawatts at full capacity, when the wind is blowing at the proper speed.
Assuming a barely sufficient 15 acres apiece, those monster turbines would require some 225 million acres! That’s well over twice the land area of California – without including transmission lines! Their bird-butchering blades would wipe out raptors, other birds and bats in vast regions of the USA.
But experts say every turbine needs at least 50 acres of open airspace, and Fowler Ridge uses 120 acres per turbine. That works out to 750 million acres (ten times Arizona) – to 1,800 million acres (ten times Texas or nearly the entire Lower 48 United States)! Eagles, hawks, falcons, vultures, geese and other high-flying birds and bats would virtually disappear from our skies. Insects and vermin would proliferate.
All these materials must be mined, processed, smelted, manufactured into finished products, and shipped all over the world. They would require removing hundreds of billions of tons of earth and rock overburden – and crushing tens of billions of tons of ore – at hundreds of new mines and quarries.
Every step in this entire process would require massive amounts of fossil fuels, because wind turbines and solar panels cannot operate earth moving and mining equipment – or produce consistently high enough heat to melt silica, iron, copper, rare earth or other materials.
Not once did any of CNN’s hosts or Green New Deal candidates so much as mention any of this. To them, “renewable” energy will just happen, like manna from Gaia, or beamed down from the Starship Enterprise.
They should no longer be allowed to dodge these issues, to go from assuming the climate is in crisis, to assuming “reliable, affordable, renewable, sustainable, eco-friendly” alternatives to fossil fuel (and nuclear) energy will just magically appear, or can just be willed or subsidized into existence.
Citizens, newscasters, debate hosts and legislators who are more firmly grounded in reality need to confront Green New Dealers with hard questions and icy cold facts – and keep repeating them until the candidates provide real answers. No more dissembling, obfuscation or incantations permitted.
Paul Driessen is senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow ( and author of books and articles on energy, climate, environmental and human rights issues.
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