On September 13, 2019 Cameron English posted the article, GMO, CRISPR-edited crops can cut pesticide use—if environmental activists do not block them saying:
In 2017, University of Florida plant geneticists Zhonglin Mou and Kevin Folta, along with their team of graduate students, announced a new method to fight common diseases in fruit plants. Their discovery could drastically reduce the use of fungicides if widely implemented by growers.
Unfortunately, their methods may never be put to use thanks to the controversy surrounding crop biotechnology.
The research confirms a point that cannot be stressed enough: scientists continue to make agriculture safer and more sustainable with the tools of modern genetics, but activists have waged such an effective scare campaign against crop biotechnology that it often remains unused by industry.Luddite urban dwellers only consume, they don't produce, so they not only don't realize just how important this is, they don't want to know since environmentalism has become the neo-pagan religion of the urban atheist. In their worship of the planet they self-righteously believe they're morally superior to the rest of us in their "all natural" views. It would be nice if they had to take responsibility for the consequences in human suffering they're "all natural" views produced in preventing these major crop engineering advances.
Genetic engineering advances that would have brought Golden Rice to the dinner tables of those in Southeast Asia, whose diet lacks sufficient Vitamin A because rice is the primary carbohydrate source in this area of the world, and as The Golden Rice Project notes:
Rice does not contain any β-carotene (provitamin A), which their body could then convert into vitamin A. Dependence on rice as the predominant food source, therefore, necessarily leads to VAD, most severely affecting small children and pregnant women. In 2012 the World Health Organization reported that about 250 million preschool children are affected by VAD, and that providing those children with vitamin A could prevent about a third of all under-five deaths, which amounts to up to 2.7 million children that could be saved from dying unnecessarily. "
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This picture is from the Golden Rice Project |
Marc Brazeau in his March 5, 2019 article Golden Rice is coming. Finally! Will it be the game-changer hinted at for almost 20 years? saying:
Comes the news that the government of Bangladesh is about to approve Golden Rice for commercial release some time in the next three months.
First and foremost this is fantastic news for Southeast Asia for humanitarian and economic development reasons. On a less consequential level this is great news for the overall debate surrounding the use of biotech in agriculture. Golden Rice occupied a space in the debate as the Great Golden Hope of Biotech Crops, a wholly virtuous crop devoid of the grubby commercial concerns of intellectual property or profit motive. In this case, the IP had been donated, the rice was being developed by a non-profit NGO and the rice will be given freely to farmers and local breeding programs—a trait of value directly to consumers, among them some of the most vulnerable people on the planet. Because of this history, it is a crop not linked to so-called ‘industrial agriculture’ and its key trait is not tied to pesticide use.
For twenty years this has been going on. That means if we take the number 2.7 million at face value that comes to 54 million children whose lives would have been saved. And untold millions more would have been saved from other afflictions as a result of Vitamin A deficiency.
I would like for everyone to think about this. If GMO techniques become common place here's what would happen. Agriculture would be able to produce food in an abundance that was never dreamt of. It would be done with less land use, allowing for animal protection, less pesticides, less labor, less cost and in some cases less water would be needed, all of which makes agriculture amazingly "sustainable". Isn't what they claim they want? Isn't "sustainability" their ultimate goal? Yet, these "all natural", "anti-pesticide", "sustainability" advocate Luddites are against it. Why?
Because they're not really against pesticides, land use, water use or GMO's, and they don't really care about "sustainability". What they're against is humanity.
The radicals among these activists think humanity is a plague on the planet that needs to be eradicated. The "moderates" only want to eliminate between four and six billion people.
We are rightly outraged by the actions of the socialist monsters of the 20th century who killed over 100 million people, and they got started taking power in 1917. But environmentalism has probably been responsible for the deaths of that many and more, and they didn't really get started until 1972 with the ban on DDT. Where's our outrage over that?
Definition leads to clarity. Clarity leads to understanding. We need to understand the green movement is irrational, misanthropic and morally defective. That's history, and that history is incontestable.
You may wish to view my GMO file.
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