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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, February 2, 2025

P&D and The Week That Was

 Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

This Link will take you to My Commentaries. 

By Rich Kozlovich


Here is a list of terms describing how many saw some of the Senators "performances" after recent hearings by the Senate to "Advise and Consent" over the President's nominees:

braying jackasses, barking dogs, clapping seals, meritless pinheads, halfwits, nitwits, misfits, dipsticks, a full court circus with the animals running/ruining the mission, suffering from sluggish schizophrenia.

I added "suffering from sluggish schizophrenia." Suffering schizophrenia was a mental disorder made up by the KGB to justify sending dissidents to insane asylums....after all if you disagreed with communism you must be insane.  Which has been consistent thinking and actions by leftists world over.  

It's been stated if Kamala had been elected the nation's constitutional existence would have been in jeopardy, and as more comes out it's clear that's true.  As  David Horowitz has said, “Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.” 

This week I watched the documentary, KGB: The Sword and the Shield, a three part series on Prime.  It  you get Prime you need to watch it .... to the end!  
Why do they hate Kash Patel so badly.   The FBI has been thoroughly corrupted.  The last statement made in the documentary is "Russia is no longer a state that has a security service, instead the security service has a state."  If you have any doubt this is the direction America's security services were moving, this  video by Victor Davis Hanson will give you a full sense of that, and why they hate Kash Patel. 

The FBI has become renegade over the last ten years and Robert Mueller and James Comey who either lied under oath or were blatantly incompetent, and deliberately lied to the President, recorded private conversations with the president and then leaked it to the public. telling the House committee "I don't remember" 245 times.  

Andrew McCabe lied four times to federal investigators.  

Christopher Wray unleashed the FBI against parents exercising their constitutional rights to protect their children at school board meetings, even invading their homes with false charges, against those who oppose abortion.

They were really concerned about those dangerous Catholics who think their services should be conducted in the Latin mass, you can see how dangerous that would be to the nation.... right? 

Kash Patel was a victim of these political persecutors, all these persecutions were in violation of federal law and the Constitutional rights of their victims, including Donald Trump. This is the "fundamental transformation" Obama had in mind for America, and how the Biden administration's tyranny was taking hold.  As this progresses and the investigations expose these bad actors for their vile actions it will really drive home just how dangerous this last election truly was. 

Global warming, changed to "climate change", since the world stopped warming about 25 years ago, which they disingenuously call "the pause", they had to adopt the term "climate change".  That way no matter what happens they can scream the world is doomed.....doomed  I tell  you!  So give us more money and power to control every aspect of your life to save you.  

Well, as far as most of the public is concerned, that dog just don't hunt.   And now agencies of the federal government are not going to be allowed to be lap dogs of the globalists/leftist/green activists promoting their fraudulent insanity.  And again, more investigations are going to finally expose the corruption that's been going on in the federal government over this stuff.  All in order to impose a socialistic and tyrannical worldwide form of governance.  

The Green New Deal Is dead thanks to Trump telling them to shove the Paris Treaty where the sun don't shine, and not just in America.  This article goes on to show how "going green" has crippled Europe's economies.

As for Biden's farewell speech filled with lies and horsepucky, I'm not sure he's aware he's lying, I'm not even sure he knew who he was pardoning or why.   Speaker Johnson related his experience with Biden discussing a Biden executive order he'd signed three weeks earlier and Biden had no idea what he was talking about, and getting him alone for a one on one meeting was a challenge as Biden's aides hover over him like vultures.    He's clearly a pathological and compulsive liar, and for the most part I think that's been true for most of his life. Such liars often really believe what they're saying. It's a mental disorder called "pseudologia fantastica", and I'm sure his dementia has only exacerbated that disorder.

All those who've been around him for all these years had to know that, the evidence has been abundant for years, and yet those people chose him as their go to relief pitcher to be their candidate for President of the United States in 2020. Just think now bad the rest of their bench is.  AOC clearly wants to be President, after all, she graduated cum laude from Boston University with a bachelor's degree in international relations and economics, which so impressed potential employers she became a bartender.   Since Joe wasn't even smart enough to be a bartender, and the Democrats thought he was smart enough to be President, why not AOC?  And.....I want everyone to remember that I said this first...... RFK, Jr. will be running to be the Democrat nominee in 2028.  


Reports are the Democrats are going to double and triple down on critical race theory, gender ideology,  no Immigrant should be detained, the Jews are bad, and Trump supporters should be hanged as their platform for the 2028 election.  They actually believe that will swing them right back into power.  And they're not alone in that fantasy as even Never-Trump Republicans are predicting a huge comebackInteresting mind set since just like the media, their numbers are cratering, but they have nothing else to offer, and if they change, taking a more moderate or conservative tact, Democrats might as well become Republicans.   

In the 1948 election Harry Truman responded to the suggestion he should try to emulate the Republicans when running for his own term, he said:

"When given the choice between a Republican and someone who acts like a Republican people will vote for the real Republican every time.

One final laugh.  New Zealand has now gone full on with pagan nature worship, designating a mountain to be a legal person:

[This law] gives the mountain and the surrounding area the rights and responsibilities of a person, the AP reports. The park now "effectively owns itself,"...."When we think about the concept of personhood, what we are doing is putting in place a very Maori Indigenous concept into western law,"....."Our worldview is our maunga are ancestors, they're not resources but they are living beings and so the notion of legal personhood fits well with our worldview,"...... a new legal entity will be the "face and voice" of Taranaki.......

Now, who could find fault with that kind of thinking?

I have six commentaries of my own, and twenty four by others, so enjoy today's edition of P&D. 

My Commentaries

  1. The World as I See It!
  2. P&D Geopolitics Edition
  3. Will the Real RFK, Jr. Please Stand Up!
  4. Pete Hegseth Is In, and It's Going to Hit the Fan!
  5. Trump's Law!
  6. Everything is To Be Questioned!


  1. Trump’s Gambit on Federal Workers By Mark Angelides
  2. Howard Lutnick: Even Better Than You Think By Susan Daniels
  3. Those 51 Lying Spies Trump Left Out in the Cold By Tim Donner
  4. Mine, Baby, Mine! By Paul Driessen
  5. John Thune, Man on a Mission[ By James Fite
  6. Hamas Deal Puts U.S. Boots on the Ground By Daniel Greenfield
  7. California Dems Fight Trump While State Burns
  8. Islamophobia is the Cover-Up for the Crime
  9. The Disappearance of Male Authors
  10. Events From Around the Nation By Robin Itzler
  11. Donald Trump's Inauguration  By Robin Itzler
  12. Hiding Joe Biden's Dementia  By Robin Itzler
  13. J6ers: Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, Free at Last!  By Robin Itzler
  14. It's Time To Purge The Climate Scam From The Federal Websites By Francis Menton
  15. How To Rescind The Endangerment Finding In A Way That Will Stick
  16. Russia and (Non-Existent) Shock Therapy By Dan Mitchell
  17. Assessing Javier Milei, the World’s Best Leader: Part VIII
  18. Gun Control Humor
  19. Maryland and the 20th Theorem of Government
  20. Ireland: Good Corporate Tax Policy vs. Bad Government Spending Policy
  21. US Can’t Account for Much of $7 Trillion in Spending By Andrew Moran
  22. When Current News Died in the Pentagon By Dave Patterson
  23. Was It Darkest Before the Dawn?
  24. Sunrise in America By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

Permanent Link

  1. 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the 1963 Congressional Record
  2. My Seven Rules of Geopolitics
  3. The John Boyd Legion of Honor
 No matter what anyone says, you can’t marginalize the truth!  You can suppress it, you can ignore it, you can avoid it, you can attempt to undermine it, you can attempt to subvert it, you can attempt to organize against it, you can even laugh at it, but if we have the courage and the fortitude to stand and confront the lies, irrespective of the personal costs, the truth will stand the test of time, because truth and time are on the same side.
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Everything is To Be Questioned!

By Rich Kozlovich

De Omnibus Dubitandum, is supposed to be the motto of science. Everything is to be questioned, but while it sounds great...and it is....unfortunately in all of human history anyone who actually lived up to that was persecuted, ergo, it's never been lived up to. People will always be people so self interest, jealousy, envy, resentment, and hate all come into play.  

When Jonas Salk discovered his vaccine for polio the entire world of epidemiology condemned him because he created his vaccine from dead viruses, and all the world knew you could only create vaccines from live viruses.  Well, he was right, and they were wrong, but they never forgave him and when the Sabin vaccine was created that's what they pushed, in spite of the fact some became infected with polio with Sabin's live virus vaccine, and no one ever was infected by the Salk vaccine except when one batch was produced improperly. 

I'm 78 now and I got the Salk vaccine, a series of three shots, painful shots, and I remember it was in the news and talked about by everyone, including my family, but Salk was right.   In recent decades science has not only failed to live up to that motto, it's worked against the very idea of questioning everything, or for that matter anything that interferes with what is now the holy grail of science. Grant money.   Not truth, grant money, and when science becomes rich, it becomes politics. When science become politics, it becomes tyrannical.

Grant money, especially government grant money has made the term scientific integrity an oxymoron, so, since science has abandoned it, I've declared salvage rights and taken it as my personal motto and now I lay claim to it as my property.  When science changes I'll give it back to them.

Okay, I can hear it now.  You're a retired bugman, who the heck do you think you are?   I'm the guy who "questions everything", and I'm the guy that keeps being right.  Let's take a stroll through time and go over the three greatest scientific frauds ever perpetrated on mankind.


uesday, December 23, 2014How Many Constitute 97%?   Remember when that was the daily meme from the media and the green activist?  It was all fraudulent and they knew it was fraudulent.  So, if the bugman could see this so clearly, how could all these highly educated and prominent people not see it?

Shall Every Knee Bow 

"Darwin’s theories are not, in the modern phrase, settled science. They aren’t even unsettled science. They are educated guesses at best. To be science, Wolfe reminds us, “There are five standard tests for a scientific hypothesis. Has anyone observed the phenomenon — in this case, Evolution — as it occurred and recorded it? Could other scientists replicate it? Could any of them come up with a set of facts that, if true, would contradict the theory? Could scientists make predictions based on it? Did it illuminate hitherto unknown or baffling areas of science? In the case of Evolution… well… no… no… no… no… and no.”' - Larry Thornberry on Tom Wolfe's, Kingdom of Speech

Truth is the sublime convergence of history and reality.  Everything were told has a historical foundation and context.  Everything were told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality.  If what's present to us fails in either category, it's wrong.  All that's left to do is develop the intellectual response to explain why it's wrong. 

Trump's Law!

By Rich Kozlovich


Back about 60 years ago there was a TV show called Burke's Law with Gene Barry as millionaire captain of Los Angeles Police homicide division Amos Burke, who is chauffeured around to solve crimes in his 1962 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud II complete with an early car phone solving crimes.  When in one episode a witness asked why: His partner Tilson asked: "Why're you a construction man?" Witness: "It's what I do best." Tilson: "That's why he's a cop."  Burke had a way of doing things as an example he told his detectives never ask a question you don't know the answer to, and that means being on top of the information game, and seeing farther, deeper, and wider than others.  

 The federal and state governments, academia, the Pravda media, Congress, and even the commercial sector is filled with halfwits, nitwits, misfits, dipsticks, and meritless pinheads.  A vile cesspool of destructive self interested corruption.   Highly educated, under smart, and entirely too powerful.  They really don't wish to know anything, which becomes obvious when they talk..... saying nothing. 

Things that are known they ignore because they inconveniently fail to meet the leftist narrative of the moment.  As for the things they don't know, they invent.  But now, none of that matters, truth very patiently waits for us, and hopefully it's here now, at least some of it, and at least for a while.  So enjoy it while it lasts. 

Now we have Donald Trump as POTUS, and getting things done is what he does best, and often times that means saying the two words he practically owns.  You're Fired!  General Mark Milley: “You’re Fired!”  As Trump says about ending the Russo/Ukrainian War, we can do it the easy way, or the hard way – and the easy way is always better', but have no doubt, he's going to  have his way on both domestic policies as well as foreign relations, and his appointees are all on board with imposing Trump's Law!  Trump's executive orders are meant to eradicate Obama's sixteen long years to “fundamentally transform America” to the “foundational restoration” of America. 

Trump will find that the executive orders were the easy part, "he’s now got to fight the enemies within the federal government and worry about the judiciary when all the inevitable lawsuits are filed".  Daniel Greenfield reliably predicts, malicious compliance will be the first wave of fed anti-Trump resistance deliberately "breaking things", by just following orders, all in order to blame Trump. This will be the test for crushing the federal employee unions, and justification for eliminating 80% of them. 
But as far as foreign affairs are concerned, things will start going much smoother.  Good riddance to Antony Blinken, and as far as I can tell, he's not been pardoned for anything.  But there is a  host of people who need to be investigated whether they've been pardoned or not.
Trump’s Shock and Awe Campaign Is Our Conservative Dream Come True - "As we survey the shattered, smoldering ruins of leftists’ dreams in the wake of Donald J Trump’s campaign of annihilation, it’s understandable if we pause for just a moment to appreciate exactly what has happened. We’ve talked and dreamed about this scenario for years, but now it’s happening right in front of our eyes........the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like victory......"
Below I've linked an article by Daniel Greenfield entitled,  The Koch Appeasers Taking Over Trump’s Defense Department.  "How China and Iran appeasers are sneaking into the Pentagon."  It's always the same, a masquerade of corrupt self interest at the expense of the nation's welfare with big wealthy international corporations.  They cannot be trusted to not commit treason.  The old employees, and the new hires will have to be watched carefully, and the firings at all these agencies will have to be ongoing ...... always!  And everyone was shocked why Trump fired all those Inspector's General.  He gets it, and he wants real watchmen. 


GOP Rep. Chip Roy Reintroduces Bill to Repeal Law Used to Throw Pro-Lifers in Prison - Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) reintroduced a bill on Tuesday that would repeal a law former President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) used to put pro-life advocates in prison. The FACE Act Repeal Act of 2025, would get rid of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a law passed in 1994, which prohibits “violent, threatening, damaging, and obstructive conduct intended to injure, intimidate, or interfere with the right to seek, obtain, or provide reproductive health services.” The act was written to equally protect abortion clinics, pro-life pregnancy resource centers, and churches, however, 97 percent of FACE Act cases since the law’s inception have been against pro-life advocates.......

Disinformation Experts Hate Trump’s Free Speech Executive Order - Newly inaugurated President Donald Trump signed a bevy of executive orders earlier this week, including one that seeks to end the federal government's pressure campaign on social media companies. The "Restoring Freedom of Speech and Ending Federal Censorship" executive order reaffirms the free speech rights of social media users and prohibits government agents from engaging in unconstitutional censorship.......
BREAKING: Trump Declassifies JFK Assassination Documents- President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday afternoon declassifying Central Intelligence Agency documents related to the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. They will be released to the American public in short order. ..........
Trump Says He’ll Declassify JFK, RFK, and MLK File - President Donald Trump has vowed to declassify all documents related to the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. Trump announced his intentions during his speech on Sunday night, the eve of his inauguration..........
CENSORSHIP: US Government Agencies Caught Censoring and ‘Block-Listing’ The Gateway Pundit and Others with the Help of Radical UK Anti-Conservative Censorship Group -   Internet sleuth Bad Kitty Unleashed released an explosive report this week on how the Center for Countering Digital Hate partnered with the US taxpayer-funded Restless Development organization to counter, blacklist, censor and silence Covid “disinformation” in 2021 and beyond. Read Bad Kitty’s entire report starting here...........
Republican Lawmakers Urge President Trump to Release “Epstein Files” - Republican lawmakers are urging President Trump to release the Jeffrey Epstein Files, just days after President Trump ordered the declassification of the assassination records of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr...........“Americans deserve to know exactly who was affiliated with this network. This is not about celebrities – this is about what happened to victims and survivors,” added Blackburn............

The DOJ Kills the Ferguson Effect - Even as America was in the throes of a major crime wave, instead of fighting it, the Justice Department played a key operational role in enabling it by suppressing law enforcement. The key element in it was the Civil Rights Division. The Civil Rights Division of the DOJ is essentially the enforcement arm of the Left whose prime mission used to be rigging elections for Democrats, but then developed a sideline in lynching police officers in order to enable BLM riots which were geared to elect Democrats during election years......

Justice Department Launches 'Special Project' to Investigate J6 Prosecutors - The Justice Department under President Donald Trump has launched an investigation into prosecutors who handled the criminal cases against defendants convicted of participating in the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol building.   Multiple sources told CNN they had seen an internal memo indicating the president’s intention to investigate those involved in the prosecution efforts against the Jan. 6...........The order lays out a policy to identify and address these instances of misconduct, ordering the Attorney General to investigate each of the agencies to uncover how they were used under Biden’s watch. Folks on the left criticized the order, slamming Trump for giving Democrats a taste of their own medicine...........

Trump Ends 1965 Executive Order from Lyndon Johnson that Began Affirmative Action in U.S. Govt - President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday rescinding President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Executive Order 11246, which mandated government contractors take affirmative action......

Trump Issues Memo Directing All Federal DEI Employees to Be Put on Leave The memo directs agencies to place DEI employees on paid leave by 5 p.m. on Jan. 22.

Hoo boy, does Trump need to shake up the Pentagon! - Hopefully Trump will soon make clear the proper place and deportment for generals in the US Military.  When I began basic training in the USAF back in the early 1970s, just like every young man or woman in every military branch, I was taught our military was controlled by the President of the United States. It was a brief lesson. He is the Commander-in-Chief.  He outranks the highest-ranking general who ever lived. Civilian control of the military is unquestionable, there is no debate, no argument. Repeat it back. Don’t ever forget it. Moving on… Imagine my surprise, all these years later, when I saw this:...........the Chairman of the Joint Chief's is "ready to work with the President".........  
Pete Hegseth drops the bomb on DEI at U.S. Department of Defense' Those who do not comply will no longer work here'.......
Air Force Begins Dismantling DEI Programming - The U.S. Air Force has started shutting down its diversity, equity, and inclusion offices to comply with President Donald Trump's sweeping executive action ordering all federal agencies to dismantle their "radical and wasteful" DEI programming, an official old Air & Space Forces Magazine.........New military executive orders: Trump is expected to sign executive orders today that would reshape the military, including banning transgender service members from serving in the US armed forces. On his first day as defense secretary, Pete Hegseth, who has long been in favor of these changes, told reporters that he will ensure these “orders are complied with rapidly and quickly.”...............
 19 state AGs tell Costco that DEI discrimination is illegal. - Attorneys general in 19 states are warning Costco "to end all unlawful discrimination imposed by the company through diversity, equity, and inclusion" policies to reflect President Donald Trump's recent executive order booting DEI out of federal agencies and warning private sectors to do the same. "Racial discrimination is both immoral and illegal. Race-based employment hiring violates state and federal law, and as the chief law enforcement officer of Kansas, I intend to enforce the law vigorously," Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach told Fox News Digital in a statement.  Trump's executive order, signed during his first week in office, will task the attorneys general with rooting out sectors and organizations that allegedly engage in discriminatory DEI practices. Recommendations will be made for potential lawsuits against violators.........
The Koch Appeasers Taking Over Trump’s Defense Department China and Iran appeasers are sneaking into the Pentagon. “As of today, the incoming Trump Administration has hired over 1,000 people,” President Trump tweeted. “It would be helpful if you would not send, or recommend to us people who worked with, or are endorsed by, Americans for No Prosperity (headed by Charles Koch)” along with a long list of others. But by then it was already too late. The Kochers were already on the inside............The Koch network, whose founder and financier has extensive business dealings with China, had previously broken with Trump over his crackdown on China leading to Trump calling the Koch network “Americans for China Prosperity.”.............And troubling views about our enemies they’ve tried to pass off as ‘America First’................
Trump's Department of Education finally says ‘no’ to LGBTQ porn in schools January 27, 2025 by Andrea Widburg In Trump’s America, kids can be kids again, and the groomers can crawl back into their basements.
Trump’s Department of Education Ends DEI Initiatives - President Donald Trump’s Department of Education (DoEd) began eliminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives and squashed what it called “Biden’s Book Ban Hoax” in the first week of Trump’s second term. In response to Trump’s executive order cracking down on DEI in the federal government, as well as guidance from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the department said it removed or archived hundreds of DEI guidance documents, reports, and training materials from its outward facing communication channels. The DoEd said it also put employees in charge of leading DEI initiatives on paid administrative leave. “These actions are in line with President Trump’s ongoing commitment to end illegal discrimination and wasteful spending across the federal government. They are the first step in reorienting the agency toward prioritizing meaningful learning ahead of divisive ideology in our schools,” the department said in a press release..............
Trump's State Department 'Just Went Totally Nuclear on Foreign Assistance' Matt Vespa  After the 2024 election, the Biden administration knew what was coming in January: a massive crackdown on aid to Ukraine. Since Kamala Harris’ epic defeat last November, the Biden White House wasted little time, if any, sending hordes of cash to the eastern European nation, which became more of an outlet for liberals raging at Russia for supposedly interfering in the 2016 election than a national security priority. Like anything Biden touched, this issue became more unpopular as the months progressed. With Secretary of State Marco Rubio, all aid has been shut down. The gravy train to Kiev is over (via Politico).....

Why are we giving money to countries that hate America? They should be able to hate us for free. - Senator John Kennedy
Colombia’s president refuses deportation flights. Trump starts making an example of him January 26, 2025 by Monica Showalter Colombia's clown president decided to FAFO on deportation flights and got it good..............Petro caves in completely to Trump over migrant repatriation flights January 27, 2025 by Monica Showalter He jacked around with Trump and found out the hard way what that meant. 
 Breitbart Business Digest: How Much Would It Cost to Buy Greenland? Donald Trump Jr. recently flew to Greenland for what he described as a “personal day-trip,” which is a pretty specific type of personal trip considering it involved a private jet nicknamed Trump Force One, a few MAGA hats, and a bunch of pictures for social media. Oh, and the trip came right after his father, President-elect Donald Trump, declared that buying Greenland was “an absolute necessity” for the U.S. So yeah, this wasn’t exactly a spur-of-the-moment vacation........
Trump Applies Heavy Pressure on Denmark for the Ownership of Greenland, Leaving Danish Government in Full “Crisis Mode” - NATO member Denmark spent the last four years single-mindedly worried about the Russian danger, but was surprised by the territorial ambitions by the fest-moving US President Donald J. Trump. After a telephone call between Trump and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, it has now been reported that the Danish Kingdom is in ‘crisis mode’ after Trump made a direct play for Greenland in a conversation being branded as ‘horrendous’..........
 It’s Beginning to Dawn on Denmark that Trump is Serious about Greenland Danish leaders grandstand while Greenland’s Prime Minister indicates a meeting with Trump is being set up and Sec. of State Rubio begins discussing Arctic Security Plans with Danish officials........The saga of President Donald Trump’s quest for a new relationship with Greenland continues.
 To recap events since Trump’s win on November 5th, he tasked his pick for Ambassador to Denmark with persuading the Danes to sell The United States the resource-rich Arctic land. Shortly after that announcement, Greenland suffered a major power outage caused by a downed transmission line. The blackout plunged the region into darkness as temperatures dropped below -27° F (-33°C).
Trump Re-Designates the Houthis as a Foreign Terrorist Organization - President Donald Trump re-designated the Houthi rebels in Yemen as a Foreign Terrorist Organization on his third day in office Wednesday, restoring a status that former President Joe Biden had reversed upon taking office in 2021........
Trump is becoming a master statesman and world leader -   Trump's foreign policy game is now nuanced and impressive.  During President Trump’s first term as president, many of us complained about his bad behavior: his boorish remarks, personal insults, badgering, and other sundry criticisms. But this time around, the President seems to be taking a more nuanced approach; at first glance, he is working from both ends of the behavioral spectrum. On the one hand, he is stating his hopes for the future without pressures on others; on the other hand, he’s playing hardball with his expectations. And he seems to be taking a strategic approach to whichever attitude he uses. Trump is taking a hardline approach to internal abuses and how they should be handled. An example is his reliance on Tom Homan, border czar, who said the following:.................
Exclusive: Bill Would Authorize Trump to End Aid to Honduras if ‘Marxist’ President Closes U.S. Military Base - Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) has introduced legislation to authorize the president to suspend all aid to Honduras in response to its threat to shut down the U.S.’s military base in the country if President-elect Donald Trump enforces mass deportations of illegal Honduran migrants............
Rubio Promises Netanyahu ‘Unwavering Support’ for Israel - The United States’ new top diplomat Marco Rubio reaffirmed the country’s “unwavering support” for Israel during a call Wednesday night to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Rubio spoke to Netanyahu from Washington  to “underscore that maintaining the United States’ steadfast support for Israel is a top priority for President Trump,” State Department spokeswoman Tammy Bruce said......
Trump Suggests Gaza ‘Clean Out,’ Send Residents to Egypt, Jordan -President Donald Trump suggested Saturday that he would like to “clean out” Gaza after the devastation of the war started by Hamas on October 7, 2023, sending residents to Egypt and Jordan for humanitarian reasons........... No Arab or Muslim nation has been willing to accept Palestinian refugees, insisting instead that they stay and suffer..........


Trump’s Deputies Restart Border Wall Construction - President Donald Trump’s Department of Homeland Security is filling President Joe Biden’s gaps in the nation’s border wall. Trump’s new border patrol chief, Michael Banks, touted the wall construction in a Saturday tweet: “Efforts like installing wall panels to fill critical gaps in Deming, New Mexico, exemplify our commitment to enhancing infrastructure and operational effectiveness.”.......

Mike Lee: America First Act Blocks Welfare & Benefits for Illegals - — During a meeting on Wednesday of the Senate Committee on the Budget, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) told Office of Management and Budget Director Nominee Russell T. Vought that his America First Act would ban illegal immigrants from receiving welfare and other benefits.....
Pro-Hamas Foreign Students Are About to Be Deported- Within moments of returning to the Oval Office on Monday, President Donald Trump got to work signing a flurry of executive orders. One of them is focused on "protecting the United States from Foreign Terrorists and other national security and public safety threats.".......

Sanctuary mayors could face arrest. - The Trump administration warned that any local leaders, including mayors, who try to stifle mass deportation efforts could face arrest as the president and his team work to mitigate the surge of illegal immigration. Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy Stephen Miller warned on "Jesse Watters Primetime" that any officials trying to shield migrants from deportation will face "criminal jeopardy" for violating the law.........

Teachers threaten violence against ICE officials who enter schools January 24, 2025 by Olivia Murray Using violence to subvert the government? Some might call this an insurrection. We already knew that the public education system was saturated with dysfunctional, unhinged, and frankly, stupid women, but that reality was showcased this week after President Trump authorized immigration enforcement officials to root out illegally present foreigners at previously off-limits locations. In light of the news that law enforcement officers would now be permitted to take illegals into custody in and on school campuses, a number of women employed by public school districts took to social media to announce that they would obstruct the law enforcement operations, even resorting to violence to shield illegal aliens from accountability.......

Media Warns Illegal Alien Child Rapists Fear ICE Arrests in Schools - Information obtained by Fox News Digital, shows that between midnight Jan. 21 and 9am Jan 22, a 33-hour period, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrests over 460 aliens that include criminal histories of sexual assault, robbery, burglary, aggravated assault, drugs and weapons offenses, resisting arrest and domestic violence.

The Alien Enemies Act of 1798: An Explainer of the Law Trump May Invoke - The act allows the government to detain or remove foreign nationals without a hearing in times of war or invasion.........
India to Take Back 18,000 Indian Migrants Living in U.S. Illegally - Indian officials are preparing to repatriate roughly 18,000 Indian migrants who have been living in the United States illegally, according to a recent report. “People familiar with the matter” informed Bloomberg that the Indian government is prepared to work with President Donald Trump and his administration to “identify and take back all its citizens” who have been in the U.S. illegally.........
Trump Strikes Back With Crippling Retaliatory Measures Against Colombia for Rejecting Deportation Flights - Update: Colombia’s President caved quickly and will now assist in deportation flights. Original Story: President Donald Trump has announced a series of retaliatory measures against Colombia after the country rejected two U.S. military flights intended for deporting migrants. The Colombian President, Gustavo Petro, had earlier declared that his country would not allow these flights to land, citing inappropriate treatment of Colombian migrants.......
We don't need self-imported sex traffickers and other unvetted, unwelcome threats to our communities...........
Exclusive: Bill Would Authorize Trump to End Aid to Honduras if ‘Marxist’ President Closes U.S. Military Base - Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) has introduced legislation to authorize the president to suspend all aid to Honduras in response to its threat to shut down the U.S.’s military base in the country if President-elect Donald Trump enforces mass deportations of illegal Honduran migrants............


President Trump getting things done in fire devastated Los Angeles January 27, 2025 by Rajan Laad Trump displayed common sense, which seems to be uncommon among L.A. authorities. .
Trump Meets Newsom as President Arrives to Tour L.A. County Fire Damage - President Donald Trump was magnanimous when meeting Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) upon arriving in Los Angeles to tour the fire damage that has ravaged L.A. County.Newsom greeted the president and first lady Melania Trump after they descended to the tarmac from Air Force I. The men spoke for more than 20 seconds before they made their way to reporters. “I appreciate the governor coming out and meeting me,” Trump told reporters, as he and Newsom shared a second handshake...........
In Pacific Palisades, Trump goes 'scorched earth' on the idiots running California January 25, 2025 by Monica Showalter The president visited burned-out Pacific Palisades on Friday and the ground moved.......
 Tump: California Shouldn’t Get Disaster Money Until They Change Water Policies - During a portion of an interview aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” President Donald Trump argued that California should not get any money for disaster relief until there are changes made to the state’s water policies. Host Sean Hannity asked, [relevant exchange begins around 5:30] “Will you give — obviously, Americans want to help other Americans in need, okay? Fair enough, we do that. … Should the money be contingent on them practicing the science of forestry?”
‘No water, but look how pretty it is!’ January 14, 2025 by Jim Davis Government needs to get all the nuts and bolts right. Once that’s been accomplished, we can talk about the paint job..........Would you believe the paint job on those fire hydrants cost over $300,000? Gosh, it’d be great if water would come out of them.....More


Fed Employees Say Making Them Go To Work Will Hurt Their Productivity By “We are a well-oiled machine that efficiently and effectively get the job done with excellence”...........🤣

Trump Admin Orders Agencies to Submit Detailed Return-to-Office Plans for Federal Employees - Federal agencies have been ordered to submit detailed plans for implementing Trump’s in-person work requirement for their employees...........

Trump Revokes Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s Security Detail - Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has had his security details revoked. According to The New York Times, both Pompeo and his former aide, Brian Hook, have had their details removed despite warnings from the Biden administration that they face a threat from Iran. Pompeo was informed of the revocation on Tuesday and has not yet issued a public statement on the matter.  The decision came shortly after Trump also pulled the details of his former National Security Advisor, John Bolton, who has been a vocal critic of him since leaving the administration in 2019............

CFPB’s Rohit Chopra, a Liz Warren Protege, Might Be Trump’s Next Firing - Former President Joe Biden’s appointee to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Board (CFPB) is still in office, but his head might be the next on President Donald Trump’s chopping block. Rohit Chopra, who was nominated to an open Democratic seat on the CFPB by Trump in 2017, was elevated to director by Biden in 2021, giving him a fresh five-year term........
Trump Says He Plans to Overhaul or Eliminate FEMA in Executive Order ‘I think, frankly, FEMA is not good,’ Trump said. ‘You want to use your state to fix [a disaster], and not waste time calling FEMA.’...
Trump Signs an Executive Order to Overhaul or Abolish FEMA - On Sunday, President Trump signed an executive order that aims to overhaul or potentially abolish the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The order calls for the creation of a task force called the Federal Emergency Management Agency Review Council to review the agency and recommend changes in a report. These changes could include abolishing the agency. In that case, Congress would make the decision..............
 Trump: States Should Handle Disasters, FEMA Just Gets in the Way - During a portion of an interview aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” President Donald Trump criticized the workings of FEMA and argued that the agency just gets in the way and stated that he would prefer that states handle disaster responses and then the federal government can provide financial assistance.
 FEMA Director Deanne Criswell Leaves  - FEMA Director Deanne Criswell departed the agency on Monday as President Trump’s new administration began. Criswell has faced strong criticism in response to how the agency has handled recent hurricanes. Criswell oversaw the government’s response to numerous major hurricanes, the Maui fires and the recent Los Angeles County fires.  ....
Jake Sullivan Allegedly Ordered NSC Staff to Sabotage Second Trump Term - In a shocking revelation, sources claim that former President Joe Biden’s National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, instructed National Security Council (NSC) staffers to "hold over" into the second Trump administration, allegedly to spy on and sabotage President Donald Trump’s presidency. This reported intent mirrors similar tactics used during the early days of Trump's first term, raising questions about the lengths some in the government may go to undermine the transition of power............
Federal employee union sues Trump over Musk’s DOGE - The largest union of US federal government employees filed suit on Monday against President Donald Trump over his plans to create a cost-cutting “Department of Government Efficiency” headed by billionaire Elon Musk. The suit was filed in a district court in Washington by the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) and non-profit Public Citizen just minutes after Trump was sworn in as the 47th US president. Trump has tasked Musk, the world’s richest man, with slashing billions of dollars in federal government spending. 

Drain the Swamp | November 2024 It may become possible to restore constitutional government in place of the administrative or bureaucratic state that has almost overtaken it. That is the issue that matters the most. The worst evils stem from it. The strongest resistance guards its entrenchment............
President Trump Might Have New Jobs for Nearly 90,000 IRS Agents - Remember those 90,000 Internal Revenue Service agents that the agency sought to hire during the Biden presidency? It appears they might have new jobs soon. President Donald Trump on Saturday floated the idea of sending the newly-hired IRS agents to the southern border to help efforts to address the migrant crisis that began under Biden’s administration. During a rally at Circa Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Trump indicated he was considering such a move. “They hired, or tried to hire, 88,000 workers to go after you and we’re in the process of developing a plan to either terminate all of them, or maybe we’ll move them to the border,” he declared. The president further noted that he might move the agents to the border “where they are allowed to carry guns.” ...........
With MAGA in Charge, New ‘RINO Removal Project’ Targets Sellout Republicans - Leo the Lion, a MAGA America First voter, has started a new group to purge the Republican Party of sellout RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) in office. The RINO Removal Project (RRP), subtitled “RINOs Become the Politically Hunted,” is targeting some of the most detested sellouts in Congress............
CIA Nukes 'Affinity Groups,' Bans Rainbow Lanyards, and Guess Which 'History Month' Just Got Axed - Report - “CIA employees were told all resource & affinity groups are canceled. No black history month or MLK celebration, or any other ethnic recognition months. DEI folks are to be fired rather than allowed to rotate to former offices,” he wrote. “CIA is also apparently banning lanyards that have to do with affinity groups. Women’s Council had to take down website & cancel all events, including women’s history month,”.............

Lawmakers Reintroduce Bill to Revoke China’s Trade Status - Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) said China’s PNTR status has enriched the CCP while costing American jobs.........
Learning from Years of Accommodating China - Years of accommodation and so-called mutually beneficial bilateral agreements have all enabled the rise of China.....

Trump Promises Tariffs for Products Not Made in America in WEF Speech - President Donald Trump promised tariffs on all products made outside the United States on Thursday, speaking virtually before Klaus Scwhab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) in Switzerland.......
Trump to WEF: His Policies Will Favor America  Donald Trump spoke virtually to Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on January 24, only four days after he was sworn in as the 47th president of the U.S. A panel of 'experts' gathered to hear his speech, then discuss what Trump had said. The panel concluded that the world should be aware that what he says represents a significant change in the global millennial economic order.  Trump said, "I terminated the ridiculous and incredibly wasteful Green New Deal -- I call it the Green New Scam; withdrew from the one-sided Paris climate accord; and ended the insane and costly electric vehicle mandate." To say his comments were not well received is an understatement, because the WEF favors green energy, the Paris climate accord, and EVs.
The Trade War - Who Actually Started It… Elizabeth Marshall | January 25, 2025
So, who has actually started this “trade war”? It would seem, based on the time-line and the events that have taken place, it would be Justin Trudeau, now, doesn’t it?

Pete Hegseth Is In, and It's Going to Hit the Fan!

By Rich Kozlovich


On Friday, November 29, 2024 I published this piece, What About Pete?, which was hit really hard showing me this was a topic that really resonated with America.  Then on Thursday, January 16, 2025 I published, How Did Pete Hegseth Do?, both of which outline who and what Pete Hegseth was and is, along with his qualifications, which are impressive, and the hypocrisy of his detractors, so I won't be repeating all that here, it's done already, so take a look for yourself.

Now Pete Hegseth has been confirmed as Secretary of Defense but that only happened because V.P. Vance was able to break the tie.  Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins voted no.  Murkowski went on about how impressive Hegseth was but in good conscience had to vote no, but didn't explain how he offended her conscience.   What kind of stupid answer is that?  

As far as I can tell Collins hasn't explained her vote, but one conservative writer Christopher Chantrill in his article What was the Real Problem with Pete Hegseth? explains why, at least in his view, Sens. Lisa Murkowski, and Susan Collins voted no.  They just "gotta go with the cool girls, and all the cool girls are Democrats." 

The cool girls, like Fauxocahontas Elizabeth Warren, Patty Murray,  and Mazie Keiko Hirono, you know..... the cool girls.... who went on about his character, all of whom thought he was too seriously flawed to be SecDef.  

Murkowski and Collins at least didn't play that card.  While playing that card in times past played well for the Dems, it's all worn out now and most on the right no longer care to hear it.  But that tactic is ingrained in the Democrat play book and they can't discard it because that's all they have, along with a corrupt media support.  But that's going down the drain soon. 

  1. Alinsky 101: NBC Runs Hegseth Hit Piece Despite Ex-Wife Debunking Accusation
  2. How the NBC News Hit Piece Against Pete Hegseth Just Got Worse, But Not in the Way You Think
  3. ‘This Isn’t Journalism’: GOP Sen. Bill Hagerty Blasts Propaganda Media’s Smear Campaign Against Pete Hegseth

Actually, we should be shocked the left cares.  Remember when Clinton was President the leftist meme from the Democrats was "character doesn't count"?  Those on the right never agreed with that, but we've seen Trump perform remarkably, in spite of all his character flaws, but corruption isn't one of them, and let's not kid ourselves there has never been more corrupt Presidents than Clinton and Biden, right along with the biggest criminal enterprise in America, the Democrat party.  I'm also inclined to think the thing these two really all have in common with the "cool girls" is they're all old, and dumb.  But wait....there's more!  I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that!

Mitch McConnell who refuses to be interviewed over his vote did release an idiotic statement that should make everyone realize just how corrupt he is, remember, Ole Mitch had no problem voting to confirm Lloyd Austin, Merrick Garland and Pete Buttigieg.

McConnell is Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, and I gotta tell ya, it's my view his vote stinks of self-interested corruption, and I think Christopher Chantrill's article pretty much confirms that as he gets into what's really going on behind the scenes saying:

........."government, in general, is there to provide jobs for Barnacles and Stiltstockings, as described by Charles Dickens way back in 1857."...........According to this notion, the State Department is there to hand out jobs to educated foreign policy analysts. Environmental programs are there to provide jobs for educated environmentalists. Grants to NGOs are there to provide jobs for lefty activists. Grants to universities are there to provide jobs for lefty academics.  So, the Department of Defense is there to hand out goodies to warfighters and veterans............ Pete Hegseth ............ [is] not going to send money to Democratic supporters like the rest of the federal government.........the Democratic Party’s war on Pete Hegseth was a result of careful expert analysis of his 2020 book American Crusade: Our Fight to Stay Free. Here is a quote:

NATO is not an alliance; it’s a defense arrangement for Europe, paid for and underwritten by the United States [and it should be] scrapped and remade in order for freedom to be truly defended............The defense of Europe is not our problem; been there, done that, twice.

For those who are regular readers of P&D you know I'm in total agreement with that. The era is over.  We can no longer afford to police the world........"for everyone else's benefit".  Before America gets involved in any foreign interdiction one question must always be asked.  How does this benefit America as a nation and a culture, and not just the big international corporations in America who are in reality traitorous co-conspirators with the World Economic Forum and other multinational organizations.  

Involvement in this Russo/Ukrainian War does not benefit America.  Europe brought this on themselves, let them fix it, or not.  We have no skin in that game.  None of this was our fault, nor our responsibility, and it's costing the nation hundreds of billions of dollars and weakening our own national defense in support of a completely corrupt dictatorial government that had Joe Biden and his crime family in their pockets. 

What this is really all about with all the RINO's is the big money to be made by keeping America at war, and it's long overdue for there to be a public outcry demanding an open debate about America's involvement in NATO and the United Nations.  All the Democrats voted against Hegseth because they were commanded to do so, and like the good little Stalinists they are, they obeyed. The argument that the three RINO senators voted against Pete Hegseth was because of NATO has legs, hard to prove, but credible.   It’s much easier to question character than have an open debate about the relevance of NATO in the 21st century. 

The reality is America is going to stop wasting American lives and American wealth for the dubious benefit of others.  If America does anything it will be because it directly benefits America.   Trump gets it!  Bretton Woods is over! We don't need them, they need us, and watch as these nations fall into line, just as Mexico and other Latin American states have. 

His character isn't what bothered anyone, it's his views on what the military is supposed to be all about, and being used for social experimentation isn't one of them.  His priorities are "a focus on lethality, meritocracy, accountability, standards, and readiness."  All of which the Democrats hate insanely.  

He's already put down the hammer on DEI at U.S. Department of Defense, and "those who do not comply" are fired.  The Air Force is shutting down DEI schemes.  When you see the highest ranks in the military saying "they're willing to work "with"' the President", that makes it abundantly clear clear there needs to be a serious attitude adjustment at the Pentagon, and I think that means saying "You're Fired".  There's nothing like a good firing to get everyone's head on right, and I think Hegseth can deliver. 

But there are a number of RINO's and war hawks in the Senate like Senator Thom Tillis who was secretly working behind the scenes to sabotage Pete Hegseth encouraging former sister-in-law Danielle Hegseth, who was once married to his brother, claims he abused his ex-wife Samantha, all of which Samantha refutes. 

War hawk Lindsey Graham voted for him, and my guess is they know Trump isn't going to take no for an answer, and have no desire to challenge him on his cabinet picks.  They see a man committed, unrelenting, and no matter how polite he may be, he will punish them in the future just as he's done with former members of his administration who turned on him.  I think Tillis is in trouble no matter what now.  

What's ahead is going to be like a fun roller coaster ride with a lot of ups and downs, but it will be entertaining.