De Omnibus Dubitandum, is supposed to be the motto of science. Everything is to be questioned, but while it sounds great...and it is....unfortunately in all of human history anyone who actually lived up to that was persecuted, ergo, it's never been lived up to. People will always be people so self interest, jealousy, envy, resentment, and hate all come into play.
When Jonas Salk discovered his vaccine for polio the entire world of epidemiology condemned him because he created his vaccine from dead viruses, and all the world knew you could only create vaccines from live viruses. Well, he was right, and they were wrong, but they never forgave him and when the Sabin vaccine was created that's what they pushed, in spite of the fact some became infected with polio with Sabin's live virus vaccine, and no one ever was infected by the Salk vaccine except when one batch was produced improperly.
I'm 78 now and I got the Salk vaccine, a series of three shots, painful shots, and I remember it was in the news and talked about by everyone, including my family, but Salk was right. In recent decades science has not only failed to live up to that motto, it's worked against the very idea of questioning everything, or for that matter anything that interferes with what is now the holy grail of science. Grant money. Not truth, grant money, and when science becomes rich, it becomes politics. When science become politics, it becomes tyrannical.
Grant money, especially government grant money has made the term scientific integrity an oxymoron, so, since science has abandoned it, I've declared salvage rights and taken it as my personal motto and now I lay claim to it as my property. When science changes I'll give it back to them.
Okay, I can hear it
now. You're a retired bugman, who the heck do you think you are? I'm
the guy who "questions everything", and I'm the guy that keeps being
right. Let's take a stroll through time and go over the three greatest
scientific frauds ever perpetrated on mankind.
> |
EVOLUTION: Well, I know this will really tick a bunch of people off. Well, good! However, my now passed friend Dr. Jay Lehr, a confirmed atheist, called this piece brilliant, and I only had one scientist take umbrage with my commentary and his argument was easily dealt with. Shall Every Knee Bow:
"Darwin’s theories are not, in the modern phrase, settled science. They aren’t even unsettled science. They are educated guesses at best. To be science, Wolfe reminds us, “There are five standard tests for a scientific hypothesis. Has anyone observed the phenomenon — in this case, Evolution — as it occurred and recorded it? Could other scientists replicate it? Could any of them come up with a set of facts that, if true, would contradict the theory? Could scientists make predictions based on it? Did it illuminate hitherto unknown or baffling areas of science? In the case of Evolution… well… no… no… no… no… and no.”' - Larry Thornberry on Tom Wolfe's, Kingdom of Speech
Truth is the sublime convergence of history and reality. Everything were told has a historical foundation and context. Everything were told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality. If what's present to us fails in either category, it's wrong. All that's left to do is develop the intellectual response to explain why it's wrong.
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