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By Rich Kozlovich
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Well, this is the last weekend before it's decided whether the United States of America will continue to exist or not, and I no longer think that's hyperbole as I once did.
Make no mistake, it's not just about who they are, it's about what they are, what they believe, and what they do, and the central question that should be on everyone's mind is who is the best leader? Or for that matter if they have any leadership skills at all. History is everything, and fortunately each of their histories tells us that story, much of which is covered in today's edition.
It's my view voter fraud will be massive in many states, and the fact the Democrats think Trump would win is more impetus for them to go insane on voter fraud. That didn't happen with Hillary because they actually believed their own hype, and the hype from their myrmidons in the media that she was a shoo in for President. Not in 2020, and not now.
This will go to the courts, and as Vice President it will be up to Kamala to certify the election, which the Democrats demanded Pence certify. But Democrats being Democrats, they will demand Kamala refuse to certify. As for the down card, here's my Updated Analysis of the 2024 Senate Race.
fraud for the House is more complicated as the fake ballots have in the
past have mostly shown votes for the President and the down card was
mostly empty. That's not normal. The reason why is it's extremely
hard to pre-print that many fake
ballots with all those different down card candidates. That's why they
need days to "find" lost ballots in order to print down card candidates
names in them.
I have no doubt the Democrats will work tirelessly to undermine his administration if he wins. That's who they are, what they do, and that will never change, and there are entirely too many Republicans who will help them to do it. I break that down in my Mitch McConnell's Replacement article.
Trump's rally at the Madison Square Garden was a massive triumph. Sally Zelikovsky defined it in this manner:
....Trump’s rallies..... remind me of a convention comes down to the fact that the atmosphere at both events is the same: Jubilant. Fun. Energizing. Optimistic. Lots of hats, signs, cheers, and jeers. Tens of thousands of attendees. Guest speakers. A grand old time for the grand old party.
This rally is being proclaimed as a triumph everywhere, Monica Showalter called his speech a tour de force saying:
"no wonder Democrats tried to distract from it".... "yelling about Nazis and Nazi rallies in the most preposterous comparison ever"....[claiming]....It was so bad, so pathetic, all I could do was hope they kept doing it, because they were shooting blanks"....
But the Nitwit Brigade has a different view of the world. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul says the rally is Trump "waving the white flag of surrender.” And Rob Reiner claims that rally "puts the final nail in his racist coffin". I've come to the conclusion they called him the Meat Head in All in the Family because they really did see him as a meat head.
And if it was "so bad" why is it Hasidic Jews found it impressive enough to endorse Trump? So much for claims it was a Nazi rally.
Then there's Whoopi! As Professor Higgins in My Fair Lady said of Eliza Doolittle: "She's so deliciously low". Well, say that and add stupid, and you define Whoopi. Democrats, one and all, called it a racist Nazi rally. Wow, and they've been doing that since 1948. Ya gotten give them credit for consistency, not smarts, but hey, ya just can't have everything, right? But wouldn't you think they'd prefer smarts? Nah, they would be allowed to be be Democrats then.
Ole Joe called over half of the American voting public "garbage" because they support Trump, Kamala scolded blacks and men for not supporting Kamala, and Democrats, one and all, are calling them racists and fascists. Wow, now there's a winning strategy for you, insulting those you want to vote for you. You'd think after the beating Hillary took calling them deplorables that would have taught them a lesson. It didn't, because this is who they are and their contemptuous view America, and Whoopi Goldberg, that paragon of low IQ and irrational thought processes, says .... watch out now .... here it comes ....Whoopi says Hillary was right.
Democrats are so hot to save "our democracy" they insist the only way to
do that is to destroy the First Amendment. After all, you can't have
people going around and saying what they really think, unless it agrees
with government policy, leftist government policy of course, followed by
a really loud Sieg Heil!
This week Molly Slag published this piece on property taxes in N. Dakota asking if their system of property taxation was fair, and she concluded it was, and truthfully, I didn't know if her analysis was correct or not, but it was complicated, and that's the problem. All these systems of taxation are so complicated we need to hire accounts.
My comment was:
All forms of taxation are immoral because they're can use all the force they want to enforce that confiscation. Unfortunately they're a necessary evil. So the goal is to make them as fair and unburdensome as possible, and that's the rub.
Just because the article deals specifically with Montana's taxing system is immaterial to the overall issue of the problem of what happens ultimately, greed, corruption, power mongering, and special privileges for the special few always follows, and both parties are guilty of this corruption, the left is just far worse.
Normally I don't watch videos as they're too time consuming, and by the time I get to the end and more often than not I saw nothing I could use or was really interested in. Time wasted. Since I read so much from so many sites, including reports sent to me I scan a lot, and I do so because often times in a general way, I already pretty know what they're going to say. Then after doing a quick scan I decide if I should spend time digesting the commentary. But occasionally a video comes along that has a "Wow" factor. Substack blogger Susan Daniels sent this to me, with a great story about Trump and the Green Berets, which begins at 28:30 in the interview, and it's worth seeing.
A couple of interesting things occurred with Russia this week. First the G7 have authorized giving Ukraine another 50 billion dollars, most likely none of which will be tracked and based on history, much of it will most likely be stolen, and allegedly Putin is willing to talk to Zelenskyy about a limiting attacks on vital structures. Really?
I think that's a big tell on Putin, and he's having some serious domestic financial issues on delinquent loans, which he's not going to be able to fix it until he gets this Ukraine war stopped. Also, and I find this interesting, he's only willing to negotiate provided it's done via Qatar. Qatar? Really? And he's only willing to do that if Ukraine gives up the territory they took back after he stole it from them. And get this, at the same time he wants to be the one to negotiate a cease fire in Lebanon. Imagine that! What a guy!
- China which has railed against any efforts to curtail their access to American markets think it's just fine to sanction an American company for having the audacity to make drones for Ukraine.
- The liberal party in Canada, Trudeau's party, wants to kick that nutroll out of office. Imagine that!
- For
those who've been reading P&D for any length of time you know I've
been saying military use lasers were in the near horizon, and a lot of
people got a real chuckle out of that. Well, Israel has employed them
and now are expanding their role.
- It appears New York's mayor, Eric Adams, doesn't want to be a sanctuary city any longer, and I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.
- Democrats are ignoring SCOTUS decisions in California and intend to force Catholic hospitals to perform "emergency abortions", and they will decide what's constitutes an emergency.
- The Dutch have decided all that misinformation about these false covid vaccines was actually accurate, and now those who were fired for refusing the vaccinations are getting a million bucks and Bill Gates is on hock for some that, if not all. Why the Dutch have any say in this case involving American a bit mind boggling, but here's the real thought everyone should take away with this: The bugman was right again. Remarkable.
- Here all this time we were told all that looting, crime, and violence that erupted in America's major cities was outrage over racist police. No so! It turns out winning the World Series is more than enough justification to riot and loot. Perhaps we should just conclude rioters, thieves, muggers, rapists, murders, and the lot don't really have any justification other than their own greed and corruption, and act accordingly. Oh, but the party that's in total charge in California and California's major cities just can't tolerate that. It would be racist.
- In Texas, over 200 unqualified Texas educators
had someone else take their exam in cheating scandal. How much do you
wanna bet this isn't the only state this is going on? How much do you
wanna bet that Vincent Grayson, basketball coach who organized this,
along with all the other participants in this scheme, Tywana Gilford
Mason, Nicholas Newton, Darian Nikole Wilhite, and LaShonda
Roberts, are all Democrats?
Finally, and I really am getting a kick out of watching this unfold. In his article Jay Valentine asks, is this, "The End Of Massive Data Centers?" He says these data centers are in need of massive amounts of electricity t to run, and explains why. We also know alternative energy is totally incapable of meeting that need.
So, watch Google and the rest decide nuclear isn't that bad after all, much to the chagrin of the greenies, warmists, and globalists, and push for Small Nuclear Reactors (SMR) and even smaller microreactors and small modular reactors, (SMR's), which are portable. It gets better. He says we don't need data centers. You will find this interesting, so take a look.
There's change coming, and ya just can't make all this stuff up. Today's offerings include eight pieces by me, some extensive, and twenty excellent pieces by others, and I've added a fifth permanent link regarding Islam. That's a never ending story, and I want to make sure it's being told correctly.
The weather is getting colder,
most of what I've left to do on the outside involves fall planting and
clean up, and now I hope to be able to get to the 20 books I ordered and
haven't read. So, enjoy and have a great weekend knowing we're on the
cusp of one of the most important historical events in America's history
in deciding if the United States will continue to exist! That's not
hyperbole any longer!
My Commentaries
- News and Views: Cackling Kamala and Tampon Timmy
- Humor is the Best Medicine
- The Reality of Islam, Part VI
- Islamic Persecution of Christians is Worldwide, Part V
- The E-Myth
- P&D Geopolitics Issue
- The Nitwit Brigade on Parade
- There's No Joy in Mudville Tonight. The Mighty Media Has Struck Out!
- DOJ Was Warned About Obama’s Fake Social Security Number in 2011 By Susan Daniels
- Election 2024 — The Pollsters Are Wimping Out By Leesa K. Donner
- Why I'm Voting the Way I Am By John Droz, Jr.
- Media Balance Newsletter (October 28, 2024) By John Droz, Jr.
- Explaining the Importance of Critical Thinking By John Droz, Jr.
- Greens detest ‘little guys’ who get in their way By Paul Driessen
- Exxon Knew! First Warming and Climate, Now Plastics By Paul Driessen
- How the British Gov’t is Working to Elect Kamala By Daniel Greenfield
- Terrorism, Genocide and Kamala's Childhood in Africa By Daniel Greenfield
- Kamala Was Raised in Hate By Daniel Greenfield
- Are We Now a Socialist Nation, or, Are We Turning to Freedom? By Robin Itzler
- Our Electoral College By Robin Itzler
- We're Coming to the End of the Story By Robin Itzler
- Happy MAGA with Happy Meal By Robin Itzler
- Cuba: The Collapse Accelerates By Francis Menton
- Do the American People want Communism? By Victor Mezhinsky
- More Spending =/= Better Education By Dan Mitchell
- Fiscal Dishonesty or Fiscal Insanity? By Dan Mitchell
- The Vice President’s Radical Plan to Tax Unrealized Capital Gains By Dan Mitchell
- Scary ‘Nuclear Challenges’ Faced by United States By Dave Patterson
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