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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Pravda Media is Dying. Schadenfreude!

By Rich Kozlovich, Tags:

Trump recently refused to do an interview with 60 Minutes, and I say, kudos to Trump, and most likely a smart media consultant he's hired. That was a smart move.

In days gone by the Pravda media controlled the narrative and anyone who refused to be interviewed must have had something to hide, but here's what I observed about 60 Minutes going back many years ago.  It was the 60 Minutes who was doing the hiding.  And they're still doing it.

 I’ve never seen this before, but the producers of 60 Minutes sliced and diced (“cut and pasted”) Lyin’ Kamala’s answers to questions, which were virtually incoherent, over and over again, some by as many as four times in a single sentence or thought, all in an effort, possibly illegal as part of the “News Division,” which must be licensed, to make her look “more Presidential,” or a least, better. It may also be a major Campaign Finance Violation. This is a stain on the reputation of 60 Minutes that is not recoverable - It will always remain with this once storied brand. I have never heard of such a thing being done in “News.” It is the very definition of FAKE NEWS! The public is owed a MAJOR AND IMMEDIATE APOLOGY! This is an open and shut case, and must be investigated, starting today! - Donald Trump

Update, 10/11/24, 1:00 PM:  ‘Race and Culture Unit’: CBS goes old Soviet Russia-style with new department that approves stories before they’re allowed to air…

If Trump had been interviewed they would have sliced and diced his word also, but in total disregard for the truth. 
I can remember back "many" years ago, when 60 Minutes did a piece on Eli Lilly saying that Eli Lilly refused to be interviewed, implying they were hiding something, ergo, they were guilty of any claims made against Eli Lilly made in the piece.  But no one remembers that piece.  But think about this.  If they'd been interviewed who knows how they could have twisted that story, just as they did with the Alar scare.

Mike Wallace did a piece on the Moonies, and they said they'd do it only if they showed the entire piece. 60 minutes refused, but they agreed to allow the Moonies to film the whole interview.  I noted how the usually smug and confident Mike Wallace didn't show up that day.  It was the uncomfortable and a bit nervous Mike who showed up.   That was an enlightening moment for me, since it was clear, at least to me, that was because he knew they couldn't cut the interview to suit themselves without being exposed for their corruption.  I knew then beyond any doubt Mike Wallace and 60 Minutes wasn't to be trusted, and neither is his son, Chris Wallace. 

And this vile partisan corruption is ubiquitous in the media, and has always been so!  In Andrea Widburg's article, CBS News continues its decades-long decline into the leftist muck, she starts out saying:

Until the day he retired, my parents revered CBS News’s Walter Cronkite. Combining dignity with a gentle flow of compassion and wisdom, and always with a warm twinkle in his eye, he informed Americans about events worldwide. Then he concluded the show by saying, “And that’s the way it is.” They told me how they wept with him when President Kennedy died, and they believed him when he lied about the U.S. victory in the Tet Offensive, a lie that effectively lost the Vietnam War for America. In those days, CBS News had gravitas, and no one knew understood was pushing propaganda along with its straight news reporting.

She goes on to say CBS interviewed a guy named Ta-Nehisi Coates, whose claim to fame, other than being a vicious antisemitic liar, is"

 "..........blacks in America are among the world’s most abused people, victims of a vast “white-wing” (my word) conspiracy, and entitled to scads of money and preferential treatment to compensate for America’s endless sins...... Coates is a communist, he despises Jews and, therefore, the world’s only tiny Jewish nation....

She went on to say:

I also believe that leftists cannot bear the thought of a moral God before whom they’ll one day be called to account. The essence of communism is that they are the gods, and they will not accept competition. Jews, by their very existence, remind communists that they’re probably wrong.

He expected to get the usual disgusting and fallacious fawning interview for which these networks are now famous.  That's not what he got, and he was totally unprepared for Tony Dokoupil who actually insisted he "defend those views about Israel."  End result?  He looked idiotic, and the management at CBS was outraged at the interview.  Why?  It was racist!  And immediately imposed DEI indoctrination on the staff.  Let's try and get this right once, just once, please. Truth isn't racist, it's just the truth! 

The big take away from all this is these "news" organizations?  They've been lying to America for decades, and now America knows it.  They're being exposed daily as nothing more than leftist propaganda machines, and are now collapsing under the weight of all their lies.  
Lies of commission, lies of omission, logical fallacies, and projections,  and the "alternative" media is now ascendant. The Pravda media is doomed, and there should be national celebrations each time one swirls down the drain.   Under no circumstances should Republicans go on their shows, or even be interviewed by them. One Senator made it clear why he wouldn't be interviewed by:   You lie!


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