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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Choice and the Challenge


By Rich Kozlovich, Tags:

On Saturday October 5, 2024 William Sullivan posted this article, Corrupt Union Longshoremen Will Hasten Port and Industry Automation, saying:

As many Americans now know, our economic and material well-being is in the hands of a gaggle of racketeering union thugs who, at any given moment, could hold Americans hostage as they make their demands.  This week, several thousand union dockworkers on the East and Gulf Coasts “began their first large-scale strike in nearly 50 years,” shutting down roughly half of American ports.  Americans appear to have gotten a temporary reprieve in the form of a “tentative agreement” which increases dockworkers’ pay, while tabling “all other outstanding issues” until 2025, when we can expect these thugs to once again threaten strikes at all American ports if their demands aren’t met.

Before this temporary agreement averted a long strike, Charles Payne warned the administration would be playing what I would call Russian Roulette by allowing this strike to occur and what it would do to the economy.  

However, I see this as a much larger issue than a labor dispute!  It's a national crisis that is in serious need of proper definition in order to develop proper solutions.  It's about unions, it's about power, it's about control, and it isn't just about this union.

First, this fight against automation has been fought in every industry in America over the last 75 years, and automation always wins. Industry cannot abandon it, and it's a loser issue for the unions, but it's bigger than that.

The unions were infiltrated from the beginning by communists, a bit later by organized crime, and it's time America's labor laws were seriously altered. No union should have that kind of control. No union should in effect be a shadow government. 

When Mussolini visited Sicily in 1924 the head mobster told Mussolini, in an effort to impress him, he didn't need all that security surrounding him since he was under the mob bosses protection. Mussolini wasn't impressed, he realized this guy represented a pseudo governmental power, and that was unacceptable to Mussolini.  So, he eliminated the Mafia in Italy.

Being a dictator he did it was monstrous but trumping up charges against them, finding them guilty, and then executing them.   As one mobster who was convicted said he was guilty of a lot of crimes they couldn't prove so the found him guilty of a crime he didn't' commit.  Mussolini's view was pretty much fell into the category of, so what, this is for the crimes you committed we didn't know about you should have been executed for.

At any rate, the lesson is clear. If you allow a pseudo government in any form, the nation's government ceases to be in control, and that's what's happening in Mexico, Venezuela, and other leftist swill holes. And we're seeing these thugs coming to America and literally taking over control of whole areas of the nation's cities they're infesting. 

That's what this is all about. Surrendering control of the nation to enemies of all that America stands for, not wages, not automation, it's all about power and control of the nation by those who will destroy America.  And it isn't just this union.

The  teacher's unions, which are notoriously left wing are destroying the nation's future workers, thinkers, and leaders with their actions.   Negotiating for insane contracts that promote insane green initiatives,  and then claiming black children can't read because conservatives take an ‘oath’ to prevent black children from learning to read.  

Well, I'm a conservative, and I never took such an oath, and I know a lot of conservatives, and they never took such an oath either.  It appears we all missed the meeting when that oath was taken, in fact, we're totally unaware of anyone who has ever heard of such a meeting.  So, when and where did this oath taking meeting take place? 

Even if that insane statement were true, why would black teachers allow that, since in these schools it's black teachers who are doing the teaching?  Or is this another race mongering hustle to excuse their failure as teachers to teach this poor children to read, write, spell, and do the simple math needed to function as productive members of society?  

Public employee unions should such as the not be allowed, and especially the teacher's unions. Biden has created IRS rules that have given the unions even more power.  Coercive, corrupt, extortionate destructive power, and it's time all these labor laws were readdressed to limit the power of unions. 

That's the choice, and that's the challenge!

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