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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, October 20, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

By Rich Kozlovich

Normally I don't add video's to my P&D monologues but I really consider this "one of the essentials", because all we know Kamala's "rise to the middle" in California wasn't through her competence.  But this video entitled, "The Shocking Origin Story of Kamala Harris and All the Crimes She’s Committed", not only shows she's incompetent, she's lazy, she's corrupt, is one nasty human being, and has been so her entire career.  In point of fact, according to this video, she's violated California law in her actions.  In short...she's also a criminal. But hey, this is California, is there any politician in California who hasn't?  Probably not.  This is what she would bring to the Presidency. 


  • Kamala’s long history of lousy leadership is revealed in a 2002 evaluation October 12, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Whether as Vice President, Attorney General of California, or a lawyer long ago in San Francisco, Kamala consistently fails Leadership 101.......In other words, on every management attribute a leader needs—say, for example, the leader of the most powerful nation in the world—Kamala was a failing student.......Kamala was profane, abusive, unfriendly, and demanded that she be treated like royalty......Employee reviews about Kamala’s leadership style in the Vice-President’s office have been equally awful.......

Why do people keep saying, "everything will turn out for the best"? Let's stop being delusional, everything does not always turn out for the best, and we have untold thousands of years of history to show that to be true.

Biden was elected through voter fraud, and what we ended up with was levels of corruption and incompetence America's never seen in all the nation's history.  More of which Kamala intends to double down on.   How's all that working out for you?

In John Mauldin's Thoughts From the Frontline he states: 

A challenge in writing a weekly letter like this is that the economy never stops. Important data keeps accumulating, whether I write about it or not. A lot happened in the last four weeks: an FOMC meeting with major policy changes, a surprising jobs report, important shifts in the bond market and yield curve, hurricanes, China, some geopolitical events, and a political race, just to start. I haven't mentioned them because I was on other, also important topics. Now it's catch-up time....... Normality is always a moving target......We do know one thing, however. The effects of 2020, 2023, the pandemic, the Fed, the inflation, everything else grow more distant with each passing day. The runway metaphor is overused but it fits: Planes can't stay in the air forever. This one will land. The question is whether we passengers will feel a hard or soft landing.

Make no mistake, there's a massive international economic downturn coming, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, that axis of evil are all broke.  I'll have more on this in my next geopolitical issue. 

Now all the "conspiracy theories", and "misinformation" about covid are coming home to roost, as the only misinformation was from the CDC, Pfizer, WHO, and the Biden administration, and as I predicted long ago, the long term consequences for their lies will impact humanity for decades. The false vaccines increased the risk of myocarditis in children, but somehow they felt the public didn't need to know that, and now, WHO, another vile corrupt international organization, admits monkeypox is a "side effect" of the covid vaccine.   Even I didn't see that coming, and someone needs to go to jail for all of this.  

Western civilization has gone completely insane.  In order to protect abortionists (like those Baal worshiping priests who sacrificed babies into burning pits, they make their living by murdering the innocent unborn) Scotland has made it illegal to pray at home, declaring private residences must be considered "abortion safe zones".  So now putting people in jail for silently praying outside an abortion clinic isn't sufficient, all thoughts against abortion must now be a crime, and don't you dare discuss your feelings with God over this.  Scotland has forbidden it.  

I do hope more people start reading the book 1984, because the only thing Eric Arthur Blair, aka, George Orwell got wrong was the time frame.

Because of the Democrat's policy of open borders, a violent criminal gang from Venezuela, all here illegally, Tren De Aragua, has been allowed to become out of control here in America by these leftist nitwits, and Kamala intends to double down on that and end all border controls.  Trump on the other hand has announced “Operation Aurora” in massive move to oust foreign gangs like Tren De Aragua.  And yet, if polls are to be believed, there still are Americans who are confused as to who they support?

The left hates, and wants to unleash their hate violently.  That's all they have.  If your a man who won't vote for Kamala, one professor wants you shot. Your outraged a the cost of food? Then your outrage is misplaced as that's nothing more than false information, and price gouging, but under no circumstances is it the fault of Biden's polices.  Democrats openly despise Catholics, and according to Obama if your a man who won't vote for Kamala, you're a racist, even it you're black, and a misogynist.   It turns out the real racist is Obama! 

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!  A far left wing alien resident who illegally became president stirring up racial hatred in America, and no one asks what his motives are?  Well, it turns out not everyone in black America is all that enthused about Obama, including C. J. Pearson.
Former President Barack Obama is urging black men to support Kamala Harris, suggesting that our allegiance should be based on the color of her skin and the chance to “make history.” But I have a simple response to that: my ancestors fought too hard for my right to vote for me to be reduced to a racial checkbox in a political game. I won’t support someone just because they look remotely like me—especially when that person has shown no regard for the real issues facing black communities.......... But here’s the thing: we’ve been “taking one for the team” when it comes to supporting the Democratic Party for decades. And what has it gotten us? Our inner cities are struggling, violent crime is on the rise, and too many of our communities remain trapped in a cycle of poverty. That’s the reality of progressive policies, not just in a few cities but across the country. We don’t need more of the same—we need leadership that actually delivers.
The media is corrupt beyond belief, the only difference is their corruption is out in the open, and this piece by Mary Grabar demonstrates it,  J.D. Vance Committed the Unforgivable Facecrime of Confidently Smiling.  

Jack Smith, the federal prosecutor who isn't a federal prosecutor, has decided the Supreme Court didn't understand his persecution of Donald Trump with their presidential immunity ruling, so he's made some changes and refiled, apparently to help them understand the error of their ways.   Jack Cashill likens all this to the prosecutorial misconduct of Mike Nifong saying:
.....who notoriously hid exculpatory evidence and distorted the sequence of events to prosecute three Duke lacrosse players on a rape charge. Once exposed, Nifong was disbarred and arrested. The difference between Nifong and special counsel Jack Smith, Donald Trump’s Javert, is that Smith is still practicing law.
Nifong was disbarred, but Smith's conduct has been even worse.

As the political climate clears it seems clear to many Democrats that Trump will be elected, and to the point even the voter fraud schemes they have in place may not be sufficient to prevent it, so, they've decided to become election deniers.  Imagine that.  Doing what they demanded Pence not to, and did so with profound outrage claiming that would be an attempt to destroy "our" democracy. 

I've updated my An Analysis: Senate Race 2024 and More, article, and Matt Vespa thinks the Republicans have a solid chance to take the Senate, with which I agree, but you can never overlook Republican ability to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.  


  1. Barack Obama and the Abrupt Demise of Kamalamentum By Mark Angelides
  2. How the Mighty Obama Has Fallen By Susan Daniels
  3. Dementia Joe Outsmarts the Obamas  By Susan Daniels
  4. Hurricane Milton, a Lack of Leadership, and Election 2024 By Leesa K. Donner
  5. Are the Walls Closing in on Kamala Harris? By Tim Donner
  6. Education: Content and Competencies The two main components of K-12 education By John Droz, Jr.
  7. Critically Thinking about the Upcoming 2024 Election The American Experiment is at Stake By John Droz, Jr.
  8. How does the Left do it? By Kevin Finn
  9. Jack’s “October Surprise” is a dud By Joe Fried
  10. Inside The October 7th War  Daniel Greenfield
  11. The Revenge of Israel’s Women on Hezbollah  Daniel Greenfield
  12. Wrap up For the Week From Robin Itzler By Robin Itzler
  13. Kamala Harris; Failure on the March By Robin Itzler
  14. Trump Holds Union Advantage By Robin Itzler
  15. When To Vote?  By Robin Itzler
  16. Criminals Among Us! By Robin Itzler
  17. What The Hell Is Going On In Cuba? By Francis Menton
  18. Ordinary People Lose with European-Sized Government By Dan Mitchell
  19. The Prudent Case for the Laffer Curve, Part III By Dan Mitchell
  20. Industrial Policy: The Triumph of Hope over Experience By Dan Mitchell
  21. Further Confirmation of the 7th Theorem of Government By Dan Mitchell
  22. Sensible Tax Analysis from British Bureaucrats By Dan Mitchell
  23. Biden Touts Infrastructure – What Does That Even Mean? By Andrew Moran
  24. The Eve Of Destruction By Rob Pue
  25. The Devil Made Me Do It By Mike Shaw

 Permanent Links

  1. 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the 1963 Congressional Record
  2. My Seven Rules of Geopolitics
  3. The John Boyd Legion of Honor
  4. An Analysis: Senate Race 2024 and More Updated this week!
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You know that voice in your head that keeps you from saying the things you shouldn't say?  Yeah, well, I don't have that!    We need to question everything because everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality!  Much of what we're told does not!

An Updated Analysis of the 2024 Senate Race

 By Rich Kozlovich

On February 14, 2024 I posted this An Analysis: Senate Race 2024 and More.  I've updated that piece regularly leaving all the speculations and potentials in place to show the events and the time line even though some of it's meaningless now.   It appears to me, as of right now anyway, the most of Republican seats will remain Republican, but not all, even if there are different faces.  

As I pointed out there are 33 United States Senate seats up for election in 2024. There are 3 Independent seats (who always caucus with the Democrats, which is why the Democrats have a majority in the Senate) 20 open Democrats, and 10 Republicans.  That seemingly gives the Republicans an edge, 23 Democrat/Independents, versus 10 Republican seats up for grab.  

I believe there will be 5 Democrat seats that will go Republican one Republican seat that will go Independent, and three that's 50/50, and two of those are Republican seats.  Right now there are 48 Democrats, 3 Independents, and 49 Republicans in the Senate, giving the Democrats a one seat majority.  

If the Republicans take the five I'm calling for them, and the three that are tossups go to the Democrats, along with the Independent taking a Republican seat, that will make the Senate a 50/50 tie, meaning the Vice President would be the tie breaking vote in the Senate, and I've come to the conclusion some of these seats will have to be taken on Trump's coattails.   

But since the Democrat/Independent contingent will vote in lock step, and there are so many RINO's who will typically vote with the Democrats, the Democrats will still control the Senate.  The realistic numbers?  50 Democrat/Independents, anywhere from 6 to 10 RINO's at any give time,  leaving 40 to 44 Republicans.  That gives the Senate a potential 60/40 edge over the Republicans, even if the Senate leader is a Republican, and it won't be Mitch McConnell. 

As for the House, my view remains the same.   The Republican House is filled with brainless, gutless, and feckless nitwits.  Not as bad as Liz Chaney, but I think there are a lot of borderline Liz Chaney's in the House.   Demonstrating that was the fact it took two attempts to impeach Mayorkas, who was clearly guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.  As a result, they could lose the House.    

I initially thought the Democrats would believe they were going to lose the White House, so all their chicanery and massive voter fraud schemes in this election that would focus on the down card.  That doesn't appear to be the case, as they're all in for Kamala, who they all thought was an nitwit before Biden in effect made her the candidate when he withdrew.  An action interpreted by many, and rightly so in my opinion, to punish the Democrat machine for pushing him out, and he keeps doubling down on that with his "support".  

The really big take away is the Democrats are a disaster, and are clearly working to destroy America, and it's institutions, and more are coming to that conclusion. The question is: Can Democrats muster enough fraudulent votes to overcome a massive voter rebellion against their party, and will there be a massive voter revolt against Democrats?

What about October Surprises?  Well, it will be interesting to watch in the next few days what happens over these two October Surprises.  Usually they've been against Republicans, but yesterday Kamala has been exposed as a plagiarist,  a seriously bad plagiarist, and the day before Walz was accused of being a homosexual pedophile

But, hey, everyone has flaws, and besides, they're Democrats, so what's the big deal?   Right?  As Whoopie said about Roman Polanski having sex with a 13 year old girl, it's not like its rape-rape.   What a strange moral universe they live in, how will that play out, and will all that effect the down card?

As the journalist in Charlies Wilson's War said: We'll See!

Death to America Isn't Just an Islamic Chant, It's The Democrat Party Agenda

People live against their own best interests, why wouldn't they vote that way? - By someone named Curt. 

By Rich Kozlovich,  Tags:

On October 13, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. published this piece, about Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who at a pro abortion rally staged what can only be considered a deliberately disrespectful to Catholics saying:

It’s Sunday morning, and my guess is that a few friends at Mass will say something about Governor Whitmer of Michigan.  Honestly, we don’t talk a lot about the governor of Michigan down here, but what was she doing, giving a young woman a Dorito in something that looks a lot like Communion?.............  I’m not sure what the point here is, but it does look to some of us Catholics as though they are mocking our faith.  As you would expect, the Michigan bishops didn’t like the comedy, either........ It didn’t occur to the governor or the young woman kneeling that they were offending Catholics?  Would they have done a similar joke mocking another faith?  I think we know the answer, or just Google Charlie Hebdo for a quick history lesson..............

I really think this act of disrespect needs highlighted every day in some way by the conservative media, and here's why. This singular act is foundational to who the members of the Democrat party are, what they believe, who they support, and why.   You will notice, at least as far as I can tell, not one member of their party has come out and condemned her for this. Unlike so many feckless Republicans who crawl out of the woodwork to apologize over some meaningless act that offends one of the cults of the Church of Wokeness.

Ask to the nation this over and over again.  Would she be this disrespectful with Islamic practices?  We all know the answer to that, and we know why.  As Canto points out, if she did that they'd riot.   That's business as usual for the barbarians, and in a war between the barbarians and the wimps, the barbarians will win every time. 

They're supporting a violent hate filled political movement masquerading as a religion that regularly runs into the streets chanting death to America and Israel, and they mean it, and if anyone protests their violence and radicalism, the left calls it .   

Yet they think it's just fine to disrespect members of religions that were foundational in America's formation, and if they protest, they claim they're trying to destroy "our" Democracy. 

They want to make the murder of the innocent unborn legal right up until the moment of birth, and then murdering them if they survive.   Defining the moral values of the left is easy. They don't have any.  If this was a Muslim or Marxist controlled nation there wouldn't have been a Constitution and there most certainly wouldn't have been the Ten Amendments. 

So what should we conclude?  Death to America is more than a chant to the Democrat party, it's an agenda.  

Whitmer has now come out with phony clabber of how she "would never do something to denigrate someone’s faith", but isn't that what she did?   How can any rational person view this as anything except a planned intentional insult to Catholics?  Mark Tapson calls this, "A sulfuric whiff of the demonic."

Which must bring us to this foundational question.   

Why do Catholics support those who violate what is supposed to be the moral positions of their faith?   Paraphrasing Kevin Finn who asks how anyone can claim to be a "devout Catholic and support abortion, open borders, other harmful governmental practices and the open mocking and derision by politicians", ..... practices which are "diametrically opposed to their beliefs", supporting  "people who openly loathe them?"  

He calls this kind of thinking for what it is, cognitive dissonance!  That's believing two diametrically opposing views are both correct,  and says "when such people tell me they support Democrats I say, “Are you also a carnivorous vegetarian?”

Bill Maher Thinks Abortion is a Good Thing Because Kids Are Expensive

By Rich Kozlovich

Every once in a while Maher actually gets something right and the conservative media can't wait to tout it. In my view getting something right once in a while doesn't give someone a pass on the rest of life, as a result I'm loathe to link or quote anything he does get right.  I think he's just as evil as the rest of the left.   Recently Bill Maher came out saying those struggling with inflation should be the biggest proponents of abortion because kids are expensive.

In April I posted this piece, Defining Leftist Moral Boundaries. That's Easy, They Don't Exist!, noting he views abortion as a good thing because there's just too many people on the planet. So why not get rid of old people, retarded people, crippled people, and how about those who really irritate us?  Just like the Chinese who murder opponents and harvest their organs for transplantation.  After all, there just way too many people on the planet, so what's the big deal?   Right?

The fact is abortion has become the central focus on the left's campaign against conservatives. Here in Ohio that's an unending drum beat by Sherrod Brown. It's my view Abortion Is The Murder of The Innocent Unborn.

We're genetically coded to protect children, even with our own lives, and I think that applies to the unborn, and I also think most people believe that, at least on an emotional level, but find it intellectually difficult to overcome the drumbeat from the left and Pravda media, that murdering the unborn is healthcare, and is a special right exclusive only to women without any interference from society.   And we thought the pagans who threw their children into burning pits to appease Baal were sick and vile. 

If you can get women to believe murdering their unborn children is acceptable because it's a right, and it's "health care", there's no limit to vile things they will accept.

Here's the link to my abortion commentaries. As an FYI, P&D is a totally not for profit passion for me. I share what I believe.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

My Birth Certificate File

By Rich Kozlovich 

Everything we are told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality!  Unless of course it appears that it might look like some sort of conspiracy.  Then we must remember, there's no such thing as a conspiracy, no matter how many conspiracies are in the history books.  Unless it's a vast right wing conspiracy.

This has come up again and I have files on this as I've followed it from the beginning, but as I go back through the articles I find they're a bit convoluted being mixed in with other topics, so, I decide to fix that.

It's Time the Legal System Went After Obama - By Susan Daniels, Oct. 1, 2024 - Using a stolen Social Security Number is against the law.  While corrupt district attorneys have spent the last four years hounding former President Donald Trump with bogus lawsuits that Judge Judy would have thrown out of court, Barack Obama has been allowed to skate. I have written at length about how.  Barack Obama has used a stolen Connecticut social security number since his mid-20s........

Malik Obama shares photo of brother Barack’s Kenya ‘certificate of birth’ - March 9, 2017 By Kyle Olson - An Obama has joined the birther movement.  Malik Obama, Barack Obama’s half-brother, tweeted image of what appears to be Barack’s birth certificate.   Except it’s not from Hawaii, but rather Kenya.  The document is from the “Coast Province General Hospital” in Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya, and is for Barack Hussein Obama II, who was born on the “4th day of August, 1961.”......

Editor's Note:  When these articles go back far enough I often find the website no longer exists and so the links don't work.  Such is the case with these next two articles, but take them for what they're worth, or don't, whatever pleases you. RK
Here’s the BIG List of Political Leaders who think Obama’s Birth Certificate is Fake -  December 20, 2016, By Tim Brown -  In 2012, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio openly stated that the fraudulent birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah that resides on the White House website is a national security issue. Indeed it is. However, Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse team, led by investigator Mike Zullo, are not the only ones who question the birth certificate. In fact, though Arpaio has been careful to question the documents of Obama and not his place of birth or who his parents are (a question that should arise from identifying the birth certificate as a fraudulent document), others have went further in questioning Obama’s eligibility to be president, including this writer.......  
Forged Obama Birth Certificate Heading to Congress – Could Affect Future Elections By Dave Jolly - Last week, I reported that an official investigation into the long form birth certificate for Barack Obama that was presented to the American people by the White House is a forgery.  While many questioned the legality of Obama’s birth certificate and his eligibility to run and serve as President of the United States, only one official investigation was launched. After nearly 250 residents petitioned Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio to investigate Obama’s birth certificate, the Cold Case Posse began an investigation, led by Mike Zullo. At the beginning, Arpaio and Zullo stated that they were obligated to investigate because of the petition of the citizens, but that their aim in the investigation was to clear Obama of any wrong doing and prove that he was indeed eligible to run and serve as president.  However, at almost every stage of the investigation, Zullo and his Cold Case Posse team ran into roadblocks that seemed to have been put in place to prevent anyone from learning the truth.....  
Obama lawyer: Birth certificate irrelevant to eligibility - By Jerome R. Corsi - You won't believe judge's opinion of disputed document - An attorney representing Barack Obama has argued in court to prevent the long-form birth certificate image that was released by the White House nearly a year ago from being placed into evidence.  It was on April 10 at a three-hour eligibility hearing before a New Jersey administrative law judge that the argument came from Alexandra Hill. She is legal counsel representing Obama’s re-election campaign, and argued then that New Jersey law does not require Obama to present a valid birth certificate to establish his qualifications under Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution to be on the New Jersey Democratic Party primary ballot. Hill repeatedly explained to Judge Jeff S. Masin that, “We do not believe the president’s birth certificate is relevant to this case.” Agreeing with Hill, Masin ruled in a written opinion the same day that New Jersey law does not require Obama to produce any proof he is eligible to be president in order to be placed on the primary ballot......
New sheriff calls for roundup of Obama records - Corsi wins over officials in New Jersey on eligibility - A presentation by WND’s Jerome Corsi to a standing-room-only crowd has convinced a New Jersey lawmaker and a local sheriff that the issue of President Obama’s eligibility for office “will have to be addressed.” “The easiest way to put this to rest is to have the records unsealed,” Morris County Sheriff Ed Rochford told the Huffington Post in an email following the April 4 event in Morristown. “Mr. Corsi made a very convincing argument that President Obama may not be a natural born citizen of the United States.”.............
High court justice: Obama birth certificate fishy - Says evidence raises 'serious questions about authenticity' - An Alabama State Supreme Court justice earlier this week agreed that findings suggesting Barack Obama presented a forged birth certificate to the nation “would raise serious questions about the [document's] authenticity” if presented as evidence in court. Though the Alabama court denied a a petition filed by Hugh McInnish seeking to require an original copy of Obama’s birth certificate before the sitting president would be allowed on the state’s ballot in November, Justice Tom Parker filed a special, unpublished concurrence in the case arguing that McInnish’s charges of “forgery” were legitimate cause for concern. Parker writes, “Mclnnish has attached certain documentation to his mandamus petition, which, if presented to the appropriate forum as part of a proper evidentiary presentation, would raise serious questions about the authenticity of both the ‘short form’ and the ‘long form’ birth certificates of President Barack Hussein Obama that have been made public.”.....
Feds refuse to release Obama draft docs to Sheriff Joe - Arizona lawman's team believes registration fraudulent -The Selective Service System has declined Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s request to see the original copy of Barack Obama’s Selective Service registration form. Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigating Obama’s eligibility announced at a March 1 press conference that it believes there is probable cause that the registration is fraudulent. A three-sentence March 22 letter written on behalf of Selective Service Director Lawrence G. Romo, however, dismissed the request. “This Agency has no evidence that President Obama’s 1980 registration is not authentic,” wrote Richard S. Flahavan, associate director of public & intergovernmental affairs Apparently refusing to take seriously Arpaio’s investigation, Flahavan referred the sheriff to the FBI......
Lord Monckton: Sheriff Joe, posse 'right to be worried' - After a visit to Phoenix to get a first-hand look at evidence collected by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his investigative team, former Margaret Thatcher policy adviser Lord Christopher Monckton says he is convinced that the document presented by the White House as Barack Obama’s birth certificate is fraudulent…..“My assessment is that they are right to be worried,” Monckton said in a video interview at the end of the day with WND’s Jerome Corsi. “That document is not genuine.”............
Russian media expose Obama birth 'forgery' -  But American news agencies still absent on presidential scandal - While many U.S. mainstream media outlets spike news about the Obama eligibility investigation, Russia’s government radio is keeping the world abreast of the scandal that has caused “the biggest censorship and blackout in the history of journalism.” The Voice of Russia – successor of Radio Moscow, the official station of the Soviet Union – published an exclusive interview with Sheriff Joe Arpaio March 26 titled, “Obama’s birth certificate may be forgery.” As WND reported, Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse announced there is probable cause indicating the documents released by the White House last April purported to be Obama’s original, long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration card are actually forgeries….WND recently reported Russian news website Pravda published an accusation that the American media is “tame,” afraid to publish news and is “deliberately hiding the evidence published on the internet about [President Obama's] defrauding of the American public and the deliberate evisceration of the Constitution of the United States...........
State lawmakers revive eligibility requirement - Arizona considering plan to have candidates affirm qualifications - Arizona, which was at the forefront of last year’s effort among state legislatures to require documentation of candidates’ eligibility for the office they seek, is returning to the controversy, with a proposal by Rep. Carl Seel, R-Phoenix, that would require candidates to sign an affidavit affirming they meet the requirements. The plan was promoted in a news conference yesterday attended by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, whose Cold Case Posse earlier this month detailed how the evidence regarding Barack Obama’s eligibility documentation suggestions both forgery and fraud – and a reason to continue the investigation.........
Media blackout on Obama eligibility near-total - Despite vast public interest, 'mainstream' and 'conservative' press AWOL - Even though almost half of registered voters tell pollsters they are not convinced Barack Obama’s birth certificate is authentic – and even though the first official U.S. law enforcement investigation into the matter established “probable cause” that the document released with great fanfare by the White House last April is a computer-generated forgery – a virtual media blackout remains in effect on the most controversial story of the Obama presidency. Even when one of several bombshell findings of Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s six-month investigation into Obama’s constitutional eligibility was rated last week by Internet ranking service as one of the most-read news stories in the entire world – due almost entirely to coverage by WND and the Drudge Report – not only the establishment press, but most of the “conservative” media as well, looked the other way. For example: Townhall yanks column on Arpaio's findings - A popular column on – the self-described “leading conservative and political opinion website” – discussing Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as president has unexplainably disappeared.  Earlier today, the column “Sheriff Joe Exposes Forgery of Obama’s Selective Service Registration” by Floyd and Mary Beth Brown of The Western Center For Journalism was’s most emailed and eighth most read column.  But then … it was gone........
Why the silence about Obama's historic scam? Diana West whacks MSM for 'political blackout' of Sheriff Joe's eligibility probe - Warning: This column contains news of evidence of possible forgery and fraud in the long-form birth certificate of the president of the United States and – bonus – his Selective Service registration card.  I figure the warning is necessary to prevent Americans, particularly Americans who work in news media and politics, from hurting themselves on any hard, sharp facts that might poke through my discussion of what is surely the biggest scandal to emerge around the seemingly dodgy docs Barack Obama is using to verify his identity...........
Mailman discouraged from telling Obama story- Told family and friends: They 'did not want to hear this' - A retired Chicago-area mailman who has come forward with his first-person recollection of a clean-cut young man he identified as Barack Obama who approached him and told him he was going to be president says he wasn’t worried about relating his experience, but he also wasn’t encouraged by friends and family. Allen Hulton, who previously told WND in a videotaped interview about meeting Obama long before his political career was launched in Chicago, was interviewed by Mark Gillar on his BlogTalkRadio program just days ago. Gillar asked him why he didn’t made a more concerted effort to tell people about how Mary Ayers, the mother of longtime Obama associate Bill Ayers and one of the residents to whom he delivered mail, boasted of helping this “foreign” student with his college.............
The Birth Certificate Saga, Part 3 March 19, 2012 This is a copy of an e-mail sent to Jon Ray, publisher of Dissecting Leftism and Greenie Watch, from Lord Monckton. RK
Lord Monckton on Obama's computer-generated "Birth certificate"!

I have watched Sheriff Arpaio's press conference in AZ and have examined some of the evidence directly. It is clear - as Alex Jones rightly said on the day when Obama first put up his faked "long-form birth certificate" on the White House website - that a fraud has been committed, and that, absent a valid official record of Obama's birth or a very good explanation of the anomalies in the published version, he is not qualified to stand for re-election as President.

The main point of the fraudulent "birth certificate" is that it is layered in such a way that all four of the rubber stamps (three dates and one recording officer's certification) are on separate layers, allowing them to be moved about on the document at will. A scanned document could not behave this way, and there is no way this could have happened accidentally. However, Sheriff Arpaio has some reason to fear that the Hawaiian authorities are in Obama's pocket.

There are two other pieces of impressive testimony. First, when the Sheriff's office asked the National Archives to produce the immigration records of flights into the US, and specifically into Hawaii, for five years either side of Obama's alleged birth date (4 August 1961), the one week in 1961 in which the records were unavailable was the week of -- you guessed it - 1-7 August. This is beginning to look like a widespread, high-level fraud.

Secondly, the White House had previously told enquirers from the media that no long-form birth certificate existed: all they had was a certification from Hawaii that there was a birth certificate on file.

The Sheriff plainly has enough evidence to warrant further investigation by the appropriate authorities (presumably the FBI), but he seems to be genuinely terrified of how far the corruption might have spread, and does not seem to know where to go or what to do next. A lawyer whom I have consulted says that no public authority or court will move against a sitting president who has been elected, but it seems to me that the evidence of malfeasance is now strong enough to overcome this objection. 
The Birth Cirtificate Saga: Part 2, March 14, 2012, By Rich Kozlovich
When this whole thing started about three years ago or so I thought it was a load of horsepucky. I thought this whole thing was insane, after all, how could anyone be so stupid to think they could get away with something such as that? But no matter how much scorn was heaped on those who touted this business they just would not stop demanding to see all the information about Obama, including all of his student information. I turned out that his accessible history was at best lacking, and anyone who has access to anything else refused to share it. Why?

That isn't what happened when Bush ran for president and Dan Rather kept demanding more and more information? Every aspect of his life became the cause célèbre for the main stream media, and yet no matter how many questions were answered it was never enough. Dan Rather would intone at the end of a story by saying; “Questions Remain!” Yet in this case not only do questions remain but so do the answers; and no one in the main stream media seem to care. Why?

Then I noticed that great efforts were being made at considerable cost to prevent anyone from looking into any aspect of his previous life. Why?

If there is nothing to hide why hide it? The media demanded this of McCain and he produced the necessary paper work immediately. The major media outlets demand every scrap of paper about every aspect of every conservative candidate’s personal and public life; and yet they are completely ignoring this. Why?

Lou Dobbs even lost his job at CNN over this. He even stated that he didn’t believe in any of what is being called “The Birther Conspiracy” but felt it was detrimental to the country for the President to not release this information. Yet Media Matters and the Southern Poverty Law Center took strong objection to his reporting. Why?

It is clear that when someone becomes famous those who went to the same school at the same time will claim they were well acquainted with that person. Those who were acquainted then claim that they were close friends. Close friends with then claim that they were his personal favorites. And all of them remember deep discussions with that person that clearly impacted future thinking. But Obama has no one stepping forward doing this. Are there no close personal friends at college that have recollections of him at all?  There is even a small class he was supposed to have attended in which no one remembers him.  This is out of the ordinary when it comes to famous people. Where was he all of this time? Everyone has ex-friends and ex-girl friends; admittedly, not always complimentary past experiences, but they at least existed. But unless you count all the ultra left wing and violent radicals he has been closely associated with this seemingly does not apply to Obama! Why?

Where was he and who was he involved with? No one really seems to know and if anyone does they aren’t talking!

It seems to me that he is a good husband and a good father, but that isn’t a requirement to be President of the United States. Perhaps it should be, but being a natural born citizen absolutely is and being a good husband and father can’t override a Constitutional requirement. It is clear that something is wrong. 
Media Bans Evidence that Obama Holds U.S. Presidency Unlawfully  - Arizona Sheriff and team of investigators reveal further damning evidence that Barack Obama holds his position as U.S. President unlawfully. Mainstream media conspiracy buries the story while it makes headlines overseas.  Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a five-time elected Sheriff, and former federal narcotics agent who served in several foreign countries hit the front pages in Europe with evidence that may fatally wound the political career of the current incumbent of America's highest public office. The revelations are supplemental to an immutable reason to oust Obama by enforcing an arcane U.S. federal court decision........Under law there is only one test of what constitutes a 'natural born citizen' and it is enshrined in a crucial judgment of the U.S. Supreme Court in Minor V. Happersett (88 U.S. 162) of 1875. The 'Minor-v-Happersett' case clearly defines Natural Born Citizen as someone who can show that both of their parents were born in the United States, which obviously excludes Obama on his father's side.....

Pravda asks: What happened to American media? - Accuses U.S. press of 'deliberately hiding evidence' of Obama's 'fraud' - It’s a twist of irony: The Russian news website Pravda has published an accusation that the American media is “tame,” afraid to publish news and is “deliberately hiding the evidence published on the internet about [President Obama's] defrauding of the American public and the deliberate evisceration of the Constitution of the United States.”  In a March 7 Pravda column, “Arizona sheriff finds Obama presidential qualifications forged,” Dianna Cotter, a senior at American Military University, blasts America’s mainstream media for their virtual silence about Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s six-month investigation into the controversy surrounding Obama’s birth certificate and his constitutional eligibility for office......
 'Honor fails' for Obama's eligibility-Legal team says court protecting president from challenge....“The incidents cited here demonstrate the harassment, bias, and lack of honor in the administrative operation of our courts. This bias effectively prevents those on one side of an issue to have basic access to the courts. In other words, the courts are now barring specific viewpoints from entering the front doors of the court”.............
No More Secrets - ………….Recently, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio held a press conference to confirm that the birth certificate provided by the President of the United States is, in all likelihood, a forgery. There are serious questions about the legitimacy of his Social Security number, as well as data related to his passport. The media, for the most part, ignored this story and that makes them part of what is surely the greatest conspiracy of the new century.  The larger question is why Sheriff Apaio’s information has not become the subject of a Congressional investigation. Why are so many Americans, elected representatives, law enforcement authorities, judges, willing to be complicit in a presidency that may have been acquired by deceit and, if so, whose exercise of power in implicitly criminal?
Arpaio investigation: Obama might be Kenyan - Records that could document status mysteriously missing Among the records missing for Barack Obama that would be available for an ordinary president are passport records, school records such as those from Punahou, Occidental, Columbia and Harvard, Harvard Law Review writings, scholarly articles for the University of Chicago, state bar association records from Illinois, Illinois state senate records, the marriage and divorce documents for his mother, his adoption records and others.  Now it has been revealed that the Cold Case Posse assembled by Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County, Ariz., cannot confirm yet that Obama was not born in Kenya and brought to the United States as a days-old infant for his birth to be registered in Hawaii.  The reason? Missing records.......
Media finally paying attention to eligibility?See which major networks plan on covering Cold Case Posse results. Poll after poll in recent months has indicated that Americans have a high level of concern over Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president, with one poll showing fully half of the nation wants Congress to investigate the question.  But reporters for the traditional media – networks, major newspapers, major news corporations and conglomerates – mostly have giggled when talk turns to the serious question of just what the U.S. Constitution requires of presidents. Nevertheless, media organizations from all political persuasions are seeking admittance to a news conference to be held by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz.........

Ohio’s Obamacare expansion has cost taxpayers $5 billion

Posted by Jason Hart @ Ohio Watchdog / October 20, 2015 

(Editor's NoteSadly Ohio Watchdog is no longer in business so this link will not work. RK)

September brought another milestone for Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s Obamacare expansion, and a heavier millstone for taxpayers stuck bearing the costs.

Kasich’s decision to put working-age Ohioans with no kids and no disabilities on Medicaid has cost federal taxpayers more than $5 billion in less than two years.

The Ohio Department of Medicaid reported spending $394 million on Obamacare expansion in September. Ohio’s Obamacare expansion has cost more than $300 million every month since December and more than $370 million every month since July.

After just 21 months of enrollment, Obamacare expansion costs dwarf state spending on programs long recognized as the state government’s basic responsibilities.

By contrast, Kasich’s Office of Budget and Management reported spending $133 million on justice and public protection and $206 million on primary and secondary education in September.

Even when non-General Revenue Fund spending on Obamacare expansion is excluded for the sake of an apples-to-apples comparison, Ohio spent nearly as much on Obamacare expansion as on public safety and K-12 education combined.

Kasich, a Republican, expanded Medicaid to bring new Obamacare funding to the state. The expansion has been rocketing past cost projections since taking effect in January 2014.

Blocked by the Ohio General Assembly, Kasich went to the obscure Ohio Controlling Board for permission to spend $2.56 billion in Obamacare money for the expansion’s first 18 months; in 14 months, that money had been spent.

By June, Kasich’s Obamacare expansion had cost taxpayers more than $4 billion. By September, the cumulative cost of Obamacare expansion benefits in Ohio was $5.2 billion.

On the presidential campaign trail, Kasich boasts of building Ohio’s rainy day fund to $2 billion in four years; at home in Ohio, his Obamacare expansion cost more than $2 billion in the past six months.

Obamacare expansion funding — which Kasich describes as “Ohio’s tax dollars” he is “bringing back” to the state — is 100 percent new federal spending until the end of 2016, providing a boost to the state budget on the shoulders of federal taxpayers.

If spending continues at its current rate, taxpayers will be on the hook for more than $4 billion in Ohio Obamacare expansion costs every year. Ohioans will have to pay a state share starting at 5 percent in 2017 — increasing to 10 percent by 2020.

Free-market think tank Opportunity Ohio recently published a study estimating the state’s future Obamacare expansion costs under a variety of scenarios, taking into account the possibility of federal funding cuts below the promised 90 percent.

Opportunity Ohio projects Medicaid expansion will cost Ohio taxpayers $5.3 billion from 2019-26 with no changes to Obamacare, or as much as $19.9 billion if Congress cuts the federal share so expansion is funded at the same rate as traditional Medicaid.

With or without further changes to Obamacare, the law’s Medicaid expansion appears certain to cost Ohioans more than advertised by the Kasich administration.

“There’s no question that state taxpayers are going to be on the hook for more than we were told initially,” Greg Lawson, a policy analyst for the free-market Buckeye Institute, told Ohio Watchdog.

Lawson said it’s likely the state will cut Medicaid benefits for pregnant women, poor families, the elderly and the disabled to help pay for the cost of putting working-age adults with no kids and no disabilities onto the welfare program.

In his most recent budget, Kasich proposed cutting Medicaid eligibility for pregnant women and women with breast or cervical cancer from 200 percent of poverty to 138 percent of poverty. The General Assembly blocked the proposal.

“We have to be very careful that we’re not robbing Peter to pay Paul,” Lawson said. “In this case, robbing the Peter who everybody supports being on Medicaid to pay for the Paul who a lot of people think doesn’t need to be on Medicaid.

Lawson said meaningful reforms to Medicaid require flexibility President Obama’s administration has refused to give. That’s one reason the Buckeye Institute advised against Obamacare expansion.

The governor’s office failed to respond to questions about Ohio’s Obamacare expansion costs.

News and Views

By Rich Kozlovich

I've not posted much about the two debates because the national consensus is clear.  Both Trump and Vance won, hands down,  even with the help of a corrupt, antagonistic, and lying media promoting a leftist agenda, both Kamala and Walz looked like dimwits.

Ford has lost billions on their ridiculous electric vehicles agenda, and so what do they do? Double down on stupid.  It's mind boggling. The same people who are working to destroy the world's energy production, are the same people telling us to convert to electric vehicles. How in the world did that stupid gene become so ubiquitous? Answer, it was always been there, but mostly dormant, all that was needed to fan that ember of stupidity into flame was a thoroughly corrupted system of education. And it's here, and maybe ... just maybe....  it's a good time to look at eliminating tenure in academia.

  • My 

But it gets better all the time.   It turns out if the world is going to embrace AI and quantum computing, and it is, then and in order to do that the energy needs are going to be ....MASSIVE....!  Far beyond what we're producing now, and so far beyond what all these idiotic "alternative" environmentally destructive energy schemes are capable of producing.  

These expensive alternative energy programs are at best unreliable, and so unreliable that traditional power plants have to be built and maintained and running on stand by in order to supply power when these stupid green sources fail to work, such as when the sun stops shining in the winter and the wind stops blowing in the summer. In order to have ‘alternative’ energy we have to pay for energy we aren’t using in order to pay for energy we don’t need. How stupid can we get?

Solution?  Traditional energy production ramped way up, and nuclear.  And guess who's all on board with that.  Mister (globalism is beautiful, all leftism is good and pure, reduce the world's population, eat bugs to save the world from global warming himself) Bill Gates.  Remarkable! 

FEMA is a DEI disaster, the left loves hurricane Helene, and while the people in these states are suffering terribly, the left loves it because conditions are so bad all these Republican strongholds may not:
"be able to cast their ballots".  Due to... "FEMA's arrogance and interference....... reportedly one director in North Carolina who was denying aid was beaten by locals frustrated by his conduct. In some other communities, local sheriffs threatened to arrest FEMA workers if they hindered rescue and aid work."  ...........FEMA blew out its budget to pay for illegals, now it's using its remaining resources to block aid from private citizens October 3, 2024 by Monica Showalter They're from the government and they're here to help themselves........  Axelrod gloats that North Carolina's Hurricane Helene victims in pro-Trump areas may be unable to vote.
Given their incompetence, and their corruption, and massive waste of America tax dollars I think we need to ask if it's time to abolish FEMA?
Biden wants to give millions to Lebanon, and billions to Ukraine, which is being stolen hand over fist, and then says he's out of money to give to Americans "who remain stranded, homeless, powerless, and without access to necessities like food and water.".........."Are American lives not as important to the Democrats as the lives of illegal aliens? Apparently not, in the eyes of the Democrats. Make no mistake about it, siege and starvation are tools of warfare. And the Democrats are, by calculation, waging war against the dying citizens of western North Carolina."......

But the real fault for this hurricane is global warming, right?  Well, since the world stopped warming over 25 years ago, it isn't global warming any longer, it's climate change, which encompasses everything and anything.  And we know it's true because the media says so. Or then it possible they're lying?  

However, I now think we all should give CNN a round of applause.   In spite of all their lies and corruption, (if lies and corruption defined being a predator, they'd be an apex predator)  they've apparently decided it would be financially better for them to have less viewers than they do now, which has been steadily shrinking.  So, they've now decided you will have to pay a monthly fee of $3.99 to watch them spout their lies.  What could possibly go wrong?  I wonder if anyone there remembers just how successful their pay for view CNN+ streaming service worked for them?  For those who don't know, it failed.

Let's try and get this right.  Anthropogenic Global Warming is one of the greatest scientific frauds ever perpetrated on humanity, and if the media embraces it, you know it's a lie. This link will take you to my global warming commentaries.

Helene was a monster storm destroying homes, power infrastructure, bridges, destroying whole towns, killing over 200 people with untold numbers still missing, through out Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina.  The estimated cost? Over three hundred billion dollars.  But not to worry, America is going to provide $157 Million in humanitarian aid to people affected by  the crisis in Lebanon.   And who are these people in Lebanon?  

(Remember the people displaced there are Hezb'allah who started the war, not the Christians, Druze, and Sunni Moslems whose communities Israel did not target and who remain safely in place.)

As for those Americans devastated by Helene, Kamala  says:

“… the federal relief and assistance that we have been providing has included FEMA providing $750 for folks who need immediate needs being met, such as food, baby formula, and the like.  And you can apply now.”  

Wow, a whole $750 bucks from the Obama/Biden/Kamala/Walz/Mayorkas cabal, while Dolly Parton is personally donating a million dollars for hurricane Helene relief efforts.  Why's FEMA out of money?  Because they lavished their funds on illegal migrants.  The agency Mayorkas claimed two months ago was totally prepared for such and event.  

Who really is Kamala's base?  Let's try this: Those who are mentally disturbed, amoral, immoral, dependent on government in some way, along with those who are ignorant and stupid. What could possibly go wrong?  A lot!  If there was any doubt America's military leadership has been corrupted by Obama resulting in a military that's incapable of defending the nation, we now have over 200 retired Generals and Admirals endorsing Trump and address why they feel that's necessary. 

Talking more about doubling down on stupid, there's always, Liz Chaney, who the Democrats now love, along with her father, the man they vilified as a real life Darth Vader for decades, and now believe these two misfits are going to rally a massive number of Republicans against Trump.  "What a time to be alive."   

Well Liz, enjoy the limelight.  The Republicans hate you, and the Democrats are laughing at you, and when the election is over, no matter how it turns out, no one will want you around them, because your legacy will be a Benedict Arnold legacy, right along with your dad.  I often wonder what her mother thinks, since she's been silent over all this.   Liz is now campaigning with Kamala, and I know the real reason for that.   It's a competition to see who can be crowned the most unlikable person in America.   I'm just surprised George Conway isn't on the stage with them.  George Conway claims Trump is another Hitler and a cancer on American life, and  Caroline Giuliani, Rudy Giuliani's daughter says Trump as a disease’.   Does anyone beside me think that falls under the category of being justifiably certifiable?

Then we have Democrats, masters at projection, accusing Trump of election interference, which is like Stalin accusing someone of being inhumane.   

"That is the ultimate danger of a Harris/Walz administration. Starting from deep in the well of corruption, how much lower will they go? The answer: as low as necessary to destroy the republic and replace it with “our democracy.” 

"As the venerable saying goes, you can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out."

Finally, we just gotta see the humor in this.  Mexico's new President, Claudia Sheinbaum who is defined in one word, leftist, and appears with the approval of the drug cartels, has been sworn in what's being called a ‘Satanic’ Inauguration Ceremony.   A nation awash in murder, child sex trafficking, illegal drugs, much of which goes on with the corrupt acceptance of government officials, is now wanting to sue America gun makers for ten billion dollars.  Yep, all that corruption is the fault of American gun makers.    

It's not only time for a border wall, it's time we totally shut down immigration, deport all the illegals, most of them to Mexico who allowed them to cross their country into America, and end the North American Trade agreement putting massive tariffs on anything coming from Mexico, or even cutting Mexico out of the picture entirely.