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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, August 11, 2023

Ignorance Breeds Complacency. Complacency Breeds Tyranny - Or - Time and Truth Are on the Same Side, and Conspiracies Are Real

By Rich Kozlovich 

Biden is an idiot, his family is steeped in crime right up to their eyeballs, and the more Trump is attacked, the better he looks.  Another indictment and the nation may just anoint him as King Donald the First.  For a start, here's an excellent thought for the day.  I don’t remember who said this, but it’s a goodie. 

"Anyone who believes that politicians and bureaucrats who can't define what a woman is, who can't control the border, can't tell the truth about COVID, who can't teach children to read and do math at grade level, and who lied continuously about Obamacare can control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity should make sure they never have to debate a five-year-old."

I've been a history buff for all of my life, and I concluded decades ago, everything is cyclical!  I read George Friedman's book,  "Storm Before Calm", which deals with this very well.   Currently I've been reading, "The Fourth Turning", which also deals with historical cycles.  Complicated book, complicated verbiage, entirely too long, way too wordy, which seem to me fails in “coherence through connectives”, a fundamental when it comes to writing and speaking if you really want people to understand what you’re saying. 

I’m not all that far into the book, and truthfully, reading it is a challenge.  At this point it seems to be as much mystical as historical in its projections, yet, the book has some interesting insights claiming among other things, we're in what he calls the Fourth Turning of the current cycle.  Actually, I agree with that.  While I do question his time lines, which seems to do some cherry picking, however, in his analyses every cycle has what he calls a Fourth Turning, and each of those “turnings” were crisis periods, and historically, his fourth turnings have always been conclusively violent.  I fear this is going to happen with or in America within the next ten years.  

China's military buildup has been financed by American trade, and now as a result, there are ten ways the US is falling behind China in national security.  That build up is intended to destroy America.  Hypersonic missiles, fleet size, air defense, manufacturing, technology, much of which they've stolen, mining for rare earths, gray zone altercations.  Gray zone altercations are non-shooting military intimidation tactics they regularly play with their neighbors.  In short, they're bullies, and don't care if anyone likes it or not. Then there’s their excursions into space, cyber operations, and artificial intelligence. 

But America's military is not to be outdone.  America’s Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, a man of incredible vision, has clearly identified the military’s real problems undermining America's military readiness and capability.   The twin crises of white supremacy and gender.  And outlined an agenda to fix them.

We can't keep our subs repaired, recruitment is in the toilet, many combat aircraft are permanently on the ground, and the generals and admirals are all members of the Church of Wokeness. But hey, we gotta have our priorities.  Right?

The unending political persecution of  Donald Trump by the corrupt Deep State and the Democrat party is blatantly Stalinist.   While I can acknowledge the contributions of Thomas Jefferson, I'm not a big fan.  But he was brilliant as he once observed:

All the powers of government, legislative, executive, and judiciary, result to the legislative body. The concentrating these in the same hands is precisely the definition of despotic government. It will be no alleviation that these powers will be exercised by a plurality of hands, and not by a single one. 173 despots would surely be as oppressive as one. 

An elective despotism was not the government we fought for; but one which should not only be founded on free principles, but in which the powers of government should be so divided and balanced among several bodies of magistracy, as that no one could transcend their legal limits, without being effectually checked and restrained by the others. Nor should our assembly be deluded by the integrity of their own purposes, and conclude that these unlimited powers will never be abused, because themselves are not disposed to abuse them.

They should look forward to a time, and that not a distant one, when corruption in this, as in the country from which we derive our origin, will have seized the heads of government, and be spread by them through the body of the people…. Jefferson warned that relatively soon, “corruption” will have seized the heads of government” and “spread by them” through the “body of the people” — also known as…Congress.

How was Jefferson able to see this so clearly?   He read a history book or two, and there's nothing new under the sun. 

The fact is, what he warned about started happening not too long after the Constitution was ratified with the Whiskey Tax of 1791.  A tax which was clearly unequal, unfair, violated states’ rights, culminating with a greater violation of states’ rights with Washington leading an army into Pennsylvania to put down the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794.   It all merely expanded to what we're seeing. We now call it Crony Capitalism. 

This tax was promoted by then Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, and was directly beneficial to the whiskey distillers in the major metropolitan areas.  The Constitution had just been ratified in 1787, a mere four years before, and Hamilton wanted to solidify support for the Constitution from the business community.   Hamilton was strong advocate of strong centralized federal power over republicanism and states’ rights, and Washington never made any effort to thwart this.  Washington was lauded by Congress for this action, and those who supported his venture claimed he once again saved the nation, and this time from a challenge to federal authority by the people. 

Jefferson rightly recognized if for what it was.  Washington's call for troops to put down this rebellion was in point of fact an abuse of Presidential power and authority, a veiled threat to the citizens of the nation, and a threat to republican ideals. While I do think Washington deserves praise as the Father of Our Nation because of his personal courage, amazing leadership skills, and his willingness to walk away from power after two terms, I also think he's overrated, most certainly as a general, but also as a President.

Jefferson's administration repealed the Whiskey Tax.

Banks are cancelling the accounts of people who hold political views they don't like, investment companies are ignoring their fiduciary responsibilities to their investors in order to support ESG and DEI conceptualized companies, many of which are either under performing or outright failing.  But they have no problem with the insane leftist radicals that are destroying western culture and ultimately civilization.  

Heresy is rampant at the highest levels of "Christian" churches. Biden can't afford to build a border wall, yet he really wants to give Ukraine another unaccountable, untraceable 20 billion dollars, to one of, if not the most, corrupt governments in Europe, and the Deep State and an international elite are creating what's being called "a new normal".  An international tyranny that you had better like or else. A tyranny determined to destroy all Constitutional guarantees.

All of that has now become obvious.

In years gone by there was a lot of laughing and friendly banter between me and my friends over my claims about conspiracies.  Well, whaddayaknow. There really is such a thing as a conspiracy after all, and they're not laughing any longer. 

Just like Jefferson, I read a history book or two, and there's nothing new under the sun. 

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