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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The Ghost of Anne Gorsuch Burford

Editorial of The New York Sun | January 10, 2022 

With the Supreme Court now set to hear in February a major case over the regulatory powers of the Environmental Protection Agency, some are already suggesting Justice Gorsuch might lack objectivity. The justice’s “tangled history with the EPA” is, Bloomberg reports, a “concern.” It’s a reference to the justice’s mother, Anne Gorsuch Burford, whom, as Esquire retails it, President Ronald Reagan tasked with “running the EPA into the ground.”

“Revenge is a dish best served from a lifetime gig,” write’s Esquire’s Charles Pierce. He refers to the defeat, some 40 years ago, of Burford’s heroic attempt to reform the EPA. Yet there’s no reason to doubt Justice Gorsuch’s capacity to decide objectively the dispute that is at the heart of the case before the court, West Virginia v. EPA. It asks the Nine to roll back the agency’s power to regulate smokestack emissions..........To Read More....

My Take -  In years gone by I considered myself an environmentalist, meaning having rational concern about the environment and wanted just laws governing how industry and communities conducted themselves.  After so many years reading and writing about the corruption of the EPA I realize those were dark days intellectually.  I, as was most of America, and mostly still is, were misinformed, uninformed, and thinking the EPA was a really good thing. 

One of my personal friends is Dr. Jay Lehr, one of the founders of EPA and helped write their first five foundational pieces of legislation, and has said after 1980 they didn't do anything worthwhile and needed to be dismantled, and developed a five year plan on how to do it.

 I read Anne Gorsuch Burford's book, "Are You Tough Enough?", and the fact is she got caught up in backstabbing cabal of Deep Staters, environmental activists, RINO's, Democrats and a corrupt media.  

I remember those days and the media had everyone, including me, thinking she was corrupt, out of control, and had to go, and her supporters disappeared, and mostly because they weren't really supporters, any more than many of those who served in Trump's administration, taking the paycheck he provided and stabbing him in the back the whole time. 

When Harry Truman said "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog"!  Truer words were never spoken.