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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Who Raises A Banner That Says: I Stand For Consensus!

By Rich Kozlovich, originally published December 28, 2009

For a number of years I sent out an e-newsletter called Green Notes each week. I had people e-mail me saying “thank you for all the work that you do” putting together these fifty two issues. Naturally I was always flattered and I thanked them for making me feel as if it wasn’t all in vain, but there isn’t really as much work as you might think, at least for me because I would have been reading these articles and researching the information anyway. That’s where the most time is involved, so after that, it’s pretty much a snap. Perhaps what makes it all special is the desire to share this information - which is appreciated and enjoyed , or irritating depending on one’s point of view.

In most of my Green Notes issues I had a section called, “Quotes of the Week”. As I was going through all of the quotes I couldn’t help thinking how insightful some of them were when all of a sudden I had a SHAZAM moment. Why not create a readable article out of nothing but these quotes even if they have to be paraphrased?

I am going to have to watch those SHAZAM moments! I keep forgetting I have a job that interferes with my life. If I had known how much work this was going to turn out to be I wouldn’t have undertaken this task in the first place, but……. here it is and I hope you will enjoy it!

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