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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Who Were the Secret Service Protecting?


 By Rich Kozlovich

Well, finally one of the incompetents Biden appointed to an important position has resigned for her incompetence.  Or was it incompetence?  

Kimberly Cheatle has resigned after testifying she believed she was the best person around to keep heading up the Secret Service.  Why?  Because she was pretty much bereft of defenders, even Democrats attacked her.  Were there other reasons for her resignation?  Only time will tell. 

In the meanwhile there are questions be asked based on what is now absolutely known, and one writer even wondered who Secret Service thought they were there to protect, Trump or Crooks.

  1. He wandered without hindrance at the rally.
  2. He settled in the most obvious location for his shot, and was observed doing so 20 minutes before the shooting, of which the Secret Service was aware.  One officer had Crooks point a gun at him and he fell off the roof, before the shooting.  That alone should have triggered an assault on Crooks.
  3. Two officers abandoned their post in spite of that knowledge.
  4. He was carrying a rifle, and he was carrying a range finder and the Secret Service knew about it.
  5. Ordinary citizens tried to warn police and were ignored.
  6. Police claimed they told the Secret Service, and they did nothing.
  7. The Secret Service had previously identified that location as the best location for an assassination attempt and it was not guarded.  A location he managed to get to and shoot Trump without hindrance.
  8. The Beaver County sniper team saw and photographed him a full four minutes before the shooting. 
  9.  When the Secret Service sniper saw him on the roof with a rifle why didn't they shoot?  We now know there were a full 26 minutes to prevent the assassin from shooting at Trump.  It's also reported "at least one sniper/spotter team had the assassin in their sights for some three minutes but were denied clearance to shoot".  If that's true, then who refused permission to shoot, and why?  Is this failure by the Secret Service just blatant incompetence on the part of the Secret Service, or was it more?

All this was known to the Secret Service and yet no one prevented Trump from standing up in front of that audience, which is standard operating procedure in that kind of situation, allowing Trump to be Crooks' target, and no one prevented Crooks from setting up his target.  And now there's talk about evidence of a second shooter.

All nine bullet points outline serious violations of the operational procedures for the Secret Service giving way to the question: Who were they protecting? 

As the story unfolds there's a lot of disturbing facts emerging indicating planning, advanced technology, and potential unexplained connections, along with a awful lot of unexplained security reactions.   I'm now convinced this is a story that has tentacles that reach farther, deeper, and wider than I initially thought, and it needs to be investigated far more seriously than it is, since the FBI and the DHS are taking on that responsibility, and no one trusts them.  I think it's not unreasonable to say there won't be a proper investigation until Trump is elected.   

 So, what do we have here?  Another conspiracy theory?   Let's try and get this right once, just once, please.  There's a difference between conspiracy theorists and those who believe in conspiracies.  Conspiracy theorists create these unfounded scenarios in order to try and make sense of a complicated world.  Whereas those who believe in conspiracies have read a history book..... or two, and they know all this clabber about how there's not such thing as a conspiracy, ergo, conspiracies don't exist, just isn't true!  There have been secret plans, i.e., conspiracies, throughout human history.  There's no reason to believe anything have changed.  People will be people, and the patterns of life repeat over and over again.

So, what do we have here?  Another conspiracy theory?  Well, that's how all conspiracies are exposed, by theorizing they exist, and then investigated, that's science.   In this case criminal science.  And time has shown an awful lot of these conspiracy theories turn out to be conspiracy fact.  However, let's not obfuscate this fact.  There' just no end to the rank incompetence in the Biden administration, and no matter what else is likely to be uncovered, that's blatantly obvious.

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