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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Lucy, You Got Some Splaining To Do?

 By Rich Kozlovich

Well, in all six seasons of I love Lucy, Ricky never really exactly said that to Lucy, but, does it matter?  It's become another one of those legendary misquoted catchphrases that fits the bill for so many situations....soooo....."Kimberly, you got some splaining to do!!"

I initially thought it was ironic hackers can break into the most secure sites on the planet, but the FBI couldn't break into Crook's phone.  Well, they finally did, but it took "advanced, unreleased technology from digital intelligence company Cellebrite to access the phone".  Where in the world did Thomas Matthew Crooks get that kind of technology to protect his phone.  He certainly didn't get it from Verizon.  As Shakespeare said, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark". 
The efforts to prevent discovery are in place as Senator Hawley recently discovered when he tried to visit the site and the FBI told him to leave they didn't want him there.   Not the usual treatment of a sitting Senator who chairs investigative committees.    
Hawley: Briefing with Secret Service Director ‘Did Not Go Well’ — ‘She Was Not Well-Prepared’ Neil, what we know about this is that there were 62 minutes, 62, between the time that the Secret Service identified the shooter as a person of interest, somebody acting suspiciously, and the time he started firing shots at the president...........How did they allow this to happen? Why did they allow a good American to be killed? Why did they allow Trump to go on stage knowing they had a potential shooter? It’s outrageous......Here's what we know....maybe.... since yesterday's facts become today's falsehood.  The lies are everywhere and at every level.  That's one of the things we know that's not a maybe, so let's start with this fact that's indisputable.  The left is at war with America, and Donald Trump is in the way.  All of the lawfare attempts to destroy Trump have failed or are failing, therefore:
"many correctly anticipated that an assassination attempt would occur. While some people believe in coincidences,...... I think that it was all too convenient for the presumed nominee to die just two days before the party convention, leaving the Republican Party in disarray and paving the way for Biden to secure a second term. A great deal of circumstantial evidence indicates that the Democrats were yearning for his demise. 
They tried to withhold the Secret Service protection from Trump, and gave him inadequate security, at best. Joe Biden suggested that “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” In addition, the Democrats directed an immense campaign of demagoguery and lies against Trump, shamelessly insinuating that his comeback would result in economic chaos, inflation, and an existential threat to “democracy.” The mainstream media, whose opposition to Trump is a permanent part of the current political landscape, featured images of Trump resembling Hitler on the cover of magazines."
Is that part of a Deep State Conspiracy?  I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that, but let's start with the assassin. 
Thomas Matthew Crooks
Initially everything we thought we knew about him has not been entirely accurate. First, initially I didn't give any credence to this being bigger than Thomas Matthew Crooks, a troubled young person, but that's changing rapidly.  Initially it was claimed he had no mental issues, but now it's being reported he had mental issues and may have been on medication.   
The FBI’s Initial Call on “No Mental Health Issues” Appears to be Wrong It was just 48 hours ago that the FBI assured the American public that the would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, did not have any mental illness problems. This, of course, is odd because most of the recent shooters had mental illness problems and were being seriously medicated with prescribed psychiatric mind-altering drugs. Today, however, an “Exclusive” by the Daily Mail reports that family friends find that mental illness may have been in play. For example, according to unnamed family friends, he (crooks) was “increasingly disturbed young man who grew his hair long, isolated himself from friends and became plagued by mental health disturbances that led some to believe he was either bi-polar or schizophrenic.”
It's now being reported he did not like Donald Trump, and he threatened to shoot up his school, freshman year, and if that's true how could he not be on someone's watch list.

As the story unfolds there's a lot of disturbing facts emerging indicating planning, technology, and potential connections, and unexplained security reactions.  

First he was spotted behaving suspiciously early on, and nothing was done, even after his parents called police about him. He flew a drone over the site earlier, here, and here.  The Secret Service flew no drones over the site on the day of the shooting.   He hid his rifle in advance.  He had two cell phones and and 3 encrypted accounts overseas.   As I've already discussed, the encryption of his cell phone was so advanced the FBI couldn't crack it and had to get help from a tech company with unreleased new technology.  

How did he get such advanced technology?  Bombs were found in his car.  Where did the bombs come from?  And now it's being claimed there were least three different weapons fired during Trump shooting.  One by Crooks, one by the Secret Service sniper, and, another by an unknown shooter.  Furthermore there are serious doubts any investigation conducted by the FBI or the Secret Service can be trusted.

Strange Security Measures and Reactions 

 In this article, Dealey Plaza 2.0? Ray DiLorenzo comments:

Evil and incompetence are sometimes indistinguishable. But the people are in no mood for obfuscation or lies.  

He goes on to ask these questions, all of which need answering under oath.

If authorities identified a man with a rifle on that roof, why did they allow Trump to go out there and speak? They knew at least 7 minutes prior to the shooting that a suspicious person was on a roof, with a rifle just 150 yards away.

If the SS says they are shorthanded........It's been reported that many of the 'agents' were not Secret Service at all, but Homeland Security, not familiar with Secret Service protocols. As Trump was being rushed to his car after the shooting, about a dozen men in SWAT garb appeared out of nowhere. Where were they prior to the shooting?.....You can reasonably take away three elements: Unless the Secret Service is utterly incompetent,

  1. The shooter was allowed to be on the roof.
  2. He was allowed to take the shot(s)
  3. He was killed, so he couldn't talk.
And the story keeps getting more sordid by the day:
The question that must be asked and answered is this.  When the Secret Service sniper saw him on the roof with a rifle why didn't they shoot?  We now know there were a full 26 minutes to prevent the assassin from shooting at Trump.  It's also reported "at least one sniper/spotter team had the assassin in their sights for some three minutes but were denied clearance to shoot".  If that's true, then who refused permission to shoot, and why?  Is this failure by the Secret Service just blatant incompetence on the part of the Secret Service, or was it more?  
Did the Secret Service look like highly trained  competent professionals, or did they look like the Keystone Kops as a result of their embrace of DEI?   More here, and here.  
Truthfully, while I despise this whole corrupt embrace of DEI by both government and industry, and while it may have been a component in this mess, I don't consider that a critical factor.  Yeah, saying that shocks me too.  The real question is, Who green-lit the Trump shooting?:
Now ask yourself, cui bono? Who benefits most from Trump being removed from the picture? The entire Democrat Party, sure, but who would have the power to authorize such a nefarious scheme? A Deep State operative in one of the alphabet agencies? One of the puppet masters pulling decrepit Joe Biden’s strings? What about the Biden crime family itself? Who would benefit more than Trump’s corrupt, floundering opponent Joe? Or perhaps wife Jill, who is determined to keep her husband in the Oval Office no matter what? Perhaps even their convicted-felon son Hunter, whose fortunes (and a presidential pardon) are directly tied to Dad’s?
Is There An Iran Connection?

Iran has been promoting terrorism, and assassinations all over the world, in this article of July 18, 2024, Reflections on the 30th Anniversary of the AIMA Bombing, by Alejo Vidal-Quadras wherein he states:

Thursday marks the 30th anniversary of one of the deadliest terrorist attacks to be carried out in the Western hemisphere. The bombing of the Argentine Israeli Mutual Association building on July 18, 1994, claimed 85 lives and left a trail of scandal in its wake which is still having repercussions to this day. No one has ever been held legally accountable for the incident, though it has become increasingly apparent over the past three decades that the attack was planned by the Iranian regime and carried out by its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah.

Did you know that?  No?  Well, don't feel bad, I didn't either.  Why?  Simple, that's not a song the media wanted to sing.  He goes on to list more attacks over the years, and after they attempted to assassinate him he stated:

After I’d undergone surgery to remove the bullet and repair my shattered jaw, I have no other enemy but the Iranian regime. In fact, I have the distinction of being among the first European politicians to be included on that regime’s formal enemies list, on account of my long standing support for the coalition of pro-democracy opposition groups known as the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). As head of the International Committee In Search of Justice, I have been heavily involved in efforts to bring to justice the Iranian officials involved in the mass execution of political prisoners in 1988, which primarily targeted members of the NCRI’s main constituent group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

Iran has according to this author a secret multinational network of terrorists and murderers under the control of Iran, and Iran is plotting to assassinate Donald Trump, and  'You don't get off that [kill] list. You're marked for death'.  Iranian leader's 'revenge' threat against Trump comes into sharp focus

Democrat Hate Fest  

Media Corruption
I think it can easily be said America dodged a major bullet, and other than a successful assassination of Donald Trump, I can't imagine anything that would outrage America more. Now the Failed Trump Assassination Attempt Did Two Things for Dems, None of Them Good, and Senior House Dem: ‘We’ve All Resigned Ourselves to a Second Trump Presidency’.   Finally, this whole thing embarrassed the White House so badly they've final agreed to give RFK Jr. Secret Service protection he merited and deserved from the beginning. 
Apparently Kimberly is going to testify before Congress today, well, "Kimberly, you got some splaining to do!"  And given her propensity to lie, this should be interesting.  

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