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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, July 28, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

By Rich Kozlovich July, 27, 2024


Okay, today's edition is going to start with this article, A Soldier to the End: The Story Behind ‘The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant’.  I knew the facts about Grant and how Mark Twain admired him so much he wanted to make sure his financial future was secure, but there's a lot more to this story, and there's a lot of emotion to this story I wasn't aware of, and the author captures it.  Unlike all the articles I publish or link I don't have any particular point I'm trying to make by presenting this piece, I just thought it was inspiring, and perhaps that's my point. We can always use some inspiration. 

This week news has been consumed by the assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life, and the outrageous conduct of the Secret Service.  I have two pieces on this discussing all the aspects of that event, including the speculations.  As a result of posting the discussions on the potential of a second shooter a friend of mine asked if I thought this was another "grassy knoll" scenario.  I don't, certainly not at this point.  

The speculation of a second shooter is predicated on..... speculation!   While that's where all investigations have to start, there has to be far more evidence than is being presented now. Also, if there was a second shooter then the kid would have been the patsy, and the second shooter would have been a real shooter, and I have no doubt a real shooter wouldn't have missed at that distance. 

From that distance it would take about a second for the bullet to reach it's target, and his shot would have focused on the center of his head, and a slight movement wouldn't have mattered,  and after the kid missed, that would have meant there was time for a second shot before he was covered.  
Here's what I do believe.  Before this plays out I think we're going to be surprised at what went on with this and I'm convinced the Secret Service and the FBI, at least at the leadership level, have deliberately been remiss in their duties in hopes he will be killed.   

 The fact of the matter is no one trusts the FBI.   Local law enforcement is even refusing to work with them over their DEI hires and what they perceive as the FBI's concept of "law enforcement" is now politically driven versus legally driven.  And for the same reasons the Congress doubts any credible investigation by the FBI or the DHS, who are heading up the investigation.  

The four rules of life always apply.   People will always be people.  The patterns of life repeat over and over again.  Everything is the basics.  Culture is king.  And I do wish more people read history books.  

Then there's Kamala.  Break out the popcorn folks, this is going to be a clown show, a four month situation comedy playing out daily exposing the corruption and stupidity of the Democrat party, the media, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, the Deep State, their billionaire donors, Kamala Harris, and the lack of depth of quality, the radical character, and serious lack intelligence and corruption of the Democrat party as a whole.  
The Democrats are very poor judges of character - How hard was it by 2015 for the political class to know, at the core of their beings, that Joe Biden was a despicable man?  Everyone in Congress knew it.  They all knew he was a pathological liar, a greedy SOB for whom money was his singular motivation for everything he said and did.  They all knew he was a racist.  Long before he attempted to humiliate the great Clarence Thomas, he was mentored by Robert Byrd, once an “Exalted Cyclops” of the KKK.  Biden was terrified of his children going to school with blacks, which is why he adamantly opposed bussing.  But, even after two previous attempts to become president and failing, once for plagiarizing Neil Kinnock’s speech, he was selected by the Democrat party to be installed in order to prevent Bernie Sanders from becoming the Democrat candidate in 2019......

Watching Kamala and the nitwit brigade embracing, justifying, and defending the disaster Joe Biden and his administration has been to America, will be both outrageous, and hilarious.  And it starts with their insane claim he's the greatest President since George Washington.  

So..what's not to like? 

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