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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Be Careful What You Wish For! June 23, 2020

By Rich Kozlovich

Well, the left, AKA, the Democrat party got what it wanted. Destroy the economy to get Trump.

They came after the President with every lunatic claim they could muster to smear and destroy him, but his personal life was an open book, and a not so pretty one at that.  Since everyone who voted for him knew it, that didn't work!  Then their impeachment claims fell like a ton of manure, and it fell right back on them, and as more information comes out, the manure is falling on a lot more people with the stench reaching very high levels of the Obama administration.

That left the economy.  Unfortunately for them, it was humming along so nicely they couldn't attack Trump on the economy without looking even more insane than before.   But, now we're facing one of the biggest political and scientific scams to hit the nation ever.  The coronavirus scam!  With this scientific fraud they managed to crush the economy and destroy a lot of lives, and waste trillions on their pet schemes.

But as the old saying goes - "be careful what you wish for!"  This is going to come back to haunt them.

A Machiavellian principle.

Machiavelli's book "The Prince" made some amazingly simple, yet brilliant observations.  He showed the only thing the common people really want.  Security!  People want to be fed, housed, and furthermore, they want to feel secure in their ability to continue to be able to house and feed their families. Democrats are obviously working to take that away from them, They’re not feeling that security now!  This won’t be forgotten at election time.

When the invertebrates in the Republican party ran McCain and Romney for the presidency, and conservatives stayed home in droves, my friends were aghast. I explained to them why.

It was clear these faux conservatives were taking the nation to exactly where the Democrat left was wanting to go, just a bit slower. They were all undercover Rockefeller Republicans, just like Richard Nixon.

Conservatives had finally come to two conclusions. They were no longer going to support the Republicans who were not truly conservative, and they felt the only way they could change the system was to allow the lunatic left to take over completely. That way the nation could see just how insane and corrupt they really are.

Now that’s happened.

There are some areas that will always have large segments of the population that will embrace leftist insanity. But as for right now, there are states that are totally dominated by the left, and now these states are going to face the consequences of their own leftist dystopian policies. Except, with these wasteful spending schemes to the tune of trillions of dollars to offset this coronavirus fraud, they expect the federal government to bail them out of the unsustainable spending practices that have gone of for decades. But the federal government isn’t going to bail them out.

They had the right to do whatever they wanted to regarding spending and taxation. The rest of the states have the right to expect them to face the consequences of their actions.

It's Schadenfreude time!

Do I feel sorry for those people? No. Year after year they looked down their noses at conservatives, constantly claiming conservatives were greedy, uncaring, selfish, racists and stupid. But they, the leftist, were pure of heart, righteous and brilliant. In short, they were better people with all their virtue signaling.

Now they can virtue signal themselves out of this mess, except for one thing. Those who've been in the forefront of all these leftist schemes are well off, and people with skills. They can afford to move to a state with conservative values in order to avoid facing the consequences of their stupidity, leaving the least able to fend for themselves.

Do I feel sorry for those left in these states who are unable to leave for various reasons? For the most part, No! When you talk to them about these issues they spout out the same level of weirdness and low information ignorance as the rest, and they're just as arrogant in their ignorance as the rest.

Being ignorant is the norm, it just means we just don't know, and since there's just so much information about everything in the world, we're all in some state of ignorance. But that's fixable with learning. Stupid on the other hand is different. The stupid are the ignorant who refuse to learn.

Life is hard, but it’s really hard when your stupid, and stupid can’t be fixed. It can only be crushed.

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