This page will be the repository for all my coronavirus commentaries in order. There were four originally, with more added, and there will be more coming. Those will be added in order as they appear.
We start with:
Coronavirus: It's Howard Zinn's Fault, March 14, 2020
In modern times pandemics have come and pandemics have gone, and none of them have been the Spanish Influenza or the Black Plague. Will there be one in the future? Yes. When? Who knows? What will prevent it? Nothing! What will be done to fix it? Since these things can't be anticipated, not much!
These things will appear and will have to run their course, often times leaving a residual impact that will infect smaller numbers each year, depending on whether the pandemic is caused by a virus, a bacteria or a parasite, such as malaria.
Sometimes millions die and sometimes tens of thousands die. Sometimes the young are the target of these diseases, sometimes it’s the old, and some times age doesn't matter. If there's no vaccine there's no real fix.
It's a crap shoot!
And every politician has to react to the public's panic and do something. Sometimes it helps and sometimes it just doesn't matter. With the exception of malaria, which has been eternal, the pandemic will run its course eventually. It always does. How much damage will be done? That's unpredictable.
It’s still just a crap shoot!
However, I blame Howard Zinn for all of this. Of course, he's dead, making the world a better place to live with his passing, and I have no justification for blaming him, other than I despise him. But no matter, I've decided to take on the irrational logic of the left. Just like the left blames Trump because it makes them feel good, it makes me feel good to blame Zinn.
Tomorrow I intend to blame Noam Chomsky. Why? Same reason I blamed Howard Zinn. I despise both of them, and it makes me feel good to do it.
Monday will start a whole new week of the blame game, I think I will start next week blaming Charles Darwin.
Coronavirus in Perspective, March 16, 2020
This has played fairly large on the news that an Iranian journalist says:
'No Israeli coronavirus vaccine for me,' Iranian journalist tweets. "I'd rather take my chances with the virus than consume an Israeli vaccine — Roshan M Salih (@RmSalih) March 12, 2020Well, the consensus seems to be: May he be blessed with 72 virgins!
It's interesting how people think, and this kind of thinking isn’t anything new. What most people are probably not aware of (possibly even those in the pest control industry) that using quinine as a treatment for malaria goes back centuries. Known then as the Jesuit’s bark, the Cardinal’s Powder, or as Oliver Cromwell called it, the Popish Powder.
Oliver Cromwell was a Puritan who defeated Catholic Charles I, King of England, in battle. Later beheaded him, and became the Lord Protector for five years. Then he contracted malaria. Cromwell hated all things Catholic and refused to take the 'popish powder', and died at 59.
Malaria has been pandemic eternally, at least until the arrival of that Magic Powder and Weapon of Mass Survival appeared – DDT. Environmental activists have done their best to revive its eternal pandemic status.
Admittedly, this will vary around the world depending on their sanitary conditions, which in much of the world is unbelievably disgusting. But just how worried should this journalist be, even living in Iran where the threat is mostly likely greater? What is the real threat?
Pandemics come and pandemics go, but how much damage do they do? These pandemics we've experienced in recent years aren't the Black Plague, nor are they the Spanish Influenza.
So where does this pandemic stand on what I'm calling a "health crisis chart" from the CDC?
You will notice Malaria, which is eternal, is still number five on the chart. Tuberculosis deaths worldwide must clearly justify calling it a pandemic. Don't you think? Why isn't it?
Because it's a lot like malaria, it's eternal, so it's not an emotion grabber. Even though TB in the third world has developed resistance to drug treatments.
You will also notice that "seasonal flu" is number eight. Why isn't it a pandemic? And when I see whooping cough is number ten, I really get outraged because there's a vaccine readily available to prevent it. The appearance of Whooping Cough in the third world is understandable for three reasons. Cost, incompetence, and socialized medicine. But why are we having cases of it in America?
Because irresponsible activists are scaring parents making false claims about vaccines and autism in children. That hysteria has caused children in the United States to unnecessarily suffer and even die as a result.
Steve Milloy of posted this on LinkedIn:
These bubble charts are ridiculous. This one from Johns Hopkins. There are 7.6 billion people in the world but only 156,400 cases of #WuhanVirus.
(Editor's Note: This chart has a counter on the left. At 5:00 AM on March 3rd the number rose to 169,387. RK)
Silly chart makes it look like humanity is being overtaken with disease.
Jim ONeill posted the article, The Convenient Timing of the Coronavirus saying:
It is no secret that the Left would rather destroy the US economy than risk four more years of Trump.......... With the 2020 elections looming large, the coronavirus panic seems to be conveniently timed to damage the US economy, and distract We the People from important topics such as FISA abuse, roots of the Russia hoax, and Biden’s dealings with Burisma.
The media is, of course, adding fuel to the fire of panic with their “lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!” coverage of the virus. The silver lining here is that with coronavirus the globalist Left has jumped the shark (again), and jumped the gun (again).
Their over-the-top coverage of the coronavirus, while perhaps effective for their cause in the short term, will eventually boomerang on them (where have we seen this before?) as it becomes obvious over time that they have been crying wolf too loudly and for too long.He notes: "There is a world of difference between taking something seriously, and panicking over it."
People are going insane storming the stores wiping out toilet paper and actually fighting over items on the shelves. See, and you thought they only did that at Christmas time while celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace.
Here in Ohio we have a .....well..... not so bright Governor, who has decided to shut down all the bars and restaurants in the entire state! In the meanwhile, people are cancelling all sorts of events, including professional sports. People are becoming hysterical in fear if they shake someone’s hand they may die.
In a couple of months all this hyperbole regarding coronavirus will be done. At that point everyone will stop and think when it's over..........Was that it?
Well, I doubt there's any industry in the nation that's in more diverse situations on a daily basis than the pest control industry. It would be interesting to see a piece regarding just how many exterminators came down with this affliction, how much time was lost, and the overall effects of the coronavirus on those who may have contracted this disease.
Oh, one more thing. Last week I blamed Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky because I despise both of them. Just as the left, without any justification, blames Donald Trump because it it makes them feel good to do so, it makes me feel good to do the same. And as promised, I blame Charles Darwin today for the same reason.
P.S. I will be reviewing Tom Wolfe's book, "The Kingdom of Speech", where he outlines just how contemptable these three were.
Coronavirus in Perspective, Part II, March 21, 2020
By Rich Kozlovich
Winston Churchill once observed:
“Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing, once all other possibilities have been exhausted.”Some have felt that was very uncomplimentary to America, especially since Americans were saving the Brits once again from German defeat. But, I take it as a compliment. That statement aptly describes how we function emotionally and intellectually.
Most Americans hate confrontation because it interferes with a good time. So, often times we will try end runs around it to get things done, even when its obvious confrontation is inevitable. But most importantly, ultimately Americans want to do the right thing.
My mother passed last year and used H&R Block to do her taxes. I wanted to file her final return and was at his office this week........and yes it was still open......and shocker of shockers......we shook hands.
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Does this look like America, or Venezuela? |
Both started to laugh, as they both thought the whole thing was ridiculous. One of the ladies only serious concern was she's running out of toilet paper.
Remember: First, all three of us are considered at the top of the risk chart, and secondly, normal people don't go out and buy shopping carts full of toilet paper, or get into fights over it.
Most importantly, we all had lived long enough to know pandemics come and pandemics go, and in the last 75 years, most of them weren't that big of a deal. Most importantly, no one made such a big deal of them that would justify shutting down the nation.
Don Sucher , in his article, Epidemics and mass panics, then and now, notes:
.......... in my lifetime, I have seen similar viruses simply worked through. Nineteen fifty-eight's, for instance, and even the H1N1 virus in 2009. Yes, people got sick, and yes, some died. But both were accepted as part of human life, thus human life continued.
Today, everything is "OMG! It's the end of the world!" For, seemingly as never before, the supposedly "serious" media have a very clear and well articulated agenda, and that, along with the ever-present social media, has changed the pace of distribution of both accurate information and false rumors.William Sullivan in his article, Government and Media Responses to Pandemics, Then and Now observes:
The H1N1 virus (colloquially known as swine flu) was "first detected in April of 2009 in the United States, and spread quickly around the world,"……….. The Obama administration had declared it a "public health emergency" in late April, and by June, the World Health Organization declared it the "first flu pandemic in 40 years....However, remember this. Because we're going to come back to this:
It wasn't until October of 2009, though, that Obama personally recognized it as a national emergency with the "potential to overburden health care resources in some localities.Four months before Obama finally declared H1N1 a national emergency. How many died from it by that time? Over 1000, and it was estimated "between 151,700 and 575,400 people died worldwide from H1N1 virus infection in the first year that it circulated". H1N1 mostly impacted children and adults under 65, and was easily transmitted. He goes on to note that sixty million Americans were infected by H1N1 with 273,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths in the U.S. alone.
You do remember that .....Don't you?
Did you remember the nation shutting down over that? No? Of course you don't, and the reason why is:
Americans generally just went about their lives, with no holistic directives from President Obama or any of the state governors that schools, restaurants, or businesses be closed, or that private gatherings should be limited to a particular size. One can hardly remember it even being news at all, and if one does, it is remembered as casual warnings to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and stay away from work and others if you feel ill.
It was such a small part of the news, in fact, that one thousand Americans had died, in the first pandemic in 40 years, before Barack Obama was even moved to personally mention it to the public, to say nothing of his being moved to endlessly contemplate sweeping efforts that would grind the economy to a halt and stop Americans' lives in their tracks.Because of the media hyperbole over this "pandemic" intelligent people have been turned into "panicked, witless, bleating sheep", being led by politicians who are nothing short of boneless wonders, like Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio.
I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that, in the meanwhile, let's look at the numbers.
There are claims 150 million Americans are infected with coronavirus, and "Congress’ in-house doctor told Capitol Hill staffers at a close-door meeting last week", with a "recent projection from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)" that "COVID-19 could infect between up to 214 million people over a period of more than a year — and kill as many as 1.7 million Americans."
Where do they get these numbers? Computer models, and let's face it, computer models are only as "good as the assumptions that you put into the model … it’s unpredictable."
During the Ebola scare in 2014 computer models predicted there may be as many as one million cases. You do remember that don't you? No? Why? It turns out there were only eleven cases, two contracted the disease outside the U.S. and died and two contracted the disease in the United States and survived. One million cases predicted with eleven actual cases.
Currently we're hearing all sorts of numbers, including what's going on in Italy, but without context. Italy's average age is 47 and almost a quarter of Italy's population are over 65, and due to a trade agreement a large number of Chinese coming into Northern Italy.
Coronavirus isn't Italy's problem. Their problem is that Italy is on the verge of a demographic collapse, and when you have an overly large elderly population that a particular virus attacks, the numbers become askew, and are not representative of the world as a whole, or even another country.
However, my favorite account regarding the infections potential of coronavirus is from one of my go-to writers, Andrea Widburg, who outlines this issue in her March 19th article, The Diamond Princess, a floating Chinese Virus palace, provides suggestive data, saying:
Writing at Watts Up With That, Willis Eschenbach looked at the Princess Cruise's numbers and discovered some encouraging information:
We had a perfect petri-dish coronavirus disease (COVID-19) experiment with the cruise ship "Diamond Princess". That's the cruise ship that ended up in quarantine for a number of weeks after a number of people tested positive for the coronavirus. I got to wondering what the outcome of the experiment was.
So I dug around and found an analysis of the situation, with the catchy title of Estimating the infection and case fatality ratio for COVID-19 using age-adjusted data from the outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship (PDF), so I could see what the outcomes were.
As you might imagine, before they knew it was a problem, the epidemic raged on the ship, with infected crew members cooking and cleaning for the guests, people all eating together, close living quarters, lots of social interaction, and a generally older population. Seems like a perfect situation for an overwhelming majority of the passengers to become infected.
She goes on to make this significant point:And despite that, some 83% (82.7% – 83.9%) of the passengers never got the disease at all … why?
It's an especially good question because the majority of passengers were in the 60–79 age group, weighted slightly more heavily toward the 70–79 cohort. In other words, by the time the ship docked, it should have been a floating morgue, but somehow it wasn't.How many died? Eight!
Which brings me back to Governor De Wine and his justification for shutting down the State of Ohio.
In Susan Daniel's March 19, 2020 article, Abortion zealot health director shuts down primaries in Ohio she goes on to describe what I consider the unsavory character of executive director of the Department of Health (DOH), Dr. Amy Acton.
Daniels, after describing what I consider her disreputable abortion business dealings says:
Removing her from that underhanded business, she still comes across as a treacherous tool. On March 12, 2020, she announced that 100,000 Ohioans were infected with the coronavirus. On that date, there were five confirmed cases in Ohio and a total of 127,000 in the entire world.
The next day, she walked that back and said she was just "guesstimating" the number based on the population of Ohio. The actual number had soared to thirteen cases. The DOH doubled down. It called Acton "smart, calm, cool and collected" and "a voice of reason."
They could hardly call her the fool she had proven herself to be. Her "guesstimating," as anyone can imagine, caused fear across the state.And DeWine didn't fire her? No, because it was DeWine who picked her, and chose to shut down the state of Ohio based on her "guesstimations". This is, "Me-To" boneless leadership!
We need to stop pandering to this narrative. I've gotten an untold number of e-mails from any number of different sources wanting me to a particpate in webinars about coronavirus and how to survive. That's not leadership. Standing on a hill waving a flag that says "I stand for consensus", isn't leadership.
We're Americans! Let's do the right thing! We've just about exhausted the other alternatives.
Have the courage to be the rock in the current! Have the courage to say this infectious disease, as all infectious diseases, must be treated seriously, but no more so than we do every year when seasonal flu season comes around. And that nothing that's happened which justifies all this hysteria, especially compared to so many other infectious diseases that are a much higher risk. Please see Part I.
How long will Americans continue to tolerate this nonsence? What's behind it all? I will cover that in Part III next.
The Plan, March 27, 2020
Just like Stalin always had a five year plan to prevent starvation, so too must the Democrats have a plan to fix pandemics. Don't they?
What would be in the Democrats plan? Will it be the same plan they adopted when they did nothing regarding the pandemics during the Obama administration? That was mostly doing nothing while talking big, which pleased the media to no end.
But, I’m sure they have a plan. Maybe one just like Obamacare. That was the plan Nancy said had to be passed in order to see what’s in it.
Their pandemic prevention and reduction plan must be in the planning stages, and once the planning stage is complete, they will have some idea what can be done, or if anything should be done. Until then, the current plan is to attack Trump for doing something, undermine the nation’s economy, and refuse to agree to anything unless their left wing agenda is adopted.
However, once the plan is in print, they can promote the plan. A plan based on science. It will fix global warming, it will ensure abortion on demand, it will give billions to their followers, it will be a multilateral, multigenerational, multigender, multicultural, race based plan.
Do you like some of the things Trump is doing? That’s okay, since they will say they will do those things also, but they’re going to change those things and do them better. Or, maybe nothing at all. Especially if actually doing something puts the nation back to work without nationalizing America’s businesses.
How will they do that? That’s being planned by brilliant minds. It’s ever evolving, ever changing, fully attuned to the latest philosophical flavor of the day in order to please everyone, and most importantly, to please the most radical party members, assuring Democrat party rule.
Their own Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, will keep you all updated, on the Black Plague, or whatever the current crisis is. Really, he’s right on top of this. Joe knows all of this is because of Global Warming, fracking, anti-abortionists, racism, homophobia, immigration and not enough taxes and regulations.
They will do more, much more, with much more, even if it means doing nothing. But make no mistake about this. The plan cares about the average American. Of course, just because Stalin’s plans starved tens of millions of Russians to death doesn’t mean the Democrat plan will be that bad.
You know how much they care about the American people
Coronavirus in Perspective, Part III, March 26, 2020
By Rich Kozlovich
I promised to get this out earlier in the week, but this has been a difficult article. I’ve had to check and re-check my information over and over again. Sorting it out and confirming the accuracy has been a real challenge. I’ve found trying to present it in a readable. and reasonably short presentation to be mind boggling. That was the biggest difficulty, plus, there’s so much out here I found deciding what to include and how to correlate it difficult.
I found an error in my first article (since corrected) where I said there were only four cases of Ebola in America, but there were eleven. The information I initially used was a bit misleading in the way the information was presented. However, only two did die, that remains true. But considering they predicted up to over a million cases and were really wrong, I think I can be forgiven.
What’s worse is I’m finding this pattern plays out in all the information about all the afflictions I’m highlighting. The numbers are all mixed. The more sources you read the more mixed they become, including all the information about this variety of coronavirus.

We keep hearing how amazingly dangerous, and how infectious this version of coronavirus is, which there are 40 of them, with estimates and predictions that are frightening the public to the point of hysteria. Hysteria that’s created a new affliction called moronavirus!
How true is all of this doom and gloom we keep hearing and reading about? How does this compare with these other infectious diseases that afflict mankind yearly? Diseases that impact humanity worldwide, including America!
I’ll tell you what, let’s talk about them. Starting with:

Norovirus: Number nine on the chart.
Norovirus is considered a very contagious virus that causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, stomach cramps, fever, muscle pain and all round not feeling well.
Commonly called “flu-like” symptoms. It impacts people of all ages, and on average there are 20 million cases reported in the United States alone……every year! Furthermore, norovirus kills between 500 and 800 people……. every year! As for herd immunity, well, overall, we can’t really get herd immunity because there are so many types of norovirus.
Apparently, outbreaks are quite common, it’s quickly and easily spread through food, water, contact and contaminated surfaces. Norovirus runs its course from November to April. Whether you get it or not depends on your particular genetics.
Worldwide norovirus is in the top ten deadly infectious diseases, coming in at number 9, killing 548 people “each and every day” around the world.
Solutions regarding how to avoid it? The usual stuff we have been told to do for seasonal flu season. Practice proper hand hygiene, make sure of the water you’re drinking or cooking with, wash fruits and vegetables and cook everything, including seafood thoroughly, when you are sick do not prepare food or care for others, clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces, wash laundry thoroughly. But most importantly, if you’re sick, stay home. But no one suggested shutting down the country.
With some variations, this will be repeated as the “usual stuff” in this article.
Rotovirus: Number seven on the chart.
There are approximately three million cases in the United States every year with 95% of these cased infecting children five years old and younger, with the highest rate of incidence among children, infants really, between three to thirty five months old. It’s considered very contagious causing diarrhea vomiting, stool containing blood or pus, very high temperatures, lethargy, pain, dehydration, sleepiness or unresponsiveness, with 400,000 physician visits yearly. With what most would consider “flu like” symptoms. But it’s deadly!
Rotovirus causes over 215,000 deaths a year worldwide, and because there are so many types of rotovirus, reinfections are not uncommon, and they can infect adults. It’s easily spread and remains infectious for weeks on surfaces that haven’t been disinfected. Two vaccines available but because there are many types of rotavirus, it's possible to be infected, and more than once, even if you've been vaccinated, although repeat infections are typically less severe. It’s number seven on the most deadly infectious diseases list. How to avoid this virus? The usual stuff, but no one suggested shutting down the nation!
Shigellosis: Number six on the chart.
Shigellosis isn’t a viral infection, it’s a bacterial infection, but it’s on the top ten deadly infectious diseases list at number six killing 1644 people worldwide every day, with infants and children being impacted the most.
It causes stomach pain, vomiting diarrhea, fever, blood in the urine, with 165 million cases occurring worldwide yearly, and 450,000 cases in the United States yearly. Often considered “flu like” symptoms.
As I said it impacts children mostly, especially those between six months old and five years old, but it has a ten percent mortality rate, and no known seasonality. Contaminated drinking water is the main source of infection, but in America we have treated water and yet still have 450,000 cases yearly, and has developed antibiotic resistance.
How to avoid it? The usual stuff, and make sure to drink bottled water when traveling and dispose of diapers properly. But no one suggested shutting down the country.
Ebola Virus: Number 24 on the chart.
We had eleven cases in 2014. Two who contracted it from outside the U.S. who died, and two contracted it from within survived. It’s listed as number 24 on the chart killing 5.3 people every day. How to avoid it? If you travel to countries where they have it, you can’t! The mortality rate can be over eighty percent. But no one thought shutting down the country was a solution. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) predicted a trajectory between 550,000 to 1.4 million cases by early the following year. What did they base this on? Computer modeling, but computer modeling is kind of like Game Boy science. You get out of it what you put into it."
SARS: Number twenty five on the chart.
SARS is a coronavirus, all of which are all zoonotic, starting in animals and migrating to people. It started in China and in 2003 infected a total of 8,096 people in 29 countries, with eight in the U.S. With an almost ten percent mortality rate, seven hundred and seventy four died but none of them in the U.S. The estimated word wide cost? Forty billion.
How to prevent it? The usual stuff, but no one suggested closing down the nation to prevent it.
MERS: Number twenty six on the cart
It’s called the Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome for a good reason. In 2012 Saudi Arabia first reported it. It’s considered deadly with a thirty five percent mortality rate. The World Health Organization has counted nearly 2,500 cases of MERS in the Middle East and beyond, and more than 850 deaths. Very few in the U.S.
How to avoid, it? First, stay out of the Middle East, otherwise, the usual stuff, and no one suggested shutting down the country.
Swine Flu (H1N1): Not even on the chart.
Swine Flu (H1N1) may have killed as many as 6000 people in the U.S. and infected somewhere between 14 and 34 million people. Big spread there. Computer modeling? And estimated 63,000 to 153,000 were hospitalized. More computer modeling?
How to avoid it? The usual stuff, but no one suggested shutting down the country. And in point of fact, Dr Fauci, who's so hot to shut down America, “in September 2009, after millions had become infected with the H1N1 influenza and thousands had died, some of whom were young people and children, a relaxed and unalarmed Dr. Anthony Fauci told and interviewer, that people just need "to use good judgment." As one of my readers pointed out, he's typical of so many of these academic doctors. Big on quoting other's work but weak on practical advice, as in synthesizing a response for a patient.
So, there was no need to shut down businesses all over the country for what at this point was a much more deadly infectious disease than the China virus, AKA Kung Flu, the current coronavirus?
Did I get that right?
Annual Flu Season: Number eight on the chart.
“While everyone is in a panic about the coronavirus (officially renamed 1COVID-19 by the World Health Organization), there's an even deadlier virus many people are forgetting about: the flu.
Flu season is hitting its stride right now in the US. So far, the CDC has estimated (based on weekly influenza surveillance data) that at least 12,000 people have died from influenza between Oct. 1, 2019 through Feb. 1, 2020, and the number of deaths may be as high as 30,000.
The CDC also estimates that up to 31 million Americans have caught the flu this season, with 210,000 to 370,000 flu sufferers hospitalized because of the virus.”
So, how do we avoid it? The usual stuff, but no one ever suggests we shut down the country, and remember, this is year in and year out, why aren’t they shutting down the country every year?
So, where does the world stand right now? This page has counters for each category, go here to see the changes, currently, at 10:52 AM EST, 3/26/20. there are 491,623 cases, 22,169 deaths, and 118,245 recoveries.
Pandemics come and pandemics go, and in the last 75 years none of them were Spanish Influenza, the Black Death, and this isn't small pox, all devastating pandemics, all lasting for years and returning regularly. The only cure was individual and herd resistance.
Will there be another truly serious pandemic in the future. Yes. Will we be able to predict it? No! Will we be able to stop it. Most likely not! Will a lot of people die? Yes.
But until then, this isn't going to be one of them, and when this is all over we're going to look around and ask: Was that it? Was that all there was? Did we destroy our economy for this?
The answer will be yes!
The next installment will deal with those responsible and what the consequences will be for the world, especially China. Nothing is ever as it appears with China. There's always a degree of speculation when dealing with anything coming out of China. As for any official announcement from their government; I just assume they're lying. All that's left to determine is to what degree. It's part and parcel of their social paradigm going back through the centuries being ruled by the emperors and Mandarins.
We really need to get that!
Please enjoy my conronavirus series:
- Coronavirus: It's Howard Zinn's Fault
- Coronavirus in Perspective
- Coronavirus in Perspective, Part II
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Attaboy Girl! April 4, 2020
Recently there's been a lot of talk about Ruth Bader Ginsburg going to the gym with a trainer present, as outlined in this article by Kristinn Taylor, In Midst of DC's Coronavirus Shutdown, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Meets Trainer for Workouts at Supreme Court Gym, posted on April 1st. Ruth Bader Ginsberg works out? You’re kidding me, right? Is this an April Fool's joke? Apparently not, and it was followed with hundreds of comments, some of them very unpleasant, which I would expect regarding RBG.
As I've said in the past, I've been privileged to be part of an e-mail group that's educated, intelligent, and polite, even when we disagree, which is regularly since some are very liberal and others are very conservative, yet the discussions remains respectful. That's why I feel privileged to be a part of this group, and what I admire about our group the most.
Having said that, our group has ventured in on this business with BRG having the nerve to go out of her house, and worse yet, going to a gym with a trainer, declaring she's a bad example and represents a danger to the public as a result. My initial comment was she was doing this because she wasn't any more taken in by all this pandemic hysteria than I am, and I said something I never in my life thought I could possibly utter - I gave her an Attaboy Girl.
Well, this didn't go away, and led to more discussion over the whole surrounding subject of this China flu and what's happening.
There are pandemics every year, we just don’t call them pandemics because they’ve become a part of our lives. The World Health Organization, which declares these things, isn’t a true health organization. It’s like the IPCC, which isn’t a true science group, they’re both part of the UN, and they’re both UN political cat’s paws masquerading as science and health organizations.
So, declaring what’s a pandemic apparently has nothing to do with numbers, otherwise they would declare flu pandemics each and every year based on the numbers of people infected and die. Yet they don’t! I say they're all pandemics, others say they're merely epidemics, but this question remains: Have we ever shut down the nation over pandemics or epidemics in the past? The answer is no!
In days gone by most people went to work unless they were really sick. That’s been an American societal paradigm for all of my life. I ran a bread route many years ago, and at times sick as a dog. Breadmen have to give notice if they’re going to die, and preferably at least three days’ notice so they can get the bread out without interruption. I’m being factious of course, but that was, and is, the mentality in the bread business.
Prudence versus panic is a matter of definition. I call what’s going on panic fueled by hyperbolic hysterical politicians and writers with an anti-American and anti-Trump agenda.
Is it going to be worse than seasonal flu cases? Maybe, but so far there no indication it will be that much more, and even then, by how much worse where we decide to shut down the nation, and destroy the world’s economy. What's the break point for that decision? Who makes it? The Constitution doesn't give the President or the Congress the right to do that, and as far as I've been able to tell, there's no State Constitution that gives Governors, or their legislatures, the right to do that.
I've seen figures that state the death toll for seasonal flu is between 20,000 and 36,000 and one writer claimed as many as 60,000. Whatever the actual numbers are, that’s a lot of darn people dying every year, and we have to ask: Is this any worse? If so by how much?
And comparing numbers from America and other countries is apparently meaningless because whenever these things strike, they effect different populations differently. In the past we just sucked it up and went on with our lives. If we were sick, we stayed home, that is if we were really sick. Otherwise most were expected to go to work, and they did.
Take these things seriously but we need to stop being panicked by a lunatic media, and a political element that so desires to destroy Trump they actually love this pandemic, in order to once again blame him, and attack him with lies and ridiculous charges. This flu virus should be taken seriously, but we need to suck it up and recognize this is all being promoted with hyperbole, lies, and politics. And taking something seriously is different than becoming hysterical.
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This was in 2014, and is a good example of the double standard set by the media and the Democrat party |
I went to the bank last week and they know me and that I write about this kind of thing. We had some discussion, and of course I said this was all insanity. They were polite, but I could tell they didn't want to dispute this with a customer. We could only go in one at a time. When the guy before me was leaving, I was allowed to go in. Remember, he passed right beside me, right beside the manager, touched two door handles, going in and going out, and handed the teller paper work. And this goes on all day long, six days a week.
I forgot to sign the back of my check so the teller handed my check back and a pen to sign it. After I handed both back to her I snarkerly, with a bit of dramatic air said, Oooooh, I touched the pen, thinking she would see the humor in that statement. Wrong – she actually had a bit of a shock to her expression. I’ve known this teller for years, and she’s no wall flower, but it was clear she’s intimidated by all this hyperbole.
We have lost our minds!!!!!!!!
We need to start seeing this clearly. Flu viruses - yearly – are a part of our lives. It’s been that way year after year, going back into the 1800’s and probably more, and the only one that was truly a pandemic disaster was the Spanish Influence, killing over 20 million people. This isn’t the Spanish Influenza – oops is that racist? – and when it’s all said and done, we’re going to look around at the devastation this hysteria caused and ask – it that all there was?
As I said, I never in my life thought I would say this about RBG, especially since saying this almost gives me hives – Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Attaboy Girl!
De Omnibus Dubitandum: Is Coronavirus Teaching America To Question Everything? April 17, 2020
By Rich Kozlovich
By Rich Kozlovich
First of all, I want to state that my personal motto is De Omnibus
Dubitandum, which is supposed to be the motto of science, and should be
the motto of all jouranlists, commentators and politicians everywhere.
It means "everything is to be questioned", or shortened to "question
everything", and I do, so I see the world just a little differently than
just about everyone else.
That's not a pleasant existence by the way. It's so much nicer, and easier, to be popular and go along to get along. That's not been possible for me. Must be the Serbian in me.
At any rate, I've said this to highlight an article that appeared today, April 17, 2020 by Jack Hellner entitled, Spot the real heartlessness, who says: We get it: the mainstream media and other Democrats want you to hate President Trump. They see him as mean, among many other faults. But they need to look in the mirror to find real heartlessness. For example, Joe Scarborough states that Trump has no sympathy for victims of the coronavirus as he campaigns for Biden:
Joe Scarborough's Bowing, Scraping Question to Biden: CanYou Talk About People's Pain? I want to ask you, Mr. Vice President, to talk to the people who are hurting and suffering right now. Willie and Mika and I were talking earlier about what a shame it is that right now in the middle of a pandemic where over 30,000 people have died, hundreds of thousands have been impacted and are suffering right now, either by this disease or being out of work. They don't have a national leader that can express sympathy. Could you talk to them as a man who's endured loss and tell them what's on your mind right now, and how you understand what they're going through?
The author goes on to
innumerate all the very real pain the Democrats have either ignored or imposed
on the world by asking:
Hey Joe, do you think a fully developed baby that Democrats let die has pain and suffering? Where is your empathy for that human being? When you and Obama allowed the terrorist to maim and kill thousands to appease the tyrants from Iran did that cause pain? Did you have empathy for those who died and were maimed or were you more concerned about a legacy?
When Obama and Hillary left people to die in Benghazi and then lie continually, including to the families of those who died did that cause pain? Didn’t it appear that Obama and Hillary were more concerned about getting reelected than having empathy for the families of those who died.
When you and Obama refused to give Ukraine weapons, to appease Putin, did that cause death and pain? Did you have empathy for those who died.
Why did you threaten to cut off aid from Ukraine if they didn’t stoop an investigation into a corrupt company where your son got millions for a no show job when he had no qualifications, other than being your son, for the job?
Did you cause great death and pain when you trusted Putin to monitor Assad's use of chemical weapons?...........There's more here.
You know, these people absolutely fascinate
me. I keep wondering - do they really say this leftist crap privately. And
my conclusion? Yes, they do!
When people I know spew out this babble I know
why because I know them. I know they're really uninformed and
misinformed, and they like it that way. They've never read a
history book, they don't "question everything", they don't research
anything. They want to be a part of the social narrative of the
moment. They want to be part of the herd, which is actually a normal human social paradigm.
But the fact remains, most people have no idea what they're talking about a
large part of the time, nor do they have the courage to be a rock in
the current. They listen to the news and since it's on TV, it must
be true, and actually believe they're well informed.
And what is their truth? Trump isn't doing anything, he's a racist, we're all going to die because of him, and we need to bring back the Democrats to the Senate and the White House. They just "know" that's the truth! They heard it on TV. Mila and Joe told them so!
And what is their truth? Trump isn't doing anything, he's a racist, we're all going to die because of him, and we need to bring back the Democrats to the Senate and the White House. They just "know" that's the truth! They heard it on TV. Mila and Joe told them so!
But here's the kicker. All these people out here
are fundamentally ignorant, that at least is an excuse, it means they
just don't know, but ignorance is fixable by learning.
But Joe, Mila, Willie - whoever he is - and the rest of the leftist
media are
at the center of the information world, they have no excuse. They have
to know better.
They have to know it's all lies, distortion and smear campaigns. If
don't it means they're not only stupid, they're lazy and incompetent,
which I
think is the majority of them. If they do, and they keep spouting out
these lies, then they're neither lazy or incompetent. They're stupid
and corrupt. Which I believe is a minority, but
an important minority driving these media lemmings who lack the courage
and the fortitude
to "question everything"! Or for that matter, to question anything.
Well, there are times when I get so frustrated
that I almost hope they'd get their wish and let these leftist loons take over
the country permanently. Thinking, "that’ll fix em"! There's only one
problem with that. It would "fix" the sane people in this
nation also. Not a pretty picture is it?
De Omnibus Dubitandum! It's time everyone started to question everything. Everyone can start by reading a history book occasionally.
De Omnibus Dubitandum! It's time everyone started to question everything. Everyone can start by reading a history book occasionally.
Coronavirus Impeachment and Reality, April 18, 2020
By Rich Kozlovich
Recently it was reported that a Fox Business News commentator, Trish Regan, lost her job allegedly because on March 9th she stated, and I think factually:
"The chorus of hate being leveled at the president is nearing a crescendo as Democrats blame him, and only him, for a virus that originated halfway around the world. This is yet another attempt to impeach the president." Meanwhile, an on-screen chyron electronic graphic read, "Coronavirus Impeachment Scam." Three days later, Regan's program was put on hiatus — ostensibly so FBN could reallocate its resources and focus on the growing coronavirus crisis.
Among America’s 235 million people eligible to cast ballots this fall are low-information voters, or “lowfos,” a sizable subset of the electorate’s independents bloc. Many lead busy lives, don’t venture beyond the headlines, and are generally “a pox on all your houses” apolitical. Lowfos may be ignorant about current events, but they are not stupid. If they vote at all, which way they fall might be determined by the last ad they saw or headline scanned. At least, that’s the way it used to before coronavirus and “stay at home” forced them inside with nothing to do but get up to speed on what’s happened to upend their routines. This is bad news for Democrats.
Patricia McCarthy, one of my favorite writers, has an extremely well thought out article about Democrat plans entitled, The Hate-Trump Club mission statement. This is an article everyone needs to read in full. She starts out saying:
We are the left. The sole reason for our existence is to see Donald Trump removed from office. We also intend to bring about his and his family’s total personal destruction. He must be demolished. He is a man of the people, not one of us. He dwells not in our swamp. The goals of our mission and the story of our execution of our mission are as follows:.......
She follows this with thirteen bullet points of Democrat mendacity and corruption. Bullet point thirteen ends saying:
Well, 13 is the unlucky number. Our club is unlucky indeed. We’ve sabotaged ourselves. We misjudged the American people. They simply will not be sufficiently submissive; it is not in their nature, no matter what party with which they are affiliated. Our club’s membership is dwindling. We hesitate to address and admit our misguided attempts to politically massacre Donald Trump, but we must. He has had us all for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We’re done. As Walt Kelly so famously observed, “we have met the enemy and he is us.”In short, the "plan" is not working. And it's not working on many levels.
Yesterday I posted this piece,
De Omnibus Dubitandum: Is Coronavirus Teaching America to Question Everything!, saying:
All these people out here are fundamentally ignorant, that at least is an excuse, it means they just don't know, but ignorance is fixable by learning.
This trend is going to continue as more information becomes available, but one thing is clear now, Trump is looking better to Americans than ever, and I don't care what polls are say.
Make no mistake about this. After this passes, we'll all look around and say, was that all there was? Then we'll be wondering: How in the world did we allow this happen? Then maybe, just maybe, we will start questioning everything.
One final point. As we see these governors violating every fundamental right outlined in the Constitution, we must define this issue in order to see it clearly. The Ten Amendments to the Constitution weren't the Ten Recommendations.
It's the Ten Amendments, Not the Ten Suggestions, +April 20, 2019
By Rich Kozlovich
How did the Bill of Rights, also known as the Ten Amendments, become
the Ten Suggestions? Or perhaps they're the Ten Recommendations? Or
possibly they were Ten Really Nice Thoughts? None of which would make
them the Rule of Law.
But if the Constitution is the law governing government, then they really are the Rule of Law, and the law of the land. States are violating those ten unalienable rights as outlined in the Constitution.
Not rights granted to America by the government! These are unalienable rights granted to the nation by "Divine Providence", and since these rights are not granted to us by the government, they cannot be taken away by the government, unless it's by acts of treason.
Why's that so hard to understand?

But if the Constitution is the law governing government, then they really are the Rule of Law, and the law of the land. States are violating those ten unalienable rights as outlined in the Constitution.
Not rights granted to America by the government! These are unalienable rights granted to the nation by "Divine Providence", and since these rights are not granted to us by the government, they cannot be taken away by the government, unless it's by acts of treason.
Why's that so hard to understand?
Coronavirus in Perspective, Part IV, April 24, 2020
By Rich Kozlovich
"There is simply no other way to state this. Nearly everything we’ve been told about models, rates of infection, deaths, and recoveries was inaccurate."
This is the opening sentence in an article by Kevin McCullough, Antibody Testing: Proves We've Been Had!
He goes on to say:
Nearly everything we’ve been told about models, rates of infection, deaths, and recoveries was inaccurate. I’m not here to argue that it was malfeasance or ignorance — both are unacceptable..........Cuomo announced that antibody testing in New York state, which only began four days previous, was already demonstrating that at minimum 13.9% of New Yorkers, had COVID-19 late stage antibodies. The implication of this is a shockwave to the system......Nearly everything we’ve been told about models, rates of infection, deaths, and recoveries was inaccurate.He further points out:
We’ve been told that the true death rate is 7.4% in New York. We were told there would be hundreds of thousands dead. We were told that this was worse than the flu, which has still recorded more deaths to date in this past flu season—even though the CDC instructed medical personnel to start counting influenza, heart disease, pulmonary, respiratory, drug overdose, and possibly even car crash deaths as COVID-19 deaths..............but none of these “truths” turned out to be so...........The death rate in New York State isn’t 7.4%, it is actually .75%.On April 20 someone from my e-mail group sent this link to the Ohio Department of Health, showing there were, at that point, 11,602 cases coronavirus in Ohio, with 2565 being hospitalized and 471 who died. Let's talk about mortality rates. We have to get start seeing these things clearly when we talk about mortality rates.
If two people get a disease and one should die is the mortality rate fifty percent? If they’re the only two people alive on the Earth it is. However, what is the mortality rate if two people contract a disease and one dies but in a population of one million strong? What's the mortality rate then? The mortality rate is .0001%.
Well, I decided to check those numbers, and here's where Ohio stands.
- Ohio has a 2020 estimated population of 11,747,694.
- With 11,602 cases that means 0.098759% of Ohioans contracted this virus.
- There were 2565 of these cases who were hospitalized, which is .02183% of Ohio's population.
- There were 471 deaths, which comes to a mortality rate of .004009% for Ohio's population.
One more thing. If after all these cases, and all this time has passed, and the mortality rate is that stunningly low, what was the rate when DeWine illegally shut down Ohio’s economy?
If the mortality rate is this low now it must have been even lower then. So, what motivated these illegal actions? Let’s face it, as a leader, DeWine is a disgrace.
Another of my e-mail group sent this to me today, and this is a video everyone needs to watch!
So, once again, there's a difference between taking something seriously and getting hysterical. It would appear all of those, including me, who've been called "coronavirus deniers" have been right all along.
When this is all over, and all the numbers are in, that reality will become even more apparent. The consequences of all this will not only become more apparent, the consequences will be felt for a very long time with untold suffering that should not have happened.
In point of fact - I believe this will have a devastating economic effect on much of the world, and that impact will never be overcome. This will hasten the end of the EU, which I predicted would be before 2030, but I now believe the end will be within the next five years. This will hasten the end of Europe’s economy, and that will trigger civil wars and the break-up of Europe as we know it.
The Iron Chancellor of Germany, Otto Von Bismarck, once observed that while America, sharing the same language and culture overall, was a country, Europe, was a geographic designation.
The social paradigms of Europe are more like Switzerland than either Germany or France. Italy and Spain are already having autonomous region issues, and that will spread. Greece is unlikely to continue to even be a nation, and that pattern will repeat in other areas of the world.
I believe China will be having a serious problem holding the nation together, since the fraud of their banking and economic system will be exposed, triggering collapse, with no ability to recover. The rest of the world will have no desire, or for that matter the ability, to support them. Of course American big business will want the U.S. to forgive and forget, and sell America down the river, just as did Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger and that whole globalist crowd infesting both parties, including Diane Feinstein. Actually, I should say especially Diane Feinstein, and that's been going on for many years.
I’ll have more on China later.
All these economic issues and the breakup of the central governments will also trigger immigration riots. Europe is going to be a mess, and there will be no Bretton Woods or Marshall Plan from the United States to bail them out, and although the U.S. will take a hit, the United States is a natural capital gernerating nation by culture and design.
The United States is the only nation on the planet that can feed itself, fuel itself, arm itself, defend itself, create it's own market, and with government assets of over 150 trillion dollars, pay off it's national debt. As a result, America will weather the worldwide economic and social storm that's coming.
However, I also have to believe this will trigger a push to create a socialistic system of world governance under the auspices of the United Nations in an attempt to confiscate America’s wealth and redistribute it to the incompetent, the corrupt and the tyrannous. And much of that push will come from the traitorous Vidkun Quislings of America's "ruling political and business elite", using our own values gainst us..
We have lost our minds, and we may lose America. Without America, there is no free world.
Coronavirus in Perspective
Coronavirus in Perspective, Part II
Coronavirus in Perspective, Part III
Big Government Hysteria and the Constitution, May 4, 2020
By Rich KozlovichI wondered if the Constitution had any provision that allowed the government to arbitrarily shut down just about every business in a state or the nation. So, I asked John Adams, Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson if there was anything in the Constitutional that gave government the right to shut down society.
They said NO! Imagine that!
Since there's nothing that allows for these various state governments to do the things they're doing, and the Constitution is the law that governs government, I think its reasonable to assume all these governors of all these states who are shutting down these businesses are violating the law, which constitutes acts of illegality.
Two quotes I feel explains so much of this insanity.
First, David Horowitz: "Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out."
Secondly, Daniel Greenfield: "The socialist isn’t an alien from another planet. He has a foul corner office in the human soul."
Imagine that!
Coronavirus in Perspective, Part V, May 15, 2020
"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."- Frederick Douglass
By Rich Kozlovich
Life is about patterns, and people are like nations. Both will act in their own best interests, and those actions create patterns. Those who write about geopolitics look for those patterns in order to understand events, and the historical precedents that relate to those patterns. But sometimes the patterns fail, because people can't be programmed.
You didn't see this coronovirus insanity coming? You may take solace in that no else predicted these insane actions by the world’s governments and American governors as a result of this coronavirus either, including me.
This isn’t part of the historical pattern. In fact, the pattern should have been, "bad things happen all the time", so suck it up and move on. The only infection related event in modern times that was different than the normal pattern was the Spanish Influenza where 50 million died worldwide and 675,000 Americans died. and that was with a world population of less than two billion. All the rest were dealt with on a personal basis. Why? It was a societal paradigm. Society knew that a lot of people were going to get the “flu” every year, and many would die. That's what everyone understood. That was how life worked, until now.
As I said, people can't be programmed, but people can be manipulated.
Currently the worldwide population stands at 7.8 billion people, with 295,000 dying from coronavirus. Assuming those deaths were properly recorded, the mortality rate is 0.00378%!
In 1968, with a worldwide population of 3,551,599,127 the Hong Kong flu killed over 1,000,000 people worldwide. The mortality rate was 0.3%! It seems to me 0.00378% versus 0.3% represents a rather substantial difference! Don't you think?(Editor's Note: The COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns HopkinsUniversity (JHU) keeps running totals, and as of May 15, 2020 at 6:30 PM EST the number of deaths were 301,370. The percentage of mortality is 0.00386%, which is a miniscule difference, however I wrote the article based on the 295,000 number and that will be the basis for the calculations in this article. RK)
In the United States we've lost approximately 85,000 people to coronavirus, however, we now know many of those deaths were improperly reported to make the number of coronavirus deaths seem higher than they actually are. Whether those numbers are correct or not, the following mortality rate figures will be based on those numbers. In a nation of 331,002,651 the mortality rate would be 0.03%.
America lost 100,000 from the Hong Kong flu that year, and with a population of 200.7 million the morality rate was 0.05%. Comparing 0.05% to 0.03% represents another substantial difference, and yet no one in America dreamed of shutting the country down in 1968.
In 1957 America's population was 172 million people, and in that year we lost 116,000 people from what was called the Asian flu. The mortality rate was 0.07%. Again, 0.07% versus 0.03% is substantial and no one thought they should shut down the country in 1957 and 1958.
All this media hyperbolic hysteria and leftist insanity is nothing more than an attempt to destroy a President. I don’t know how or why Europe bought into this insanity, but they did and there it is, and the penalty they're going to pay will be enormous. Europe's economy was already headed into the toilet and their social structure was already heading to dissolution and anarchy, but the doom is now on them. There will be more on this in a later article.
In Ohio, Governor DeWine shut down the state with “zero” cases of coronavirus at that time, and as of April 20 the mortality rate, based on Ohio's 2020 estimated population of 11.7 million people was 0.004009%. I'm not sure what the current death toll is in Ohio, but I extrapolated that April 20th number out ten times to cover all bases, and the mortality rates would be:
- Two times higher, 942 - Mortality rate – 0.008042735042735%
- Three times higher, 1413 – Mortality rate - 0.012076923076923%
- Four times higher, 1884 - Mortality rate – 0.016102564102564%
- Five times higher, 2355 – Mortality rate - 0.020128205128205%
- Six times higher, 2826 - Mortality rate - 0.024153846153846%
- Seven times higher, 3287 - Mortality rate- 0.028068376068376%
- Eight times higher, 3668 - Mortality rate - 0.032205128205128%
- Nine times higher, 4239 - Mortality rate - 0.036230769230769%
- Ten times higher, 4710 - Mortality rate - 0.04025641025641%
This is more pertinent in Ohio because it’s estimated in 2020 Ohio will have more people over 60 than under 20. If Ohio has so many elderly, and this virus is particularly deadly to elderly, especially those with underlying medical conditions, and the mortality rate is still that low, why isn't DeWine backing off? To understand that we first, need to ask why did he take the actions he did in the first place?
Computer models!
And all of these scaremongering computer model doom and gloom predictions have been abjectly and stunningly wrong for decades. That's a pattern. And we need to recognize and act on it.
As for DeWine, he's a disgrace as a leader, and yet the national media is saying he's one of America's most popular governors. Really? With whom?
Let's talk about modeling, and these modelers don't like sharing their coding, which means there's no way to verify what they're telling us.
Real science can only be done through observation, that's the scientific method. Computer modeling has proven to be a failed scientific paradigm over and over again. From Global Warming predictions to disease mortality rates. It's a failed scientific paradigm and it needs to either be dumped or reevaluated as an aid only. And even then, with complete and absolute transparency regarding the algorithms being used. Not the final tool in decision making!
On May 13, 2020 Ellen Sauerbrey posted the article, Wrecking the economy with discredited computer models saying:
"Neil Ferguson, a mathematical epidemiologist at Imperial College London, panicked policy makers around the world when he released his computer model projecting that the coronavirus pandemic would result in 500,000 deaths in the U.K. and 2.2 million in the U.S.
It is hard to understand why his pronouncement was accepted so uncritically when he has a history of being wrong. Very wrong. According to The Spectator, in 2005, Ferguson said that up to 200 million people could be killed from bird flu. The actual number was several hundred.
In 2009, he gave an estimate of 65,000 deaths from the Swine Flu in the U.K. U.K. deaths actually numbered fewer than 500. Ferguson's dangerously inflated computer models have led to policies that are wrecking the American economy."
(Editor's Note: More of this can be found in Coronavirus in Perspective, Part II and Coronavirus in Perspective, Part III)The reality regarding the number of deaths in the U.S. will be no greater than many annual flu infections, but the economic damage will have a greater toll on people's well-being, health and even their deaths. She goes on to say:
"Lockdowns, unemployment checks, and federal bailouts are unsustainable and will bankrupt the country. We should not continue wrecking the economy and mortgaging the nation's future over excessive fears created by a discredited computer model".Michelle Malkin doubled down on this corruption of science in her article, Protect Your Family From Fearmonger Fauci by saying:
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