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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Why Aren't We Outraged? June 29, 2020

By Rich Kozlovich

This article will be another expansion on my regular coronavirus updates, which I've posted regularly in recent weeks.  I would think there would be, at very least, a modicum of outrage over the truth versus the hyperbole being promoted by a corrupt media.  Shockingly, there isn't!  In spite of the fact the vast majority of people I talk to, many of them wearing masks because they have to for their jobs, who believe this is all nonsense.  Oh, there are those who are panicked, make no mistake about that, but almost every one of the people I talked to agreed infectious diseases are a part of life, that people get sick, and people die, and it happens every year, and will happen every year hereafter.  But no one shut down the economy over it.

So that bodes well these two questions:
  • Are we to shut down the economy and destroy people's lives every year from now on for every new infectious disease that strikes?   
  • Are the rantings of a corrupt and hysterical media to be the criteria for deciding public health issues from now on?
I've posted much to show this "pandemic" is mostly media driven hysteria, and in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, we're accepting insanity versus reality, but here are the actual numbers.

The COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) keeps a running total of deaths and proven infections.  As of 5:30 AM on June 29, 2020 here are the coronavirus rates of infection and the rates of mortality based on a worldwide population of 7,800,000,000 and an American population of 330,000,000 using this internet calculator.

Here are the results:
  • Worldwide infections, 10,154, 984. Infection rate, 0.1%.
  • Worldwide deaths, 501,955 Mortality rate, 0.006%.
  • Confirmed infections in the United States, 2,549,069. Infection rate, 0.7%
  • United States deaths, 125,803. Mortality rate, 0.03%.
That number may have been  inflated by fraudulent reporting by as much as 25%.  Cooking the books here, and misrepresentation here, and it continues.

In his article, "When you want to scare the public into submission just assign deaths to a disease without proof", Jack Hellner notes:
The scare campaign around Covid 19 keeps chugging along, making things look as bad as possible, and probably worse than it really is.  
Make no mistake.  This isn't about public health. It's about control.  David Horowitz, a former communist activist, and son of communist activists parents, but now the noted conservative publisher of Front Page Magazine, knows well for which he speaks when he says:
"Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out"
Please note the substantial difference between the infection and mortality rates of coronavirus and past virus attacks.
  • In 1968 the Hong Kong flu killed over 1,000,000 people worldwide. Worldwide population in 1968 was 3,534,000,000. The mortality rate was 0.3%! America lost 100,000 that year, and morality rate was 0.05%. 
  • In 1957/58 the Asian flu, which originated in Guizhou, China killed up to 2,000,000 people in a worldwide population of 2,900,000,000 had a mortality rate 0.068%. America lost 116,000 people. The mortality rate was 0.07%. 
No one sought to shut down the nation then when the infection and mortality rates were higher. Why are we now?  Let's face it, in the past Americans understood these infections are a part of life, and also understood this is a crap shoot. As Don Sucher , in his article, Epidemics and mass panics, then and now, notes:
 "I have seen similar viruses simply worked through. Nineteen fifty-eight's, for instance, and even the H1N1 virus in 2009.Yes, people got sick, and yes, some died. But both were accepted as part of human life, thus human life continued."
I've seen these events in my life also, and everyone understood this:  Whether or not you got sick was a crap shoot, but that was no reason to destroy the nation's economy.  But until recently the nation wasn't filled with snowflakes and foolish young radicals being manipulated by old radicals with the goal of destroying the American identity, the American culture, the American economy and overturning the Constitution in order to impose a socialist state on a society of lemmings.

Taking something seriously is one thing.  Panicking over it is another.

 The nation is suffering from what  Anthony J. DeBlasi calls the Coronavirus Derangement Syndrome saying:
Again, coronavirus has been killing people forever, via aggravated colds and other serious respiratory infections. That it is suddenly necessary in some states for everyone to be told daily how many coronavirus deaths have occurred, without reporting deaths from other viruses – as though the comparison is not newsworthy – smells too strongly of deception.
In support of the oppressive restrictions damaging lives and livelihoods beyond calculation we are enjoined by experts like Anthony Fauci to respect the science and heed the authorities on the matter. Where have we heard such advice before? Well, from the “climate change” experts who peddle their doomsday scenarios. Could it be that “authorities” who draw their conclusions from “settled science” are actually clueless or, heaven forbid, lying?
Now we're finding out that these claims about asymptomatic coronavirus people, aren't really very infectious after all.  So, if that's true, and it seems that it is, why were we told they were in the past?   It's a lie that has been used to justify all this ridiculous masking and social distancing, and control of society.

Kevin Agorastos notes in his article, How the man who eradicated smallpox would have handled coronavirus:
Whether we realize it or not, we have all been part of a grand experiment. Never before have we had a national lockdown and mass quarantines of healthy people in response to a pandemic. Not during the 1918 Spanish flu, the 1957 Asian flu, or the 1968/69 Hong Kong flu. Even the concept of social distancing is a modern one. We have implemented many of those things before to varying degrees, but never on a national scale. The end result has had huge economic and social consequences.........
He goes on to state Henderson's views saying:
Masks should be worn primarily by those who work in hospitals. Studies have shown that surgical masks do little because the pores in the mask become blocked by moisture from breathing, and the airstream simply diverts around the mask. 
There are few data available for N95 or surgical masks outside a healthcare setting, and N95 masks need to be fit-tested to be effective. 
In short, Henderson’s strategy was to tough it out. Let the pandemic burn itself out, treat the sick, and work on developing a vaccine as quickly as possible. 
Henderson believed the best response to a pandemic is to let society function as normal. 
Strong political and public health reassurance is also necessary to ensure the needed medical care services are provided when needed. If either is seen to be less than optimal then a manageable epidemic could move toward catastrophe.
No one thinks reasonable methods shouldn't be implemented, but we're past reasonable and into twilight zone thinking, and is there a reason why?  The answer is historical.

It's the same of speculatory scare mongering tactics these people have always used, and it's based on leftist philosophy, not science.  Of course social distancing is totally unimportant if you were violently protesting!  In fact,  in New York protesters were in effect given "preferential treatment".  You couldn't go to church, but it was okay to be inches apart if you were protesting in an effort to "reform" the nation.  But a judge disagreed, finding Governor Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio were acting like monarchs.

Cuomo's judgement, and that of a lot of states governors, all of whom complain about Trump, are guilty of crimes against the elderly.   Let's try and get this right.  These leftist politicians are not concerned about public health.  This is just another media created crisis they're not going to let go to waste.

Cuomo is now complaining he's taking political heat for the fact that almost half of all the coronovirus deaths in New York linked to nursing homes.  Nursing homes he forced to take in coronavirus patients.  (and Here).  Furthermore, this post claims that some states had 77% of all their coronaviurs death were connected to nursing homes.  But they say they just follow the science.  Hogwash!

Let's try and get this right once and for all.  Epidemiology isn't science!   It's statistics, speculation, guess work.  All of which are components of science, but in themselves, none of them are science.  Science must be observable and repeatable.  Epidemiological projections are incapable of demonstrating either.  Only time, observation and the actual documentation of events represent science.

There are seven reasons why epidemiology isn't science listed in Steve Bigler's article, " A retired physician's take on epidemiologists."   And what it all comes down to is this:  Epidemiologists are academically anointed well paid crystal ball gazers, only their crystal balls are computer models, and just as unreliable.  But they're always going to make it worse than it is because if they make the numbers large, and they turn out small, no one blames them. If they make them small, and the reverse occurs, everyone blames them. Their goal is to be well paid while having "no personal accountability for the outcome. Nice work if you can get it!"

What will be the long term negative consequences to society and small businesses?  None of this bodes well for small businesses, the economy as a whole, and for the continued stability of society, and it shouldn't take a degree in economics to understand that.  

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