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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, December 19, 2022

Five Things Americans Should Learn From Tibet

By Steve Rose  July 22, 2021

It’s becoming increasingly clear that powerful forces are determined to undermine American from the inside. The effort is apparently either to destroy America entirely or hollow it out and transform it into something fundamentally different from what it ever was or was intended to be.  But what’s really going on, and why? For many of us, the experience is baffling.

One book, however, offers a refreshing – but unsettling – jolt of clarity: the autobiography of the Dalai Lama, Freedom In Exile. This book (and Kundun, the 1997 Martin Scorsese movie which depicts many events described in the book) describes China’s invasion of Tibet in the 1950s.  Americans might learn several useful lessons from the book and movie. Here are five.

 ("CCP members seemed to imagine themselves not as villains, but as well-intentioned do-gooders, which “justified” their actions.")

  1. The idea of deliberately eradicating culture..........“…the Chinese authorities had ruthlessly and systematically tried to destroy our ancient culture.” (231) One way of destroying the Tibetan culture was through immigration:............
  2. The idea of deliberately exterminating religion............
  3.  The idea of deliberately destroying conscience..........
  4. Torture and murder............
  5. Extreme Gaslighting......... 
Words, to them, weren’t descriptions of reality, but tools of power. ............Could what happened to Tibet happen in America?  That idea was once unthinkable. But we Americans can’t be complacent or naïve. There are vicious forces in the world that seek to destroy what we love, and they play hardball. If you think the Dalai Lama is credible, learn from his story, and be on full alert.............To Read More.....



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