Rich Kozlovich
Over the last two years our industry has been asked by
the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) to go to Congress on
Legislative Day and ask our Representatives and Senators to bump up the
Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) budget by tens of millions of
dollars. I have some questions:
- Who at NPMA makes such irresponsible decisions?
- Who initiates such an irresponsible idea?
- Did anyone vote on this?
- If so, who were they and what would possibly possess their minds to think this was a “good thing”?
As a result, Nixon, Ruckelshaus, Rachel Carson and the
EPA are responsible for the blood of up to 100 million innocent victims, who’ve died
unnecessarily from malaria, and hundreds of millions who‘ve been unnecessarily
sickened every year since. And that’s only
malaria, that doesn’t count all the other insect borne diseases DDT could have
prevented. Because Rachel lied millions died, and the EPA knew it!
Has anything changed at the EPA? Absolutely not! The radical agenda of EPA’s
activists outranks science, economics or the human disasters they’ve
created. EPA was born in corruption and
has remained corrupt ever since, with a virtual lava flow of scientifically dubious
and destructive regulations. The fact they've done some good things doesn't give them a pass on who and what they really are.
Then we have what’s called “sue and settle”
regulations, which Pruitt has ended. An illegal conspiracy to
force regulations on the nation they don’t have the power or authority to impose. A corrupt scheme between corrupt EPA officials and green activists via court decisions. The greenies sue and the EPA either puts up
a halfhearted effort to defend against that suit or they settle giving the
greenies all they desire with the imprimatur of the federal judiciary.
I've been told we don't want to do anything that offends EPA because we want them to trust us. Our real concern should be is whether or not we can trust them. And history has shown the answer to that concern - from the beginning of EPA until right now this very moment - is we can't, and we need to stop bending over the barrel for them and the chemical companies.
Can someone explain to me why that isn’t the definition
of a criminal conspiracy that could be prosecuted under the Racketeer
Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as RICO?
The current Director, Pruitt, has ended that practice,
but what about all the damage that’s been done by those who participated in
these corrupt actions? Who will make
those who’ve suffered from this illegal conspiracy whole again? Who has even been fired for this?
But their “conspiracies” are even broader, more
mendacious and more insidious. Tell you
what – we’ll come back to that!
They've spent untold millions promoting a pest control system
that doesn’t exist. IPM! In point of fact there is no
such thing as IPM in structural pest control. (Please see The Pillars
of IPM.)
In 1996 the Congress in an effort to fix something called
the Delaney Clause of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 passed
something called the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA). The Food Quality
Protection Act was supposed to be a pro-pesticide law, but with EPA tinkering
it’s become one of the most anti-pesticide laws passed since Nixon. We lost carbamates and organophosphates and
now we have bed bugs. For more
information on this please go to my article, We Don’t Need
No Stinking Badges. As a result, whole categories of safe effective
chemistry was lost to the structural pest control industry, and to the
general public.
They’ve instituted regulations to impose restrictions on
the use of pyrethrins and pyrethroids based on dubious conclusions and industry played into this.
And I’ll call it for what I absolutely believe what it is
– a conspiracy between big corporations and the EPA that screws the structural
pest control industry and the public, raising costs and reducing the
effectiveness of our treatments.
And this is the agency we want to have an increased
budget? Really? Have we lost our minds?
The truth of the matter is this effort to increase the
EPA’s budget is in effect blatant Corporatism.
This effort is all about chemical companies desire to get their products
registered as quickly as possible, and I don’t fault them for that. That’s good business. But why are we being a party to this? Is this increase in budget good for the pest
control industry?
Do we really believe the EPA doesn’t have the money to
perform one of their core responsibilities?
Recently it was reported one of the EPA’s core
responsibilities is to clean up Super Fund Projects. How’s that been working?
"With little media attention EPA under Pruitt has stepped up its efforts to clean the nation’s most toxic Superfund sites, putting the properties back into productive use. In 2016, Obama’s EPA remediated and removed only two sites from Superfund’s national priorities list (NPL). By comparison, in Pruitt’s first year, EPA cleaned up and removed seven sites from the NPL. It’s amazing what the agency can do when it focuses its efforts on core functions. "
We now have an EPA administrator who recognizes just how bad the EPA is for this nation, who before he was the administrator, “successfully sued the EPA numerous times, including convincing the courts to place stays on the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule and the Clean Power Plan (CPP).”
Here’s an administration that wants to cut a twenty three
percent from the EPA budget and eliminate “dozens of programs”. But now the NPMA wants our industry to go to
Congress to plead with them to add tens of millions back to that budget. Is it possible Pruitt knows better than the
NPMA as to what the EPA needs to perform its core functions?
If the EPA is in such dire economic straits, I have a
suggestion that can go a very long way in finding those millions the chemical
companies think EPA needs. Eliminate
that core responsibility of registering chemistry from the EPA and return that responsibility to the
Department of Agriculture. Then
eliminate all…..and I mean all…. The EPA regional offices. Every state now has an EPA of their own, why
does the EPA need regional offices?
But we have to come back to the core question. Why are we adopting this stance to increase EPA's budget?
Because that’s what “our allies”, the chemical companies, want us to do, and please don't insult my intelligence claiming otherwise.
Because that’s what “our allies”, the chemical companies, want us to do, and please don't insult my intelligence claiming otherwise.
The chemical companies are at best leaky vessels as allies. They treat us as allies of convenience, and
we need to recognize that and treat them in exactly the same manner. When it suits our needs, we defend them. When it doesn’t – we don’t! If those in leadership can’t understand that, or do but don’t have the courage to act accordingly – we need to take a real hard look at that leadership.
I've talked to a number of the members of the Ohio Pest Management Association who will be attending Legislative Day and none of those I talked to will support this scheme. One told me he will present NPMA's information and then specifically tell his Representative and Senator he absolutely does not support this budget increase for EPA.
I encourage every member of every state association attending to take that stance.
Let’s try and get
this once and for all – There’s no good government or bad government. There’s only limited or unlimited
government, and EPA is now and always has been out of control. They need to become far more limited, or better yet - eliminated, which I will address later.
We have a window of opportunity with the Trump administration to fix many things. But when that window closes, and it will at some point - it may close forever. Leadership needs to get that! It's now a matter of win or go home!
One more point. I'm an autodidact who's willing to publicly debate anyone involved with our industry who disagrees with me on any of these points or issues, irrespective of their position or education. I encourage NPMA to set up such a debate.