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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Here's What I Believe, What I Don't Believe, and The Fix

By Rich Kozlovich 

Editor's Note: I originally ran this on May 19, 2022, with a couple of comments worth viewing. For some reason it's been hit a lot in the last 48 hours, and as I re-read it I thought, given what's going on, this needed to be republished with some updates. Enjoy! RK 

The insanity I've seen displayed over the last sixty years years has been mind boggling. I wish I could have said things have improved.  While we have great technology and advancement, plenty of food, at least until now, good medical care, until now, and longer lives, we have to consider what's happening to the American culture.  Conclusion?  It hasn't improved.  I wish was completely wrong.  I'm not!  

Here are the things I believe. 
I believe the left hates Trump even when he does things they like, just like they hated Nixon, who promulgated more far left policies that impact our culture and economy than most 20th century presidents, including the EPA, OSHA and more, much more.  And they hated him.  Why?  Because he was an anti-communist, and that's what tells the tale about who the left really is.
The mental gymnastics leftists and RINO's must go though to criticize Trump, and conservatives, has been remarkable.  The media's irrational rantings have been so outrageous you can't help but laugh.  The lies, misdirection, logical fallacies Democrats spew out about conservatives is so obviously false I wonder how their mind became so twisted.  Whether they believe what they're saying it or not. 
I can honestly say I didn't like Trump yesterday, I don't like him today nor will I like him tomorrow, as a person.  When I say that to my conservative friends they respond:  Who does?  But we all agree, he's a leader!  And as President of the United States, I believe he may possibly be one of the greatest Presidents this nation has ever had, even with a split Presidency.
I believe the RINO's and Neo-Cons hate Trump because he wants to dismantle a system that's made they and their friends powerful and wealthy.  In that regard, the left and the RINO/Neo-Cons, are in harmony and explains why they've been so cozy hoping to even now destroy Trump in order to keep him from running for President again.  

This has exposed the RINO/Neo-Cons, like Liz Chaney and others, for who and what they are.   That will help define who and what the Republican party is and will be.  They're the reason the Republican party has been consistently called, and acted like, the Stupid Party.  
Here's what defines a Republican as a RINO. 
  1. They are totally out of touch with their base.  A base that subscribe to traditional American Judaic/Christian values.
  2. They're actually more in harmony with the Democrat left.  
  3. They have no sense of loyalty or justice and are totally self-serving.
  4. They take actions that are clearly detrimental to the nation for political or financial gain. 
There's a lot of talk about draining the swamp and fixing the Deep State, but that would take a lot more than rolling back a few liberal left wing initiatives.  It requires an entire restructuring of the liberal/leftist/progressive vision and central power governing structure, and the initiatives they've insidiously imposed on the nation through regulations, spending and taxes. That can't be done without restructuring government by eliminating whole departments of the federal government. 

To fix it you must shrink it, and that must be done on a massive scale, and that includes eliminating the Departments of Labor, Energy, Education, Commerce, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development and Transportation.  Combine Home Land Security and Veterans Departments with the Department of Defense.  Combine Agriculture and Interior.   Remember, the Post Office once was a Department, and now it's not, and it should be joined by those I've listed here, and that includes the frighteningly large number of agencies that work for those departments.   
Let's take the Department of Agriculture which is a massive and expensive self serving boondoggle.  A vast bureaucracy with a budget of some $130 billion.  That's larger than the farmer's net income.  It redistributes funds according to formulas created decades ago and is a massive hog trough of federal funding.
  • $20 billion in various crop “supports” to the nation’s wealthiest farmers
  • $5 billion in ethanol subsidies 
  • Grants that amount to welfare to the wealthy, and food stamps to the poor.  

While the department does good things that need to be retained we have to recognize their real mission!  Mostly to provide cash to political constituents.  It needs purged. As it is now:

  • Too many "Americans" think government is the answer and not the problem. 
  • Too many Americans don't think they're Americans.
  • Too many Americans hate America.
  • Too many Americans are remarkably ignorant of American history.
  • Too many Americans fail to realize how unique American style republican democracy is in all of world history.
  • Too many Americans graduate from school semi-illiterate, and amazingly ignorant.
  • Too many Americans graduate from college filled with false information and assumptions about how the world works, or should work, and are arrogant in their ignorance.
  • Too many Americans no longer are people of faith, and as a result have no moral foundation other than the latest philosophical flavor of the day, and that's a foundation of shifting sand.
Is it any wonder society is being washed back and forth like waves crashing against the rocks to its destruction?  

Here's what I don't believe:
  • I don’t believe Social Security will there for my children and it may not be there for me for much longer. Social Security was supposed to stop being self-funding by 2020 and bankrupt by 2030, and it will go bankrupt with the federal government owing the Social Security fund trillions of dollars they borrowed with non-redeemable bonds.  (Here's the  Summary of the 2021 Annual Reports, Social Security and Medicare Boards of Trustees)
  • I don't believe our children and grandchildren will have a better life than we did.
  • I don’t believe Medicare and Medicaid can survive the decade.
  • I don’t believe crony capitalism will be less but more – especially since this pattern goes back to the Whiskey Act of 1791.
  • I don’t believe those who left California because they made a mess of it won’t attempt to make a mess of the states they moved to. Currently residents of Democrat run states are fleeing in droves to Republican run states, but they're probably going to take the ideas that destroyed the states they're leaving and vote for them in the states they're moving to. 
  • I don't believe spending billions will end poverty.  Colorado is a perfect example.
  • I don't believe spending billions will fix homelessness.  California spent billions to fix homelessness and it only dropped one percent.  Even if those billions amounted to only "two billion that would come to 1.3 million to get one person off the street".
  • I don't believe you can convince liberals their leftist philosophy has been the most irrational, misanthropic and morally defective belief system in all of world history.  In spite of the most recent and ongoing human disaster leftists imposed on Venezuela.  Millennials all want us to still "Feel the Bern."
  • I don’t believe the national debt can be paid unless the government sells its assets - which amounts to 150 trillion dollars – and they won’t.
  • I don't believe diversity and multiculturalism, is anything more than a leftist scheme to undermine and destroy the American identity, the American culture, the American economy and overturn the U.S. Constitution.   Diversity without accomplishment is incompetence without consequence. 
  • I don't believe the world's economy is stable.  The unending amount of debt the world's nations has accumulated, and continues to accumulate, is going to cause a worldwide economic depression.
  • I don't believe the EU can survive to 2025, but certainly by 2030. 
  • I don't believe Europeans can tolerate the Muslim invasion much longer without civil war breaking out all over Europe if Europe wishes to be European.
  • I don't believe the Middle East or anywhere in the world that's dominated by Islam is fixable.
  • I don't believe Russia or China can withstand an international economic down turn, let alone a collapse.
  • I don't believe a nation that abandoned the moral foundations that made them great can survive. 
  • I don't believe large corporations are concerned about anything except the next quarterly report, and in no way will they support anything considered conservative, in their views, their actions or their philosophy, even if it impacts their profit margins. 
  • I don't believe any of the problems listed above can be fixed until public education is fixed.
  • I don't believe public education can be fixed until the federal government is forced out of it.  
  • I don't believe public education can be fixed unless the states follow Governor Ron DeSantis' lead and pass legislation to teach the truth about communism and all the other leftist clabber.  
  • I don’t believe academia can be purged of its far left Frankfurt School aficionados unless we stop funding these universities with taxpayer dollars and student loans. They can't be fixed until they have to become self supporting "for profit" institutions.
  • I don't believe there is such a thing as man made climate change.
  • I don't believe green activists aren't anything but dishonest, irrational, misanthropic and morally defective misfits.
  • I don't believe spending can be brought under control without repealing the 16th Amendment. 
  • I don't believe you can reduce corruption in government without repealing the 17th Amendment. 
  • I don't believe the federal government can be fixed without passing a 28th Amendment creating term and age limits for Congress, and the federal judiciary, nor do I believe the judiciary will remember it's proper role until age and term limits are imposed.
  • I don't believe government can be fixed without passage of a 29th Amendment creating sundown laws for all federal  departments, agencies, bureaus and any official agency of the federal government, and all federal laws and regulations, with the goal of reducing the size and scope of the federal government.
So what is it that I really believe?  I believe leftism is like rust.  It never sleeps.

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