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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Green Notes

By Rich Kozlovich

I haven't publish a Green Notes Edition for some time so here are my picks for January, December and a commentary of mine from November.  Please enjoy!

My Commentaries

Endocrine Disruption Is A Medieval Spell in the Hands of Environmentalists
By Rich Kozlovich
The Federal Environmental Protection Agency is back on the endocrine disruption (ED) bandwagon and it's important we understand the history of this issue in order to make sure more "new" science on ED's isn't being made up as was the "old" science on ED's. Truth is the sublime convergence of history and reality - unless you're the EPA - then truth is meaningless. We need to get that.
In chapter one of Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring she talks about some community where "a strange blight" crept over the area and everything began to change. Some evil spell had settled on the community"……….………To Read More…

By Rich Kozlovich
Andrew West published an article entitled, Deadly Temperatures Are Set To Invade America…Are You Safe? on December 28, 2017 saying: 
"All good hoaxes must come to an end, and this week’s frigid and dangerous arctic blast may be another nail in the coffin for the “global warming” charlatans. The idea that the entire globe is somehow filling with greenhouse gasses, thusly heating the planet up to the point of no return, is patently absurd. Even the liberal science community believed 30 years ago that this process would likely cause a mini ice age, before dramatically shifting to their current hang up regarding an increase in temperature.  The reason for this abrupt change was not some scientific breakthrough, rather, the idea that the earth could become uninhabitable via heat is a much more profound problem."
Unfortunately, this isn't a schadenfreude moment.  You love to smugly say "I told you so", when arrogant, smarmy leftists look down their noses at everyone and declare any who disagree with them as enemies of humanity, flat Earthers, deniers, and more in their efforts to impose a totally destructive economic plan on the world based on the Kyoto Accords.  A scientifically fraudulent plan with the real goal of creating a scheme of worldwide governance under the United Nations.  Even a past president of France, Jacques Chirac acknowledged the Kyoto Accord was the first step in global governance……..To Read More….
Global Warming Predictions, Especially About the Future, is Really Hard.
By Rich Kozlovich

"There is only one possible conclusion regarding the reliability of climate predictions. Outspoken catastrophic-minded climate scientists and high-ranking officials don’t have a clue about future climate and its consequences, and are inventing catastrophic predictions for their own interest. Government policies should not be based on their future predictions.  Another conclusion is that studies and opinions about future climate are heavily biased towards negative outcomes that fail to materialize, while ignoring positive outcomes that are materializing.".......To Read More.... 

Global Warming: Prediction Is Really Hard - Especially About the Future II
By Rich Kozlovich

We keep hearing the left scream that Trump is insane, or at the very least mentally challenged, but that's been the left/media meme from the time I was a teenager when Goldwater was running against Johnson, and I remember that clearly, and everyone believed it.  Those days are gone now, and we know the media is as corrupt as their leftist buddies and can pretty much ignore their mental derangement meme.
I wrote an article entitled, Feel the Bern: Bernie Sanders is Insane! with the solid logical foundation that if you're doing the same things over and over again, which have failed, and expect a different outcome when trying it again is a definition of insanity - Bernie was insane - since he keeps promoting socialism as the cure for the nation's ills in spite of the fact it's not only failed everywhere for all times - it's a disaster going on right before our eyes in Venezuela.  You may wish to review my Feel the Bern series of article I've either linked or written.

Well the same is true if one keeps clinging to the Global Warming disaster predictions - all of which have failed or are failing, and yet they keep clinging to their claims of disaster and making more predictions for a monstrous disaster based on the same failed assumptions, which have been shown to be scientifically flawed at best, or deliberately fraudulent at worst. 
Is that evidence of insanity?  ……….To Read More….

By Rich Kozlovich
Forty years ago I was working for a construction company who was building what at that time was the largest coal fired power plant in the world, and safety was a major issue. I got to know the people from the Safety Department, which of course dealt with OSHA regulations, all of which I found more than a little interesting, and I kept paying attention to this issue as a result.
Around that time there was a factory in Washington state OSHA wanted to inspect and the company refused stating if they didn’t have a warrant they weren’t coming in. Of course, OSHA went after them in court – but here’s the rub – the company won. The company claimed their biggest problem was to pay for the legal fees.
Around twenty years ago I wanted to do a piece on what I consider violations of the 4th and 5th amendments of the Constitution regarding what seemed to me to be clearly unconstitutional searches by state government agencies. I spent hours looking for the case in Washington state, but I couldn’t find it, so all I’ve said on that is from memory, but that case was the foundation for my thoughts on this issue of illegal search and seizure of legitimate businesses property by overreaching, out of control government agencies.
Yesterday I received a “For Immediate Publication” press release from the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law entitled, Sixth Circuit Victory: State Cannot Inspect Ohioans' Businesses Records Without Warrant. …….To Read More…….

Air Pollution
Alternative Energy
Colony Collapse Disorder and Neonics
Endangered Species
Genetically Modified Organisms
Global Warming
Government Corruption and Junk Science
Scientific Integrity


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