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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, October 6, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

By Rich Kozlovich

Well, just when you think it can't get any crazier, another week flies by and you find, you're wrong, it really can get crazier.   

The Longshoremen went on strike with their leader swearing to destroy America, and now we have a "temporary" return to work with a substantial pay increase.  But that's not the issue.  It's automation, and ultimately, that's a losing issue for the union. 

the federal prosecutor who isn't a federal prosecutor, going before a corrupt Trump hating judge is trying an end run around the Supreme Court's decision on Presidential Immunity, and as I read that I couldn't help be think of that scene in a Few Good Men where:

Lt. Weinberg: [sarcastically to Joanne with Danny present, in an empty courtroom after the trial has been adjourned for the day] "I strenuously object?" Is that how it works? Hm? "Objection." "Overruled." "Oh, no, no, no. No, I STRENUOUSLY object." "Oh. Well, if you strenuously object then I should take some time to reconsider."

All these cases against Trump are collapsing.   The review of the cases in New York aren't going well for the prosecutors with the appeals court in effect asking how can there be a crime of fraud if no one is a victim?  In Georgia the prosecutor, and her paramour may even end up in prison.  And it seems clear to me there will be a RICO investigation over all this if Trump is elected.  

Israel has in effect told Biden, Blinkin, the UN, the EU to take their advice and shove it, and declared this is a win or die war for them.  Neither Russia or Iran officially declared war on Ukraine and Israel, and the UN doesn't seem to mind that, but when Israel strikes back, they must use restraint, agree to a cease fire, and a two state solution.  Their goal? The destruction of Israel and they just can't seem to understand why Netanyahu won't go along with that.  Bibi gets it, this is a do or die war.

Robin Itzler added an interesting chuckle fest side bar in her weekly newsletter about those pagers and walkie-talkies that either seriously wounded or killed over 3000 Hezhollah fanatics.  It turns out they were invented by Irving "Al" Gross, a Jew.

As for Lebanon, it seemed to me the only answer was to break Lebanon up into separate countries, Christian and Muslim.  I asked one of my geopolitical experts who I correspond with occasionally if that was a potential?  His answer: 

Lebanese Christians are already demanding federalism. They have come to the conclusion that Greater Lebanon, which was declared in 1920 by General Henry Gouraud, French General Commissioner for the Levant, has failed. 

Are Republicans actually getting smart about debates?  Trump won't sit for an interview with 60 Minutes, and the poor little muff muffs are whining about it, at least until they apologize

They came to me and would like me to do an interview, but first I want to get an apology because the last time I did an interview with them, if you remember, they challenged me on the computer. They said the laptop from hell was from Russia. And I said it wasn’t from Russia, it was from Hunter [Biden]. And I never got an apology, so I’m sort of waiting. I’d love to do 60 Minutes. I do everything. … The laptop from hell was from Hunter. It wasn’t from [Russia]. … If you remember, Lesley Stahl, we got into a little bit of an argument … and they really owe me an apology. … Let’s see if they do it. I wouldn’t mind doing 60 Minutes.


Two things.  The Pravda media is toast, ignoring them is ascendant, attacking them is on the rise, and any debates from this point on should be orchestrated by conservatives picking the moderators, none of which should ever again be lying, corrupt Pravda media hacks.  And if they don't like it, tell them to shove it.  And even with the corruption by the media, both Kamala and Walz looked like dimwits.

Putin's again threatening to use nukes, as he's done over and over again, but recently I've discovered, at least the claim is when this broke out the US warmed Putin if he did use nukes every Russian asset around the world would be destroyed with conventional forces.  If that's true that would explain much of what he's doing lately in an attempt to show he's not afraid of such an action.  He is afraid.  His economy is in trouble, China's is in trouble, their societies are upset at their leadership.  

As for Zelenskyy (correct spelling) his con has run it's course, and his stand of no compromise will end or Ukraine will cease to exist.  Based on Europe's economic woes, and Trump's view of this whole thing, the funding is going to dry up, and soon. Biden has agreed to give him eight billion dollars, all most likely untracked, as has been the pattern, but he says he has no money for the victims of hurricane Helena.  Good thinking on Biden's part just before an election.  But given his history, Kamala's history, Walz's history, and the history of the Democrat party, why are we surprised? 

This week I have six commentaries of my own and eighteen by others, with the four permanent links.  Fall is here, winter is on the way, most of my projects are finished, and it's time to start working the ground for fall planting, and I like that, as even a newsie like me can only stand so much. 

Enjoy today's offerings, and remember warm memories never wear out their welcome in our lives.  Have a warm memory weekend.

My Commentaries

  1. Mark Brown: Did He or Didn't He?
  2. The Longshoreman Strike and Automation
  3. Well, It's Started, The Third Lebanon War
  4. Ya Just Can't Make This Stuff Up!
  5. Will This Stolen Election Create a Third Party?  
  6. Avoiding the Ranks of the Insane  


  1. The Missing Factors of Jack Smith’s Latest Trump Filing By Mark Angelides
  2. It's Time the Legal System Went After Obama By Susan Daniels
  3. State courts should not be writing US climate laws  By Paul Driessen
  4. Critically Thinking about "My Body My Choice" By John Droz, Jr.
  5. A Longshoreman Strike Is Bad for America – But Worse for Kamala By James Fite
  6. FEMA’s DEI Crippled Hurricane Helene Response By Daniel Greenfield
  7. Here's Where the 2024 Election Stands By Robin Itzler
  8. Jews Get Out, and Catholics Don't Matter By Robin Itzler
  9. Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, The Democrat Party, and the Bill of Rights By Robin Itzler
  10. The Greater "Threat To Democracy", Part III -- Democrats Rule Even If Republicans Win By Francis Menton
  11. More On The Adams Indictment By Francis Menton
  12. Growth Should Trump Envy By Dan Mitchell
  13. Dependency Nation By Dan Mitchell
  14. Social Security: Debunking the Debunking By Dan Mitchell
  15. Never-Ending Statism Is Responsible for India’s Dismal Economic Outlook By Dan Mitchell
  16. The Depressing Saga of Cuban Socialism By Dan Mitchell
  17. Did Iran Make a Mistake It Can’t Take Back? By Dave Patterson
  18. Cotton Candy or Salt? By Rob Pue

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You know that voice in your head that keeps you from saying the things you shouldn't say?  Yeah, well, I don't have that!    We need to question everything because everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality!  Much of what we're told does not!

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