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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, September 26, 2024

P&D Geopolitics Edition

The Israel/Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran War, the Russo/Ukraine War, and More

By Rich Kozlovich

For years I've been busy explaining to the world what they're doing wrong, and they just refuse listen to the bugman. Imagine that!   Let's start with:
The Israel/Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran War.
The reality of Islam is unending conflict, within and outside of Islam.  The current open war with Israel is an example.  Iranians are Shiite Muslims as are Hezbollah and Hamas are Sunni Muslims, and they hate each other.  Which is why some claim that explains why no one came to Hamas' support at the initial onslaught of this war, which seems clear they expected.  Who knows, but Muslims operate on a different set of values than the rest of the world, including their dealings with each other.  
When others stab their friends in the back, they know that's what they're doing, no matter what excuses and justifications they may offer.  When Muslims stab others in the back, they recognize no moral ambiguity, as in some way they'll claim what their doing is based on the Koran, and they're gaining merit with Allah. 

Israel is now more united behind Netanyahu, but given Israel's political and social structure that can change overnight, but it's clear Israel is fighting on seven fronts.  That's a war of survival, and Israel will have to destroy these groups, and at some point attack Iran, and make clear any nation that harbors and abets these monsters are at war with Israel, and may be attacked.  I find it interesting the media, the Democrats, all leftists, and Iran condemn Israel as "terrorists" for using exploding pagers to take out a lot of terrorists, but these are the same people who danced at the vile disgusting crimes Hamas committed against innocent Israeli civilians, as Daniel Greenfield notes: Rape is Resistance and Beepers are Genocide. 
All of a sudden they're decrying the "breakdown of international law", which never seemed to bother them when all these terrorists rained down missiles on Israeli civilians, which actually has gone on for decades. 
It doesn't seem to bother them that Iran has declared a war against Israel but they've declared war without officially declaring war, and the UN, that "vile wretched hive of scum and villainy", says nothing about it, making it clear they want Israel destroyed and are now demanding Jews must leave Jerusalem.   Since there's no appeasing them, other than committing suicide, Israel will now openly ignore them, and rightly so, attacking all their adversaries on all fronts, with no holds barred.
"U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the Security Council Wednesday. "An all-out war must be avoided at all costs. It would surely be an all-out catastrophe."    Okay, and that catastrophe will be for whom?   It's clear these cease fire nitwits know the catastrophe will be for the terrorist movements and Iran.  And that's bad why?
Israel has picked up the gauntlet, but they're not going to duel on their adversaries terms, but on their terms, and that will be with the understanding there can be no peace with Islam....ever.  Any Abraham Accord style agreements that may come into being if Trump is elected are mere respites, and Israel should embrace them, all the while undermining any adversaries, and preparing for the next assault.
Israel must become less dependent on the US since one of the political parties is an antisemitic ogre. This is a forever war, and it's high time that was emphasized, and state clearly Israel is not the real target. Western civilization is the target, Israel is the canary in the coal mine.  Muslims have been murdering innocent people for almost 1500 years, and it's time we stopped excusing them.

Western Europe is lost.  In Lyon the Muslim population is 30% and now the French are so afraid to offend them they're bending to Sharia law and rules.  Israel is where America has skin in the game, not Europe.  It's my hope if Trump is elected he will stop funding the UN, and that's long over due.  
At this point there are only three European nations immune to a Muslim conversion.  Poland, Hungary, and Russia.  Three traditional historical enemies who may have to converge in order to survive the conversion of the rest of Europe.Think about that.  Poland may save Europe again.
But Europe is a spent force, and can only survive as Europeans if they abandon the UN, seriously restructure the EU, declare the WEF a criminal organization, and that Islam isn't a religion but a criminal political movement masquerading as a religion, and have mass deportations, and if necessary, revoking citizenship of Muslims.  In short, they will have to do what Spain did after the Reconquista.  That's history, and that history is incontestable.
History is everything as the patterns of life play out over and over again, and I've often wondered if any of these highly educated nitwits in leadership roles ever read a history book. As for those who have, like Henry Kissinger, the Tallyrand of the 20th century, did they care?  "Ideology makes smart people stupid."
Let's Review the Russo/Ukrainian War. 
I read a lot of clabber about the Russo/Ukraine War, and often times I see insane claims Putin didn't have a choice, it was the fault of America, Ukraine, Europe, and it never seems to end the number of people they point their fingers at in order to justify Putin's aggression. 

Let's try and get this right, no matter how many side bars are presented, this falls on Putin!  He chose to attack.  Having said that, while having compassion for the Ukrainian people, I don't care what happens to Ukraine as a nation.

This is a failure of Biden and his energy policies that funded this invasion, the stupidity of European leaders and their energy policies, and the stunning corruption of Ukrainian leadership who failed to proper fund arming themselves instead of funding their own bank accounts.  But it was Putin who chose to make this a shooting war. 

Ukraine's government was and is corrupt, and perhaps if they were allowed to have the election Zelenskyy prevented things might be different. Who knows, but either way, none of this is our fault, nor is it our responsibility.

We're throwing away billions on Ukraine, none of which the Biden administration tracked, nor would they allow it to be tracked, in order to support Europe.  All of which is wasted money as Europe is a doomed spent force, and we no longer have skin in that game, and yet they're quibbling over millions for Israel where we really do have skin in that game. There's where the real enemy of western civilization is in play.

Will Putin use nukes? I put this in a 60/40 "no" category as he has a lot of dissent behind the scenes, and I'm still convinced there's a von Stauffenberg contingent in his military. If he attempts to use nukes, he could be out, and survival is his primary goal now, but he still can't let loose of this insane war HE started. When Caesar fails or appears weak, he's not Caesar much longer.

However, if he does use nukes will there be a European nuclear response? I'm 100 % convinced the answer is no. Does anyone really believe Europe is willing to sacrifice Warsaw, Berlin, Paris, and London in a nuclear exchange over Ukraine?

How will this end? I've been convinced Ukraine can't win simply because they don't have enough boots on the ground. Many have fled, and many resent Zelenskyy and his coterie. But Putin's coterie is so blatantly incompetent this has gone on shockingly long, and what we're seeing is the break out for the wars of the future.  Drones and lasers

Putin and Zelenskyy should both hope Trump is elected, as I think he will find a way to resolve this, with no one being happy, which should be the goal. 

Long term consequences? 

Russia is toast as a world shaker.   They can't even manufacture the military hardware they need as they're buying military hardware from Iran and N. Korea.  The EU will collapse, Russia and China will go broke, and the world will be facing what historians call a historical end cycle, which always involved massive economic downturns and violence before a new cycle begins.

Based on history, I'm not optimistic.

Definition Leads to Clarity

Let's take a minute to review terms that are thrown around that actually end up confusing the world about who and what these politicos are, and why they make the decisions that make. 

Left, right, conservatives, liberals, and socialists, all are being used a lot to define characters around the world, and that's especially true of Europe after the recent elections, which has "the left" fearing "the right" is taking over.  Well, that's not exactly the way things are. 

When talking about classical liberals it should be realized they no longer exist, and in fact, Republicans come closest.

Leftists in the late 19th and early 20th century didn't dare call themselves socialists in America because socialism is foundationally atheistic, and that didn't play well in America. So, they called themselves progressives, then liberals, then back to progressives. But now they so deeply entrenched in America's institutions, they're boldly calling themselves socialists, and that justifies their antisemitism, violence, lies, corruption, and what can hardly be called anything less than treason. 
Having said all that, it's important to understand conservatism is cultural and the differences in different cultures. Currently, our concern is understanding what it means in America, so we can understand what it means in Europe. Their newly embraced "rightist" views isn't conservatism as we know it, but, is in my opinion a mixed bag of mild socialism and nationalism. They remind me of libertarians. No one knows what they really believe, including libertarians.

Truth be told, the only political party in America that knows what it believes are the Democrats. They know they hate America, Americans, capitalism, and the Constitution.  Which explains why they support terrorists, criminals, illegal migration, high taxes, burdensome regulations, and the murder of the innocent unborn. 

That's the world as I see it, and it ain't pretty.  

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