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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, September 16, 2024

Paths to God and Pope Francis


By Rich Kozlovich
Hagia Sophia converted into a mosque

Recently Pope Francis declared,  ‘All Religions Are a Path to Reach God’.  Remarkable, and this is from a Jesuit trained mind?  Okay, let's analyze that.  

Christians take the Biblical position that salvation comes only through Christ, and none of the other religions in the world teach that.  In point of fact, except for Christian faiths, they all eschew that as a religious concept. So, if that's true, and it is, that means they're teaching diametrically opposing things.  If that's true, and it is, then someone must be wrong.   If that's true, and it is, how could they all be paths to God?  

Also, if this "all religions lead to God" theme is a foundational truth, then that must have been true for all of human existence.  Right?   If that's true then we have to accept the idea the massive number of human sacrifices by the Aztecs in Mexico, and all the child sacrifices to Baal in the Middle East were acceptable expressions of faith leading to God.  Right?

One thing we absolutely know, the Pope didn't get that idea from reading the Bible, and we already know he's been on board with the Chinese CommunistsMuslims, global warmists, and unrestricted immigrationists.  He hates capitalism, hates America, and under this tutelage, church leaders have even openly flirted with homosexuality, and abortionists, which official church teaching condemns.   So, based on his history of what many Catholic leaders and lay people are openly calling heresy, why should anyone care what he thinks? 

Francis Slams Candidates’ Anti-life Convictions to Cover his own Convictions - Pope Francis is pointing fingers at *Donald Trump and Kamala Harris for their pro-abortion stance, the irony being that Francis has a history of collaborating with anti-life people. He's says we have to choose between the lesser of two evils in the upcoming presidential election, insinuating that Kamala Harris is the lesser of the two despite her fanatical pro-abortion position.

Well, we know Muslims don't really care what he thinks. In spite of his conciliatory tone with Islamists, they want to kill  him. Imagine that.

Francis thinks failing to destroy Christianity is a “grave sin”.  How so?   He claims rejecting the unrestricted migration of Muslims into western civilization, all of whom have a fanatical desire to impose Islam on Christians, in effect an immigration jihad, and doing it violently, is a grave sin. Imagine that. 

The idea of a religious war is anathema to western civilization, but western civilization doesn't have a say in that.  Muslims have been at war with the world for it's entire existence, and it's a religious war, an almost 1500 year religious war, and we really need to get that, and trust me, when I say this:  Based on Islamic history a goal of Islam is to turn the Vatican complex into a Mosque, just as they did the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, now Istanbul. 


All religions are paths to God?  Well, Muslims absolutely don't believe that, and leftist don't believe he exists, and based things the Pope and his cabal are promoting one has to wonder if they believe he exists.     You may wish to review my entire

tolerance and diversity


Abortion Is The Murder of The Innocent Unborn

By Rich Kozlovich

Well, it turns out the debate didn't matter after all. The world in general felt Trump won, and the Pravda media assures us Kamala "destroyed" Trump!  But, tell me, did anyone think they would say anything different?  You can't breath the fumes of the leftist fever swamps for so long and still be sane, but, in spite of the leftist fever swamps,  the polls remain the same.  


The nation knows what Trump stands for, so it was incumbent on Kamala to explain her views on the economy, which the Biden/Harris has done all they can to destroy, and in no way could she show how America is better off now than it was four years ago, and their unending harping about the "right" to murder the innocent unborn isn't going to move people.  

My personal view is abortion is absolutely vile, and this excuse being used by heretics claiming while they personally don't support abortion but they will "respect" others right to murder the innocent unborn is rank gutless hypocrisy, and heresy, so, for the most part they're silent, and silence denotes agreement.

Trump and JD Vance should have the courage to stand up as a massive rocks in current of public opinion and tell the world abortion is unacceptable, and why, destroying the lies, challenging their false narratives, and it's not all that hard, which I intend to demonstrate here.   

That's not being pragmatic?  Well, there's a time for pragmatism, but not on abortion.  How about this.  Would saying, "I'm personally opposed to slavery, but it's okay if my neighbors have slaves,"  be acceptable?  I'm betting not!

In Arizona there's a drive to make abortion legal via an abortion "rights" bill, and the pro-abortion forces are upset the pamphlet being put out "can refer to an embryo or fetus as an "unborn human being,"  and sued.  The Arizona Supreme Court disagreed with the abortionists saying that wording would stand, and what was the response from abortion supporters?    The voter's will see through attempts to say the unborn are people!  I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that.

Nancy Pelosi, that self proclaimed devout Catholic, has declared, before she stabbed Biden in the back, that if he won (transfer that to Kamala) and they take the Congress, they will enshrine Roe v. Wade and eliminate the filibuster for abortion in the Senate.   Remember this is the crowd that screams Trump will make abortion illegal via federal law, so, why is that wrong and this right?  Pelosi's view of those who don't support abortion?  They don't respect the dignity and worth of every person.   Imagine that, but murdering unborn children shows dignity and respect for every person.  Person....that's the key, and ask yourself,  how can that be construed as anything except pure evil, and she's not alone.

Obama asked for God’s blessing upon Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.  Stacey Abrams claims she’s pro-abortion, and according to her she's a devout follower of Christ, and claims this isn't a religious or moral issue.   It's a medical issue!   And her faith helped her come to that conclusion.  


I remember when Dennis Kucinich, who for all of his life opposed abortion, then all of sudden he had an epiphany that abortion wasn't so bad after all, when he stupidly believed in 2008 Democrats might vote for him as their nominee as President.

If there ever was a more ignorant, less intelligent, or more corrupt group of minds in the world than the nitwits and The View, it would have to be the United Nations.  Whoopi Goldberg, with her vast knowledge and understanding of the Bible claims the Sixth Commandment "you shall not kill" isn't applicable as an argument against abortion because we go to war and kill people all the time.  The problem for Whoopi, and so many other Biblical illiterates, is the Hebrew word used in the Sixth Commandment means murder, not kill, and the ancient texts make that distinction, and abortion is murder.   And the rape or incest argument doesn't alter that. Why must the be baby murdered for the crimes of adults?  

Now let's address their unending go to argument in support of abortion, claiming that abortion must be legal in cases where the mother's life is at risk.  Well, first off, the choice is the "potential" death of a mother, versus the "actual" death of an unborn child. That's defined clearly and correctly.  But the question that absolutely must be raised is: How often does that occur?   

"After all the screeching that 'women will die' without abortion, where are the dead women? ...........Another report here and again, no number of deaths. If there were many, we would certainly know".........And another report saying three times as many mothers will die and yet again no actual number of deaths........I am skeptical of any report that just gives percentages without giving actual numbers.  We also never see the number of deaths of viable children in late term abortions. That would be a good number to know. We just get told there are very few".   But no matter how many that may be, we do know, those numbers do exist versus their claims regarding the deaths of women, which not exist, because if there was just one, they would tout that unendingly, and they're not.  "I bet there are at least three times the number of viable children who die in states with unlimited abortions as those who die where there are limits." 

On April 30, 2024 Ingrid Skop Apr 30, 2024, a board-certified obstetrician who has delivered over 5000 babies stated that she has never had to perform an abortion to save a woman's life.  So, if that's true, and I do believe it is, so, what we have here is a slippery slop to promote the murder of the innocent unborn with scams of "whataboutism"!  And we can be assured that's the goal as American College of OBGYNs calls for no limits on abortion.  What a vile, and corrupt group of moral degenerates.   Skop's rebuttal to that?  

We are witnessing, in real time, a vocal, political takeover of a scientific community that represents the most honorable and beautiful profession, responsible for safely bringing new life into the world. I wish ACOG would realize that their promotion of elective abortion without limits isn’t reflective of the views of their own members, considering 86-93 percent of practicing obstetricians will not perform an elective abortion.

So the question that must be in everyone's mind is if that's not the view of their members, how can their trade association (and make no mistake about it, that's what ACOG is) take such a stand? 

I owned by own pest control company for over 30 years, and was heavily involved in my industry's affairs and I can assure you trade associations go off in directions that are unacceptable because the choices for large trade associations leadership are rigged, especially if they're a national organization, such as this one.  

No person with the grit to be the rock in the current will ever be in charge, except rarely, and if any did take charge and fix things, after they're gone, the invertebrates will be back in charge and undo all the good done.  It's the go along to get along crowd who are in charge, and that's an affliction that's universal.  

Part II: Abortion is Satanic

Motherhood - kiss (2018) Painting by Magdalena Palega | Motherhood  painting, Mother art, Illustration art kids
I've been writing about abortion for many years, and all that's going on right now makes it clear I need to focus on this subject far more than I have, here are recent pieces.

  1. Defining Leftist Moral Boundaries. That's Easy, They Don't Exist!
  2.  Abortion: We Really Do Need Clarity! 
  3.  When it Comes to Abortion, There's Only One Choice 
  4.  Abortion in America is a Covenant of Death
  5.  Nancy Pelosi: Morality, Free Will and Corruption of Thought
  6.  Abortion is Satanic: Get Over It!

I've had discussions, and read discussions about the value of the politically pragmatic approach to end abortion.  And truthfully, I understand their views, I just don't agree with them.  Let me amend that. I seriously don't agree with them.

One person stated we have to change the culture to change the politics, and they cite the leftist long march through America's institutions, including the military, which took more than 125 years in America, and further back for the institutions of the rest of the western world, especially education.  They're suggesting a conservative long march.  Foundationally I agree, except that long march argument is a logical fallacy.   Accepting a long march approach to fix abortion means a massive number of the innocent unborn children are going to being murdered, and who knows what accommodations will be acceptable at the end of that march.  And there will be exceptions, make no mistake about that.  How do I know that?  Simple, I've read a history book or two, and that's a pattern that's plays out over and over again. 

Tucker Carlson had an interview with Naomi Wolfe on his website, here. In the interview, starting at about the 30 minute mark, Wolfe and Carlson start talking about something I think needs to be considered...a lot...  the influence of Satan (spiritual evil) on recent world events.  I didn’t expect to hear anyone say this, let alone two people, on a popular program. It happens to be what I believe, but not what I would expect anyone else to be thinking about or expressing concern about.

According to Wolfe, "the worldwide scale of the pandemic reaction argues against any kind of conscious conspiracy. There are too many people involved from places that have different cultures, languages, and traditions. There is no way that many people with such disparate backgrounds could be compelled to act against their own interests in the same way without some kind of malign spiritual influence (Satan.)"

 This reflects my own views.  Think about it.  We have all these misanthropic movements all over the world.  Environmentalism, population control monsters who want to eliminate five to six billion people, and those the moderates among them, abortion, covid insanity with lockdowns,  and false vaccines.  Massive levels of divorce and single parent families,  the combination of multiple anti-life movements, and they all have one common denominator.  They represent destructive forces impacting mankind.  Is it so irrational to think there's a master mind behind all this?

Part III The Corruption is Far, Deep, Wide, and Heartbreaking

They've twisted every word, every law, and every principle of morality in order to achieve their vile goals.  Virginia Democrats already pushing abortion-on-demand amendment Ensuring the death of unborn children is their first priority, and a state  judge in North Dakota claims women have a fundamental right to abortion under the state constitution and overturned the law passed by the state legislature.  

In New York the Carmelite nuns had to lead the fight against New York's abortion mandate, which is a good indicator we've abandoned the concept of religious morality, unless their  "religious requirements" justify them murdering the innocent unborn.  So, shouldn't we call that human sacrifice?  Why is the is any different than the ancient pagans who threw their young children into the fire pits sacrificing them to Baal, burning them alive.  I find this heart breaking.  America is now voting in support of murder, and the Biden administration is trying to impose abortion rules on employers none of which are Constitutional by twisting laws in ways never intended. 

In one court another corrupt judge would not allow the defense to say ‘infanticide,’ ‘abortion,’ or ‘innocent lives’, because than might lend a sense of morality to their arguments.  In short, if it involves abortion, the rule of law and criminal procedure is thrown out the window.

Our taxes are going to support abortion groups to the tune of billions of dollars.  Remember the slippery slope? This is next story is disgusting, it's vile, it's real, it's legal, and this is evidence of how vile the abortionists are!  Two gay men decided they wanted a family, as in children, and so they "rented a uterus", in effect buying a child, but the woman had medical issues and decided to deliver a little boy early.  The "buyers" objected, and demanded she abort the child.  She refused, and it gets worse.  Under California's surrogacy laws these misfits had the "right" to withhold treatment needed to save the child's life, and he died.  Does that seem Satanic in anyone besides me?   At least this poor innocent child will not be in the clutches of these monsters.  

Remember Kermit Gosnell the abortionist monster who not only murdered the innocent unborn, he murdered any who survived by removing the babies from the mother's wombs, sniping their spinal cord, and drowning them  in a toxic fluid, while they were alive, making them legal American citizens with rights under the Constitution.  As the story played out it got even worse, but here was the bigger issue.  He's not alone out there.  Abortionists claimed he was just a rogue operator, but undercover recordings show murdering those who survived an abortion is far more common that was known before.  This corruption is so broad even  America’s top Catholic health network partners with abortionists. 

I'm flabbergasted at the praise RFK, Jr.'s getting from the conservative media. Pay Attention! He's a Kennedy, and he's a far left wing nutroll, as he bounced back and forth on abortion.  

In Arizona, the  Abortion ban failed because one mentally corrupt Republican voted with Democrats, and as an Ohioan I'm really upset at this.  Barbarian buckeyes, as now according to this account Ohio "has has become the nation’s most pro-abortion venue in the union."  Abortion, is a sickness that corrupts the character of a people.
This is nothing short of unabashed paganism of American culture and will be the nation’s undoing. I would rather lose on the issue of abortion than support the intentional killing of an innocent baby.  No matter what trimester it occurs in, abortion remains a gruesome procedure resulting in death. 

All who voted for this travesty in Ohio are accomplices to a crime against humanity.  There was a time when America actually believed the ten commandments and Judaic/Christian values were foundational to American culture. We're now "pragmatic" desiring to win elections at the cost of our fundamental values.  But if we no longer have a value system that clearly understands abortion is the murder of the innocent unborn, what values and principles do we have we're willing to stand up for?  If we can throw our values out of the window for abortion, which ones won't we throw out the window?

I keep hearing this "we were misled" argument, and how there was vast amounts of money poured into this crime against humanity vote by infanticide supporters.  But it still comes down to this. It isn't about money and you can't mislead anyone into believing that murdering the unborn innocent has benefits, or deprives a family of their "rights". It's murder, it's that simple, and that's the foundational moral issue. America is in serious need of a moral compass that actually points north.

Part IV: Not All Are On Board

Indiana was the first State to pass a near total ban on Abortion, and what happens, Eli Lilly turns on Indiana because it wants abortions for its employees.  "To its credit, the company kept quiet during the abortion debate, but now it’s stated that it no longer sees its future in the state that’s been its home for 146 years.  

Even when they get things right the get them wrong, and in this case where a federal court ended mail-order abortion pills but upholds FDA approval.  Does the term cognitive dissonance come to mind?

Another federal judge got it right, as he halted enforcement of the “Deceptive Practices of Limited Services Pregnancy Centers Act,”  "a bill passed in Illinois recently that targets pregnancy resource centers’ advertising and outreach.  During the case National Institute of Family Life Advocates et al v. Raoul, U.S. District Judge Iain Johnston halted the bill, saying, “The bill is painfully and blatantly a violation of the First Amendment.” Signed by Illinois Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker late last month, the law prohibits so-called “deceptive practices” in pregnancy centers. The law prompts legal scrutiny of pregnancy centers for “false pretense” and “misrepresentation,” while also blocking pro-life speech outside of abortion centers. Up to $50,000 in fines await violators of the act."

"Pregnancy centers offer a variety of free parenting and pregnancy support services for women and families in need – from material necessities such as clothing, diapers, strollers, cribs, and car seats to educational material about parenting. Pregnancy centers seek to help vulnerable or impoverished pregnant women. Many often offer free medical services such as ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, and STD testing...."

Another unconstitutional effort to censor those with opposing opinions, calling it misinformation.  Very convenient.   It seems clear to me, and I'm betting it would have seemed clear to the founders, the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause covers this:

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The founders would have viewed "person(s)" to include persons, born and unborn, but most certainly those once born, are persons with rights under the Constitution.  It should not be up to a corrupt medical profession to decide, nor should it be up to confused state legislatures who will go back and forth on this issue deciding if it's murder one day and a legal medical procedure on another day.
For Trump to declare the decision by SCOTUS leaving abortion up to the states is correct thinking, and then state he would veto any Congressional law that bans abortion nationally, is vile.   To show just how idiotic this is, think about this.   The federal government decides how much water can be flushed down our toilets, and the states have no say in that, and the list of federal imperatives is massive forcing states to comply, yet we're supposed to think, and accept the idea it's up to the states to decide the legality of murdering the innocent unborn, and the federal government should stay out of it.  Does the term cognitive dissonance come to mind?
Abortion is blatantly unconstitutional and should be treated as such.  It really is that simple.

Update, 12:26 PM - Mr. Mistake.  This appeared in the Canada free press, and it's a true story, and it should touch your heart, if it doesn't, you have no heart.  
As I read this it took my mind back to the two gays in my article who chose to let that small child die, a child that under the Constitution had rights.  Rights that were violated to appease two selfish, warped, vile men, and a corrupt medical staff in fear of a corrupt state law.  But that was a federal violation, and that should have overridden their "rights" to murder that poor child.  Why weren't they and all the hospital staff prosecuted for murder?  That child was born and had rights they violated.   That's what happens when we abandon foundational moral values. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Debate Aftermath

By Rich Kozlovich 

Well, we've had three days of commentary about the debate, most of which takes the position that Trump won, but the one I liked best was by a writer who said, Trump won because Kamala lost.   I think that's absolutely true.  It appears to me Trump isn't a good debater.  He allowed her to get his goat, he failed to attack weak arguments, and he allowed her media collaborators to get away with way too much.  However, in the end his final comments defined who she is, and were the nail in Kamala's coffin.  

JD Vance clearly is far better at debating, as he's demonstrated over and over again in interviews with hostile reporters,  But he was trained as an attorney, and the study of logical fallacies is part of their training. 

But it's also clear to me Trump was ill prepared and never studied logical fallacies, the key to being a successful debater.  He's a gut debater saying whatever pops into his head.  Against Kamala, it didn't really matter because her negatives are off the charts, and her behavior was indicative of who she really is, and people didn't like it, and truth be told, she has the same problem with America she had with the people of California. She had to drop out of the presidential race in 2020 even before the first primary because people just don't like her, and the more they hear from her, the less they like her.  

Susan Daniels posted this, Kamala Harris was an Anchor Baby, saying:  Neither of her parents were citizens when she was born. She is not a “natural born citizen” and was never qualified under our Constitution to run for vice president. She has never received a single vote as a candidate for president and was in on the coup to remove Joe Biden as the candidate. 

She helped hide from the entire country for years that Biden was not mentally fit to be in the White House. She is a pathological liar and a danger to our country. She is a dumber version of Barack Obama but wearing a skirt. Why her excessive interest in abortion? She has no children. Beware of barren women — they don’t care about the future of your children. “My body my choice!” It didn’t work that way with the Covid shot. You got one or lost your job. And all that has followed is unnecessary death, disability, and stillborn babies.

In Matthew Continetti's , The Harris Mystique,  he points out she's a brat, she has no policies, she's not a great public speaker, she's disliked, and without an "adulatory media", she would still be thought of as a dimwit, she's a bigger flip flop than John Kerry, is in an unending effort to hide her past, but in spite of all that, she's gone from nitwit to the brilliant messiah of the Democrat party.  Yes sir, sharp as a tack .....hmmmm.... where have I heard that before?

The uniparty has destroyed the dollar with outrageous out of control spending, taxing, and borrowing, and bodes well the question  Is this the end of the dominance to the dollar?  There's a lot of talk about Brexit, cryptocurrencies, turning to gold, etc.  But I keep coming back to this same question, and I never get a rational answer,  If the dollar stops being the world currency, what currency will replace it?  

Brexit is a group of losers with failed economies, and none of them are natural capital generating nations.  Cryptocurrency has show to be stunningly complex, completely incomprehensible to the vast majority of people, including me, and easily corrupted.  As for gold, that's great if you keep it in a vault, but try carrying a thousand dollars worth of gold around in your pocket. 

"Listening to Harris extol the virtues of enterprise, you’d have no idea that she cast the deciding vote on the spending splurge that drove historic inflation, that her administration has imposed almost $1.4 trillion in regulations, that she wants to weaken right-to-work laws, and that she wants Congress to pass $5 trillion of new taxes over 10 years."  

She steals GOP policies, she supports taxing unrealized capital gains, most likely reparations for slavery, probably, universal Basic Income, total government controlled health care.  And a campaign based on "concealment, misdirection, amnesia, and euphemisms". 

There is one point that's really become the consensus as to who lost the most in that debate, the media, and I think that's true.  The days when the media could pull that off are over, and we're going to see these outlets disappear.  Megyn Kelly says we’re “Living in the End Times” of corporate media, and that will be a day of rejoicing. 

I keep reading the left claims Trump was fact checked more because he lies more, and Kamala was  fact-checked less because she told more "normal" lies.  Ya just gotta hand it to the Pravda media, there's just no limit to the amount of Kool Aid they're willing to drink.  So, let's do a bit of a review on what Kamala's "believes" and her lies.

Everything You Need to Know About Kamala: In Her Own Words, in One Place - by Rebecca Mansour and Alana Mastrangelo, Kamala Harris has given a single televised interview and no press conferences since becoming the Democrats’ nominee for president. Given the establishment media’s unprecedented blocking, tackling, and gaslighting (including the 9/10 debate), we’ve assembled over 100 videos of Kamala Harris in her own words so that the American people can see where she stands and who she is.


To further expand on this I've save a lot of articles on the positions and consequences of leftist schemes, all of which Kamala subscribes, no matter what she says in her opposition of the moment.


The left screams conservatives want to federalize the end to the murder of the innocent unborn, which is pretty much their theme for this election, but what hypocrites they are.  Their goal is to make murder of the innocent unborn, and even failed abortions allowing them to murder the innocent born:

  1. Federalize Abortion on Demand   
  2. Harris’s Belated Policy Page Pledges to Wipe Out Pro-Life State Laws


She's taken a beating on this, and rightly so because here's the real Biden/Harris position on the soldier's that were murdered as a result of their corrupt thinking

  1. Email mishap exposes Biden-Harris spokesman ridiculing American veterans, saying there’s ‘no use’ in responding to their concerns over Afghanistan exit

Antisemitism/Anti Christian

Is there any doubt the Democrat party is totally antisemitic, anti Christian, and anti God? All over the nation there are nitwits cheering for Hamas who've been nothing but vile murders, and the Democrats laud them.  The Democrat party hates all the stable elements of American society, and Kamala is at one with them.

  1. Murdered Hostages and Cheerleaders for Hamas 
  2. The Money that Fuels Jew-Hate at a Top Jesuit University 
  3. Kamala, Antifa, Pedophiles and Terrorists Share Platform
  4. Series of attacks on Christians': Apartment complex bans using the word 'Bible'
  5. California’s ethnic studies mandate turns virulently antisemitic in Santa Ana
  6. Kamala Harris proposes to reward terrorism 


California has massive problems, which Kamala bears a degree of personal responsibility. Here  are just a few examples of that, and Kamala's hope for America.

Censorship/Corruption/Deep State Tyranny:

I keep seeing outrageous claims about how Trump is going to impose tyranny on the nation, yet the Deep State has already been doing this outrageously, and I keep asking if that is his goal, why didn't he do it when he was president, and why did he fight the deep state, which has turning into the KGB for the Democrats? 

  1.  Mark Kelly: Trump ‘Willing to Send You to Jail for Just Disagreeing with Him’
New York is a disaster, and the Mayor's administration of New York City's administration is in trouble with the FBI, and there are those now claiming he has inappropriate ties with China, and it appears there is far more to come on all this, but I'm betting this isn't the fly in the ointment, it's the tip of the iceberg, and for each and every major city in America, all run by Democrats.   


Kamala has bounced around on this,but no matter what she's claiming today, tomorrow this is who she is and what she supports.   And Dana Bash is a blithering idiot.   To be green is to be irrational, misanthropic, and morally defective. 
  1. Greenpeace facing existential threat in lawsuit over its anti-pipeline radicalism  
  2. CNN’s Bash: ‘Some’ of Harris’ Flips ‘Are Genuine Changes, Like Fracking  
  3. Californians Lose Power Again in Heat Wave Amid ‘Green Energy’ Pus 
Foreign Policy Expertise: 
Not much here, and for good reason, she has none. 
  1. Kamala Policy Page Promises She is ’Ready to be Commander in Chief on Day One, outs DMZ Visit – Site of ‘Alliance with North Korea’ Epic Gaffe – as Proof

Media Bias

Well, if anyone had any doubts, the debate should have obliterated them. 

  1. Report: ABC Campaign Coverage Has Been 100% Positive for Harris, 93% Negative for Trump


Here are just a few thoughts and what Kamala "believes", and/or supports, claiming her values haven't changed.  And I believe her because she never had any values except to do whatever was needed to advance herself.  And that hasn't changed.

  1. JD Vance Joins Online Smackdown of Kamala Harris’s Policies  
  2. Kamala’s policy page is generic mush with some leftism thrown in 
  3. Kamala Harris Screwed Seniors with Skyrocketing Medicare Premium


Wolf Blitzer is just as stupid as the rest of the Pravda media claiming, It’s ‘Outlandish’ to Say Harris Supports Sex Changes on Illegal Alien Inmates.  Okay, it turns out, he was wrong, and here's the response from the Harris Co-Chair: Taxpayer-Funded Transition Surgery for Prisoners, Illegals Not ‘Central Issue’, It’s ‘Non-Issue’.   Okay, maybe it is a non-issue, and maybe ti's not, but here's the central point.   It was a lie, and where in the Constitution give the government the right to destroy parental authority? State snatched away widow's teen daughter to transition her

Are Duty and Skepticism Contrary Constructs?


By Rich Kozlovich

Recently there was an article that appeared dealing with the problem of duty and skepticism.  One commenter stated:

Duty and skepticism are contrary constructs. Duty eschews choice in favor of obedience. Skepticism may be present, but questioning is not allowed in spite of misgivings. Skepticism without questioning and the freedom to follow logic is of no value. Duty is a commandment; skepticism is a suggestion. A free people embraces skepticism and eschews duty. A free people chooses, a duty-bound people obeys.

I thought that was a truly interesting statement, because both duty and skepticism are admirable qualities, yet presented as being in opposition to each other, and to a large extent that's true, on the surface.  I saw this as a issue of  oversimplification, and of definition!  My view was, in spite of the seemingly contradictory juxtaposition they represent, they can harmonize.  
One of my personal heroes was Col. John Boyd, and he once said (and there have been variations of this) "Ask for my loyalty, I’ll give you my honesty. Ask for my honesty, you’ll have my loyalty."

He believed in duty so strongly he challenged the generals unendingly. His duty wasn't to chair bound self serving generals, it was to the nation.    So, let me tell you about Col. John Boyd!  He believed it was his duty to be skeptical as being true to the oath he took,  but it was based on a foundation of facts.  Facts the generals attempted to thwart with court martials.   They failed, but he never wore stars on his shoulders.  

The stars fell on those who where part of what was called Boyd's Acolytes.  Those officers who were part of his circle, and believed in his views, only I must believe they were more political in expressing them.  But it always takes one person who's willing to be the rock in the current, to stand and say, "you're all wrong, and I'm going to tell you why", and then willingly suffer the slings and arrows of adversity, and ultimately be the one sacrificed in order for others to carry the torch. 

The motto of science is supposedly "de omnibus dubitandum" (everything is to be questioned), but since they've abandoned it in favor of "grant money is my holy grail!"  I've claimed it as my own personal motto.  A philosophy of skepticism, and duty, which in combination is at the heart of truth and justice.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Woman In Office Says She Will Fix Things If You Vote Her Into Office

Nihilism is the religion of the Left. Anarchy is now at the core of the new Democratic Party..........The old politics of right versus left, and Republican opposed to Democrat have now given way to a new existential struggle: Americans must choose between civilization -- or its destroyers. - Victor Davis Hanson

By Rich Kozlovich 

Main Image

When you read the excuses Democrats spew out for their failures you will find they all have one line they all common....I's not my fault!  Generally followed by, It's Trump's fault.  So, the people who controlled the Congress until last year, and the White House for 12 of the last 16 years isn't responsible.  Did I get that right? 

Well, technically, they actually did get that right. They're not responsible.  They are irrational, misanthropic, morally defective, stunningly stupid, and irresponsible. 

This cartoon appeared at American Thinker, and while at first glance I was caught by surprise, after actually viewing it I realized how appropriate it is.   

First, black America isn't really on her side monolithically as they've been for the Democrats in the past.  They don't see Trump as this terrible racist, and least a substantial minority, and they don't like Kamala.   These tweets by Orlando Brown is an interesting indicator of that.  The cartoon I think clearly depicted the quality of those who support her.  Weird!!!

The media is taking a beating for their failure to know her postilion on transgender surgeries, but I don't know why that's being picked out since they clearly have no idea what this nitwit believes, and for good reason.  She has no idea what she believes because she will embrace whatever she has to in order to get elected, and if that happens, she won't have to believe anything because all her decisions will be made for her.  And since she saw what her mob did to Biden, she'll know she will have to do as she's told and shut her mouth, or else.

Who won the debate?  Well, the consensus is President Trump won the debate with Harris, unless you're Chris Wallace, Oprah Winfrey, along with Chris Christie and the nitwits at The View, with Joy Behar's saying she shouldn't do another debate because, " “You do not toy with perfection.”  (Please insert laughing rolling on the ground emoticon here.)

Investors fearing a Kamala victory have panicked, because of MarketWatch claim Kamala won but as Noel S. Williams notes, "Eventually, the markets recovered later in the day following the debate.  It turns out the imprudent MarketWatch headline may have been ill-considered, to wit: “ The markets  don’t seem to be reacting to the debate at all......."  

My-o-my, it appears the experts were wrong! Remarkable!   Why isn't the Pravda media taking a beating for not knowing the Biden-Harris policies have destroyed the poor and middle classes?  

Here's the theme I see playing out more than anything. While pundits are down the rabbit hole for Kamala,  voters were looking for specifics, and didn't see any. 

There's been a number of posts that show what Kamala didn't address, along Katie Pavlich's, Four Big Debate Lies From Kamala Harris...and the Moderator Too, and even more posts about how that crack ABC team failed to fact check her 21 false claims and hoaxes, who's boss is a close friend, and the consensus is, ‘they’re trying to steal this election’! 

In short, the debate was rigged!  Voter reactions to the ABC News Debate were not good...for Kamala, Victor Davis Hanson called it A Forgettable Warped Debate, and Judi McLeod of Canada Free Press calls it, The Putrid Poison Of State-Sponsored Communist Propaganda, saying: 

Most folk didn’t need to read Donald Trump’s take on last night’s ABC’s ‘presidential debate’ being “unfair” and “rigged” because those with the stomach to watch it, could see it plainly for themselves. “It was three on one,” Trump said during an early morning appearance on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends.” “I thought I did a great job.”.........

Judi also says, that Kamala's ha hatred knows no bounds, and based on her contemptible behavior at Senate hearings, I believe it.

America has never been a truly independent media in America.  The big difference is in days gone by they were openly partisan. Everyone knew who they were for and what they stood for.  They were honest in their biases, but the one thing they all stood for was support of Americanism.  The modern media isn't unbiased either, but they're corruptly hiding their corruption, and they do not support Americanism, they're for the destruction of America. 

The media, who thought Harris was a nitwit six months ago, are now portraying her and the second coming..... of Obama......, a female messiah if you will.  The media has conspired to destroy Trump, and lied about how he's a danger to democracy, and supported the most vile and worst corrupt groups in the nation; Antifa, OWS, BLM, Islamists, Green misanthropes, abortionists, teachers unions, and every leftist anti-America group in existence, all touting this as an effort to save "our" democracy.   This has been an unending drum beat for the last sixteen years, before that it was more subtle, but just as destructive.   Fake news, censorship, and personal attacks without foundation. They are the real threat to democracy, along with the RINO neocons

Biden's mental decline was obvious to the most casual observer, but they raged against anyone who dared point it out.  Arrogantly, smugly, and dismissively!   Then corruptly turned on him as unfit when instructed to do so!  Just as they lied about Biden, they're doing the same now about Kamala. He was unfit, and so to is she. 

"When asked whether the U.S. was designed as a monarchy or a republic, Benjamin Franklin famously replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” Thanks to today’s Democrat party and its co-conspirators in the media, the job of keeping our republic is becoming more and more difficult to ensure."

The Pravda media, the mouth organ of the tyrants.  The same media that called Kamala "the worst vice president in the history of America is now not only qualified to hold the highest office in the land, but has been all along", and there were the nitwits the Republicans accepted as moderators for the debate.

Aurora, Colorado: Who Will Answer?

By Rich Kozlovich
Recently there's been a lot of news about Tren de Aragua (TDa) an illegal immigrant gang from Venezuela, all heavily armed, who've taken over apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado, forcing the tenants to give them their rent money.   And they're doing this in a state that has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. 
If that's true, and it is, how did these illegal aliens get these weapons? Here's what's true, when the government takes guns away from honest citizens, only the criminals, murders, thugs will be armed, and it's clear the police won't be able to handle it with the current anti police thinking from America's "leaders".  Then Americans will hand over their freedom to these leftist monsters and we'll accept tyranny in order to be "safe".  Then America will not be safe, or free.  Which is what these radical misfits want.
Well, this isn't just in Colorado, they're a group of thugs that were banded together by "President" of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro, and he lost control of them, and now they're an international criminal organization with headquarters in many places outside of Venezuela.  I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that.

America has no idea what's coming, but not all Americans are ignorant of the deadly consequences of the Democrat's immigration policies, or better yet to say their lack of immigration policies, where in some insane fashion they think they're going to be immune to the consequences of their insanity.  
But before we move on to just how dangerous this is at a national level, let's first focus on Aurora, Colorado. I have a very conservative friend who retired to Colorado so I called him to ask his views.  Understand, Colorado is considered a blue state because the major cities are all filled with ex-California leftists who were escaping the insanity they created there, and are now imposing that same kind of insatiably in Colorado, turning it into a "sanctuary state".  
Outside the major cities, the residents of the counties are, according to my friend, even more conservative than me.   At any rate after talking to him I realized this was a really convoluted mess with more to come, so I held off writing this piece.  Well, now it's here. 

I noted in a previous piece the authorities were doing nothing about it and the governor wants everyone to ignore the videos showing what was going on.  The city accused the landlord of allowing his properties "to become trash-ridden, gang-infested hellhole", and how true that is may be debatable, but I was an exterminator for 40 years, and that's not as uncommon as you may think.  

At any rate the landlord agreed to sell properties, apparently to avoid prosecution, but as important as that may be, all that obfuscates the fact the governmental authorities and the police refused to do anything about these gangs, including "Democrat Governor, Jared Polis" who claims this is all imaginary, "that is until an apartment resident filmed an armed gang breaking into a man’s apartment and the video went viral."   

They knew about all this back in June, because the letters sent to them asking for authorities to do their jobs is now a matter of record, and they did nothing!  As for the trash buildup, it became so dangerous in these buildings the staff quit their jobs and there was no one left to clean up.  So, who's fault is that?

Finely, almost four months later the cops crack down on migrant apartment gangs and ICE confirms they’re illegal aliens, all admitted into America under the insane Biden-Harris administration policies.  And they arrest four..... four.... that's it?  Even when doing their jobs they're abject failures.

The question that I have to believe is on every Colorado resident's mind is what will be done about it in November?  

Colorado residents clearly cannot trust their politicians to protect them. Democrat narratives, not public safety, are their priority. They are, for the moment, embarrassed into action, but the moment public attention moves on to other outrages narrative maintenance will once again be their priority.

Imagine the plight of residents of such an apartment complex. Constantly threatened by armed gangsters, they’re unsafe in their apartments, and in coming and going. Calling the police exposes them to danger, and Jurinsky explained unless the police can send four or more officers to calls there, they won’t come at all. Worse, the police must develop probable cause to make arrests for individual crimes, and witnesses are hard to come by. Making arrests may or may not result in bail, and prosecutors may or may not sustain appropriate charges. Judges may or may not impose serious sentences upon conviction.

Trust is lost when the rule of law is uncertain.

But this is the tip of the iceberg.  This same gang has taken over apartments in Dallas and Chicago, and the  Gateway Hotel in El Paso, and who are authorities blaming?  The owners.  In New York it's being reported there are over 400 Tren De Aragua Venezuelan gang members active in New York City.  

All this was the totally predictable consequences of the Democrat created nightmare of open border polices.  A bloodbath of crime and corruption, and the enslavement  of women and children at the hands of traffickers.   

Here's the incontrovertible moral truth and reality of all this. The Biden/Harris administration, the Democrats, RINO's, the Hollywood trash, academia, the media, and the billionaires who support them, all have the blood and the destroyed lives of innocents on their hands.  And I'm a firm believer someone is watching to call them to account. 
Update, 12:45 PMLaw firm hired to investigate gang activity in Aurora, CO reveals unsettling details:  

Through violence and intimidation, a Venezuelan gang took over the Whispering Pines apartment complex in Aurora and sought to collect up to half of the rent from leaseholders, drying up collections for the landlord, according to a law firm’s investigation.  At the behest of a lender, the international law firm Perkins Coie investigated the alleged criminal activities at Whispering Pines apartments, a 54-unit complex in Aurora, and outlined an operation that included establishing a ‘lower-level’ presence last year, which then escalated into violence and intimidation, the apparent goal of which was to turn the complex into a steady source of income for the gang.

The law firm said once the gang was entrenched at the complex, it used the units for illegal activities, including the prostitution of minors.  The gang, the law firm added, ‘operated in the open,’ patrolled the area and ‘terrorized the community.’

So what did that “lower-level” presence in Whispering Pines look like? Well, according to the same report, gang members issued death threats and menaced the property manager so badly, he later fled; at this point, they told the property’s employees that they were now “working for” TdA. Here’s more, regarding the specifics:

‘The evidence we have reviewed indicates that gang members are engaging in flagrant trespass violations, assaults and battery, human trafficking and sexual abuse of minors, unlawful firearms possession, extortion, and other criminal activities, often targeting vulnerable Venezuelan and other immigrant populations,’ Perkins Coie, the law firm representing U.S. Bank Trust Company, wrote on Aug. 9.

What about the media? Mainstream outlets told us to “ignore” what was merely a fantastical “tale” from President Trump...... Progressives and the media are one of the greatest enemies of the American public.

‘The gang’s modus operandi appears to be to unlawfully move gang members as well as vulnerable immigrant families into vacant units,’ the law firm wrote. ‘The gang also forces rent-paying residents out to create more open units and uses the apartments for purposes of illegal activities such as prostitution. In addition, the gang attempted to use threats of violence to extort the property manager into paying it some 50% of all rental income.’

Of course, none of this is surprising for one of the most notorious gangs in the Americas—it’s well known that human-trafficking is a huge money-maker, with global estimates of industry revenue totaling in the hundreds of billions of dollars.

Now, when the first video of the heavily armed Venezuelans went viral, the state governor Jared Polis attempted to gaslight concerned Americans, arguing that what we were seeing was all just a figment of an overactive “imagination” — I wonder what Polis would say now?

What about the media? Mainstream outlets told us to “ignore” what was merely a fantastical “tale” from President Trump........Progressives and the media are one of the greatest enemies of the American public.