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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, August 31, 2018

Climate alarmists throw temper tantrum, refuse to debate skeptics

by , 8 Comments 
  • Sixty global warming “campaigners” signed a letter calling on the media to keep skeptics out of their coverage.
  • In their public letter, signatories said they would no longer appear in the media alongside their critics.
  • “We are no longer willing to lend our credibility to debates over whether or not climate change is real.”
Dozens of politicians, environmentalists, scientists and other global warming activists signed a letter announcing their refusal to take part in public debates with people critical of their global warming claims — in the name of science, of course................“As campaigners and thinkers who are led by science and the precautionary principle, and who wish to debate the real and vital issues arising from human-triggered climate change, we will not assist in creating the impression that climate denial should be taken seriously by lending credence to its proponents, by entertaining ideas that lack any basis in fact,” they wrote.............Refusing to debate those skeptical of catastrophic global warming is nothing new. A similar trend emerged a few years ago that included environmentalists and prominent scientists refusing to debate global warming skeptics in the media............To Read More....

My Take - In the article it's noted by one of those who oppose all the climate change hysteria as saying those who've signed this document about refusing to debate any climate "skeptic" are doing so because they're unqualified to do so. I find this whole idea of accepted "science" is true across the board, including pest control. 

I've asked the trade journals, the NPMA, and anyone else who has the ability to set up a debate to allow me to publicly debate anyone from the pest control industry who disagrees with me about IPM, Green Pest Control, DDT, or any of the many other issues I take as a stand on in defense of our industry.   
Je défie!  Le gant est jeté!

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